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Aegis Destroyers

Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-12-13 23:14:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Valerie Tessel
Original thread


Provide a new specialized Tech 1 destroyer that can actively protect a target by affecting the incoming fire.
- Missile defense: similar to defender missiles, but on someone else's behalf
- Hybrid / Projectile / Laser defense: reduce or deflect incoming damage

The difference: Logistics apply after damage has been done, command buffs apply to toughen a target, ewar seeks to prevent the shot. This applies after the shot has been fired, but before it can hit. It mitigates the damage before it is applied, not after. It works on proximal friendly targets.

See the other posts here for more detail.

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-12-14 14:42:13 UTC
Some copy-pasta then...

The Gap

As Louie Woo summarizes later in this thread, there are four natural responses to developing a defense against incoming damage. Eve today only covers three of them.

Disruption (prevent the shot)
  • ECM
  • Tracking disruptor
  • Target breaker

Hardening (toughen the target)
  • Plates / Shield extenders
  • Hardeners / Resistance amplifiers / Invulnerability fields
  • Resistance / buffer boosts from Command Ships

Repair (clean up the mess)
  • Local armor rep / shield booster
  • Remote armor rep / shield transfer

Interception (physically block part of the shot)
  • Defender missiles?
  • (gap!)

We currently are missing a way to intervene and prevent or reduce incoming damage on someone else. Defender missiles only work for you, and only against missiles. In other words, we can't actively and simply protect our corpmates. We can't directly protect our clients. And unless you can fly a Command Ship or are a fleet booster of some sort, you can't contribute to damage reduction during an attack.

I'm proposing both a new role, for a new kind of destroyer, and new modules and skills to use them. Further, the idea is aimed at cheap ships piloted by newer players that should make them integral to a balanced fleet (beyond tackle).


New modules:

  • Missile suppression / protection over a target
  • Turret suppression / protection over a target
  • Sensor links for fire suppression / interception

New ship / role: Destroyer that specializes in anti-ballistic, anti-missile, anti-laser, or anti-hybrid warfare.

An anti-laser module, for example, would fire reflective chaff modules in the path of incoming laser fire, with the chance to deflect fire on a targeted ship based on the distance to the line of fire. An anti-missile module would fire real defender missiles to protect a targeted vessel. In each case, some form of sensor link with the targeted ship can help increase the chance of reducing, deflecting, or intercepting incoming fire.

Additional details in these posts:
- Mechanics & Countering Strategies
- New modules and skills

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Seranova Farreach
Biomass Negative
#3 - 2012-12-14 15:04:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Seranova Farreach
try flying missles and you will understand. defenders can be rapid deployment from smaller launchers or longer range to try intercept high yeald missles long befor they get to you.
or if you fly gunnery.. say a ruppy.. it gets the 2 (or 1 ) spare high now. orcane with 2 spares.. that is adding defender ontop of HARDENING and repair/remote repair/Buffer.

and let us not forget if you really wanted you could ahve a full rack of defenders on your ship to mitigate 100% of the missle damage (depentant on how meny slots you have for missles)

so i think defenders are fine just under used.

and iv been flying missles for 3 years so i KNOW what im talking about.


Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-12-14 16:18:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Valerie Tessel
Seranova Farreach wrote:
try flying missles and you will understand. defenders can be rapid deployment from smaller launchers or longer range to try intercept high yeald missles long befor they get to you.
or if you fly gunnery.. say a ruppy.. it gets the 2 (or 1 ) spare high now. orcane with 2 spares.. that is adding defender ontop of HARDENING and repair/remote repair/Buffer.

and let us not forget if you really wanted you could ahve a full rack of defenders on your ship to mitigate 100% of the missle damage (depentant on how meny slots you have for missles)

so i think defenders are fine just under used.

and iv been flying missles for 3 years so i KNOW what im talking about.

Can you fire defenders for someone else? That's what I'm interested in, defending a friendly target, not the ship I'm flying. Please read through the posts in the other thread. This was discussed quite a bit there.

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Hakan MacTrew
Konrakas Forged
Solyaris Chtonium
#5 - 2012-12-14 17:37:28 UTC
Interesting concept... Would you mind expanding further on the methods you would use to 'intercept' incoming fire? Could there be a catch-all method?

