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Proposal: Higher Penalties for High Security Space Attacks (Ganks)

First post
Macon Chalaise
VNM Biological Survey Corps
#81 - 2011-10-22 17:45:39 UTC
Grayko wrote:
High Security Systems aren't secure at all.

Myslef and friends of mine were recently attacked and Ganked in High Security Systems, 0.6 and 0.8 systems...

If translated in the context of current events:

"Myself and some friends were in Africa mining minerals in a territory we have no claim or rights to and the local warlord said he didn't care about the minerals but that we needed to pay him protection money or we might have an 'accident'...

That's not fair..."

Good luck with that...;)


1.) Go somewhere else.
2.) Pay the protection money and hope the warlord keeps his word.
3.) Bring your own protection and risk protracted conflict with the warlord.

Here's to fire. Not the fast and furious kind that burns down shacks and shanties, but the slow, seductive kind that takes down pants and panties - Irish Toast

Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#82 - 2011-10-22 18:41:56 UTC
Roldanus wrote:

WOW! you are so smart!

Go get another thread LOSER!

Haha! Funny ! More pissed off PubLords
Also, this is EvE, if you don't like that no where but station is safe, stop playing, nothing regarding the Sec system and CONCORD is broken. This thread is rather useless, Suicide ganking is part of the game as much as mining is, so deal with it.


Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#83 - 2011-10-22 18:47:18 UTC
Angry Onions wrote:
Roldanus wrote:

WOW! you are so smart!

Go get another thread LOSER!

Haha! Funny ! More pissed off PubLords
Also, this is EvE, if you don't like that no where but station is safe, stop playing, nothing regarding the Sec system and CONCORD is broken. This thread is rather useless, Suicide ganking is part of the game as much as mining is, so deal with it.

Maybe if you took the time to read...and THINK (there's a concept) you might realize we where discussing the problem that the suicide gank mechanic is increasingly easier these days due to the fact there's not much to do in the way of defense as far as balance is concerned.

But your soo busy strutting your stuff like some crazed ape...your too busy beating you chest and saying you sux haha that your looking like a total idiot.

So please....give up while you still can before you embarrass your alliance....again.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2011-10-22 19:51:28 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:
Angry Onions wrote:
Roldanus wrote:

WOW! you are so smart!

Go get another thread LOSER!

Haha! Funny ! More pissed off PubLords
Also, this is EvE, if you don't like that no where but station is safe, stop playing, nothing regarding the Sec system and CONCORD is broken. This thread is rather useless, Suicide ganking is part of the game as much as mining is, so deal with it.

Maybe if you took the time to read...and THINK (there's a concept) you might realize we where discussing the problem that the suicide gank mechanic is increasingly easier these days due to the fact there's not much to do in the way of defense as far as balance is concerned.

But your soo busy strutting your stuff like some crazed ape...your too busy beating you chest and saying you sux haha that your looking like a total idiot.

So please....give up while you still can before you embarrass your alliance....again.

I ******* hate it when Drake and I agree on something. It means the end is near.

Bounties for all!

Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#85 - 2011-10-22 21:39:21 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:
Angry Onions wrote:
Roldanus wrote:

WOW! you are so smart!

Go get another thread LOSER!

Haha! Funny ! More pissed off PubLords
Also, this is EvE, if you don't like that no where but station is safe, stop playing, nothing regarding the Sec system and CONCORD is broken. This thread is rather useless, Suicide ganking is part of the game as much as mining is, so deal with it.

Maybe if you took the time to read...and THINK (there's a concept) you might realize we where discussing the problem that the suicide gank mechanic is increasingly easier these days due to the fact there's not much to do in the way of defense as far as balance is concerned.

But your soo busy strutting your stuff like some crazed ape...your too busy beating you chest and saying you sux haha that your looking like a total idiot.

So please....give up while you still can before you embarrass your alliance....again.

Suicide gank mechanic has always been easy ( like your mom! Ba dum tiss). Also I might add there are indeed ways to defend against the suicide gankers (unless they're really motivated to kill that Hulk or whatever).
Some methods are:
1) Orca with remote reps
2)Oversized local reps
3) Common sense (OP has none of it)
These three tactics will help you not be a victim of the suicide gank, as easy it is to gank, its just as easy to avoid being ganked
So please, shut the **** up what you nothing about Draconis.
P.S TEST Alliance flat out don't give a ****. They remember this is a game


Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#86 - 2011-10-22 21:39:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Angry Onions
Drake Draconis wrote:
Angry Onions wrote:
Roldanus wrote:

WOW! you are so smart!

Go get another thread LOSER!

