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List of Holiday Gifts

First post
Joren Kain
Astra Explorations
#101 - 2012-12-21 19:52:42 UTC
LCPL Franklin wrote:
You guys seem kinda ungrateful, at the worst this stuff hocks for an okay price. Whats funny is what you DONT see. I could easily be wrong but I think theres more then you see here. The keycard I got for example. Is the only Special edition commoditiy that also has a blueprint listed that it as yet unavailable. This may sound familiar to some older players; CCP has definitely seeded unavailable blueprints in preparation for items to come. There is also a door in your captains quarters which when you try to open declares the "station air is not yet decontaminated for capsuleers" YET, being the operative word. The description of the keycard also basically says its for this very door. The other items like the doughnut holder and thorax model i got seem like they would do well to add some originality to a personal space ie your captains quarters. My theory is in the future capsuleers will be able to purchase a more permenent residence at stations. Items will be made available to customize your personal space and the keycard will allow you access (and likely prevent anyone from robbing your place while your out). Of course its just a theory. what would I know?

I REALLY like this theory. Hope it comes true.
Merouk Baas
#102 - 2012-12-21 20:14:13 UTC
LCPL Franklin wrote:
You guys seem kinda ungrateful, at the worst this stuff hocks for an okay price. Whats funny is what you DONT see. I could easily be wrong but I think theres more then you see here. The keycard I got for example. Is the only Special edition commoditiy that also has a blueprint listed that it as yet unavailable. This may sound familiar to some older players; CCP has definitely seeded unavailable blueprints in preparation for items to come. There is also a door in your captains quarters which when you try to open declares the "station air is not yet decontaminated for capsuleers" YET, being the operative word. The description of the keycard also basically says its for this very door. The other items like the doughnut holder and thorax model i got seem like they would do well to add some originality to a personal space ie your captains quarters. My theory is in the future capsuleers will be able to purchase a more permenent residence at stations. Items will be made available to customize your personal space and the keycard will allow you access (and likely prevent anyone from robbing your place while your out). Of course its just a theory. what would I know?

Bitter vet here. Your question is fine, but the real question is WHEN will all this stuff be deployed. Vaporware is already vaporware until we actually see it. We clearly value the worth of the hint that something may or may not happen with the door at it's true value (nothing).
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#103 - 2012-12-21 20:25:07 UTC
Oi Brigade wrote:
Daelorn wrote:
If you guys are seriously going to ***** this much about free stuff then please unsubscribe.

I love the gifts I got, reminds me of some of the things that have happened in EVE during my time playing.

Concordokken, Boots.ini, Public Portrait: How To

LOL @ telling people to unsubscribe to an already low subscription game.

CCP I want to thank you for putting resources and time into creating useless items rather then fixing or improving game mechanics! This is the strategy that will increase subscriptions! CHEERS!

Because after 10 years of running EVE they can't have any fun with it's history or spend some time on representing it in game, right?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#104 - 2012-12-21 22:12:36 UTC
Oi Brigade wrote:
Daelorn wrote:
If you guys are seriously going to ***** this much about free stuff then please unsubscribe.

I love the gifts I got, reminds me of some of the things that have happened in EVE during my time playing.

Concordokken, Boots.ini, Public Portrait: How To

LOL @ telling people to unsubscribe to an already low subscription game.

CCP I want to thank you for putting resources and time into creating useless items rather then fixing or improving game mechanics! This is the strategy that will increase subscriptions! CHEERS!

Yes, and we did quite fine when it was smaller. I remember when servers barely reached 10k users people telling others to unsubscribe.
LCPL Franklin
The Covenant of Blood
#105 - 2012-12-26 00:13:43 UTC
Merouk Baas wrote:
LCPL Franklin wrote:
You guys seem kinda ungrateful, at the worst this stuff hocks for an okay price. Whats funny is what you DONT see. I could easily be wrong but I think theres more then you see here. The keycard I got for example. Is the only Special edition commoditiy that also has a blueprint listed that it as yet unavailable. This may sound familiar to some older players; CCP has definitely seeded unavailable blueprints in preparation for items to come. There is also a door in your captains quarters which when you try to open declares the "station air is not yet decontaminated for capsuleers" YET, being the operative word. The description of the keycard also basically says its for this very door. The other items like the doughnut holder and thorax model i got seem like they would do well to add some originality to a personal space ie your captains quarters. My theory is in the future capsuleers will be able to purchase a more permenent residence at stations. Items will be made available to customize your personal space and the keycard will allow you access (and likely prevent anyone from robbing your place while your out). Of course its just a theory. what would I know?

Bitter vet here. Your question is fine, but the real question is WHEN will all this stuff be deployed. Vaporware is already vaporware until we actually see it. We clearly value the worth of the hint that something may or may not happen with the door at it's true value (nothing).

In good spirit of old jokes I expect these features will be deployed "soon"
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#106 - 2012-12-26 06:05:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Mars Theran
Thune Vorpal wrote:
Agreed, they are crap. "A Unit of Lag"? I have a tab for junk items, guess I have more unuseful stuff to dump into this tab.

I guess I could try to blow up the scanner ship.

Undock in it.

..Unit of lag is awesome; forgot to list that among my favorites. :)

I don't collect things in real life, (unless they stay in boxes packed away somewhere), because I hate clutter, dusting, and I tend to ignore them after a very short time. Ornaments are almost entirely without purpose, unless it's for other people to look at them briefly with mild to no interest.