I will watch this thread closely and give my musings at a later date.
Mole Guy
Bob's Bait and Tackle
I Showed You My Probes... Please Respond...
#6 - 2012-12-14 18:18:13 UTC
ive proposed this a few years back. having a command style ship (designated defender ship) that can use defenders in a fleet setting. you assign your ship to aide another (say interceptor) and stay kinda close. any incoming missiles will be intercepted by the defender or severly reduced.
or, a CIWS style gattling gun anti missile platform. basicallt it would use a small turret slot and load with what ever ammo your race uses. (gattling laser, gattling hybrid, whatever.) this would shoot down incoming missiles (atleast some of them) and reduce damage.

back to the post, if you has a cerb designated as fleet defender, it would get the cerb bonuses on missiles and could really keep the fleet (or designated ship) safe.

the chaff portion is REALLY kewl. i dont know how it would work against turrets. the only way to mess up a turret is with a tracking disruption type thing.. once the laser is aimed and the trigger is pulled, its going where its aimed. missiles on the other hand are made of air craft aluminum and really get chewed up by incoming bullets or if they are beam riders, they can be confused by chaff easier. would be kewl to hear more ideas on implimentation tho. might make something work.

but chaff isnt for incoming projectiles, its for missiles that are guided and the metal pieces reflect the radar.
Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-12-14 18:40:49 UTC
More copy-pasta:

Having more complexity for fleet fights is certainly one of the aims of this idea.

Ayla Hanaya wrote:
Sounds like a solid idea, but it does need polish... As far as Anti-Missile defense, Defender missiles work nicely for stopping incoming missile damage, but what you're proposing would require major reworks, new modules, new ships, and balancing for other ships to provide them a viable countermeasure to a whole fleet of these ships. Not gonna thumbs up this one yet, but i'll follow this idea.

Regarding counters to an Aegis destroyer there were a couple of things I thought might work.

Position and Effectiveness
First, the limitations of positional requirements: distance to line of fire, and perhaps distance to protected target are factors in the effectiveness of the modules. The closer the Aegis destroyer is to the line of fire between attacker and protected target, the more time the module has to intercept incoming fire, hence the more effectively it places the countermeasure.

The notion of reaction time also generates the second factor for effectiveness. The closer the Aegis destroyer is to the midpoint of the line between attacker and protected target, the more effective the countermeasure is. Being too close to the attacker reduces reaction time, being too close to the protected target reduces the space in which protective measures may be deployed. The ideal position for an Aegis destroyer, then, is midway between attacker and protected target, directly on, or very near the line of fire.

Naturally, skills at using the modules, and the effectiveness of the modules themselves would also be a factor. Beyond that, the effectiveness should also be proportional to the size of the weapons system, in the same way that weapons system size affects ability to hit targets today. Incoming fire from a frigate would be nearly impossible to intercept, whereas incoming fire from a battleship is much easier to mitigate.

Counters to Aegis Destroyers
Given that position and size plays so important a role in the effectiveness of the defense, a number of tactics arise that would be effective against a large group of Aegis destroyers.

First, and foremost, sniper fit destroyers and assault frigates could have a distinct advantage against Aegis destroyers. Imagine a fleet composition as follows:

  • Battleships, Command Ships, Battlecruisers, Cruisers and Logistics ships form the main fleet
  • Auxiliary tackle and Ewar ships
  • Aegis destroyers protecting bigger ships, including logis

The attacking fleet would have to punch through the defensive wall of Aegis destroyers in order to effectively attack the higher value targets they protect. Primary fire from blobs of BS, BC, or cruisers wouldn't be all that effective because the Aegis destroyers are protecting themselves as well as Logistics which can also lend support to the defensive wall.

But, Aegis destroyers are vulnerable to sniper-fit destroyers and assault frigates. Imagine using an initial wave of dessies and AFs to punch a hole in the wall. Imagine also, using tacklers to pin Aegis destroyers to pull them out of position. Even better, if we had another new module, say, a combat tractor beam, that could be used by a tackler to pull the destroyers out of position, we could have even richer sets of tactics.

While the initial wave of destroyers and AFs are working to create a hole, the larger fleet assets are maneuvering (!) to aim through that hole in the defense to start putting the hurt on the higher value assets of the defending fleet.