Haha! Funny ! More pissed off PubLords
Also, this is EvE, if you don't like that no where but station is safe, stop playing, nothing regarding the Sec system and CONCORD is broken. This thread is rather useless, Suicide ganking is part of the game as much as mining is, so deal with it.

Maybe if you took the time to read...and THINK (there's a concept) you might realize we where discussing the problem that the suicide gank mechanic is increasingly easier these days due to the fact there's not much to do in the way of defense as far as balance is concerned.

But your soo busy strutting your stuff like some crazed ape...your too busy beating you chest and saying you sux haha that your looking like a total idiot.

So please....give up while you still can before you embarrass your alliance....again.

Suicide gank mechanic has always been easy ( like your mom! Ba dum tiss). Also I might add there are indeed ways to defend against the suicide gankers (unless they're really motivated to kill that Hulk or whatever).
Some methods are:
1) Orca with remote reps
2)Oversized local reps
3) Common sense (OP has none of it)
These three tactics will help you not be a victim of the suicide gank, as easy it is to gank, its just as easy to avoid being ganked
So please, shut the **** up what you nothing about Draconis.
P.S TEST Alliance flat out don't give a ****. They remember this is a game

EDIT: My bad for 2x post, browser lagged


Hiroshi Yakasuki
Yakasuki Enterprises
#87 - 2011-10-22 21:54:39 UTC
[Hulk, Buffer]
Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Medium F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
Magnetic Scattering Amplifier II
Invulnerability Field II
Invulnerability Field II

Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I

Medium Core Defence Field Extender I
Medium Core Defence Field Extender I

Problem Brutix?
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#88 - 2011-10-22 21:57:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Drake Draconis
Angry Onions wrote:

Suicide gank mechanic has always been easy ( like your mom! Ba dum tiss). Also I might add there are indeed ways to defend against the suicide gankers (unless they're really motivated to kill that Hulk or whatever).
Some methods are:
1) Orca with remote reps
2)Oversized local reps
3) Common sense (OP has none of it)
These three tactics will help you not be a victim of the suicide gank, as easy it is to gank, its just as easy to avoid being ganked
So please, shut the **** up what you nothing about Draconis.
P.S TEST Alliance flat out don't give a ****. They remember this is a game

1: No one will fit an orca with remote reps you noob... there's 3 high slots and 2 are always fitted with gang links and I seriously doubt 1 remote rep will be enough to stop a gank. Try flying one sometime before you start spouting non-sense.

2: Oversized local reps? What the hell are you getting at again? Local remote rep? You ever fit a hulk with such a thing? You even understand the concept of fitting mechanics in a industrailist sense?

3: Agreed...OP never had any to begin with....nor do you when it comes to mining.

The problem is you fail to understand because your too busy acting like an "Expert" short of blowing #### up so let me spell it out for you nooblet.

If someone wants to suicide gank they will do so without resistance or hesitation...and they will always (99%) succeed in doing so. A Protection fleet will fail at that point. Waste of time to debate.

THAT is why people hate it.

You cannot and you will not fit any mining barge in this game to withstand even an Tempest fitted for Alpha Strike.
As that is what seems to be the benchmark for most ganks.

I here people do it with smaller ships...destroyer or cruiser class.

That is a major gap.

The problem is not the the hell else can you eliminate someone with CONCORD protection in the first place.
The problem is inability to defend from such a strike in any shape form or only takes 1 salvo to do the job...possibly 2 if your in a lower rated security system.

So for once angry...engage that thing we call a brain before you respond.
We already know you hate me..we already know your a nice big strong PVP'er who preys on easy targets with little to no effort.

That's not what we are discussing here.

Get with the program or get out.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Hiroshi Yakasuki
Yakasuki Enterprises
#89 - 2011-10-22 22:20:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Hiroshi Yakasuki
Someone's just mad that their free ISK isn't without risk.
And if you want to spend 125m on a t2 fit 'pest to gank a hulk on the off chance that you get a wrecking blow. Feel free.
Questions? See above fit-post.

34.2k EHP vs Quake
28.5k EHP v. RF Phased Plas.
Foolproof? No. But unless the tempest gets a wrecking blow, chances are you're in low shields or armor, not your pod.

Also, if they use 2-3 tempests to 'guarantee' the kill, they're wasting a lot of isk for a 50m bounty :D
Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#90 - 2011-10-22 22:31:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Angry Onions
Where the hell did my arguement go? Damn ****** ingame browser, oh well, Hiro is making my point clearly and simply.


