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So what PVE ships are still viable now that CCP nuked missiles?

First post
Risien Drogonne
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-12-15 21:02:56 UTC
I mission in a rattlesnake and it still works fine. Did Blockade, Worlds Collide and lots more just yesterday.
My Dot Corp
#22 - 2012-12-15 23:23:18 UTC
To OP:

Stop AFK mission running with Drones? I have another word for that, it starts with a "B" but I dont remember how to spell it.

Your Fit sucks?

[b]If your griefing about EvE online and still paying for it, your hooked and CCP has done thier job.

Now go blow somebodies ship up and stop whining about whatever your are lacking.[/b]

Dark Long
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2012-12-16 00:08:31 UTC
anthore they nerf my heavy missles oh nos!!!.

Get a real level 4 mission ship like a torp golem there deadly now thanks to the buff and as for heavys ya they got nerf for a damn good reason deal with it and HTFU. Tengus drakes and nighthawk still work just not like they use to with heavys.
ISD Suvetar
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#24 - 2012-12-16 00:12:53 UTC
The navy Caracal is quite a lot of fun Cool

[b]ISD Suvetar Captain/Commando Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

#25 - 2012-12-16 00:18:59 UTC
Be4st wrote:
I have just tried missions since Retribution got put in place and I must say... I feel like crying. I have always used missile ships in PVE. I was using a Tengu until it got highsec ganked so now I use a passive Nighthawk. With the missile nerf, I find it hard hitting **** past 40 km with heavies and if a target goes faster than me, I cant even whip out my drones to kill it as they get blapp'd in seconds.

On a Tengu, T1 HMLs go out to 93km. Fury go out to ~70km (or is it 80km?.) It's true that HMLs and Fury missiles took a bit of a nerf in terms of damage and explosion velocity and explosion radius, but they're pretty minor nerfs overall. The Tengu is still good for PvE.

However, the Nighthawk with its lack of a missile range bonus, now sucks hard for PvE.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2012-12-16 00:46:35 UTC
Lrn2tengu bro. Still pulling in 7 mil ticks at the very least.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2012-12-16 02:42:15 UTC
Have you tried switching to a drone boat? Big smile

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#28 - 2012-12-16 02:46:33 UTC
Use a Tengu. Just don't pimp it out. It doesn't need to be anything other then T2 fit for all L4 missions.

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

Ginger Barbarella
#29 - 2012-12-16 03:04:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Ginger Barbarella
Tippia wrote:
Well, there are the missile ships, the hybrid ships, the projectile ships, the laser ships and the drone ships left.

So that only really leaves smartbomb ships and industrials as less than viable for PvE.

Lazor/2x smartie-fit Ashimmu is a very viable ship for PvE... And no, I'm not paranoid about using smarties in high sec because I know how to use them.

My Cerb hasn't taken nearly the hit I thought it would, and in fact has much better range now than my Tengu does.

Additionally, my arty Loki and Vaga (and just about any other arty ship) has made me miss the HML Tengu a LOT less. Cool

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Usagi Toshiro
Null Tax Crew
#30 - 2012-12-16 06:28:03 UTC
You can still use missiles you just need to adapt your strategy. You could switch to guns and give yourself a crash course in how transversal velocity affects your ability to hit targets...just sayin.

Trolls are like stray cats. If you feed them they multiply. Please do not  feed the trolls.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#31 - 2012-12-16 06:37:43 UTC
I Love Boobies wrote:
Be4st wrote:
2 months ago, I created an alt that would have eventually flown a Rattlesnake. That was a waste of time training as his main DPS is from drones which don't last very long now. .

Dude, my Rattlesnake does missions just fine, even better than before, even with the new NPC AI. Why do I say it is better? Because they buffed the drone upgrade mods, and now I am getting well over 1000dps with the Rattlesnake by using Inferno Fury and Garde IIs, which is more than 100 more dps pre-retribution. Also, they removed the penalties on t2 missiles, so my signature radius is much lower too, so I am taking less damage. Grow some balls son. Blink

I fly two drone boats in a pair. They RR each other, so the NPCs quite happily target the mission-hardened battleships instead of the T2 sentry drones (well, most of the time).

Be4st wrote:
I cant live like this and I refuse to join those elitist morons with incursions.

