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[VLI] Vaughn Lampen Investments - All Accounts Closed and Refunded with Outstanding Interest!

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Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#1 - 2012-12-15 00:05:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Vaughn Lampen Investments - Fund Information, Activities, and Operations

Value and Current Availability

Current Investments Holdings: 26,730,130,000 ISK
Current Investments Available: 13,269,870,000 ISK

Investment Sourcing

  • Amount Filled By Corporation/Alliance Investment: 19.605%
  • Amount Filled By Public Investment: 80.395%

  • Interest Paid To Date

    5,026,087,000 ISK

    Investor Classifications, Interest Rates, and Options

    For the purpose of my investment fund my investors will be classified as either Class I or Class II investors.

  • Class I Investors - Individuals who invest with Vaughn Lampen Investments under the rollover option. These individuals have displayed a considerable amount of trust in me and faith in my daily industrial operations within New Eden and consequently have made my life considerably easier in terms of amount of time I have to devout to creating profits.

  • Class II Investors - Individuals who invest with Vaughn Lampen Investments, but do not choose to utilize the rollover option. While these individuals displaying considerable trust in me and my daily operations I cannot make long-term investments to leverage their ISK to yield greater profit in my operations as I can with Class I Investors.

  • What ultimately distinguishes these two classes of investors are the interest rates I offer them.

    Investor Interest Rates

    Class I Investors

    • Option A - 7.00% Interest Rate - Complex Rollover - Investors who select this option will have their original investment and any accrued interest retained in their account until a future date when they indicate they would like to withdraw all funds currently held with the fund. Deposits must be held at least sixty days or more to receive this option.

    • Option B - 7.00% Interest Rate - Simple Rollover - Investors who select this option will have their original investment retained in their account and have their accrued interest sent to them every thirty days unless another interval that is longer is declared. Deposits must be held at least sixty days or more to receive this option.

    Class II Investors

    • Option A - 5.00% Interest Rate - Investors who elect to deposit funds but indicate they do not want the rollover option will receive their initial investment plus any accrued interest thirty days after initial deposit. Deposits must be held at least thirty days.

    Early Withdrawal Penalties

    Class I Investors

    • Penalty Type #1 - Investors choose to withdraw their funds on any day other than their monthly deposit cycle they will not receive the full interest as determined from their original date of deposit. Instead their accrued interest will prorated based upon the end of their most recent deposit cycle.

    • Penalty Type #2 - Investors who deposited funds but choose to withdraw them before the minimum sixty day period will have their interest rate reduced to 5.00% and have their interest prorated.

    Class II Investors

    • Penalty Type #1 - Investors choose to withdraw their funds on any day other than their monthly deposit cycle they will not receive the full interest as determined from their original date of deposit. Instead their accrued interest will prorated based upon the end of their most recent deposit cycle.

    Reserved Rights

  • Vaughn Lampen Investments reserves the right to close the account of any investor at any time. Should this occur I am obligated to return the entirely of their initial investment and all interest owed to them up to the next deposit cycle. If I have chosen to exercise this option investors should not be penalized and consequently I have chosen to retain this right.

  • Vaughn Lampen Investments reserves the right to disperse investment and interest repayments/payment before the designated deposit cycle. I will often invoke this right when the deposit cycle falls close to a weekend and it is easier for me to pay my investors early rather than during the week when I may have less time.

  • Cashout Procedures

    • Investors must send me an in-game mail stating that they wish to close their accounts with Vaughn Lampen Investments.

    • I am obligated to respond immediately after receiving and reading an investors request for account closure and issue an estimate of when they will receive their balance of their account. This estimate must be no greater than 96 hours after reading the investors email.

    • Payment will be dispersed to the investors with screenshots of my wallet to ensure that everything possible has been kept on the public record.
    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #2 - 2012-12-15 00:06:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Vaughn Lampen Investments - Services

    Ore / Mineral Sales

  • As a well-known source for minerals and ore VLI in cooperation with Alzhara Industries and other corporations and alliances can supply considerable amounts of high-sec and low-sec minerals to the marketplace on a weekly basis.

  • Ice / Ice Product Sales

  • Alzhara Industries and VLI are some of the largest single-source fuel suppliers on the active market today with over 1,000 units of White Glaze and 2,000 units of Blue Ice shipped everyday to market hubs and buyers.

  • Planetary Interaction Commodity Supplier

  • Operating a large private network of 44 extraction planets and 1 factory world VLI can individually supply a large variety of PI Commodities for POS fuel production.

  • Player Operated Starbase Fuel Supplier

  • VLI offers considerable amounts of unprocessed POS fuel commodities, ice products, and finished fuel blocks for POS operators within New Eden. At the moment private and corporate activities generate over 6b worth of Caldari Fuel Blocks a month.

  • Basic and Advanced Moon Materials Supplier

  • Through our ever expanding network of production lines VLI can supply the marketplace with a variety of critical commodities necessary in the production of Tech II ships, weapons, equipment and components.

  • Contract Light and Heavy Manufacturing Service and Slot Rental

  • VLI offers manufacturers the opportunity to expand their manufacturing lines with additional slots. We currently offer 19 additional manufacturing lines in secure, high-security space close to the Jita Market Hub. Rates are negotiable based upon the product and length of contract. At this time more lines are being developed and will be offered to the funds investors and the public as soon as they are available.

  • Market Investments

  • VLI operates in two of the busiest market regions within New Eden and actively acts as a middle man for many of the goods in highest demand within the marketplace. As for the core passive ISK generator for VLI market investments actively seeks investment partners to achieve its goals within its targeted markets. At this time VLI has 33 core investments in two funds. The first is our High Priority - High Volume Fund (HPHVF) which accounts for over 72% of our daily purchases and offers returns on investment of between 6.79% to 13.10%. Our second is our Low Priority - Low Volume Fund (LPLVF) which accounts for a little less than 28% of our daily purchases and offers returns on investment of between 1.15% to 14.63%.

  • Refining Services

  • At this VLI offers perfect contract refining services at all high-security Caldari Construction and Caldari Navy stations. The nominal fee for refining is 0.5% of the total amount of minerals yielded.

    Contract Researcher and Slot Rental


  • 3rd Party Services

    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #3 - 2012-12-15 00:06:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Current Operations - Key Markets and Investments

    Planetary Interaction Network - Production Overview and Income Report

    Location: Secure, Low-Security Space with Reliable Trade Routes.
    Number of Planets In Operation: 45
    Planetary Network Organization: 44 Extraction, 1 Large-Scale Factory Production

    Current P3 Product Lines and Projected Income:

    Factory-Produced: 45 Units Per Hour @ 11,500 ISK Per Unit = 372,600,000 ISK/Month
    Extraction-Produced: 12 Units Per Hour @ 64,500 ISK Per Unit = 557,280,000ISK/Month

    Current P2 Product Lines and Projected Income:
  • Biocells - 20 Units Per Hour @ 8,300 ISK Per Unit = 119,520,000 ISK/Month
  • Coolant - 130 Units Per Hour @ 9,600 ISK Per Unit = 898,560,000 ISK/Month
  • Enriched Uranium - 30 Units Per Hour @ 11,050 ISK Per Unit = 238,680,000 ISK/Month
  • Mechanical Parts - 90 Units Per Hour @ 8,800 ISK Per Unit = 570,240,000 ISK/Month
  • Oxygen - 320 Units Per Hour @ 399 ISK Per Unit = 91,929,600 ISK/Month
  • Viral Agents - 40 Units Per Hour @ 6,000 ISK Per Unit = 172,800,000 ISK/Month

  • Pre-Tax Monthly Income: 3,021,609,600 ISK
    Projected Monthly Taxes: 196,404,624 ISK
    Projected Monthly Profit: 2,825,204,976 ISK

    Planetary Interaction Network Performance: 52.29% Increase Over Previous Cycle

    Ice and Ore Mining Operations

    Current Priority: Ice Harvesting
    Daily Yield: 860+ units of Ice
    Pre-Tax Daily Income: 137,600,000 ISK
    Daily Taxes, Shipping Fees: 3,232,000 ISK
    Daily Profit: 134,368,000 ISK
    Projected Monthly Profit: 4,031,040,000 ISK

    Market Buy/Sell Operations

    Market Brief, Security Rating and Market Cycle

    Area of Operation: Caldari Space
    Number of Regions/Systems Currently In Operation: 1/20
    Number of Regions/Systems Identified and Selected for Future Operations: 1/29 + 1/50
    Security Rating of Systems: 0.5 - 1.0
    Current Market Cycle: 7-10 Days
    Number of Targeted Commodities: 17
    Amount Invested In Current Cycle: 13.46B ISK - Personal Assets
    Projected Monthly Cycle Profit: 4.72B ISK - Based on Current Area of Operations
    Market Risk: Very Low, All Returns-On-Investment Calculated Using High-Volume Buy Orders Ensuring Market Reliability

