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What is wealthy is EVE?

#41 - 2012-12-22 19:17:10 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
Terra Volta wrote:
shar'ra matcevsovski wrote:
The Fukuzawa wrote:

Based on what? you really going to argue that there are a large number of players that personally are worth more than a trillion isk with no evidence to back it up?

common sense...

when every random 99%-scrublord can have 100bn and more, there must be some more dudes having trillions+

I dont want to ruin ur illusion of beeing rich, but like I said, 3 years ago there have been many dudes (thats just those I knew), having way more than a trillion, and they havent quit after reaching that mark.

Eve Online is good for Veterans who started playing back in 2003. But it's unfair to newer players who started playing in .....2010 for example (if you want to compare who has the ability to make more ISK)

There were many more opportunities to get rich fast back in 2003 / 2004, and all the way up until a few expansions ago. Like Tech 2 BPO's, NPC Commodities trading in 0.0 stations, Reactions, Insurance Scam, Dysprosium, ETC.

I bet you half of the trillionaires, and people who have 700 - 800 Billion, cannot become so rich, if they actually started playing right now for 8 years (from 2012 - 2020), instead of playing from 2004 - 2012.

Even if they become the director of a large alliance, they cannot make nearly as much ISK from moon goo now, as they did years ago.

I call this bullshit.I am playing since 2004 myself.I started trading somewhere end 2009 or start 2010 being a total noob in this.Before i started trading i had about 4 B in the pocket.My isk comes from when i started trading , and the skills to do this i learned when i started trading.And then i even only actively traded for a year in total if i add bpo trading from january till february.
I have accumulated over 500 B .. unsure where i am above that precisely and have never had a T2 bpo in my hands , did meaningfull 0.0 trade , dabbled in moongoo enough to make over 2B total and never have laid my hands on speculation.So people who started trade 2009/2010 and DID the above like the technetium crap and speculation should have made a load more and get them around the 700-800 B you mention.

In short i aquired more isk in half a year trade 2010 then i did from 2004 till 2010.Itt's all about devotion to become rich.I gave up trading after doing it for half a year and became lazy and started investing on MD wich means a lot less income then trade.But really grinding isk with trade can be a HUGE burner as most know.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Terra Volta
Hysera Innovations
#42 - 2012-12-22 19:33:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Terra Volta
flakeys wrote:

I have accumulated over 500 B ..

I call this bull **** too, because just a year ago you were placing regional buy orders for tech 1 modules such as Microwarpdrive for refining. I know because I sold a few different Tech 1 modules to check who was buying it.

Why would someone who have hundreds of billion...or even a hundred billion....bother to go through all this trouble for a few bucks, and have Tech 1 modules scattered all over the region?

Buying un-researched BPO's in other regions (such as Cruisers, and Capital Component BPO's, etc.) and then selling them in Jita for a profit is very tedious and time consuming. Why would someone with over 100 billion bother to do that either? The same goes with researched BPO trading.
#43 - 2012-12-22 20:38:06 UTC
Terra Volta wrote:
flakeys wrote:

I have accumulated over 500 B ..

I call this bull **** too, because just a year ago you were placing regional buy orders for tech 1 modules such as Microwarpdrive for refining. I know because I sold a few different Tech 1 modules to check who was buying it.

Why would someone who have hundreds of billion...or even a hundred billion....bother to go through all this trouble for a few bucks, and have Tech 1 modules scattered all over the region?

Buying un-researched BPO's in other regions (such as Cruisers, and Capital Component BPO's, etc.) and then selling them in Jita for a profit is very tedious and time consuming. Why would someone with over 100 billion bother to do that either? The same goes with researched BPO trading.

Your one of those people who are the sole purpose i changed my bio for ....

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Terra Volta
Hysera Innovations
#44 - 2012-12-22 20:46:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Terra Volta
flakeys wrote:
Terra Volta wrote:
flakeys wrote:

I have accumulated over 500 B ..

I call this bull **** too, because just a year ago you were placing regional buy orders for tech 1 modules such as Microwarpdrive for refining. I know because I sold a few different Tech 1 modules to check who was buying it.

Why would someone who have hundreds of billion...or even a hundred billion....bother to go through all this trouble for a few bucks, and have Tech 1 modules scattered all over the region?

Buying un-researched BPO's in other regions (such as Cruisers, and Capital Component BPO's, etc.) and then selling them in Jita for a profit is very tedious and time consuming. Why would someone with over 100 billion bother to do that either? The same goes with researched BPO trading.