So fly with the non-elitist intelligent people who drag kitchen sink fleets along to Incursions?
Kanta Kansene
Agentes in rebus
#32 - 2012-12-16 06:51:54 UTC
Caracal Navy Issue will rip through missions. In level 1 missions, the rats can't hit you because your range exceeds theirs and you don't even need to group your weapons, 1 to 2 missiles total will pop them. Level 2's aren't much different, the larger ships may require a full volley or even two. I never really tried level 3 missions in my navy Caracal, because by that time I had a drake that could lob heavies out to what has now been reduced to 52 km, still plenty far enough to hit anything in a level 3 mission. Level 4 missions are, from what is often said on these forums, tuned to be run in a battleship, so if the changes made it too hard to run in a battlecruiser hull, you may want to try out a battleship. My CNR is slow, but it gets the job done without much trouble. I've moved to nullsec recently, so I don't run missions any more, but the drake and the CNR both do well in anomalies. I don't know how much the nerf was needed, but it definitely didn't make my ratting/mission running harder, just made me have to get a little closer and fire a few more missiles.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#33 - 2012-12-16 09:15:41 UTC
How about you fly like a man?

Get your torpedoes, target painters ready, Golem is your lvl 4 ship.

I hate to hear about the missile nerf, but tengu is for exploration of low and null and WH.

lvl 4 and hi sec is meant for other stuff.

This post sums up why the 'best' work with DCM inc.

WARP DRIVE makes eve boring

really - add warping align time 300% on gun aggression and eve becomes great again

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#34 - 2012-12-16 10:27:19 UTC
ISD Suvetar wrote:
The navy Caracal is quite a lot of fun Cool

Here is a concept.
When you want to post a personal opinion, use one of your alts not associated with ISD / CCP.

Maybe it would be better if you did not post personal opinion with a ISD char that is supposed to be neutral and supposed to protect the integrity of the forums, rather than take a personal position on one side of a debate or the other?

Or can this suggestion that you be neutral be construed as a "personal attack"?

Waiting expectantly for my ban......
#35 - 2012-12-16 10:28:22 UTC
I heard drone ships are awsome ...

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

ashley Eoner
#36 - 2012-12-16 12:03:46 UTC
Dave stark wrote:
by nuked missiles, you mean buffed every missile system in the game except standard heavy missiles?

i guess every single one apart from your drake and tengu, but even those ships are fine, just put hams on them.

Wait how did they buff cruise missiles? You know the missile system most people point at and laugh when brought up?
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#37 - 2012-12-16 12:08:57 UTC
The world Balance doesn't mean a thing to carebears.

The Tears Must Flow

Oberine Noriepa
#38 - 2012-12-16 12:24:55 UTC
Be4st wrote:
I have just tried missions since Retribution got put in place and I must say... I feel like crying. I have always used missile ships in PVE. I was using a Tengu until it got highsec ganked so now I use a passive Nighthawk. With the missile nerf, I find it hard hitting **** past 40 km with heavies and if a target goes faster than me, I cant even whip out my drones to kill it as they get blapp'd in seconds. 2 months ago, I created an alt that would have eventually flown a Rattlesnake. That was a waste of time training as his main DPS is from drones which don't last very long now. I PVP and my main income was from missions. I used to get 10 mill ticks and just now after the 2 missions I did, I am getting 2 mill ticks. I cant live like this and I refuse to join those elitist morons with incursions.

So... what are my other options? What ships can I fly in missions? I can fly every T1 sub-cap, nearly every T2 and all T3's but the only large T2's I can use are torps which are useless. I can use all small and medium T2 weaponry and I have decent specialisation skills with them.

Edit - Please don't bypass the profanity filter. ISD Suvetar

Sounds like a personal problem. Perhaps you should smarten up when you fly a Tengu in missions? Speed tanking in conjunction with active shield tanking still works extremely well. I would know, as I've had absolutely no problems flying my Tengu in L4s or epic arcs.

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2012-12-16 12:32:46 UTC
sYnc Vir wrote:
Use a Tengu. Just don't pimp it out. It doesn't need to be anything other then T2 fit for all L4 missions.

That said, a nicely pimped out Tengu running 6 HAM launchers will put out well over 1000dps with Rage, or over 800dps with Javelins.

[b]ISD Type40 Lt. Commander Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Risien Drogonne
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2012-12-16 16:37:33 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
The world Balance doesn't mean a thing to carebears.

Useless generalizations ftw!
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