    Profit Margin of Selected Commodities

    Primary Investments - High Priority - High Volume: Profit Percentage

    Commodity #01: 18.51%
    Commodity #02: 12.60%
    Commodity #03: 9.99%
    Commodity #04: 18.60%
    Commodity #05: 13.35%
    Commodity #06: 18.15%
    Commodity #07: 20.07%
    Commodity #08: 12.97%
    Commodity #09: 9.03%
    Commodity #10: 22.92%
    Commodity #11: 8.55%
    Commodity #12: 14.80

    Secondary Investments - Low Priority - Low Volume: Profit Percentage

    Commodity #01: 4.03%
    Commodity #02: 6.10%
    Commodity #03: 4.77%
    Commodity #04: 2.04%
    Commodity #05: 2.35%

    Manufacturing Investments Information:

    Manufacturing slots currently being rented for ship production.

    Moon Material Reactions

    Profit Margin of Selected Reactions

    Reaction Tower #1 - 28.79%

    Projected Monthly Income: 684,000,000 ISK
    Projected Monthly Taxes: 10,260,000 ISK
    Projected Monthly Profit: 673,740,000 ISK

    Summary and Projected Profits

    Thanks to my previous investors my last month has truly been exception in terms of market performance and profitability. Profits for the last month are estimated to be in excess of 12.4B ISK exceeding Bond #1's projections by 32.52%. This was partly due to bringing more portions of my planned PI network online, expanded market access due to higher amounts of capital, and successful market speculation due to upcoming changes to the game.

    For the next month assuming optimal efficiency my profits are projected as follows:

    PI Network: 2,825,204,976 ISK
    Ice/Ore Mining: 4,031,040,000 ISK
    Market Operations: 4,720,000,000 ISK
    Moon Material Reactions: 673,740,000 ISK

    Projected Pre-Interest Profits: 12,249,984,976 ISK
    Outstanding Bond Interest Payments: 1,190,000,000 ISK
    Projected Monthly Profits: 11,059,984,976
    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #4 - 2012-12-15 00:06:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Current Investors

    Name - Investment Type - Investment Date - Projected Date of Return - Investment Amount - Investment Return Due - Class/Option

    Every One - Personal - 14 DEC 2012 - 1 APR 2013 - 7.50B ISK - 525M Due*(1) - Class I/Option B
    O-Ren Ishii Okinawa - 8 FEB 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 3.00B ISK - 210M Due*(1) - Class I/Option B
    Ischtar Grey - Personal - 11 DEC 2012 - 1 APR 2013 - 2.725B ISK - 190.75M Due*(1) - Class I/Option B
    Locin WeEda - Personal - 9 DEC 2012 - 1 APR 2013 - 2.00B ISK - 140M Due*(2) - Class I/Option B
    Ryomanni - Personal - 21 NOV 2012 - 1 APR 2013 - 2.00B ISK - 140M Due*(3) - Class I/Option B
    Paige Kjz - Personal - 2 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 1.00B ISK - 70M Due*(1) - Class I/Option B
    Drago Sorian - Personal - 2 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 1.00B ISK - 70M Due*(1) - Class I/Option B
    Bazzelmeister - Personal - 22 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 1.00B ISK - 70M Due*(0) - Class I/Option B
    SinTeryx - Personal - 24 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 1.00B ISK - 70M Due*(0) - Class I/Option B
    Erialor Godsent - Personal - 18 JAN 2012 - 1 APR 2013 - 750M ISK - 52.5M Due*(0) - Class I/Option B
    Lith Ambraelle - Personal - 01 FEB 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 500M ISK - 35M Due*(0) - Class I/Option B
    Libertod Industries - 29 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 500M - 35M Due*(0)- Class I/Option B
    Cornivus Exeter - Personal 1 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 524.20 ISK - 36.69M Due*(1)- Class I/Option A
    Kaiser Krieg - Personal - 16 JAN 2013 - 16 MAR 2013 - 321M ISK - 22.47M Due - Class I/Option A
    rommel45 - Personal - 5 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 300M ISK - 21M Due*(1) - Class I/Option B
    O'nira - Personal - 9 FEB 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 270.19M ISK - 18.91M Due*(0) - Class I / Option A
    Marseille Tivianne - Corporation - 2 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 164M ISK - 11.48M Due*(0) - Class I/Option A
    Arancar Australis - Private 20 DEC 2012 - 1 APR 2013 - 286.225M/250M ISK -19.97M/17.5M Due*(1) - Class I/A / Class I/B
    Dominion 138 - Personal - 5 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 200M ISK - 14M Due*(1) - Class I/Option B
    Satemi - Personal - 5 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 436.025M ISK - 30.522M Due*(0) - Class I/Option A
    Anne Mar - Personal - 9 DEC 2012 - 1 APR 2013 - 150M ISK - 10.5M Due*(2) - Class I/Option B
    Vurt Konne - Private - 5 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 107M/100M ISK -7.49M/7M Due*(1) - Class I/A / Class I/B
    Azerath - Personal - 18 JAN 2012 - 18 MAR 2013 - 100M ISK - 7M Due*(0) - Class I/Option B
    Bouhatsuu - Personal - 20 FEB 2012 - 20 MAR 2013 - 100M ISK - 7M Due*(0) - Class I/Option A
    Ana Rexic - Personal - 24 DEC 2012 - 1 APR 2013 - 221.49M ISK - 15.50M Due*(1) - Class I/Option A
    Mylock Miannapan - Alliance - 5 JAN 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 100M ISK - 7M Due*(1) - Class I/Option B
    Ronix Aideron - Personal - 16 DEC 2012 -16 MAR 2013 - 100M ISK - 7M Due*(0) - Class I/Option B
    mLLW - Personal - 2 Jan 2013 - 1 APR 2013 - 25M ISK - 1.75M Due*(1) - Class I/Option B

