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What would you say if you woke up to the Avatar above you in your bed?

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Toluijin Chagangan
#6561 - 2012-12-14 04:43:42 UTC
How much did i drink last night, What are you doing there and why can't i move my legs?
Eurydia Vespasian
Storm Hunters
#6562 - 2012-12-14 06:24:48 UTC
*eyes wide* if i hide under the blankets i am invisible.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6563 - 2012-12-14 12:08:22 UTC
Dont be sad! Im still smiling!

"I think you should buy a new Mayan calendar. Mine has muscle cars on it." - Kenneth O'Hara

"I dont think that can happen, you can see Gray has his invuln field on in his portrait." - Commissar "Cake" Kate

Melvin Coulter
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#6564 - 2012-12-14 13:19:03 UTC
* grasps the grav belt * oh sh- *hit the ground* **** that hurt..

Move along!

Eurydia Vespasian
Storm Hunters
#6565 - 2012-12-14 20:46:06 UTC
*sigh* must have been the uniform...and the drinks. hope i didn't do anything too stu...*peeks under sheets*

Calico-Jack Daniels
#6566 - 2012-12-14 21:39:37 UTC
Yes! Finally, a hot chick! Um... yer wearing my eyepatch... and nothing else ShockedLolCool

I go well with Quafe...

Devara Biotech
#6567 - 2012-12-14 21:44:22 UTC
ohh ****. Can't believe I fell for this.

*note to self: when a stranger with dreadlocks offer you a cigar, dont smoke it*


NA No Assholes
#6568 - 2012-12-14 21:57:23 UTC
I didn't realize all of your tattoo's were connected!
Devara Biotech
#6569 - 2012-12-14 22:11:02 UTC
You didn't even get to see them all before you fell asleep.


Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#6570 - 2012-12-14 23:30:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Boom Boom Longtime
This is the joy of waking up to a new day and fresh horizons just waiting to be explored. The sun is certainly shining so the outlook is optimistic for the morning at the very least, if not the whole day........

Concord Approved Trader

Devara Biotech
#6571 - 2012-12-15 00:12:59 UTC
Ohh hello there darling. What a wonderful trip to the art gallery we had. But I think we might have consumed a bit too much champagne because I don't remember going to bed with you.


Lothian Enterprises
#6572 - 2012-12-15 00:19:31 UTC
Unspeakable things Bear

[center]Haruhiists - Overloading Out of Pod discussions since 2007. /人◕‿‿◕人\ Unban Saede![/center]

Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#6573 - 2012-12-15 00:31:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Boom Boom Longtime
Mizhir wrote:
Ohh hello there darling. What a wonderful trip to the art gallery we had. But I think we might have consumed a bit too much champagne because I don't remember going to bed with you.
Me too, but as far as unions go, synergy occurred and if that ritual was to be compared to a painting then oils on the easel combined rather nicely to create a masterpiece.

Kirjava wrote:
Unspeakable things Bear
If only you had got the spai cam in place in time that footage would have been electric Big smile

Concord Approved Trader

Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6574 - 2012-12-15 00:35:29 UTC
Hai Big smile

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#6575 - 2012-12-15 00:41:45 UTC
Hello Big smile

Concord Approved Trader

Baby ChuChu
Ice Cream Asylum
#6576 - 2012-12-15 00:44:23 UTC
Bye-...ah...tied me to the bed I see. Touche, Boom Boom, touche.
Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#6577 - 2012-12-15 00:54:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Boom Boom Longtime
Bunny, Boom and Baby Chu tied up in the bed - you bitches better not steal the covers - that is all that needs said Big smile

Concord Approved Trader

Eurydia Vespasian
Storm Hunters
#6578 - 2012-12-15 01:16:02 UTC
is this the part where you tell me i will "be assimilated?" don't think i'm ready for that at this stage in our relationship.
Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#6579 - 2012-12-15 01:34:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Boom Boom Longtime
as I slowly awake and garner vision to meet the glint of your beautiful seductive eyes and radiant smile i can tell this is going to be a wild morning *grins*

Concord Approved Trader

Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6580 - 2012-12-15 02:39:01 UTC
Boom Boom Longtime wrote:
Bunny, Boom and Baby Chu tied up in the bed - you bitches better not steal the covers - that is all that needs said Big smile

I already have your <3

What more could I need? Pirate

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?