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"Eve is a game driven by consequences for actions." Not if you're into suicide ganking

Roadkill Rhino
#1 - 2011-10-23 16:57:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Roadkill Rhino
"Eve is a game driven by consequences for actions."

Yet the suicide gankers have no consequence. Being destroyed yet refunded for your losses is not a consequence of any meaning.

Let's look at it this way, people are able to fill freighters up with battleships and modules, pick an area, go there and gank the hell out of the miners there, all they need is a ganking character and character to give it the ship. That people can do this just goes to show that EVE is a game of consequences, but only if you're a miner.

Why do threads like this get so big? Because half the people posting are gankers who don't want their insurance payout taken away. They preach lines like "EVE is hardcore" "You're not safe anywhere, always at risk" But that's not true, there is a group of people who take no risk atall, and that is the gankers, there is no risk in what they do, they break even or sometimes profit, they risk nothing to do a suicide gank. They will die, they know this, they also know that insurance will pay the bill.

Insurance payout for suicide ganking is a really stupid feature.
Paragon Renegade
Sebiestor Tribe
#2 - 2011-10-23 16:58:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Paragon Renegade
They lose their modules, clone, and self respect.


Suicide ganking is part of the game, it's as much the innocent player's fault he died as it is the aggressors'.

The pie is a tautology

Khazarn Areth
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2011-10-23 16:58:47 UTC
And im taking full advantage of this presently Pirate

Bloody Omir's coming back Monsters from the endless black Wading through a crimson flood Omir's come to drink your blood

Roadkill Rhino
#4 - 2011-10-23 17:01:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Roadkill Rhino
Paragon Renegade wrote:
They lose their modules, clone, and self respect.


Suicide ganking is part of the game, it's as much pf the innocent player's fault he died as it is the aggressors'.

Their modules are worth almost nothing. They don't lose their clone, and if they've nothing better to do than ruin random peoples day then they probably had no self respect worth having anyway.

Nobody is asking for suicide ganking to be removed. It can still occur if they fix the insurance abuse, but perhaps they'll choose their targets a little more wisely from now on. Oh the sheer horror of it, no longer being able to gank any random you choose just for the hell of it. Well, you could, but you could also send random people a free 50 mill every hour but somehow I don't think that's going to happen.
Paragon Renegade
Sebiestor Tribe
#5 - 2011-10-23 17:16:58 UTC
Roadkill Rhino wrote:
Their modules are worth almost nothing. They don't lose their clone, and if they've nothing better to do than ruin random peoples day then they probably had no self respect worth having anyway.

Modules need sufficient alpha to break mining ships in 1-2 salvos, the jumpclones cost money, or the clone replacements do. The last one was a joke.

Nobody is asking for suicide ganking to be removed. It can still occur if they fix the insurance abuse, but perhaps they'll choose their targets a little more wisely from now on. Oh the sheer horror of it, no longer being able to gank any random you choose just for the hell of it. Well, you could, but you could also send random people a free 50 mill every hour but somehow I don't think that's going to happen.

I've played four months.

I've been suicide ganked twice.

Both times the assailant lost more than I did, and I easily replaced all loses with virtually no setback. I had no insurance, because what insurance does is protect your ship which you can easily cover yourself, for a cost. Not to mention it expires. Most gankers don't use insurance to begin with, since it's superfluous, and many belong to an alliance that can screw the pain away to begin with.

Removing insurance from suicide gankers is pointless to the extreme

The pie is a tautology

Rocky Deadshot
In The Goo
EVE Trade Alliance
#6 - 2011-10-23 17:17:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Rocky Deadshot
This game is a place for cyber bullies and dicks to come and play in an environment that praises their actions as nearly heroic.

While yes... an insurance company that is out to make money would probably find ways to shortchange on insurance policies... CCP and the CSM are run by individuals that have no interest in changing this... so your only hope is to actually vote in the next CSM for a strong high sec player, so just maybe your voice will be laughed at on the CSM table, instead of on the forums.

Calling goons to come flame this post.
Ascendant Operations
#7 - 2011-10-23 17:18:59 UTC
Roadkill Rhino wrote:
"Eve is a game driven by consequences for actions."

Yet the suicide gankers have no consequence.

The gankers lose sec status. That is a very significant and limiting consequence, if you don't think so, try ratting yourself up from -10 then come back and talk.

The consequence for the carebear carelessly flying a gankworthy ship is that they get ganked.
The consequence for the ganker is that they now need to raise their sec status or start paying for an alt.

Oh look, consequences are driving the game Roll
Roadkill Rhino
#8 - 2011-10-23 17:22:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Roadkill Rhino
Rocky Deadshot wrote:
This game is a place for cyber bullies and dicks to come and play in an environment that praises their actions as nearly heroic.

While yes... an insurance company that is out to make money would probably find ways to shortchange on insurance policies... CCP and the CSM are run by individuals that have no interest in changing this... so your only hope is to actually vote in the next CSM for a strong high sec player, so just maybe your voice will be laughed at on the CSM table, instead of on the forums.

Calling goons to come flame this post.

I have nothing against suicide ganking, it's a part of the game, nowhere is safe and never will be safe. But the system is very messed up as far as risk goes, those doing the ganking are playing a no risk game. What other careers in EVE allow you to kill a 100 million+ isk ship and their pod, with almost 100% success rate, risk free, cost free. Suicide ganking is easy enough as it is, it doesn't need to be free too.

Last I heard the CSM might not be around much longer. Good thing too.
Ashley SchmidtVonGoldberg
#9 - 2011-10-23 17:23:59 UTC
no consequences if you are in a tech 1 boat and you follow the rules. ie dont gank so you cant get into highsec.

once you are in a billion isk ship that cannot be insured things change. i can lose plat insured ships tech I ships all day and it does not matter but i cant lose plat insured tech II ships all day or tears may form in the corners of my eyes

And when you are webbed and scrammed by 50 people in a gate camp and you have a full set of pirate implants/faction fitted tengu/5 days of training to lose. Then the game has consequences.

Not if you are in an Arti mael 1400 or a thrasher :)

my work here is done

Standing in for Karn Dulake who was banned for saying bad words

Rocky Deadshot
In The Goo
EVE Trade Alliance
#10 - 2011-10-23 17:26:45 UTC
Ashley SchmidtVonGoldberg wrote:
no consequences if you are in a tech 1 boat and you follow the rules. ie dont gank so you cant get into highsec.

once you are in a billion isk ship that cannot be insured things change. i can lose plat insured ships tech I ships all day and it does not matter but i cant lose plat insured tech II ships all day or tears may form in the corners of my eyes

And when you are webbed and scrammed by 50 people in a gate camp and you have a full set of pirate implants/faction fitted tengu/5 days of training to lose. Then the game has consequences.

Not if you are in an Arti mael 1400 or a thrasher :)

my work here is done

What was your work? To destroy the English language?
Paragon Renegade
Sebiestor Tribe
#11 - 2011-10-23 17:28:23 UTC
Ashley SchmidtVonGoldberg wrote:
full set of pirate implants/faction fitted tengu/5 days of training to lose. Then the game has consequences.

If you're in a dangerous area with those, you're begging to be killed.

The pie is a tautology

Ascendant Operations
#12 - 2011-10-23 17:28:27 UTC
Roadkill Rhino wrote:
Rocky Deadshot wrote:
This game is a place for cyber bullies and dicks to come and play in an environment that praises their actions as nearly heroic.

While yes... an insurance company that is out to make money would probably find ways to shortchange on insurance policies... CCP and the CSM are run by individuals that have no interest in changing this... so your only hope is to actually vote in the next CSM for a strong high sec player, so just maybe your voice will be laughed at on the CSM table, instead of on the forums.

Calling goons to come flame this post.

I have nothing against suicide ganking, it's a part of the game, nowhere is safe and never will be safe. But the system is very messed up as far as risk goes, those doing the ganking are playing a no risk game. What other careers in EVE allow you to kill a 100 million+ isk ship and their pod, with almost 100% success rate, risk free, cost free. Suicide ganking is easy enough as it is, it doesn't need to be free too.

Last I heard the CSM might not be around much longer. Good thing too.

Post with your main.
Suddenly Boom
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2011-10-23 17:33:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Suddenly Boom
Maybe not my main, but how is this? Check my killboard stats to see how how ridiculously easy suicide ganking is.


Over 22 billion isk in damages on the second one alone, i made profit on this ordeal, and there was no risk to me. I also ruined a lot of peoples day. How is that for a messed up game mechanic?
Ashley SchmidtVonGoldberg
#14 - 2011-10-23 17:38:22 UTC
Rocky Deadshot wrote:
Ashley SchmidtVonGoldberg wrote:
no consequences if you are in a tech 1 boat and you follow the rules. ie dont gank so you cant get into highsec.

once you are in a billion isk ship that cannot be insured things change. i can lose plat insured ships tech I ships all day and it does not matter but i cant lose plat insured tech II ships all day or tears may form in the corners of my eyes

And when you are webbed and scrammed by 50 people in a gate camp and you have a full set of pirate implants/faction fitted tengu/5 days of training to lose. Then the game has consequences.

Not if you are in an Arti mael 1400 or a thrasher :)

my work here is done

What was your work? To destroy the English language?

What was your work to show the World what a tard you are

Standing in for Karn Dulake who was banned for saying bad words

Bootleg Jack
ACME Mineral and Gas
#15 - 2011-10-23 17:38:23 UTC
Roadkill Rhino wrote:
"Eve is a game driven by consequences for actions."




What consequence, it is a Pay to Win game, the only consquence is the loser has to buy more PLEX...

Corp wealth? Anyone can buy that with $$
Corp power? Same, just need cash
Lost a ship? So what, it is not like you have to go mining to replace it

May as well be instanced PvP for all that losing a ship or battle matters.

I'm an American, English is my second language...

Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#16 - 2011-10-23 17:49:00 UTC
I did suicide ganking for 3 months a while back.

I stopped for 2 reasons:
1) got board
2) got broke, cause insurance doesn't even cover half of the loss.

Suicide ganking is not risk free. It is riskier than missioning.
Ascendant Operations
#17 - 2011-10-23 17:52:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Berendas
Suddenly Boom wrote:
Maybe not my main, but how is this? Check my killboard stats to see how how ridiculously easy suicide ganking is.


Over 22 billion isk in damages on the second one alone, i made profit on this ordeal, and there was no risk to me. I also ruined a lot of peoples day. How is that for a messed up game mechanic?

I never said suicide ganking wasn't easy. I also never said that it wasn't risky. What I did say was that it has consequences. You have made an alt to do your ganking, a definite consequence seeing as how you now have to spend more isk or RL money to facilitate the playstyle. If you were doing it with your main you would have to grind sec status to stay in high sec and to get the most out of your ganks.

Also, I do have to say that is a hilarious name for a suicide alt.
Crazy KSK
Tsunami Cartel
#18 - 2011-10-23 17:53:52 UTC
ok let me tell you something first hand
were using arty ruptures to suicide hulks those are about 6 million in price + 100k modules
that is so little isk to me that i don't even bother insuring that
some even do it in thrashers -> even less isk used

removing the payout would never effect me so

sure go ahead remove it I don't care

Quote CCP Fozzie: ... The days of balance and forget are over.

Goonswarm Federation
#19 - 2011-10-23 17:55:11 UTC
the dread pilot weaselior laughs at your misery

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Goonswarm Federation
#20 - 2011-10-23 17:56:21 UTC
we will continue murdering you as long as it's entertaining and your shirt-rending temper tantrum is basically about as entertaining as it gets

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

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