As you can see, there are richer tactics, maneuver, counter, target handling, that would arise from the addition of these capabilities. The role of wing command would become more important. The role of Logistics pilot would become more interesting (rep the wall, abandon the wall, rep the assets, run!).

Another alternative, given that range between attacker and protected target is important... Point-blank range with blasters becomes a reasonable countering tactic. Gallente buff!

Please help me refine the idea. Also, I ask for your support.

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-12-14 18:41:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Valerie Tessel
Even more copy-pasta from original thread:

Jack Carrigan wrote:
I am not completely opposed to this, however do have a suggestion. Aegis cruisers of modern navies utilize point defense weapons (usually in the format of a 20-millimetersuggestion gatling gun linked to radar and acoustical detection). So with that I would say give these new ships "point defense batteries" that require you to target the aggressing missile boat and when missiles come in these batteries open up with an extremely lightweight ammunition in 4-shots per point defense battery. Let the Aegis destroyer fit 4 of them and give it a percentile chance to destroy the incoming missiles and you reduce incoming damage. Also make it so said batteries are purely defensive so that they cannot be utilized to engage other ships and you're golden.

In one of the posts in the thread somewhere I suggested something along the lines of a singularity projector. When activated it would pull in some are all of the incoming shot, be it hybrid weapons fire, laser fire, projectiles, or missiles.

If targeting the aggressor were required and you activate a module on the aggressor, how would you prevent an alpha from a blob?

In the tactics post I mention a change to fleet battles where these Aegis destroyers are an initial shell that must be cracked before the main fleet may be effectively engaged. Taking Phalanx CIWS as an analogue, the system automatically targets the incoming fire. That's why I proposed that it be a module (or it could certainly be a weapons system) that you activate on a friendly. While the module is active, it would provide interception for all incoming fire of a certain type aimed at that friendly, with effectiveness determined by position, skill, and equipment quality.

I guess I should spell out what these modules are and how you'd use them.

High-slot modules:

Coherence Disruptor
Prevents or shifts laser fire on a friendly target
(skills: Laser Decoherence, Close-In Weapon Upgrades)

Projectile Shunt
Alters the course of a projectile fired at a friendly to turn it into a glancing blow or a miss
(skills: Projectile Deflection, Close-In Weapon Upgrades)

Plasma Decelerator
Cools a hybrid shot out of its plasma state while slowing it down reducing or eliminating the damage done to a friendly target
(skills: Hybrid Degeneration, Close-In Weapon Upgrades)

Phalanx Cannons
Fires micrometeorite fragments in the path of incoming missiles, deflecting or prematurely detonating them as they home in on a friendly
(skills: Phalanx Coordination, Close-In Weapon Upgrades)

Mid-slot modules:

Close-In Weapons Link
Increases the effectiveness of CIWS defense on a given friendly by linking sensors with the friendly's threat computer
(skill: Close-In Weapon Upgrades, Sensor Linking)

Combat Tractor Beam
Actively pulls a live target. Interceptor-only, or possible new role for T1 frigate. Same range as a webifier.
(skill: Propulsion Jamming?)

I'm a little ambivalent over whether these modules should actually use charges are not. It could be awesome to see them firing their hearts out at incoming fire and exhausting their stores of ammunition requiring a reload. The trick would be that you activate the module without it having to consume ammo until there is actual incoming fire. I'd prefer that a destroyer be able to hold enough ammo to engage for at least 10 minutes before exhausting said ammo. I thought it might just be easier to imagine these modules creating tiny subspace distortions or something like that and only using cap.


Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-12-14 18:45:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Valerie Tessel

Any recommendations for ship names? The name "Aegis" itself would seem to fit Gallente (they have Myrmidons, Ares, Keres... etc.), though calling the Gallente ship an Athena-class Destroyer just sounds better. So let's start there:
  • Gallente: Athena class
  • Minmatar: Mattock class (fits with the weapon naming, as opposed to weather, dogs, or the occa)
  • Amarr: Penitent class (religious theme)
  • Caldari: Djinn class (mythical creature like the Basilisk)

Dark Drifter wrote:

to counter the invincibly fleet issue you are suggesting..

all mods are targeted. and have to be active before the shot is fired. this means that it can only be active on one target.
this means that the "aegis destroyer" can only protect one ship per mod fitted.

if the "AD" is projecting defense logistics to multiple targets then their effect is going to be greatly diminished.