Smiling Menace
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2011-10-23 00:13:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Smiling Menace
Drake Draconis wrote:
Smiling Menace wrote:

I agree with you that T2 barges are a bit too easy to kill but having said that, if you are not AFK mining and an obvious combat ship jumps into your belt, wouldn't you be likely to watch them closely? If they start burning towards you, wouldn't you be spamming the warp button? Of course you did align to a station or a safe spot, right?

If you are AFK mining then this is your own fault. If you are not watching local and you allow another ship that's obviously not there for some ore to close on you, then this is your fault.

Same with being ganked in a paper thin hauler. Use the tools you have and you will be safe from gankers. A corp mate and I recently had to move 2bil worth of faction mods through hi sec. We used a battleship that was tanked to hell with the other as scout. Guess what? We didn't get ganked even though there were gankers on the gates.

I have not been suicide ganked by anything in hi sec in the nearly 5 years I have been playing eve. I learned very early on from other people's mistakes not to let your guard down once you undock. The only safe place in eve with 100% security guaranteed is in station. Undock at your peril.

With all due respect.

No #### Sherlock.

And further more.... Its a little late if someone warps to your belt and approaches you with intent to kill... ever try warping out in a hulk at full 180degree turn radius to escape from alpha strike?

Thought so....

you can say what you want..but when the data hits the paper...gankers have the advantage...full alert and all.

Don't get me wrong..not saying we should nerf suicide ganking...but a balance would be nice.

Sigh...learn reading comprehension to level 5 please.

Smiling Menace wrote:
Of course you did align to a station or a safe spot, right?

If you have to do a full 180 degree turn in anything other than a frigate in a belt, you fail at eve. Get out.

Oh another Protip for those that haven't worked it out yet....don't mine in systems of less than 0.8.

There is nothing wrong with the game mechanics. Suicide ganking is a fact of eve life. Stop crying like little girls, HTFU and deal with it.

And before anyone else makes comment, think about this....suicide ganking is nothing new, but yet everyone else manages to get by without crying about nerfing gankers?


I am not a suicide ganker by the way. I don't like it anymore than anyone else does but they pay to play same as we do so each to their own.
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#92 - 2011-10-23 00:35:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Drake Draconis
Smiling Menace wrote:

Sigh...learn reading comprehension to level 5 please.

Smiling Menace wrote:
Of course you did align to a station or a safe spot, right?

If you have to do a full 180 degree turn in anything other than a frigate in a belt, you fail at eve. Get out.

Oh another Protip for those that haven't worked it out yet....don't mine in systems of less than 0.8.

There is nothing wrong with the game mechanics. Suicide ganking is a fact of eve life. Stop crying like little girls, HTFU and deal with it.

And before anyone else makes comment, think about this....suicide ganking is nothing new, but yet everyone else manages to get by without crying about nerfing gankers?


I am not a suicide ganker by the way. I don't like it anymore than anyone else does but they pay to play same as we do so each to their own.

Look who's talking.

Sounds like you need to learn to read as well.

I never said one bloody thing about suicide ganking being not fair or complaining about it.
I'm only talking about hard facts and data.

You obviously have never tried to pilot a hulk....

The 180 bit is a metaphor...aligning a hulk is a waste of time at best because even if your nose is aimed in the correct exit vector you still have to throttle up and then get at the right angle of attack to warp out...especially if the exit vector is above or below your zero elevation. And even if your safe spot is spot on...your hulk or mack is slow as the slowest fat cat... and lets be honest...who doesn't land at zero on a gank strike without a cloaky pilot?

When they strike..its first salvo and your dead...period.

Lower sec rated systems gives them more time to take you down. They can bump you off course as well.

Its easier than shooting fish in a barrel at that rate...just look at all the fun the goons are having after all.

I'm also finding it laughable that people think they can tank their hulks to survive a suicide gank.
Yeah...right...keep going with that'll find out real fast its a total waste of time.

If it was wouldn't be so popular now would it.

Wake up and smell the quafe people...your just making pitiful excuses and refusing to read.

Suicide ganking is here to stay....but lets try to make it a little bit more interesting and try to make it challenging enough shall we?

If you haven't figured that much out...your just as dumb...if not worse... as you accuse me to be.

Serious case of "selective reading loss" If I ever saw one.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Thredd Necro
#93 - 2011-10-23 00:41:30 UTC
Wuts goin on her?

He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which. - Douglas Adams

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#94 - 2011-10-23 03:05:44 UTC
A few notes on "aligning".

If you are at a dead-stop, then it doesn't matter which way you are pointing when you click align-to (or warp-to or double-click in space). Your ship instantly turns (ignore the graphic) and immediately starts accelerating to 75% max velocity in order to enter warp. Doesn't matter whether you were originally pointed in the right direction, 180 degrees opposite, whatever.

