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NPC Tracking Disruption Feedback

First post
Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#101 - 2012-12-13 05:41:58 UTC
Snoodaard Thrasy wrote:
Patch notes: "Corrected the chance percentage that an enemy NPC will use tracking disruption on a player's ship."

So I assumed things would be back to "normal".

The only thing that has changed is that the tracking disrupting rats stop for 3-4 seconds and then start a new disruption cycle. So now you get disrupted by 90% of the rats permanently in stead of 100%.


Turret based ratting is still impossible.

Well, from my pre-retri experience, you were eating at least 4 TDs all the time in Blockade (you know that wave). It didn't matter much though because NPC TDs didn't affect falloff and even lasers (well, beams; pulses were ruined) could do the trick if you warp in to 70km or so and just shoot with Standard or something compareable.

Now that TDs are presumably brough back to pre-retri chances, they still affect falloff big time apparently, so the problem stays it seems.
Utassi Security
#102 - 2012-12-13 07:10:14 UTC
Marc McIntyre Crendraven wrote:
Has anyone else noticed the TD effects last even after they are no longer disrupting?

(aha, i see im not the only one)

Now you have pointed this out yes.

Once the EWAR timer is over you're still under the effects of the TD.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Utassi Security
#103 - 2012-12-13 16:51:29 UTC
Bumping to see if there is any more feedback.

While running anomalies has become a little more viable in Providence again there still seems to be some issues with the Sansha TDs.

Firstly as stated above when they stop using them you sometimes still seem to be under the full effect of them.

Second that in numbers of two or more they don't seems to have a penalty for applying them (unless I can't see it) and you will be crippled from it. I just spent five mins trying to kill three battleships that had burnt to 30KM while they would cycle their TDs on me (the whole time I was stuck at 9optimal 10 falloff even when only one used its TD) eventually giving up and logging off EVE again.

This has pretty much got the the point where I am not logging in now because I can't make any ISK alone before friends and corp mates get online from work.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Caldari State
#104 - 2012-12-13 18:50:08 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Turelus wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

its a bad situation, but I suggest trying losing a tracking comp for a target painter and try avoiding using light drones all together. My mach/'snake set up is having fewer problems with blood raiders even getting neuted at TD'd.

for a single ship i don't know what to suggest, perhaps my dual boxing makes it easier.

Not sure how a Target Painter will help when the optimal range and falloff of the guns is below their orbit. Issue's seem to be that more than the tracking itself.

Second point is true, but I shouldn't have to pay for a second account in EVE just to run PVE content on my own.

The target painter is EWAR, it's main use is to increase the amount of threat your ship is doing in hope of getting the npcs to ignore your drones when you have them out. That's the new system, threat management, soif you can manage the amount of threat you put out, at least you can let your drones out to kill tacking npc frigs.

Other than that, the TP doesn't help, TPing a battleship is useless unless you are shooting capital ship guns at it.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong (seriously, correct me), but the comment that TPing a BS is useless seems odd off. Let's say that a Sansha battleship has a signature radius of 350, and my pulse lasers have a signature of 400. By painting the battleship, I've just increased my damage output by 14.3%, right? I can't think of a single gunnery skill that can give that kind of return in short order. Personally, I fit 2x TPs on my anomaly-running Paladin so that I can switch targets quickly without waiting on the TP to finish cycling. Especially in the case that you're a new player, I can't think of a better way to get your damage up so quickly.
Matari Recreation
#105 - 2012-12-13 19:16:58 UTC
QuantaXtreme wrote:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong (seriously, correct me), but the comment that TPing a BS is useless seems odd off. Let's say that a Sansha battleship has a signature radius of 350, and my pulse lasers have a signature of 400. By painting the battleship, I've just increased my damage output by 14.3%, right? I can't think of a single gunnery skill that can give that kind of return in short order. Personally, I fit 2x TPs on my anomaly-running Paladin so that I can switch targets quickly without waiting on the TP to finish cycling. Especially in the case that you're a new player, I can't think of a better way to get your damage up so quickly.

That's not really how it works. You'd have to come up with an average angular velocity figure for the target ship, use that to calculate chance-to-hit with its original sig radius and TP-modified sig radius, convert those to DPS, and then compare. Chances are, you're not having enough trouble hitting BS-sized targets for the TP to make a big effect.
Katherine Pond
Lima Carrillo Research
#106 - 2012-12-13 19:30:02 UTC
Has anyone looked into this?

Because I would like to point out that as a semicasual and newbieish player, this was the single thing that turned me off the most from this game.

I played a year ago on a caldari ship, and eventually got into a Raven, and had a blast! The targetting lock thingy that their rats did was annoying but ultimately it would drop off and you could go on your way pumping them full of missiles.