That's correct, although an Aegis destroyer should be able to fit several of these defensive modules. Each module is also only effective for one kind of incoming fire. That does a couple of things to limit their power:

Sudden Attacks
In the hi-sec gank protection detail scenario, you'd fit the ships such that they had at least one of each kind of module, possibly two of each kind if we assume all 8 high slots. This means that the defenders are ready for any kind of damage that may show up, but they need to be on the ball to use the correct defensive measure for the attackers who show up. They could spam all 8 modules on the intended friendly, but the ganker simply needs to wait for them to cap out.

The appropriate response if the attacker doesn't immediately fire, is for the Athena pilot (for example) to examine the attackers to see what weapons they're actually using. Defense is by weapon type, as opposed to hardened by damage type. This means a visual examination of the attacker, or fitting a combat scanner would do the trick. The Athena pilot activates all modules at first, then figures they only need the anti-projectile modules on.

The gank could still be possible by a crew bringing a mixed bag of weapon types to the party.

Skirmish with Intel
Scouts report on the enemy fleet composition, or spies do, and notify your fleet that the enemy is running a Hellcat fleet. You order your Djinn pilots to be ready with their Coherence Disruptors (anti-laser). What you don't know is that an enemy reserve fleet is bringing Gallente ships running blasters for point-blank attack (which is very difficult for Aegis destroyers to handle given the range and interposition requirements).

Preparation gives the defender the advantage. Operational security and surprise levels the playing field.

To sum up, there are lots of ways, given the suggested mechanics, that Aegis destroyers are prevented from becoming overpowered. New fitting, intel, and piloting doctrines would be needed: Aegis hunting with interceptors, new blaster-boat doctrine, maneuver tactics, cap and ecm warfare against Aegis destroyers, logistics and active defense boosting. Better, most of these activities should be accessible within the first few months of training for new characters.

For PvE content, bring the Sansha/Sleeper AI to L4 missions. They would still be in hi-sec, but they could be tougher to solo. Take your tanked battleship, but bring (or hire) two buddies flying Mattocks or Penitents. You're going to need them.

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Hakan MacTrew
Konrakas Forged
Solyaris Chtonium
#10 - 2012-12-14 18:46:11 UTC
I've had a bit of a think, what about using a 'bubble' or a 'field' to directly interfere incoming munitions that have to pass through it?

Lets say a couple of these Aegis Destroyers, (or other vessels,) are assigned to a fleet. They take up position between the bulk of the fleet and the the enemy. As the sh!t begins to hit the fan, they kick up their 'chaff screens' (for want of a better name,) and all munitions passing through said field has its damage reduced, including friendly fire.

FC's and WC's would have to maneuver their forces to fire through tactical gaps to maximise their damage. Logi wings would probably group up with a few of these Aegis ships in their midst for added protection.

The 'Stealth Fighter' suggested HERE could be an interesting counter to these Aegis ships.
#11 - 2012-12-15 18:25:18 UTC
first off stop copy pasting and use smaller posts im not even gonna bother finishing with reading all of them, second, dumb idea because in pvp it would be abused far too much
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#12 - 2012-12-15 20:20:28 UTC
To be without beeing too imbalanced the aegis destroyer should always stay in the line of fire and there create something like a sphere (one for every weapon kind) of maybe 5 km radius. Every bullet or missile that needs to get through this sphere will get intercepted with a chance of maybe 75%. But also if you get with drones or frigates into this sphere the aegis is not able to defend against it, because it is too close.
Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-12-15 21:32:35 UTC
androch wrote:
first off stop copy pasting and use smaller posts im not even gonna bother finishing with reading all of them, second, dumb idea because in pvp it would be abused far too much

If I used smaller posts, you'd just get a lot of little ones. There'd still be the same amount of text. We have these things called paragraphs, that separate logical thoughts. Also, enumerations like lists of modules, would still be as long.

If you're not going to bother reading them, I don't have to bother arguing with you.

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.