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Solo PVP is dead

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#81 - 2012-12-23 03:14:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Spank
Wave of mutilation was great but to call scouted and backed up bs roaming solo is a bit rich. Still impressive and at a time when the cost was significant.

Oh, and I'm sure he did plenty of solo.

Edit: edit: 2am, don't mean to sound like a hater.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Jenavee De'amore
New LIfe corp
#82 - 2012-12-23 03:31:51 UTC
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#83 - 2012-12-23 04:21:42 UTC
HostageTaker wrote:
Tara Read wrote:
Farjung you fools! Do you not know him? Shocked

Only people from 2003/04 would recognize Farjung's name and remember his slaved up Mega/Vindi blaster boats of doom.

It was fun flying with him during early BoB days...

Farjung back then inspired me to be a better pilot and the Vindi is still one of my favorite ships. I weep for this Eve generation and the fact they know not of him or Bellum Eternus and his Kronos of doom.
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#84 - 2012-12-23 04:25:33 UTC
Lady Spank wrote:
Wave of mutilation was great but to call scouted and backed up bs roaming solo is a bit rich. Still impressive and at a time when the cost was significant.

Oh, and I'm sure he did plenty of solo.

Edit: edit: 2am, don't mean to sound like a hater.

None taken. I find his vids more valid then Garmons if only because Eve was so different back then. God I miss those days. When null sec was adventure, and Piracy was in its golden age because low sec still yielded profits. Good times man.
Amarra Mandalin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2012-12-23 09:18:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarra Mandalin
Ok, this is getting depressing. The posts about Garmonation etc. had me looking up former PvP brosefs/acquaintances etc.

The purebloods/hardcore PvPers, as I call them, -- those flying solo w/o any support -- seem to be MIA, if not completely gone from the game. A few went to RvB or took up FW.

And we're not talking BoB days, but those who inspired me as recently as 2010 -- some teaching others and producing videos. Other were just passionate, variably skilled pilots.

Their absence doesn't mean Solo is dead but I think there are some cold hard truths to face about it, and a question:

Question Will CCP, vets and the "current generation" keep Solo alive, even if it is on a respirator now?

We seem to be lacking in smaller corps as they've been absorbed, dismantled etc. Largely gone too are corps that inspired and made a difference in this area, such as PWNED Zone --- and even Agony is not the same. Until those reasons are fixed per se, I doubt too many lasting corps will take their place.

ArrowIf I remember anything about starting EVE it was the possibilities for a pilot: be it to take down a battleship or a corporation, single-handedly. I still believe in possibility but I am also a pragmatist. There is something to be said about ROI or work/fun ratios.

I'd love to get back out there again but I admit some things have turned me off: like (increased) OGB, blobs, hot drops and five hour no-event roams; so I became lazy and am sadly not alone here.

I'm not ranting, but rather reconsidering what I already knew to be true but maybe didn't want to admit... that I've become my mother, I mean a bitter vet...I mean that Solo is HARDER, much harder to do. And I have to ask myself, is it worth it?
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#86 - 2012-12-23 11:00:47 UTC
Do you guys even log in?

Lowsec is literally full of solo pilots, probably thanks to FW.

Is true solo for kb stat fanatics? No, I often fly back home in my pod. Do I get a month's sub's worth of kicks? Good fights? Learn? Meet great guys?

Hell yeah.


Space Mermaids
#87 - 2012-12-23 11:10:16 UTC
Danny John-Peter wrote:
Solo PVP isnt dead, it just requires a bit of thought.

And a cloak.

A Thought, will I beat them? No? Don't uncloak.
Blind Phew
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#88 - 2012-12-23 13:20:17 UTC
Tara Read wrote:
HostageTaker wrote:
Tara Read wrote:
Farjung you fools! Do you not know him? Shocked

Only people from 2003/04 would recognize Farjung's name and remember his slaved up Mega/Vindi blaster boats of doom.

It was fun flying with him during early BoB days...