Where alignment does come into play is if you are at a non-zero speed. In order for your ship to warp off in the direction that you want it to, the engines have to beat the inertia of the moving ship around and line it up on the vector at the same time that it is trying to get to 75% speed.

For those curious to test this - try webbing a corp-mate's freighter sometime. If you apply the web when it is sitting at zero velocity, you'll find that it warps off almost immediately (such as after a gate jump). If you apply the web as it exits a station or when it is moving at full speed, the freighter will spend a lot of time turning around to get on the outbound vector before it can warp off.
Anela Cistine
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#95 - 2011-10-23 03:51:56 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:

Other than obvious cheap shots...I must sheepishly admit that most of my "anti-goon-isms" where based on the angry mob.

That's okay, we don't mind role playing the bad guys so that other players have the opportunity to role play the heroes. Just think of us as rats like Sanchas or Serpentis, but with slightly better AI and a (terrible) forum presence. Once you learn our moves we're not much more troublesome to deal with than belt rats.
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#96 - 2011-10-23 05:17:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Drake Draconis
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
A few notes on "aligning".

If you are at a dead-stop, then it doesn't matter which way you are pointing when you click align-to (or warp-to or double-click in space). Your ship instantly turns (ignore the graphic) and immediately starts accelerating to 75% max velocity in order to enter warp. Doesn't matter whether you were originally pointed in the right direction, 180 degrees opposite, whatever.

Where alignment does come into play is if you are at a non-zero speed. In order for your ship to warp off in the direction that you want it to, the engines have to beat the inertia of the moving ship around and line it up on the vector at the same time that it is trying to get to 75% speed.

For those curious to test this - try webbing a corp-mate's freighter sometime. If you apply the web when it is sitting at zero velocity, you'll find that it warps off almost immediately (such as after a gate jump). If you apply the web as it exits a station or when it is moving at full speed, the freighter will spend a lot of time turning around to get on the outbound vector before it can warp off.

Nicely said. :)

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#97 - 2011-10-23 05:21:05 UTC
Anela Cistine wrote:
Drake Draconis wrote:

Other than obvious cheap shots...I must sheepishly admit that most of my "anti-goon-isms" where based on the angry mob.

That's okay, we don't mind role playing the bad guys so that other players have the opportunity to role play the heroes. Just think of us as rats like Sanchas or Serpentis, but with slightly better AI and a (terrible) forum presence. Once you learn our moves we're not much more troublesome to deal with than belt rats.

Your not the bad guys.

Your just playing the game more seriously than most.

There is not one bloody thing wrong with that.

Everyone else can do the very same things... that's why I think people are stupid to be yelling at "goons doing this" "goons doing that"

Yes...your "style" may be in question...even in my case...but that's not a cheat.

Otherwise you'd cease to exist.

Your doing the things everyone else can do and they DO those things regardless.
Your alliance is the glorified scapegoat of the mob....that's just wrong IMHO.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Solarwind Interstellar Mining and Production Ltd
#98 - 2011-10-23 07:24:19 UTC
OP, you must have clicked on the "I consent to PVP , anytime, anyplace" button. Amirite? That one down in the lower left hand corner? DID you get violenced?
#99 - 2011-10-23 14:56:47 UTC
don't pay em. If the goons are asking for ANYTHING assume its a scam and most likely is
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#100 - 2011-10-23 15:43:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Carrigan
Why in the nine crimson Hells is this thread still going? It's getting nowhere.

Bullet points to consider:
- Barges and Exhumers can be tanked to survive (but can only survive for so long)
- Barges and Exhumers with Logistics support can survive a gank fairly well
- Barges and Exhumers actually have scored kills due to the above listed point (the second one)
- Barges and Exhumers are broken down by class with each having a relative amount of EHP
Tier 1 - Procurer/Skiff (Frigate-class)
Tier 2 - Retriever/Mackinaw (Cruiser-class)
Tier 3 - Covetor/Hulk (Battlecruiser-class)
- The more you feed the trolls, the more they'll just keep coming back
- Drake, you're a ****ing moron in both an Industrial sense and a Literal sense as you neither read nor acknowledge the content of previous posters, but just throw a tantrum and try to make your "point" (also your grammar and spelling is atrocious)
- Suicide ganking is going to happen wherever, and whenever
- High Security space offers relative safety directly correlative to the security level of the system in question
- If you don't want to lose your barge/exhumer, mine in something more durable but less efficient and stop ****ing being a *****
- If you're sick of being picked on, either bring logistical support, mine in grav sites, or just don't mine (be a harder target)
- If EVE is too hard for you, give me your stuff and Biomass

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||