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Proposed new ships

Nameless Reaper
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-12-24 15:18:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Nameless Reaper
command ship has for the longest time been the only T2 bc
and there is of coarse no faction bc
its about time we get a new T2 bc out on the market for use
maybe an assault class bc with the same tank as a command ship but battleship class weapons like the tier 3 bc
this at least personally has depressed me for a long time as bc class is my favorite to use
please incorporate more usage of bc class ships, theres already a faction mothership at least give us a faction bc
Sean Parisi
Blackrise Vanguard
#2 - 2012-12-24 15:23:14 UTC
Nameless Reaper wrote:
command ship has for the longest time been the only T2 bc
and there is of coarse no faction bc
its about time we get a new T2 bc out on the market for use
maybe an assault class bc with the same tank as a command ship but battleship class weapons like the tier 3 bc
this at least personally has depressed me for a long time as bc class is my favorite to use
please incorporate more usage of bc class ships, theres already a faction mothership at least give us a faction bc

Wouldn't this just essentially be a battleship? I agree with the notion of new BC's - But the point of the Tier 3's is have weak tank, quick speed and good damage projection. It would be a bit redundant to make them tanky at the same time.
Nameless Reaper
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-12-24 16:14:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Nameless Reaper
Sean Parisi wrote:
Nameless Reaper wrote:
command ship has for the longest time been the only T2 bc
and there is of coarse no faction bc
its about time we get a new T2 bc out on the market for use
maybe an assault class bc with the same tank as a command ship but battleship class weapons like the tier 3 bc
this at least personally has depressed me for a long time as bc class is my favorite to use
please incorporate more usage of bc class ships, theres already a faction mothership at least give us a faction bc

Wouldn't this just essentially be a battleship? I agree with the notion of new BC's - But the point of the Tier 3's is have weak tank, quick speed and good damage projection. It would be a bit redundant to make them tanky at the same time.

then how about something along the lines of a continuation of the assault class ships?
heavy tank and heavy med weaponry dps at least more so than a heavy assault ship
Hakan MacTrew
Konrakas Forged
Solyaris Chtonium
#4 - 2012-12-24 17:02:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Hakan MacTrew
Nameless Reaper wrote:
then how about something along the lines of a continuation of the assault class ships?
heavy tank and heavy med weaponry dps at least more so than a heavy assault ship

Command Ships fill that role too. The problem is that Command Ships basically fill two roles, support and combat.

If you want another T2 BC, you need to think of a new role, one not filled by any other ship.

A sub-command ship for small, rapid depolying gangs has been suggested for a T2 Destroyer. Think of a gap in the market, so to speak.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-12-24 18:13:53 UTC
Nameless Reaper wrote:
command ship has for the longest time been the only T2 bc
and there is of coarse no faction bc
its about time we get a new T2 bc out on the market for use
maybe an assault class bc with the same tank as a T1 BC but battleship class weapons like the tier 3 bc
this at least personally has depressed me for a long time as bc class is my favorite to use
please incorporate more usage of bc class ships, theres already a faction mothership at least give us a faction bc

FIxed bold part for you. Now it's balanced.
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#6 - 2012-12-25 18:14:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Griffin Omanid
Your idea is a little bit OP, the only thing that makes T2 BC weaker then BS are the weapons, cause all of them already got the tank of an BS.
Also i would call the field CS already an Assault ships, so after the rebalance you got two field CS per empire, that is enough.

If you just want an T2 BC i would prefer to add a new role. F.e. the tier 2 BC could be science ships with the same T2 bonus like the T1 exploration Frig. Cause at the moment only T3 are suitted for this role, which is a bit lame.

Or if you want to use large guns on a T2 tier 3 BC i would think of som kind of BlackOp BC, so no CovOp cloak, but the bonus to fly faster with a cloak and also can fly through a covert cyno with the help of a BlackOp BS.
Edit: I think this would also boost the Black Ops a bit and would give nice options to counter a titan bridge.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#7 - 2012-12-26 06:33:46 UTC
Nameless Reaper wrote:
command ship has for the longest time been the only T2 bc
and there is of coarse no faction bc
its about time we get a new T2 bc out on the market for use
maybe an assault class bc with the same tank as a command ship but battleship class weapons like the tier 3 bc
this at least personally has depressed me for a long time as bc class is my favorite to use
please incorporate more usage of bc class ships, theres already a faction mothership at least give us a faction bc

If your basing the demand for a new t2 BC on the fact that Super Carriers have a single faction hull...

then maybe we should get T2 cap hulls before anything else... since Capitals dont have a single t2 hull right now....

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!