Your one of those people who are the sole purpose i changed my bio for ....

Insult all you want. Judging from your forum activity - 500 Billion Net Worth individuals don't need to make ISK as actively as you do. 200 Billion net worth individuals don't even need to do that.

I am not afraid to be proven wrong.

So if you have something to back up the claim that you have 500 Billion...other than the few Dread / Carrier BPO's you've been working to research and trying to sell, and the Tech 1 Regional Buy orders you've placed in the past, then I'm all ears.

If you can prove I am wrong, and I am an idiot......that's great.

Otherwise if you just reply and say "I don't need to prove anything to you"......then that would be pointless, because i was just expressing my opinion - and I'll take your previous comment as a gesture that you disagree with my opinion.
Goonfleet Investment Banking
#45 - 2012-12-22 20:59:25 UTC
So the thread has devolved into people squabbling over whether you can or cannot back up your claims to wealth already. That didn't take long Roll

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Tom Hagen
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#46 - 2012-12-22 20:59:45 UTC
I am sorry to disappoint you, I still do a lot of things I should have stopped a long time ago with if I ever bothered to count ISK/h.
But in reality my expectation on my ROI is very low. If I get 1% or above I am almost happy. I still trade in medium drones and ammo, my orders is kind of your FoF missiles (I read some were it is read out as Fire and forget missiles, even if it isn't what it stand for).
I put them up forget about them and re list much later.
Like the latest patch, I had some cruisers listed at a high price. Then came the patch note, I didn't bother much with my orders I sold them at a decent profit. All I did was to build new cruisers, a number that use to be a years supply for me.
I will most likely just put them out there and people will come in here and whine about someone that are selling at below build cost (just), force anyone else that will sell to go lower. Mean while I will just put up new buy orders while I wait for the market to correct it self. Probably it will take a couple of years :-P

I started to haul my goods around in Badgers moved up to freighters, now a days I rarely bother to get anything unless there is a freighter load at the station and often not even then.
Putting up huge buy orders at a low cost, is very effective. Do this once every 90 days across several items, get Red Frog to ship it twice a year or once and it is still a very good deal for minimal effort.

Also back in the days when it was easy to get rich quick!
I transported Mexallon between stations to sell to NPC orders in my Tristan.
I struggled for a month or two (don't remember exactly) to get into a Moa. That was the only cruiser I could afford, I jumped out 20 jumps or so with ten other players into 0.0 (It was really a big and deserted place back then). To mine Arkanor, we have all heard that was the way to get rich quick!
I lost it 20 min later to some NPC pirates.
I actually took a break from the game back then for a couple of month Smile

Sure the number of possible market speculation has of course been higher just because we have lived through more patches. But as you can see every patch still gives plenty of opportunities to speculate. So unless you suggest that you should get several billion in some check just because you didn't start playing in 2003 I don't see your point?
While your at it maybe you should get some SP compensation just to make it more even with older players?
#47 - 2012-12-22 21:00:18 UTC
Terra Volta wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Terra Volta wrote:
flakeys wrote:

I have accumulated over 500 B ..

I call this bull **** too, because just a year ago you were placing regional buy orders for tech 1 modules such as Microwarpdrive for refining. I know because I sold a few different Tech 1 modules to check who was buying it.

Why would someone who have hundreds of billion...or even a hundred billion....bother to go through all this trouble for a few bucks, and have Tech 1 modules scattered all over the region?

Buying un-researched BPO's in other regions (such as Cruisers, and Capital Component BPO's, etc.) and then selling them in Jita for a profit is very tedious and time consuming. Why would someone with over 100 billion bother to do that either? The same goes with researched BPO trading.

Your one of those people who are the sole purpose i changed my bio for ....

Insult all you want. Judging from your forum activity - 500 Billion Net Worth individuals don't need to make ISK as actively as you do. 200 Billion net work individuals don't even need to do that.

How about we do this - show me a screen shot to prove you have 500 Billion, and I'll shut my mouth. I am not afraid to be proven wrong. I'll show you mine if you show me yours =D

As i said i hate trading 0.01 isking etc.Now tell me how much time investment does it need to fuel a pos once a month , flip bpo's once a month and once they are done after 5 to 6 months bump the WTS once a day.Buying a nyx bpo for 10 B then bumping a wts thread for 10 days to sell it for 3B more , again how much work again?Buying 2 titan bpo's for 50B each to bump the wts to sell it offf for 5B profit , yet again how much work?

As i explained earlier and what my point is/was is that a person who started trade in 2009/2010 could have made 700-800 B for sure.That is just a simple fact when i look what i invested time wise and how much my wallet has grown.Don''t start with your ''show me your epeen i show you mine'' because all i am doing is being honest in saying how i accumulatd it and what i made.Wich should mean that others who have done their best to fully trade and/or did invest in speculation should easily have made more.

If you feel insulted that you did not accumulate that much when i say it should have beeen easily doable then i am sorry for your loss but don't work it out on me.
I am trying to show that it can be done , all you are doing is trying to derail it into an e-peen fight , sorry but i'm not in the mood for that

This is a game i have nothing to lie over or to show off about.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

#48 - 2012-12-22 21:01:34 UTC
corestwo wrote:
So the thread has devolved into people squabbling over whether you can or cannot back up your claims to wealth already. That didn't take long Roll

Why does this game feel like real life a lot of the time Roll

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Terra Volta
Hysera Innovations
#49 - 2012-12-22 21:03:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Terra Volta
flakeys wrote:
Terra Volta wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Terra Volta wrote:
flakeys wrote:

I have accumulated over 500 B ..

I call this bull **** too, because just a year ago you were placing regional buy orders for tech 1 modules such as Microwarpdrive for refining. I know because I sold a few different Tech 1 modules to check who was buying it.

Why would someone who have hundreds of billion...or even a hundred billion....bother to go through all this trouble for a few bucks, and have Tech 1 modules scattered all over the region?

Buying un-researched BPO's in other regions (such as Cruisers, and Capital Component BPO's, etc.) and then selling them in Jita for a profit is very tedious and time consuming. Why would someone with over 100 billion bother to do that either? The same goes with researched BPO trading.

Your one of those people who are the sole purpose i changed my bio for ....

Insult all you want. Judging from your forum activity - 500 Billion Net Worth individuals don't need to make ISK as actively as you do. 200 Billion net work individuals don't even need to do that.

How about we do this - show me a screen shot to prove you have 500 Billion, and I'll shut my mouth. I am not afraid to be proven wrong. I'll show you mine if you show me yours =D

As i said i hate trading 0.01 isking etc.Now tell me how much time investment does it need to fuel a pos once a month , flip bpo's once a month and once they are done after 5 to 6 months bump the WTS once a day.Buying a nyx bpo for 10 B then bumping a wts thread for 10 days to sell it for 3B more , again how much work again?Buying 2 titan bpo's for 50B each to bump the wts to sell it offf for 5B profit , yet again how much work?

As i explained earlier and what my point is/was is that a person who started trade in 2009/2010 could have made 700-800 B for sure.That is just a simple fact when i look what i invested time wise and how much my wallet has grown.Don''t start with your ''show me your epeen i show you mine'' because all i am doing is being honest in saying how i accumulatd it and what i made.Wich should mean that others who have done their best to fully trade and/or did invest in speculation should easily have made more.

If you feel insulted that you did not accumulate that much when i say it should have beeen easily doable then i am sorry for your loss but don't work it out on me.
I am trying to show that it can be done , all you are doing is trying to derail it into an e-peen fight , sorry but i'm not in the mood for that

This is a game i have nothing to lie over or to show off about.

if I had an e-peen, I would have claimed I had 800 Billion ISK, rather than a measly 240 Billion ISK. How would anybody prove otherwise? So I don't care.

The only reason why I claim you were bull shitting, is because the facts are telling me you are. A year and a half ago, you were placing Regional Buy orders for Tech 1 Modules, and now you're selling Carrier / Dread / Orca BPO's, when you already have 500 Bil.

IF i was wrong...I am happy to make a post and tell the entire world: I AM AN IDIOT, I WAS WRONG =P
But at the moment, I think I am right.

The "richer" you are the easier it is to borrow money from MD, so of course you have a motive.
#50 - 2012-12-22 21:06:09 UTC
Terra Volta wrote:

if I had an e-peen, I would have claimed I had 800 Billion ISK, rather than a measly 240 Billion ISK. How would anybody prove otherwise? So I don't care.

The only reason why I claim you were bull shitting, is because the facts are telling me you are. A year and a half ago, you were placing Regional Buy orders for Tech 1 Modules, now you're selling Carrier / Dread BPO's.

Convo time íngame because i REALLY dont feel like derailing this thread any more with this you said he said she said it was , once i got me a new beer i'll catch you ingame.

Apologies to others for this ....

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Terra Volta
Hysera Innovations
#51 - 2012-12-22 21:48:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Terra Volta
flakeys wrote:
Terra Volta wrote:

if I had an e-peen, I would have claimed I had 800 Billion ISK, rather than a measly 240 Billion ISK. How would anybody prove otherwise? So I don't care.

The only reason why I claim you were bull shitting, is because the facts are telling me you are. A year and a half ago, you were placing Regional Buy orders for Tech 1 Modules, now you're selling Carrier / Dread BPO's.

Convo time íngame because i REALLY dont feel like derailing this thread any more with this you said he said she said it was , once i got me a new beer i'll catch you ingame.

Apologies to others for this ....

I like convo's, they're private.

And there was never "you said she said"......all I said was, you were placing Regional Buy Orders for Tech 1 Modules. Now you have 500 Bil, but you still sell Dread / Carrier BPO's =P
Hemmo Paskiainen
#52 - 2012-12-23 00:49:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Hemmo Paskiainen
I shouldnt post when drunk. How can i help?

Interesting topic... Dont really get the fact that ppl say how they earned their isk.

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

shar'ra matcevsovski
#53 - 2012-12-23 07:22:52 UTC  |  Edited by: shar'ra matcevsovski
Terra Volta wrote:

Eve Online is good for Veterans who started playing back in 2003. But it's unfair to newer players who started playing in .....2010 for example (if you want to compare who has the ability to make more ISK)

it would be unfair if playing 3-4 years longer would have no affect on your oportunities at all

Terra Volta wrote:

There were many more opportunities to get rich fast back in 2003 / 2004, and all the way up until a few expansions ago. Like Tech 2 BPO's, NPC Commodities trading in 0.0 stations, Reactions, Insurance Scam, Dysprosium, ETC.

from my perspective it has been rather become easier to make isk(see infaltion rate)...
-Insurance scam rly never worked on a bigger scale without getting banned
-ETC still exist, but plex didnt all the time
-Technetium has been at times a lot better than Dyspro or Promethium ever was
-NPC Commodities??
-you can still trade in 0.0 stations??

shar'ra phone home

shar'ra matcevsovski
#54 - 2012-12-23 07:24:35 UTC  |  Edited by: shar'ra matcevsovski
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:
7t in assets and 174b liquid. How can i help?

Interesting topic... Dont really get the fact that ppl say how they earned their isk.

my e-peen is 7,1 trillion and 175bn long (thats the point why simply postign random numbers make no sense either)

shar'ra phone home

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#55 - 2012-12-23 09:27:56 UTC
Terra Volta wrote:
I remember after I had started playing for a few months. I saw a Nighthawk BPO for sale for 20 Billion ISK, and I really wanted to buy it, but I didn't have enough money. I considered buying some PLEX to get the money, but then decided against it....because it would cost a lot of real life $$$$. How much is it worth now? I'm not sure, but I think it's a lot more than 20 Billion ISK.

I was doing Insurance Scam when they nerfed it, I was doing Dysprosium reactions when they nerfed it. I was doing Officer / Dead Space module trading when everything was on Contracts, and there was no clear price reference - nerfed as well.

I was doing Mineral Trading and making 300 mil - 800 mil a day (800 mil was usually on the weekends or a lucky week day)......UNTIL I'm not sure what the hell CCP did (maybe massive mining bot ban), the mineral supply wasn't coming in that much anymore. And some people started imitating me by placing buy orders with the same Minimum Fill Quantity, and Order Quantity.

All these nerfs happened before I was able to do it for a long time.

I have made my share of ISK with the opportunities I have (around 240 Bil), but that's still considerably less than 700 Bil...and even More considerably less than 1 Trillion =P

Sure there might be new opportunities. However, the recent ones are just not as lucrative as....making 1 Billion ISK per 0.0 NPC Trade Run, or Buying a 20 Billion Nighthawk BPO, and have it appreciate to 80 Billion.

Over that timescale you have been given more than enough opportunities to make a trillion of your own.

From what you write here and the exchange you've had with Flakeys, it would appear that you have only yourself to blame for the things you did not do.

I have no idea why you are complaining given that you've got around 240b to show for what you have done. It seems that you're just bitching about not being quite privileged enough for your liking, which is strange given how you started this whole line of discussion about how unfair that privilege is.
#56 - 2012-12-23 11:21:05 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
Terra Volta wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Terra Volta wrote:

if I had an e-peen, I would have claimed I had 800 Billion ISK, rather than a measly 240 Billion ISK. How would anybody prove otherwise? So I don't care.

The only reason why I claim you were bull shitting, is because the facts are telling me you are. A year and a half ago, you were placing Regional Buy orders for Tech 1 Modules, now you're selling Carrier / Dread BPO's.

Convo time íngame because i REALLY dont feel like derailing this thread any more with this you said he said she said it was , once i got me a new beer i'll catch you ingame.

Apologies to others for this ....

I like convo's, they're private.

And there was never "you said she said"......all I said was, you were placing Regional Buy Orders for Tech 1 Modules. Now you have 500 Bil, but you still sell Dread / Carrier BPO's =P

I dislike the way you make it seem as if i wanted it private to 'hide' something so i will bite your troll for that now.Last reply about that on the public forum from me .It's allready silly that i am such a child that i can't handle it if i am called a liar in a game.
I don't have an e-peen but i am one of those idiots who does have e-honour though wich is why i dislike being called a liar when i am not.Yes all you goons / scammers can point and laugh now Blink

I am not selling dread/carrier bpo's , i am selling OVER 100 dread/carrier/ORE/capital component bpo's in one time , there's a difference there wich should be significant.The amount invested in that alone when i set it up was around 150 to 200 B.In the time they where in labs i was also buying 'multiple' titan and mothership bpo's AT THE SAME TIME in a few cases.That alone should tell you the LEAST i can have is 350 B purely in bpo's not accounting assets and what is in my wallet.

Also you say a year ago i bought T1 stuff for reproc/resale wich is true but if you would have checked you would know that a year before i was one of the largets investors on MD.So when i place buy orders for T1 items why does that mean i don't have accumulated any isk.I made my first isk with reproc so i did that to test if it still was as good so i would dabble in capital ship building.It was not so i just trasehd/quick resold the itmes.

I am not one to work on isk efficiency , i just dabble a bit on the left and after half a year a bit on the right.

As said all i have in mind ALLWAYS is to earn plex's for my accounts.A silly habbit if you have enough to last a lifetime of plex allmost for flakeys account wichis my main concern and as flakeys is subbed till 2014 a year plus ago.
That's btw 5 accounts i have as in your mail you where also guessing about those.One inactive , then flakeys and another one i use a lot and ihave 2 that where subbed witht he power of two program but now also need plex as the 6 months have passed.

In your mail you say you checked my contracts then also add that for an ME5 charon bpo a year ago you could not even get 300 for that ME5 in total profit as such you did not continue in bpo's.IF you actually had checked those public contracts as you claimed , you'd seen i get from 250 to 450 m per me for ALL the freighters , and some dreads too.The cap components 100-150 and the other capital ship's approx 100m per ME.Offcourse this can all crumble when they are out next time but i'm just playing around here.What comes , comes .

And i'm not even talking about the big load of ORE bpo's i have sold during this specific trade time.Just check how many ORE bpo's where sold when the mining ship change got launched to give an idea or other meaans wich gained me isk.

And no i never used rl cash for this as you also try to imply in your mail.The only rl cash spend on eve is my 2 main subs wich i paid till a year + back as mentioned by the time when i subbed flakeys till 2014 in one go.

How's that for transparancy ?

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Terra Volta
Hysera Innovations
#57 - 2012-12-23 17:53:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Terra Volta
flakeys wrote:
Terra Volta wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Terra Volta wrote:

if I had an e-peen, I would have claimed I had 800 Billion ISK, rather than a measly 240 Billion ISK. How would anybody prove otherwise? So I don't care.

The only reason why I claim you were bull shitting, is because the facts are telling me you are. A year and a half ago, you were placing Regional Buy orders for Tech 1 Modules, now you're selling Carrier / Dread BPO's.

Convo time íngame because i REALLY dont feel like derailing this thread any more with this you said he said she said it was , once i got me a new beer i'll catch you ingame.

Apologies to others for this ....

I like convo's, they're private.

And there was never "you said she said"......all I said was, you were placing Regional Buy Orders for Tech 1 Modules. Now you have 500 Bil, but you still sell Dread / Carrier BPO's =P

I dislike the way you make it seem as if i wanted it private to 'hide' something so i will bite your troll for that now.Last reply about that on the public forum from me .It's allready silly that i am such a child that i can't handle it if i am called a liar in a game.
I don't have an e-peen but i am one of those idiots who does have e-honour though wich is why i dislike being called a liar when i am not.Yes all you goons / scammers can point and laugh now Blink

I am not selling dread/carrier bpo's , i am selling OVER 100 dread/carrier/ORE/capital component bpo's in one time , there's a difference there wich should be significant.The amount invested in that alone when i set it up was around 150 to 200 B.In the time they where in labs i was also buying 'multiple' titan and mothership bpo's AT THE SAME TIME in a few cases.That alone should tell you the LEAST i can have is 350 B purely in bpo's not accounting assets and what is in my wallet.

Also you say a year ago i bought T1 stuff for reproc/resale wich is true but if you would have checked you would know that a year before i was one of the largets investors on MD.So when i place buy orders for T1 items why does that mean i don't have accumulated any isk.I made my first isk with reproc so i did that to test if it still was as good so i would dabble in capital ship building.It was not so i just trasehd/quick resold the itmes.

I am not one to work on isk efficiency , i just dabble a bit on the left and after half a year a bit on the right.

As said all i have in mind ALLWAYS is to earn plex's for my accounts.A silly habbit if you have enough to last a lifetime of plex allmost for flakeys account wichis my main concern and as flakeys is subbed till 2014 a year plus ago.
That's btw 5 accounts i have as in your mail you where also guessing about those.One inactive , then flakeys and another one i use a lot and ihave 2 that where subbed witht he power of two program but now also need plex as the 6 months have passed.

In your mail you say you checked my contracts then also add that for an ME5 charon bpo a year ago you could not even get 300 for that ME5 in total profit as such you did not continue in bpo's.IF you actually had checked those public contracts as you claimed , you'd seen i get from 250 to 450 m per me for ALL the freighters , and some dreads too.The cap components 100-150 and the other capital ship's approx 100m per ME.Offcourse this can all crumble when they are out next time but i'm just playing around here.What comes , comes .

And i'm not even talking about the big load of ORE bpo's i have sold during this specific trade time.Just check how many ORE bpo's where sold when the mining ship change got launched to give an idea or other meaans wich gained me isk.

And no i never used rl cash for this as you also try to imply in your mail.The only rl cash spend on eve is my 2 main subs wich i paid till a year + back as mentioned by the time when i subbed flakeys till 2014 in one go.

How's that for transparancy ?

Personally, I don't believe a word you're saying =P But that's just my humble opinion.

As of this moment when I am typing this, you have 1 active public contract.

Flakeys is your "face man" and that's what everybody know you as, so there is no point to use an alt to create contracts.

In your Flakeys Contract History, your Blueprint sales didn't even pick up until May 2012, you barely did anything before that. You've also sold around 2 Avatar BPC's, and it's generating what, 15% return on the BPO per year?

A year and a half ago, you were placing Regional Buy orders for Tech 1 Modules - but OK as you said you were dabbling in this and that.

At the same time, you claim that you've made enough ISK through MD bonds.......earning 5% or whatever a get your initial capital to purchase MANY MANY Capital / Supercarrier / Titan BPO's. While you did not invest any RL cash.

You do have E-Honor, but you also have a MD reputation that you've built up over the years - that's why you need to defend it. How many investors do you think you can get IF you were to launch an IPO? I'm not saying you will, but I am saying IF.

If there was an Advanced Social Engineering skill in Eve, your character would already be at lvl 5. I guess we'll just let the random readers on this thread look at the facts, to decide for themselves.
#58 - 2012-12-23 18:08:29 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
Terra Volta wrote:
As of this moment when I am typing this, you have 1 active public contract.

Flakeys is your "face man" and that's what everybody know you as, so there is no point to use an alt to create contracts.


your a troll and remind me of setra ... anyone who opens up my contracts btw immediatly sees i have 16 public contracts up wich kills your whole troll in a blink.Your first sentence is wrong spot on and it kills the rest of that crap

You're free to buy them all out now btw to prove you are right , it's good for profits.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

#59 - 2012-12-23 18:16:28 UTC
flakeys wrote:
your a troll and remind me of setra ...

Where is the 150 bil bet!!!
#60 - 2012-12-23 18:17:56 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
BringNRain wrote:
flakeys wrote:
your a troll and remind me of setra ...

Where is the 150 bil bet!!!

I said i would not reply and let myself reply any way ... a mistake i should not have made.I've fallen for an obvious troll.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.