Farjung back then inspired me to be a better pilot and the Vindi is still one of my favorite ships. I weep for this Eve generation and the fact they know not of him or Bellum Eternus and his Kronos of doom.

Melodramatic baloney...
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#89 - 2012-12-23 13:55:09 UTC
Malphilos wrote:
Ivan Paul Freely wrote:
... boring as all hell evening of shooting POS modules.

Empires are built on dull.

... and the drones who accept to pay a sub to play dull... for someone's else enrichment.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#90 - 2012-12-23 14:00:03 UTC
Amarra Mandalin wrote:

I'm not ranting, but rather reconsidering what I already knew to be true but maybe didn't want to admit... that I've become my mother, I mean a bitter vet...I mean that Solo is HARDER, much harder to do. And I have to ask myself, is it worth it?

It's worth it in GW2 and WH Online. Despite those games lack a lot of EvE's atmosphere you can actually get out and solo kill people, sometimes even 2-3 vs 1. Also, sometimes, bypassers see these kinds of encounters and have enough honor to stay out and see the battle ending with no interference.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#91 - 2012-12-23 14:07:13 UTC
You can do it in Eve as well, any time you feel like it.


Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#92 - 2012-12-23 14:58:21 UTC
Perhaps you should do some FW, solo PVP definitely isn't dead there.
Nexus Day
Lustrevik Trade and Travel Bureau
#93 - 2012-12-23 16:36:01 UTC
Heard "1v1 frigs anyone" in local for the first time since the launch of Retribution last night.
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#94 - 2012-12-23 16:54:10 UTC
Bad thread is bad.

The Tears Must Flow

Tarvos Telesto
Blood Fanatics
#95 - 2012-12-26 12:14:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarvos Telesto
HI all
Yesterday i test exact same arbi only difirence was drone damage module tech2 instead of orginal Energized Armor Layering Membrane which give small % hp armor bonus, because i notice here no big benefit form it so i swich to new drone module, which boost dps to 350 from hammerheads t2.

Results (solo pvp vs hurricane sentry on my side) not using my force recon scout, hurricane almost die ( sentry do a lot work) he agro, but he deploy ecm dornes and was impossible to dissput enemy weapons, when ecm dornes stop working he escape from my scrambler range :( and leave on hull, damn no afterburner on this copy fit...

Result 2, playing with two drakes, first drake alpha me and agro my arbi ( i was at 0 near gate) i lose whole shield and some armor, but i dont fight back i jump in, second drake (without agrro) jump to my side and agrro me and aproch my ship, i deploy drones, and start tacle fight, again sentry help me a lot, i notice drake back up jump in form otrher side and local grow, so need use my support recon and i decloak it and web him + 160dps form minmatar force recon, drake pop, i escape battlefield while like 7 man fleet with two scimitars land on grid.

Summary this arbi in some cases may stand solo even to 600dps well skiled close range battlecruises , only in case if you got sentry or own side ( so is not a true solo), but nothing above, that fact this pilot survive so long until two black ops die is miracle :) maybe he got some tank implant that boost total ehp i dont know.

Anyway solo pvp is marginal, blobs everywhere, in most cases using alt or friend help, its like must have, blob enemy or be blobed...

EvE isn't game, its style of living.

#96 - 2012-12-26 12:59:10 UTC
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
HI all
Yesterday i test exact same arbi only difirence was drone damage module tech2 instead of orginal Energized Armor Layering Membrane which give small % hp armor bonus, because i notice here no big benefit form it so i swich to new drone module, which boost dps to 350 from hammerheads t2.

Results (solo pvp vs hurricane sentry on my side) not using my force recon scout, hurricane almost die ( sentry do a lot work) he agro, but he deploy ecm dornes and was impossible to dissput enemy weapons, when ecm dornes stop working he escape from my scrambler range :( and leave on hull, damn no afterburner on this copy fit...