Tracking disruption is a different beast. Never have I been more stressed out and frustrated by a game mechanic.

I don't think this makes the game harder in anyway, just really really confusing.

After asking my long time playing friend what to do, he suggested a few options.

1. Let drones take care of it. I leveled my drones to 5, and pumped drone interfacing and am now trying to get up to tech 2 drones. This works really well, after I took a week off to train for it. Let me emphasize that...I took a week off of level 3 missions just to finish one. I know I could've dumped it after a while, but this sat badly with me and I hope you can understand the frustration here.

My drones eventually could take down elite frigates, and I was happy!

...and then elite cruisers come into play. Light drones no longer do any damage to those, and I'm not skilled enough for sentries yet. Another week of waiting.

2. Tracking computer. For a low skilled pilot as many of you know, getting a cap stable or near cap stable amarr ship is already a nontrivial feat. To have to take out a cap recharger usually means having to skill up (another week...for one mission...) or dropping a heat sink/hardener, or hoping you can kill it before your cap dries. None of which are easy choices.

Compare this to my raven, kestrel, drake, etc. I didn't need to change anything to run any mission at all.

Anyway, it turns out a tracking computer isn't even a fix. As far as I can tell tracking computers on beams is still almost not worth it to try to hit tracking disruption. On max range, I can, on a harbinger with medium beams. However, on an armageddon with large beams, no way at all.

Also, the fact that my range is now almost kaput, means I have to fit low damage crystals to try to hit them, all the while their bship friends are happily pounding away at my hull.

3. Get in close for pulses. Um...I tried this. I fit a tracking computer, mega pulses...and tried to chase down an elite cruiser with it. It turns out my range had been pooped on until it was 14km + 4. On a LARGE GUN. I don't think I need to explain how futile this was.

I'm not a very skilled player, and I conceed I may have gotten in my battleship a bit early. But I will say, that this amarran mission and ship progression, from my omen to my harbinger to my armageddon, tracking disruption would always ruin my day. My friend can attest to the number of emails I sent him cursing and almost quitting the game over how unfair the tracking disruption seems.

Regardless of what happens, i think it needs to be addressed, if not changed, at least give a new player some options to deal with them, other than bum rush them and hope for the best, or wait a week to train up new skills just to deal with ONE thing. was just so depressing to get into a brand new ship, fit it with shiny guns, EFT for an hour or so trying to fit everything, a big smile on your face, and then just get shut down on your first mission.

A suggestion maybe would be to make them not also lower optimal and falloff. Thats just...adding insult to injury.

Or make them have a chance to fall off, or make them not have 1000000000km range, so you can have a chance of sniping them before its all over.

Thanks for your time reading, and I really hope how to deal with this gets addressed!
Deep Space Supplies
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#107 - 2012-12-13 21:33:16 UTC
Do i understand this right? CCP just removed the visible timer but didnt change anything else and called it a 'fix'?
#108 - 2012-12-13 21:51:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Threshner
Confirming that after the patch even when i am not TDed on screen my guns are still being affected by the tracking the disruption.

They might as well of called this patch The "Switch to missile boat patch". Sure lets promote people using drones to kill off the stuff TDing my guns.... OH WAIT all my drones get instalocked and shot at.

Maybe im the only one who is actually pretty pissed off at how much this one screw up has screwed up my experience in eve.

This is pathetic CCP.
Kiteo Hatto
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2012-12-14 09:28:07 UTC
Raistlim wrote:
Do i understand this right? CCP just removed the visible timer but didnt change anything else and called it a 'fix'?

Gah, and here I was looking at running some missions again.....
Newt BlackCompany
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#110 - 2012-12-14 10:41:14 UTC
TD is definitely insane, and I think the 80-90 km range is too far (perhaps about 50 km?).

However, you can still solo these rooms if you use a MJD and snipe the TD boats from long range.

I managed 3-4 of the Amarr Epic Arc sansha missions yesterday, where there's a lot of these TD boats, and when I used a close-range pulse-laser Abbadon fit, I could hit nothing, but with a long-range Apoc sniper (204 dps at 146 km), they were no problem at all.

Of course, it was much more fun and easier when a friend in a heavy active shield tanked raven took aggro.
Snoodaard Thrasy
Yulai Guard
#111 - 2012-12-14 12:58:20 UTC
Newt BlackCompany wrote:
but with a long-range Apoc sniper (204 dps at 146 km), they were no problem at all.

There might be instances where the situation allows for such an option, but in most cases even if your range remains at workable levels I think the reduction in tracking speed will make it very difficult to hit - and mwding towards the target with a battleship hampers the tanking ability of the ship to such a degree that its not worth it. The overall reduction in efficiency with setups that can overcome the tracking problem makes it not strictly impossible to kill a target with a turret boat perhaps, but certainly pointless.
Kiteo Hatto
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2012-12-14 14:22:09 UTC
Snoodaard Thrasy wrote:
Newt BlackCompany wrote:
but with a long-range Apoc sniper (204 dps at 146 km), they were no problem at all.

