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Sell Orders

  • Topic is locked indefinitely. - Instant win lotteries * Now with Blackjack 21 *

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Kynn Hellion
Fortune Gaming
#41 - 2012-12-20 02:08:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Kynn Hellion
Abditus Cularius wrote:
So, looking at that char's employment history - you started eve, less than 30 days later made a webpage for people to give you ISK, ran it for a few weeks, got too busy out in reality land, quit for a year and a half, then came back.

I'm not actually accusing or arguing anything. Just getting the facts straight.

Your facts are straight. Two years ago we went through this and then went on to see thousands of tables close with every player getting their winnings. We're back and guess what, nothing has changed. Players are getting their winnings delivered and are loving our site and the latest addition of Blackjack.

We've posted our code to both games and we have a very extensive contract history for anyone to look at. Everyone knows both of our main characters and everyone who leaves a winner gets their prize. So, tell me, if all of this doesn't "satisfy" you, what would?

I'm at a point where I'm done proving anything. This guilty until proven innocent mentality by a handful of players is cute at first, but if you're going to try and keep at it after we've already transacted hundreds of billions of ISK and never committed fraud, then it's annoying at this point. Our past actions have proved that we run an honest shop. If you're not warm and fuzzy about us, then move on, I don't care. Don't play on our site if you don't want to. There are plenty of players who have fun on our website and that's all that matters to us, to have fun and not sit here and discuss with you why nothing we say can ever be the end of this issue.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#42 - 2012-12-20 02:09:44 UTC
If you want to get your facts straight, it was closer to four months, and we fully refunded everyone that retained a balance or unclaimed prizes on the site when our other obligations became greater than Eve. Nothing about that screams fraud, at least not to me. I also don't pour my time in to the website for 40 hours in a single weekend developing new features just to close up shop next week because we wanted a little extra ISK. No matter how you spin it, that wouldn't make sense to anyone. I assume we upset you personally when we had to shut down the site before, or maybe there is some code of loyalty I'm not privy to. At any rate, if you don't see the site as something that interests you, then don't play.
Abditus Cularius
Clancularius Industries
#43 - 2012-12-20 02:16:11 UTC
I never accused you of fraud. I said your "fraud free" guarantee was silly, and pointed out why. Again - you could be the most trustworthy person ever. I have no idea who you are, other than: You like to post from two different characters simultaneously, you've played eve for a coupla months, and respond to questions with violent and defensive rants that tell me to send you money or leave your thread.

Also, I just read the original thread linked your OP. It looks like you tried to find a 3rd party to secure this for you the first time, but none would touch it. So we can add that to the facts list.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-12-20 02:20:03 UTC
I am not Kynn, Kynn is not me. I am Zeyrix & Kervee Eatas.

We had all the funds to get a 3rd party security before, but you're right, there's no way to secure an out-of-eve service.
Kynn Hellion
Fortune Gaming
#45 - 2012-12-20 02:21:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Kynn Hellion
Abditus Cularius wrote:

Also, I just read the original thread linked your OP. It looks like you tried to find a 3rd party to secure this for you the first time, but none would touch it. So we can add that to the facts list.

Violent rants? Lol, you must be a hippy! Nothing about my posts were violent...

When we first started, a long time ago, we did try to find a third party at the beckoning of folks like you. The third parties I contacted were not opposed to the idea, however, to secure a third party site like ours was too troublesome for them in terms of how to properly maintain their auditing. They declined not because of our trustworthiness but because of the sheer magnitude of the request. But thanks for trying to infer yet another "shady" aspect about us. Wow, we must be really terrible folks to even try it after it was suggested to us! Definitely screams scam!

At this point, I'm relegating you to my joke pile. After fully answering your questions and you conveniently overlooking pretty much every thing we have done to prove we aren't a fraud, you keep coming and keep trying to infer that we're shady. This tells me that either you have an agenda, way too much free time or are just an ass in general. Take your pick, but regardless of which of the three that it is, I'm done wasting any more time on you!
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#46 - 2012-12-20 02:22:35 UTC
Zeyrix wrote:
We had all the funds to get a 3rd party security before, but you're right, there's no way to secure an out-of-eve service.

For what it's worth, this is also why we posted our table roll & blackjack draw/deck code on the website.
Abditus Cularius
Clancularius Industries
#47 - 2012-12-20 02:33:03 UTC
Cool. So, compiling the fact list:

Two guys, three characters.

One guy started playing 4 hours before making this corp, but most definitely isn't an alt made for this purpose. The other about started about a month before, spending that month in Eve Uni before joining this corp.

Played for a few months, got busy and quit. Came back this month.

No third party willing to do the amount of work necissary to prove you're not scamming people.

You put some text on your site, and say that's the code you use.

I can send you ISK or never ask a question again, since asking questions is clearly an accusation of wrongdoing on your part for which I should be scorned.

Cover it?
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#48 - 2012-12-20 02:50:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Zeyrix
You're absolutely right, our characters are the age you claim. Though it should be noted this particular character did not join EUNI until after the site became busy (after 2 months in) and I really couldn't commit any time to playing with EUNI because of the work required by the site. Which is perfectly fine with me, I play the game differently if that's not obvious. I did start this character a month before we put the site up live. Kynn Hellion has been his main since we put up the FG corporation. He did start Kynn for the purpose of the Fortune Gaming corporation, but his "main" was abandoned at that point, we started playing at the same time, hell we even share an IP address.

And like I said, nothing we can do will prove the code posted on our site is genuine, short of going open source, which would be an awfully bad business decision (I'm sure there are those more capable of spamming Jita than I, plus I'm rather fond of my new Blackjack creation). Even still, that wouldn't prove anything, as you say: we put some text on a site and that's that. We could be running entirely different code. Or, we could not be running entirely different code.

The fact is, the winners will all personally tell you they are not affiliated with us, because the simple fact is, they aren't. If you think they aren't getting their prizes, go ask them. All of our tables are documented in the table history. We do not use shill accounts nor do we skew results. I don't have to go in to explaining why that goes against what the site is intended to do (make ISK). Sure it would drive up activity for a while, but personally I think Blackjack is the better sell at this point. We are planning to make some improvements to the Blackjack game, in fact I'm working on them now. Insurance, easier wagering, perhaps a higher wager once we have monitored the statistics for a time.

EVE to me is written in code, I fly around and kill some pirates sometimes, but I very much prefer to write code for others to enjoy, and make my EVE experience less demanding. Scamming wouldn't weigh in our favor for very long. That is especially true after all the time spent developing the site, which continues every day.

If you are trying to make a case that we should not be trusted, I'm not sure where you base your -real- facts. Where have we shown dishonesty? Rhetorical question obviously, because we have never done such. Our character age(s) have nothing to do with our level of honesty, as shown in our previous thread, no one was scammed.

If you are trying to make a case that we are "newbs" and no one should enjoy our site because of that, then I really don't understand. I guess I just tend to think of gamers as higher than their labels & experience levels. If that's the case, that's fine you have your opinion, just tell me so I can stop trying to change your heavily ingrained opinions.
Abditus Cularius
Clancularius Industries
#49 - 2012-12-20 02:56:44 UTC
Nope, that answered my questions perfectly.

If from here forward, instead of saying " without fear of fraud" you could append "That is, assuming you take two new characters at their word on all of this, and asking about any of that will lead to several posts of screaming vulgarity at a potential customer," then my truth in advertising campaign will have one more conversion.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#50 - 2012-12-20 02:58:03 UTC
Vulgarity? Did you read my post? Thank you for answering my question. You can talk to yourself in this thread from now on.
Abditus Cularius
Clancularius Industries
#51 - 2012-12-20 03:00:16 UTC
You both represent the same corp. His vitriol counts as the corp's, in that regard. :)

Though looking at the first thread again, I got off easy compared to some of the stuff spewed at folks asking questions there.
CCP Falcon
#52 - 2012-12-21 10:18:16 UTC

Moved to Sell Orders.

CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

Kynn Hellion
Fortune Gaming
#53 - 2012-12-21 16:10:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Kynn Hellion

We have added a couple of new features to the WYF Blackjack 21 game.

  • Up to 3 splits are now allowed
  • We've added Insurance and it pays 2:1
  • Improved pre-set wager options to allow for easier increases of wager amount

We now have 800 players who have won over 519 billion ISK in prizes on WYF! Register now and wager 1 ISK for your chance to win a PLEX or a Republic Fleet Firetail! There are only 14 slots left on our PLEX giveaway!
Arnaz Finx
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#54 - 2012-12-21 20:20:25 UTC
good site but needs alot more traffit. Tabled have been sitting unfilled for cpl hours.
Kynn Hellion
Fortune Gaming
#55 - 2012-12-21 20:26:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Kynn Hellion
Arnaz Finx wrote:
good site but needs alot more traffit. Tabled have been sitting unfilled for cpl hours.


We're working on spreading the word and the site has busy spurts, but could definitely use some more active players.

Please tell everyone you know about us and thanks for playing!
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#56 - 2012-12-21 20:34:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Panzerknack3r
blackjack is also pretty buggy.
currently frozen on a hand where i split and got 2 blackjacks but nothing is happeneing.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#57 - 2012-12-21 20:40:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Zeyrix
Refresh the page if something like that has happened, your hand is saved on the server.

If you have finished the hand, your balance will already be updated to reflect your winnings.

We have bug tested the blackjack game on all the recent versions of the three major browsers and the IGB with no currently known bugs. If you do find a bug, report it to one of our members along with any associated information about what you were doing when it happened. There is a decoration available for valid bug reports.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#58 - 2012-12-21 20:51:26 UTC
ive refreshed and closed the browser a few times. Its still frozen.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#59 - 2012-12-21 21:12:14 UTC
I've sent an eve mail with a link to visit, after the bug fix is published the link should finish out the hand properly. That will be in just a few minutes.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#60 - 2012-12-21 21:18:21 UTC
Zeyrix wrote:
I've sent an eve mail with a link to visit, after the bug fix is published the link should finish out the hand properly. That will be in just a few minutes.

it worked thank you.