    * - Rollover Investors
    (X) = Number of Times Investment Rolled Over

    Previous Investors

    ItsmeHcK1, Wafou Ka'Djo, Georyn Yaken, Zoldax Dragonias, Nomad Ghost, Lyonic, SpaceWalker666, Emma d'Acques, Keaton DuCasse, Razor Rocker, Zaquaz
    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #5 - 2012-12-15 00:06:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Investor Reports, Charts, and Figures

    11 Nov 2012 - 11 Dec 2012: EVEMENTAT Charts
    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #6 - 2012-12-15 00:06:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Idea News Section Idea

    20 FEB 2013 - In the interest of easier tracking of investment payment dates Vaughn Lampen Investments will be moving to single pay dates for all investors rather than having it based on current deposit dates.

    How will this affect me?

    During upcoming payment dates investors will be receiving additional interest payments in order to synchronize everyone's payment days.

    For example if your pay date is the 21st of every month you will receive extra ISK equivalent to the number of days remaining in that month so that your new pay date is the 1st of the month.

    Will I be notified of this process?

    Yes all investors will receive an email regarding the change so that they are aware of what is going on if they do not check the news section of this thread.

    Is there anything else I should know?

    Yes. As I will be fronting cash to synchronize everyone's pay dates if an individual attempts to withdraw before the passage of what would have been their new pay date they will be automatically penalized and the amount will be deducted from their account in the event of closure. For most if not all investors this will not be an issue.
    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #7 - 2012-12-16 15:55:39 UTC
    Announcement: Vaughn Lampen Investments Now Accepting New Accounts

    After several successful bonds I have consolidated all of my business operations under a single thread in order to simply the services I offer to the community. Given that I operated my bonds in a manner so that those who deposited started accruing interest this new fund was the next natural step so that I do not have to place a new bond offer up every thirty days. I have also created a new investment structure to give incentives for people to open rollover accounts so that I can make long-term capital investments in high ISK generating activities, such as my Celestial Symphony Project which is currently generating close to 1.6B a month in profits after erecting a new tower yesterday with several more planned in the forthcoming weeks.

    In other news my expansion into a new region has been met with greater activity than I had originally estimated. Looking at my market data from the last week has shown that the new market is considerably more active than my original marketplace and this presents significant opportunities to profit from placing orders in that region.

    As always I will release a detailed market report for the last week later on today to give investors and potential investors information on my market activities.

    - J.V. Lampen
    Haven 9 Industrial Corporation
    #8 - 2012-12-16 16:51:47 UTC
    Added 700 million to my investment, for a total of 1 billion ISK. Would also like to choose the rollover option for an unset time.
    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #9 - 2012-12-16 17:36:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Announcement: New Deposit

    Investor: Zaquaz
    Type of Investment: Private
    Date of Investment: 16 DEC 2012
    Date of Return/Interest Payments: 16 JAN 2012
    Value of Investment: 700m ISK
    Account Balance: 1B ISK
    Type of Account: Class I/B - Rollover
    Interest Rate: 7%
    Interest Return Every 30 Days: 70m

    Screen Capture of ISK Transfer to Joshua Vaughn Lampen:

    Thank you for your investment and should you have any questions please feel free to message me in-game or through this post.
    Razor Rocker
    Super Mother Fan Club
    #10 - 2012-12-16 17:59:38 UTC
    3b sent as discussed in game. Choosing Class I/B simple rollover option.
    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #11 - 2012-12-16 18:03:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Announcement: New Deposit

    Investor: Razor Rocker
    Type of Investment: Private
    Date of Investment: 16 DEC 2012
    Date of Return/Interest Payments: 16 JAN 2012
    Value of Investment: 3B ISK
    Account Balance: 3B ISK
    Type of Account: Class I/B - Rollover
    Interest Rate: 7%
    Interest Return Every 30 Days: 210m

    Screen Capture of ISK Transfer to Joshua Vaughn Lampen:

    Thank you for your investment and should you have any questions please feel free to message me in-game or through this post.
    Ronix Aideron
    Zymurgy Corp.
    #12 - 2012-12-16 19:24:50 UTC
    Invested 100 Million ISK. Please setup with a I/B account.

    Start the day off slow and taper off from there.

    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #13 - 2012-12-16 19:29:00 UTC
    Announcement: New Deposit

    Investor: Ronix Aideron
    Type of Investment: Private
    Date of Investment: 16 DEC 2012
    Date of Return/Interest Payments: 16 JAN 2012
    Value of Investment: 100m ISK
    Account Balance: 100m ISK
    Type of Account: Class I/B - Rollover
    Interest Rate: 7%
    Interest Return Every 30 Days: 7m

    Screen Capture of ISK Transfer to Joshua Vaughn Lampen:

    Thank you for your investment and should you have any questions please feel free to message me in-game or through this post.
    Mme Pinkerton
    #14 - 2012-12-16 21:22:23 UTC
    I advise potential investors to research Joshua Vaughn Lampen as part of exercising due diligence.

    I am not aware of anything to be alarmed about, but there is an odd coincidence that I can't make head nor tail of and that investors should ponder carefully.

    I apologize to Lampen for this disruption of his thread.
    Keaton DuCasse
    The Destiny Logistics.
    #15 - 2012-12-16 21:31:30 UTC
    Class I - Option B - 4b ISK please
    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #16 - 2012-12-16 21:39:03 UTC
    Announcement: New Deposit

    Investor: Keaton DuCasse
    Type of Investment: Private
    Date of Investment: 16 DEC 2012
    Date of Return/Interest Payments: 16 JAN 2012
    Value of Investment: 4B ISK
    Account Balance: 4B ISK
    Type of Account: Class I/B - Rollover
    Interest Rate: 7%
    Interest Return Every 30 Days: 280m

    Screen Capture of ISK Transfer to Joshua Vaughn Lampen:

    Thank you for your investment and should you have any questions please feel free to message me in-game or through this post.
    Joshua Vaughn Lampen
    Archer Investments Initiative
    #17 - 2012-12-16 21:43:52 UTC
    Mme Pinkerton wrote:
    I advise potential investors to research Joshua Vaughn Lampen as part of exercising due diligence.

    I am not aware of anything to be alarmed about, but there is an odd coincidence that I can't make head nor tail of and that investors should ponder carefully.

    I apologize to Lampen for this disruption of his thread.

    If there's something at issue please contact me in-game if you'd like. If there's a typo somewhere please let me know as it wouldn't be the first time I've missed something small and I'd like to correct it so I don't confuse anyone.
    Ronix Aideron
    Zymurgy Corp.
    #18 - 2012-12-16 21:45:41 UTC
    Mme Pinkerton wrote:
    I advise potential investors to research Joshua Vaughn Lampen as part of exercising due diligence.

    I am not aware of anything to be alarmed about, but there is an odd coincidence that I can't make head nor tail of and that investors should ponder carefully.

    I apologize to Lampen for this disruption of his thread.

    Caveat Emptor is always there in EVE. That is why I did not invest my entire fortune.

    Start the day off slow and taper off from there.

    Fractal Muse
    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #19 - 2012-12-16 23:00:47 UTC
    Mme Pinkerton wrote:
    I advise potential investors to research Joshua Vaughn Lampen as part of exercising due diligence.

    I am not aware of anything to be alarmed about, but there is an odd coincidence that I can't make head nor tail of and that investors should ponder carefully.

    I apologize to Lampen for this disruption of his thread.

    The design of the system has strong similarities to past ponzi type schemes.

    This doesn't mean that this is a ponzi scheme. As always, investors should evaluate the risk of any investment and understand that there is a possibility of losing all of it at any given time for a variety of reasons.

    Every One
    Triglavian Directive
    S h a d o w
    #20 - 2012-12-17 01:04:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Every One
    Fractal Muse wrote:

    The design of the system has strong similarities to past ponzi type schemes.

    WoW! Then I should try to lure as many investors as possible to this bond so that I'll keep getting the money back Blink.
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