Result 2, playing with two drakes, first drake alpha me and agro my arbi ( i was at 0 near gate) i lose whole shield and some armor, but i dont fight back i jump in, second drake (without agrro) jump to my side and agrro me and aproch my ship, i deploy drones, disputs modules that affect missile after patch :D and start tacle fight, again sentry do most job, i notice drake back up jump in form otrher side and local grow, so need use my support recon and i decloak it and web him + 160dps form minmatar force recon, drake pop, i escape battlefield while like 7 man fleet with two scimitars land on grid.

Summary this arbi in some cases may stand solo even to 600dps well skiled close range battlecruises , only in case if you got sentry or own side ( so is not a true solo), but nothing above, that fact this polit survive so long until two black ops die is miracle :) maybe he got some tank implant that boost total ehp i dont know.

Anyway solo pvp is marginal, blobs everywhere, in most cases using alt or friend help, its like must have, blob enemy or be blobed...

Nice try with the hurricane. Drakes looks like a poor target for an Arbitrator though. But are you suggesting that TD affect missiles too? I can't find it in the patch notes and in-game it is the old text about turrets only. Is it going to be changed anytime soon or was it deemed over powered?
Tarvos Telesto
Blood Fanatics
#97 - 2012-12-26 13:38:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarvos Telesto
Lexmana wrote:

Nice try with the hurricane. Drakes looks like a poor target for an Arbitrator though. But are you suggesting that TD affect missiles too? I can't find it in the patch notes and in-game it is the old text about turrets only. Is it going to be changed anytime soon or was it deemed over powered?

I think i notice this change about tracking disputors - missile affect in patch notes, however im not sure about it, maybe somone mention about this in other therad and i missundersand, im read patch notes again, but i dont see this information, omw to swich to drake in game and i do real test.

Edit, well i was wrong and sorry for my bad information, i missunderstand somone patch infos, or patch infos sentence, after test in game i have to say dissputors are useless agains missiles, to avoid chaos i go edit my orginal replay.

EvE isn't game, its style of living.

GallantReflex Enaka
Legion Ascending
#98 - 2012-12-26 14:00:38 UTC
Nonsense...solo pvp is just fine, Thank you.
#99 - 2012-12-26 16:23:35 UTC
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
Lexmana wrote:

Nice try with the hurricane. Drakes looks like a poor target for an Arbitrator though. But are you suggesting that TD affect missiles too? I can't find it in the patch notes and in-game it is the old text about turrets only. Is it going to be changed anytime soon or was it deemed over powered?

I think i notice this change about tracking disputors - missile affect in patch notes, however im not sure about it, maybe somone mention about this in other therad and i missundersand, im read patch notes again, but i dont see this information, omw to swich to drake in game and i do real test.

Edit, well i was wrong and sorry for my bad information, i missunderstand somone patch infos, or patch infos sentence, after test in game i have to say dissputors are useless agains missiles, to avoid chaos i go edit my orginal replay.

No problem. And you did get the kill albeit by using your alt. I think it will be a good idea to stay away from drakes until perhaps the next patch. CCP Fozzie announced they will delay TD changes until the "first set of changes settle a bit". So it looks like it is coming after all.

Fer DeLance
Nano Rhinos
#100 - 2012-12-26 17:17:27 UTC
Solo PvP in low-sec or 0.0 is a joke. Motherships hotdropping a single t3 cruiser, is a common thing. Actually, when talking about solo PvP most people mean High Sec solo pvp. Steadilly during the latest patches CCP has extinguished the possibillity for "random" high sec solo pvp.

Orcas, huge ore holds, hull hitpoints changes, had greatly reduced the chances for controlled solo pvp. But what they did latelly with the "suspect tag", totally ruined any existing chances for solo pvp. Not to mention the "offender" is possible to lose the pod too. The whole flagging system does not allow solo pvp at all.

Sure there are people who got themselves a few more fights in high-sec, escpecially during the first days of the patch, but they were in no way solo pvp fights. Also there are always people who tend to be pleased each time ccp makes this game more and more of a silly boat shooting (with a storyline support) spacefiction game.