Paintings are nice.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#107 - 2012-12-26 07:08:49 UTC
If anyone is still upset about their xmas gifts from CCP, I'm running an orphange for said items. Please, don't just abandon the poor things - send them to a loving home.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Templar Services Inc.
#108 - 2012-12-26 11:12:50 UTC
LCPL Franklin wrote:
You guys seem kinda ungrateful,

There is no kinda or seeming going on here. Every single complain is naked ungratefulness, every last one of them.

Its also people not understanding one bit what a gift is. Its free, and you are not entitled to it. You are not supposed to get one simply because you draw breath, here's a shocker, you aren't that great. The moment you start expecting gifts, and possess the obnoxiousness to demand what 'quality' these gifts should have, they stop being gifts. They become payments/tributes.

I can only imagine what kind of snot-nosed monsters the people complaining were like as kids.

nerf Veldspar!

Nulli Secunda
#109 - 2012-12-26 14:53:09 UTC
Have you looked at some of the stuff they refine into?

Haven't seen anything especially valuable but I could finally get myself some Villard Wheels if I wanted!

There's some other fun stuff in there.
Ifly Uwalk
Caldari State
#110 - 2012-12-26 15:32:15 UTC
Korvus Falek wrote:
I want

You're a dumba$$. Stop posting and /account.
Earthside Mixlabs
#111 - 2012-12-26 15:43:53 UTC
I PvP with A Tank of Honor in my hold. :3
Every time I post is Pardy time! :3
Tessa Odain
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#112 - 2012-12-26 15:45:57 UTC
My only beef about the joke/junk gifts is that it took away a staff member (or god forbid a team) to create, code and implement the un-needed items.

I would have rather had that staff member (or team Sad ) take care of things like player bug reports and such. Hell even have them troll on the forums here to make this place more entertaining :) Q and A with staff members would have been a great X-mas gift P

In any case, I understand that joke gifts are fun... but the time wasted to introduce these items/things could have definitely been better spent on important issues for the player base.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#113 - 2012-12-26 15:56:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Tessa Odain wrote:
My only beef about the joke/junk gifts is that it took away a staff member (or god forbid a team) to create, code and implement the un-needed items.

I would have rather had that staff member (or team Sad ) take care of things like player bug reports and such. Hell even have them troll on the forums here to make this place more entertaining :) Q and A with staff members would have been a great X-mas gift P

In any case, I understand that joke gifts are fun... but the time wasted to introduce these items/things could have definitely been better spent on important issues for the player base.

The same could be said for every Christmas gift, or tournament prize ship for that matter, ever created.

The little things are often just as important to the overall flavor of EvE as the big things are.

Edit: In fact these forums are hardly essential for the game to function or for the player base if you want to look at it that way. Perhaps we should put their forum admins, and web design team for that matter, on fixing game bugs. That would work quite nicely don't you thing? Big smile

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#114 - 2012-12-26 15:58:04 UTC
Korvus Falek wrote:
Berendas wrote:
This is pathetic, people are complaining that their FREE gifts aren't good enough. We were given a few functional novelties and then some funny joke items to go with them. Seriously, grow the hell up.

Who cares if they were free, they are useless

your char is useless. and you should feel bad. biomass it

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Korvus Falek
Depraved Corruption
#115 - 2012-12-26 19:20:52 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Korvus Falek wrote:
Berendas wrote:
This is pathetic, people are complaining that their FREE gifts aren't good enough. We were given a few functional novelties and then some funny joke items to go with them. Seriously, grow the hell up.

Who cares if they were free, they are useless

your char is useless. and you should feel bad. biomass it

So because I complain about free gifts that do nothing but sit in my hangar and look pretty, Im an ungrateful dumba$$ who should biomass his character?

How about no. I prefered the system they had last year where I was able to choose which gift I wanted between many different, USEFULL items. Fuel blocks, destroyers, ammo, ect, all were a small amount of useful items. My apologies for voicing my opinion on useless items that no one but a small demographic of EvE players will understand the inside joke on.

Yes, I want something useful, something that will actually enhance my gameplay. EvE is a game about planning. I planned my remaps according to what was given in the prior year that I planned would happen again. Ill deal with the consequences, no big deal in training leadership skills, Ill use them anyways. Just I didnt want to train Cha skills for a full year at max efficiency....3 or 4 months was plenty P

But yes, I wanted a remap because I had planned on it, and am now set back a little bit in skill training.
Felicity Love
#116 - 2012-12-26 19:54:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Felicity Love
The GIFTS were great.

Scooping them up for "pennies" and reselling in Jita for millions... Ho-Ho-Ho ! Blink

Even buying the idols to refine into Tiny Stars IdeaIdeaIdea was lucrative for a day or so.

It's all gravy.

Especially selling the HUN card for well over 250mil each... KA-Ching ! ! ! Pirate

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Darth Baldar
Void Time Interstellar
#117 - 2012-12-27 17:31:30 UTC
I am not sure how it happened but a buddy of mine got a Machariel in his redeeming list today along with his fireworks. I only got 3 stacks of fireworks personally.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#118 - 2012-12-27 17:44:03 UTC
A "Replica Gallente Cruiser"? Seriously CCP? You're making me collect this Oops?

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#119 - 2012-12-27 18:53:38 UTC
Dave stark wrote:
RomeStar wrote:
So what can you do with these items beside the obvious with the ships and implants?
absolutely nothing.
You throw snowballs and explode fireworks (and the ships...).

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer