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Our Christmas present to FW

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Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#41 - 2012-12-21 16:30:53 UTC
Feffri wrote:
I agree with op that fw is pretty crappy about now but I disagree in that there is anything ccp can do. If op believes that there is something ccp can change to make it better i would like to hear what those are. As I see it (and i can't speak for the amarrians) caldari's problem is we have less players, are not as well funded (we've never had a titan) and there is only a handful of small corps and alliances that work together.

I don't see anyway ccp can change this. Even before all the changes to fw all caldari fw drew was carebear alts to run missions for isk for their main who was in gallente or in null sec. For whatever reason caldari cannot draw the amount of dedicated corps/alliances that stay in fw and build. I mean hell one of the most balanced times was when we had wolfsbrigade and 4 horsemen and wolfsbrigade is just sotf's lacky's. Basically you had to put a gallente corp in caldari to make it balanced.

Nothing you do can change the fact that caldari for whatever reason cannot draw substantial pvp corps/alliances. Taking all the systems or giving us all the systems wouldn't change a thing to make better pvp. Say we had all the systems all it would mean is there would just be more farmer in caldari not anymore pvp pilots. I think the only thing you could do is put wolfsbrigade back into caldari then at least you would have them to fight.

Anyway would like to hear what gallente thinks would fix these problems or what they see as the problems and fixes.

I think that the fix where if no-one is running a button it counts down to the start state (not capture, just the beginning state) is greatly needed to curtail the influence of farmers, and CCP does have it in their backlog. That way, a single pvp chasing around a farmer (or famrers) would make the pvper more efficient at plexing than the farmer, unlike the current situation.

As far as the ISK differential - pre retribution changes it was pretty awful for the losing side because it was more expensive (in ISK!) to get items than high sec mission runners. It was so bad some items were cheaper to buy off the market than to buy from the LP store. I don't think it is that bad now, but I wouldn't be against increasing the losing side's LP payouts/decreasing the winners if it's demoralizing the losing side.

As far as the caldari drawing a smaller amount of significant pvp corps - it has been this way for a long while, but only recently with the changes to plexes has this affected the occupancy war - for a long time the occupancy war was fought solely by a core of pilots in the crucial after dt timezone, and then after that the rats still heavily favoured minmatar/caldari and you saw both of them crush the occupancy war because of the flood off farmers in gunless frigates (when I was in the amarr/minnie warzone running every single plex in an AB pvp fit condor was hilarious).

I don't think it's a numbers issue, but rather a turnover issue. The caldari militia has been wardeccing itself and full of drama for a very very long time, while the gallente corps, while definitely having their share of intercorp/alliance drama, tend to stay away from the wardec button. With all that drama, it's not that surprising that a lot of corps choose to move on rather than stay.

Finally, for the most controversial and unsubstantiated part of my post: If there is one factor I think contributes the most to the Caldari's downfall, it's damar. His "unique" style of forum posts turn a lot of people away from the caldari miltia, and he's been involved in at least two internal wars between major players in the caldari militia (his name isn't an anagram of drama for nothing!)

Anyways, you asked for a gallente perspective, and there it is! I'd like to see farmer influence decreased even more, but Retribution is helping - at it's height the Caldari militia used to farm 70k+ LP/day, now it's down to 10-20k for all sides.

Dan Carter Murray
#42 - 2012-12-21 17:20:34 UTC
Feffri wrote:
...I think the only thing you could do is put wolfsbrigade back into caldari then at least you would have them to fight...

DnD is BFF with WBR
neither of them want to lose any ships 50GB free space @

#43 - 2012-12-21 19:04:12 UTC
jamesoverlord wrote:

Whats a matter mad because you failed to catch my dreads in an easy trap oh thats right your titan wasnt online at the time oh and i do recall you losing a triarge carrier and a few faction bs to my fleet a few months ago in yet another fail hot drop of yours peace out bro :)

Admittedly we have ****** up a few hotdrops, who doesnt when you hotdrop daily. Usually its in USTZ where we are.. well.. drunk and way past our TZ. I also recall the fact that probably 95 % of the fights vs caldari have been won by us outright. So the fact you have to resort to 'i recall u losing a few fac bs n triage a few months ago' is just lol.

The only major fights we lose really are vs snuff, and we win those just as often as losing.... oh and every time PL catch our dread fleet.. which happens way to fekkin often tbh :P

Also. we killed 90 caps in 3 months so no, we arent mad about missing a couple of your dreads. everyone has days off you know :P
Capitol One
Blue Canary
Watch This
#44 - 2012-12-21 19:36:06 UTC
Dan Carter Murray wrote:

They want to take over to make changes like more BS/cap fights. That seemed so clear to me Roll.

Also, you wouldn't engage anyway without a 100% chance of taking no losses so w/e

Well you just don't know me at all! I go into situations all the time that aren't 100% chance of victory with no losses :)

For example, jumping a single triage into nullsec with a fleet of 16 members vs a fleet of 70-80.
Fighting an equal cruiser fleet in a plex, because **** running (I died, but killed lots of stuff as well so all is good)
Engaging something solo that I have no idea if I can kill or not (I'm not so good at this, I usually die first!)

Etc, etc. You can look at my killboard for proof, I just can't be bothered to find relevant links.

I will admit I do also jump into fights that I (and my fleet) have a good chance of taking no losses, but in those cases I'm flying logi so I will take pride in that fact.

Your mistake is taking a look at a somewhat competent corporation and alliance that have a tendency for winning, and just assume all they do is risk free pvp.

Have you ever considered the risks involved in dropping multiple Caps and faction BS, with nullsec entities like PL and such watching the area with keen eyes, just waiting for something to kill? In my opinion, it takes more balls to put your ISK on the line, siege/triage it so that it becomes immobile for a certain time, than flying a bc in some random fleet engagement.

Anyway, I know all you do is troll, but I thought I'd give you an honest reply.
#45 - 2012-12-21 19:48:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Morgan Torry wrote:
Posting as a Caldari pilot who wouldn't mind seeing everything fall, just so we can laugh at how farming =/= success.

Do have to give the Gallente some props though, they are fairly coordinated and the fact that total domination is imminent they're full of excitement and motivation. Most Caldari are just sitting in stations waiting for the final pushing, or just hunting the farmers instead of plexing.

I'm still a little upset at the state of things that encourage the stereotype of Gallente being mostly farmers, though. I went into a novice last night as a Breacher, a **** fit I made testing how well it's kiting would do with an ASB/DC as the only defensive items. I went in against a Dramiel, fully expecting a good fight and to head home in a pod. The Dramiel ran immediately. There were two other Gallente in system, I was the only Caldari.


This is the main reason Caldari are not that active.. You can only chase the same farmer alts around for so long before the whole thing just becomes a waste of time. 9 out of 10 times that you happen across a Gal in a plex he is a farmer and will run the moment you show up.

chatgris wrote:

As far as the ISK differential - pre retribution changes it was pretty awful for the losing side because it was more expensive (in ISK!) to get items than high sec mission runners. It was so bad some items were cheaper to buy off the market than to buy from the LP store. I don't think it is that bad now, but I wouldn't be against increasing the losing side's LP payouts/decreasing the winners if it's demoralizing the losing side.

It's not about the ISK but rather the lack of fight from the Gals. The bulk of Gal Militia never leaves their stations unless it's a farmer alt or in some 30+ person gang. I don't even play much anymore but if I log this char on, most of the time if I look for a fight there is none to be had from the Gal's unless it's 15 vs 1, so I'm forced to pirate randoms.

Meanwhile if I log on a pirate alt that I have, I can almost always get a fight when I see a Caldari guy in a plex. Yet it's almost assured if it's a Gal in a plex he will run off because he's not there to PVP but instead farm LP.

Caldari if they need to can make ISK just the same way you Gals & Amarr always did and that's by putting a alt in Gal or Min Militia. It's not about the ISK it's about the fact you guys have bored us to death.

If I want to waste a bunch of time, then sure I can go to a busy Gal system & open up a plex and maybe get a response, but even doing that comes with very lack luster results as most of the time what ever shows up is not meant to be a good fight but rather a sure win.. Which of course results in once again no fight.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#46 - 2012-12-21 20:38:35 UTC
Mutnin wrote:

most of the time if I look for a fight there is none to be had from the Gal's unless it's 15 vs 1, so I'm forced to pirate randoms.

So we should not group in an mmo because you have the social skills of a dry wall and can not get 15 ppl to tolerate you on comms ?

As for the farmer alts, we experienced the same when all the farming alts were on the caldari side, same farmers go to whoever has the upper hand.

Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#47 - 2012-12-21 21:15:12 UTC
chatgris wrote:
Feffri wrote:
I agree with op that fw is pretty crappy about now but I disagree in that there is anything ccp can do. If op believes that there is something ccp can change to make it better i would like to hear what those are. As I see it (and i can't speak for the amarrians) caldari's problem is we have less players, are not as well funded (we've never had a titan) and there is only a handful of small corps and alliances that work together.

I don't see anyway ccp can change this. Even before all the changes to fw all caldari fw drew was carebear alts to run missions for isk for their main who was in gallente or in null sec. For whatever reason caldari cannot draw the amount of dedicated corps/alliances that stay in fw and build. I mean hell one of the most balanced times was when we had wolfsbrigade and 4 horsemen and wolfsbrigade is just sotf's lacky's. Basically you had to put a gallente corp in caldari to make it balanced.

Nothing you do can change the fact that caldari for whatever reason cannot draw substantial pvp corps/alliances. Taking all the systems or giving us all the systems wouldn't change a thing to make better pvp. Say we had all the systems all it would mean is there would just be more farmer in caldari not anymore pvp pilots. I think the only thing you could do is put wolfsbrigade back into caldari then at least you would have them to fight.

Anyway would like to hear what gallente thinks would fix these problems or what they see as the problems and fixes.

I think that the fix where if no-one is running a button it counts down to the start state (not capture, just the beginning state) is greatly needed to curtail the influence of farmers, and CCP does have it in their backlog. That way, a single pvp chasing around a farmer (or famrers) would make the pvper more efficient at plexing than the farmer, unlike the current situation.

As far as the ISK differential - pre retribution changes it was pretty awful for the losing side because it was more expensive (in ISK!) to get items than high sec mission runners. It was so bad some items were cheaper to buy off the market than to buy from the LP store. I don't think it is that bad now, but I wouldn't be against increasing the losing side's LP payouts/decreasing the winners if it's demoralizing the losing side.

As far as the caldari drawing a smaller amount of significant pvp corps - it has been this way for a long while, but only recently with the changes to plexes has this affected the occupancy war - for a long time the occupancy war was fought solely by a core of pilots in the crucial after dt timezone, and then after that the rats still heavily favoured minmatar/caldari and you saw both of them crush the occupancy war because of the flood off farmers in gunless frigates (when I was in the amarr/minnie warzone running every single plex in an AB pvp fit condor was hilarious).

I don't think it's a numbers issue, but rather a turnover issue. The caldari militia has been wardeccing itself and full of drama for a very very long time, while the gallente corps, while definitely having their share of intercorp/alliance drama, tend to stay away from the wardec button. With all that drama, it's not that surprising that a lot of corps choose to move on rather than stay.

Finally, for the most controversial and unsubstantiated part of my post: If there is one factor I think contributes the most to the Caldari's downfall, it's damar. His "unique" style of forum posts turn a lot of people away from the caldari miltia, and he's been involved in at least two internal wars between major players in the caldari militia (his name isn't an anagram of drama for nothing!)

Anyways, you asked for a gallente perspective, and there it is! I'd like to see farmer influence decreased even more, but Retribution is helping - at it's height the Caldari militia used to farm 70k+ LP/day, now it's down to 10-20k for all sides.

thx chat.. I really think the button counting down to standard would be very helpful so you can't just wapr out then come back later. Maybe even make it so that if you come in plexer warps out and you sit on button it double times back down to start. e.g novcie is run down to 5 min. defender comes in and it only take 2.5min to run it back to 10 min neutral. (just thought)

yah you guys have lots of players who have been in for a long time and thats why you have a lot of cohesivness. I swear every 6 months there is massive turnover in cal mil so we can never form bond and trust. I think these are just issues cal mil has and again nothign ccp can do. I think other than the count down timer ccp should do nothing. I think it's fine and caldari just needs to try and rebuild (if we can) and maybe we'll get a pvp alliance to come in that will stay. I also don't mind there being no incetive we are losing and should'nt be given rewards for losing. I like that there are consequences it's suppose to simulate war and thats what happens there are winners and loser. Currently we are big losers but it's cal mil's job to build up our ranks and trust and not ccps.

I don't have much interaction with damarr but if that stuff is going on then thats a real bummer becuase cal mil has more then enough enemies without fighting eachother.

hopefully we can have good fights... and hold raka i really don't want to live in high sec :)
Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#48 - 2012-12-21 21:25:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Deen Wispa
Feffri wrote:
chatgris wrote:
Feffri wrote:
I agree with op that fw is pretty crappy about now but I disagree in that there is anything ccp can do. If op believes that there is something ccp can change to make it better i would like to hear what those are. As I see it (and i can't speak for the amarrians) caldari's problem is we have less players, are not as well funded (we've never had a titan) and there is only a handful of small corps and alliances that work together.

I don't see anyway ccp can change this. Even before all the changes to fw all caldari fw drew was carebear alts to run missions for isk for their main who was in gallente or in null sec. For whatever reason caldari cannot draw the amount of dedicated corps/alliances that stay in fw and build. I mean hell one of the most balanced times was when we had wolfsbrigade and 4 horsemen and wolfsbrigade is just sotf's lacky's. Basically you had to put a gallente corp in caldari to make it balanced.

Nothing you do can change the fact that caldari for whatever reason cannot draw substantial pvp corps/alliances. Taking all the systems or giving us all the systems wouldn't change a thing to make better pvp. Say we had all the systems all it would mean is there would just be more farmer in caldari not anymore pvp pilots. I think the only thing you could do is put wolfsbrigade back into caldari then at least you would have them to fight.

Anyway would like to hear what gallente thinks would fix these problems or what they see as the problems and fixes.

I think that the fix where if no-one is running a button it counts down to the start state (not capture, just the beginning state) is greatly needed to curtail the influence of farmers, and CCP does have it in their backlog. That way, a single pvp chasing around a farmer (or famrers) would make the pvper more efficient at plexing than the farmer, unlike the current situation.

As far as the ISK differential - pre retribution changes it was pretty awful for the losing side because it was more expensive (in ISK!) to get items than high sec mission runners. It was so bad some items were cheaper to buy off the market than to buy from the LP store. I don't think it is that bad now, but I wouldn't be against increasing the losing side's LP payouts/decreasing the winners if it's demoralizing the losing side.

As far as the caldari drawing a smaller amount of significant pvp corps - it has been this way for a long while, but only recently with the changes to plexes has this affected the occupancy war - for a long time the occupancy war was fought solely by a core of pilots in the crucial after dt timezone, and then after that the rats still heavily favoured minmatar/caldari and you saw both of them crush the occupancy war because of the flood off farmers in gunless frigates (when I was in the amarr/minnie warzone running every single plex in an AB pvp fit condor was hilarious).

I don't think it's a numbers issue, but rather a turnover issue. The caldari militia has been wardeccing itself and full of drama for a very very long time, while the gallente corps, while definitely having their share of intercorp/alliance drama, tend to stay away from the wardec button. With all that drama, it's not that surprising that a lot of corps choose to move on rather than stay.

Finally, for the most controversial and unsubstantiated part of my post: If there is one factor I think contributes the most to the Caldari's downfall, it's damar. His "unique" style of forum posts turn a lot of people away from the caldari miltia, and he's been involved in at least two internal wars between major players in the caldari militia (his name isn't an anagram of drama for nothing!)

Anyways, you asked for a gallente perspective, and there it is! I'd like to see farmer influence decreased even more, but Retribution is helping - at it's height the Caldari militia used to farm 70k+ LP/day, now it's down to 10-20k for all sides.

thx chat.. I really think the button counting down to standard would be very helpful so you can't just wapr out then come back later. Maybe even make it so that if you come in plexer warps out and you sit on button it double times back down to start. e.g novcie is run down to 5 min. defender comes in and it only take 2.5min to run it back to 10 min neutral. (just thought)

yah you guys have lots of players who have been in for a long time and thats why you have a lot of cohesivness. I swear every 6 months there is massive turnover in cal mil so we can never form bond and trust. I think these are just issues cal mil has and again nothign ccp can do. I think other than the count down timer ccp should do nothing. I think it's fine and caldari just needs to try and rebuild (if we can) and maybe we'll get a pvp alliance to come in that will stay. I also don't mind there being no incetive we are losing and should'nt be given rewards for losing. I like that there are consequences it's suppose to simulate war and thats what happens there are winners and loser. Currently we are big losers but it's cal mil's job to build up our ranks and trust and not ccps.

I don't have much interaction with damarr but if that stuff is going on then thats a real bummer becuase cal mil has more then enough enemies without fighting eachother.

hopefully we can have good fights... and hold raka i really don't want to live in high sec :)

Out of curiosity, does Cal Mil share comms? Or does every alliance/corp have their own? For example, did the Big 3 alliances have their own comms independent of each other? Templis, Kraken, Happy

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2012-12-21 21:42:58 UTC
FW is fine IMO.

Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas! 

#50 - 2012-12-21 21:56:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Mutnin wrote:

most of the time if I look for a fight there is none to be had from the Gal's unless it's 15 vs 1, so I'm forced to pirate randoms.

So we should not group in an mmo because you have the social skills of a dry wall and can not get 15 ppl to tolerate you on comms ?

As for the farmer alts, we experienced the same when all the farming alts were on the caldari side, same farmers go to whoever has the upper hand.

I've never had any problems putting together a gang. Did it ever occur to you that many people PVP for the "challenge" and not just to be the 15th or 30th person on some random KM that took literally zero skill or player ability to produce?

Seriously are you too dumb or too new to know that myself and a friend built one of the largest Calari corps in the last year. We had around 70 players at the peak which took about 3 month or so to do and then it became apparent that there just wasn't any decent fights to be had from the Gals.

What have you done other than always been the 15th or 30th person on a KM?

We built a corp that started showing decent progress by recruiting new & low skill point players. Building a corp & taking gangs out was never a problem of mine. The problem was getting actual fights out of Gallente. You guys quite literally bored me to the point I couldn't be bother to take a gangs out anymore, because it was always the same thing every time.

We had to spend 99% of our time dodging Gal blobs vs getting decent fights out of you. Sure we had decent success ganking random Gals along the way, but that gets boring very fast when your main intent is to actually try and get a fight. If I wanted to just be a gank bear I 'd still be taking gangs out, but I wanted decent fights something Gals would never give.

It became apparent that we were never going to compete in the US time zone as a corp, head to head with the Gal Militia blob. It didn't matter if we took 5 guys out or 15 we would get 30 Gals showing up so the result was the same no fight.

You guys successfully bored me to death in your most active time zone, due to the lack of fights to the point I stopped building the corp and taking out gangs. I knew the only logical thing we could do is leave FW and go pirate or go to NPC null. Considering Caldari was already badly out numbered I didn't want to pull the recruit a bunch of players & leave routine that has played it's self out many times in Caldari Militia.

Why is it do you think most corps & now alliances that grow successful in Cal militia end up leaving? It's because you guys are boring as hell to fight on the corp/alliance level. The only decent fighting that goes on anymore is random 1 or 2 man plex fights with frigs and you surely don't need a 50 to 100 man corp for that.

You guys have quite effectively bored Calari Militia into disbanding on more than one occasion. Congrats you guys are pros at it. Roll
Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#51 - 2012-12-21 23:34:32 UTC
Feffri wrote:
hopefully we can have good fights... and hold raka i really don't want to live in high sec :)

To be fair, I really have mixed feelings on this. These stations lockouts make me really want to NOT take systems from the opposing side (and I generally like the Rakapas guys). If we take Rakapas, then what, we push the Rakapas guys away from the fight :(

But, there's definitely the lure of "take all systems back for the glory of the federation". The ability to say "look, we took all the systems with no faction/timezone mechanic in our favour" would be very nice to say, if we are able to achieve it.

Know that if we do take Rakapas, it will be with (me having) a sad heart. I do wish that station lockouts would be removed.
Cromwell Savage
The Screaming Seagulls
#52 - 2012-12-21 23:52:51 UTC
chatgris wrote:
... station lockouts ...

Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#53 - 2012-12-22 00:46:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Feffri
Deen Wispa wrote:

Out of curiosity, does Cal Mil share comms? Or does every alliance/corp have their own? For example, did the Big 3 alliances have their own comms independent of each other? Templis, Kraken, Happy

Haha i'm surprised that you guys don't already know this... you guys have lots of spies.. But no we all have seperate comms. I have about 5 comms that we have to go in and out of. happy has their we have ours trifectas in tama has theirs. like I said not very cohesive. Thats why when you guys say "hey you have x numbers here you should be able to take us... we are normally not all in communication.
Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#54 - 2012-12-22 00:48:25 UTC
chatgris wrote:
Feffri wrote:
hopefully we can have good fights... and hold raka i really don't want to live in high sec :)

To be fair, I really have mixed feelings on this. These stations lockouts make me really want to NOT take systems from the opposing side (and I generally like the Rakapas guys). If we take Rakapas, then what, we push the Rakapas guys away from the fight :(

But, there's definitely the lure of "take all systems back for the glory of the federation". The ability to say "look, we took all the systems with no faction/timezone mechanic in our favour" would be very nice to say, if we are able to achieve it.

Know that if we do take Rakapas, it will be with (me having) a sad heart. I do wish that station lockouts would be removed.

Yah staging from high would really take away from the fights but we'll see. Hopefully we can muster a defence.
ISD Praetoxx
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#55 - 2012-12-22 09:58:22 UTC
Thread cleaned.

Please keep posts constructive and on-topic.
- ISD Praetoxx

ISD Praetoxx Lieutenant Community Communication Liasons (CCLs) Interstellar Service Department

Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#56 - 2012-12-22 17:26:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Deacon Abox
Chatgris, why have mixed feelings? I like fighting them too. But it is all part of the game. Before my time squids took every system benefitting from longstanding npc imbalances. Something CCP didn't give a rat's ass about for how many years? And, in some ways still doesn't. They are complaining about a power imbalance. But the numbers, more SPROT (7100) than FEDEF (5700), and the active militia numbers have been in their favor until just recently.

So they go to high sec. Not a big deal as long as they still come for fights. It will serve as motivation for them maybe. And how many of our folks will say welp been there done that now for something completely different. And there will always be our lovable local pies.

The station lockouts conceptually make sense. I could see non fw low sec docking as corrupt local administrators trying to make a buck, while warzone administrators would have too much oversight and angry populace to deal with. That lockout isn't also applied in high sec is the puzzler.

I'd rather have the shape of their side of the war zone than ours for a high sec reemergence. Gallente also have fewer entries (either gall high sec or cald non fw lowsec station systems) to Caldari space than Cal does to our side of the map. Maybe some reworking of gates could be done in our theater of operation. As part of some reworking of jump links it could be evened out.

They took all the systems once with heavy built in advantages. Let's take them all even without those built in advantages. And to the hidden-damar whinage, it was you that ****** the opportunity you had with the last set of changes to place us behind the 8 ball. You've got noone to blame but yourself.

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#57 - 2012-12-22 17:42:19 UTC
Deacon Abox wrote:
Chatgris, why have mixed feelings? I like fighting them too. But it is all part of the game. Before my time squids took every system benefitting from longstanding npc imbalances. Something CCP didn't give a rat's ass about for how many years? And, in some ways still doesn't. They are complaining about a power imbalance. But the numbers, more SPROT (7100) than FEDEF (5700), and the active militia numbers have been in their favor until just recently.

I only feel bad for kicking them out of their home system - because I know the same being done to me would suck, and I truly like the rakapas guys - when the squids took all our systems, we still got to base out in lowsec because the station lockout did not occur.

Otherwise, I agree with you that I'd like to take all system as well, especially now that the power imbalances are removed.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#58 - 2012-12-22 17:54:10 UTC
chatgris wrote:

I only feel bad for kicking them out of their home system - because I know the same being done to me would suck,.

Here is where we differ in opinions. The more it sucks, the more emotion in creates, therfore more content. What would be be the point in putting effort in to something that doesn't even have a major impact on anyone ?
Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#59 - 2012-12-22 18:51:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Feffri
Deacon Abox wrote:
Chatgris, why have mixed feelings? I like fighting them too. But it is all part of the game. Before my time squids took every system benefitting from longstanding npc imbalances. Something CCP didn't give a rat's ass about for how many years? And, in some ways still doesn't. They are complaining about a power imbalance. But the numbers, more SPROT (7100) than FEDEF (5700), and the active militia numbers have been in their favor until just recently.

I think you well know that those numbers don't mean anything. Most of that 7100 comes from alts that are from people who have nothing to do with fw, spies for your side, or mission/plexing alts. Anyone who fights daily now in cal/gal militia warfare knows that we are vastly outnumbered when it comes to pvp pilots. And incredibly outnumbered vs's people actually living in low sec. I'd guess 4 to one. It also seems like more are going to bail most likely leaving templis as the last low sec alliance. So please don't quote those numbers and say that we have numerical advantage because it doesn't do the war zone just.

Also now you guys have the plexing alt advantage along with more pvp pilots who are more cohesive and actually on the same comms. However either way like i said before it's war and if you guys take rakapas from us I'll tip my hat and move on.

I'd also like to restate to ccp if you change anything in fw make it that plexes roll back to start state if no one is there. Or maybe also cyno jammer so we could cyno jam our system so sotf couldn't titan drop us. Other than that I think you guys have done a good job. We are losing because we are outnumbered, out financed and don't have a cohesive well organized militia like the gals do. They built that up over years and if we hope to counter it we will have to do the same. Us losing is not a game mechanic flaw in my opinion. It's just the short commings of the caldari militia.
Amarr Empire
#60 - 2012-12-22 21:45:05 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
Mutnin wrote:

most of the time if I look for a fight there is none to be had from the Gal's unless it's 15 vs 1, so I'm forced to pirate randoms.

So we should not group in an mmo because you have the social skills of a dry wall and can not get 15 ppl to tolerate you on comms ?

As for the farmer alts, we experienced the same when all the farming alts were on the caldari side, same farmers go to whoever has the upper hand.

I've never had any problems putting together a gang. Did it ever occur to you that many people PVP for the "challenge" and not just to be the 15th or 30th person on some random KM that took literally zero skill or player ability to produce?

Seriously are you too dumb or too new to know that myself and a friend built one of the largest Calari corps in the last year. We had around 70 players at the peak which took about 3 month or so to do and then it became apparent that there just wasn't any decent fights to be had from the Gals.

What have you done other than always been the 15th or 30th person on a KM?

We built a corp that started showing decent progress by recruiting new & low skill point players. Building a corp & taking gangs out was never a problem of mine. The problem was getting actual fights out of Gallente. You guys quite literally bored me to the point I couldn't be bother to take a gangs out anymore, because it was always the same thing every time.

We had to spend 99% of our time dodging Gal blobs vs getting decent fights out of you. Sure we had decent success ganking random Gals along the way, but that gets boring very fast when your main intent is to actually try and get a fight. If I wanted to just be a gank bear I 'd still be taking gangs out, but I wanted decent fights something Gals would never give.

It became apparent that we were never going to compete in the US time zone as a corp, head to head with the Gal Militia blob. It didn't matter if we took 5 guys out or 15 we would get 30 Gals showing up so the result was the same no fight.

You guys successfully bored me to death in your most active time zone, due to the lack of fights to the point I stopped building the corp and taking out gangs. I knew the only logical thing we could do is leave FW and go pirate or go to NPC null. Considering Caldari was already badly out numbered I didn't want to pull the recruit a bunch of players & leave routine that has played it's self out many times in Caldari Militia.

Why is it do you think most corps & now alliances that grow successful in Cal militia end up leaving? It's because you guys are boring as hell to fight on the corp/alliance level. The only decent fighting that goes on anymore is random 1 or 2 man plex fights with frigs and you surely don't need a 50 to 100 man corp for that.

You guys have quite effectively bored Calari Militia into disbanding on more than one occasion. Congrats you guys are pros at it. Roll

Instead of continuing to build and grow in order to meet the challenge you gave up? Therefore you are giving an excuse and running away.

If there were 30 man Gal groups out chasing you how is that boring? Why don't you adapt your fleet comp to be more of kite group and pick off some of those guys while they chase you. Get creative and make it fun. Or just use the map and set a destination somewhere else and look for fights. Complaining that by Gal militia being active with 30ppl is boring you does not add up. If you honestly have that much of an issue with fighting outnumbered you have 2 choices imo, join RvB or find a new game.