There might be instances where the situation allows for such an option, but in most cases even if your range remains at workable levels I think the reduction in tracking speed will make it very difficult to hit - and mwding towards the target with a battleship hampers the tanking ability of the ship to such a degree that its not worth it. The overall reduction in efficiency with setups that can overcome the tracking problem makes it not strictly impossible to kill a target with a turret boat perhaps, but certainly pointless.

The bigger the range the less tracking you need....Im more worried about breaking tanks with 204 DPS to be honest.
Louis deGuerre
The Dark Tribe
#113 - 2012-12-14 15:02:16 UTC
Spc One wrote:
Missions were intended for solo work, because if your corp mates are all offline you can still go and do some missions.
Incursions and wh's were made for fleet so that you need a fleet and people to be online.

Why would someone do missions when incursions give more isk and are easier than missions now ?

This. So much this.
Yabba Addict
Legion of the Many
#114 - 2012-12-14 16:23:35 UTC
Just did a sansha lvl 4 and while the TD wasn't too bad (after a cycle it did stop, and not just for 5 secs), there is definitely a glitch as far as TD deactivating but still affecting you is concerned. It seemed limited to sansha bs, cruisers would deactivate normally, but the bs wouldn't stop TD'ing me until destroyed, even though it's cycle had finished
Newt BlackCompany
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#115 - 2012-12-14 17:17:29 UTC
Kiteo Hatto wrote:
Snoodaard Thrasy wrote:
Newt BlackCompany wrote:
but with a long-range Apoc sniper (204 dps at 146 km), they were no problem at all.

There might be instances where the situation allows for such an option, but in most cases even if your range remains at workable levels I think the reduction in tracking speed will make it very difficult to hit - and mwding towards the target with a battleship hampers the tanking ability of the ship to such a degree that its not worth it. The overall reduction in efficiency with setups that can overcome the tracking problem makes it not strictly impossible to kill a target with a turret boat perhaps, but certainly pointless.

The bigger the range the less tracking you need....Im more worried about breaking tanks with 204 DPS to be honest.

True, the MJD makes the range such that tracking is almost irrelevant. 204 DPS is fine for the frigs. It's ok for the BS's, but takes a while. However, I'm using Meta4 T1 beam lasers. T2 laser will more than double the DPS, according to EFT, so that's what I'm training next.

Also, the TD sometimes stops after one cycle, but sometimes they keep restarting it. At least in the Amarr epic arc missions that I'm doing now...

Snoodaard Thrasy
Yulai Guard
#116 - 2012-12-14 18:43:10 UTC
Newt BlackCompany wrote:

True, the MJD makes the range such that tracking is almost irrelevant. 204 DPS is fine for the frigs. It's ok for the BS's, but takes a while. However, I'm using Meta4 T1 beam lasers. T2 laser will more than double the DPS, according to EFT, so that's what I'm training next.

Also, the TD sometimes stops after one cycle, but sometimes they keep restarting it. At least in the Amarr epic arc missions that I'm doing now...

The whole point of this topic is to criticize the PERMANENT tracking disruption. If you have rats that stop disrupting you, then there's absolutely no problem.

Also, if you're talking micro jump drive ranges, 50-100km I suppose, then you're not being disrupted that seriously. If you get a proper spawn with 8-10 ships perma disrupting you, range will always be <20km, at that range hitting rats with Tachyons or Mega Beams is difficult without td, impossible with that amount of tracking disruption.
Dosadi Inc.
#117 - 2012-12-14 19:03:04 UTC
Well somehow it goes worst now disrupting doesn't stop and instead of 1-4 ship , it is 3-5 disrupting non stop.

Goonswarm Federation
#118 - 2012-12-15 03:28:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Rain6637
forgot and undocked a rail vulture for sansha smuggler interception...

left in disgust, docked, and fit heavy missiles to it... still demotivated.

it has been a while since I used a golem.

//woke up with new motivation and raep'd with the golem. go missiles

room 3 @ 14:19

9 minutes later:
Jessica Danikov
Network Danikov
#119 - 2012-12-16 05:19:00 UTC
OK, it's clear this is broken. CCP should roll back the changes to TD, or turn off NPC TD entirely- whatever that makes for a temporary fix in the meantime, or risk a growing, increasingly subset of annoyed and pissed off players.

Once they've applied a band-aid, they can sit down and re-think exactly what the purpose of NPC EWAR is and how much they want to have and how balanced it will be without leaving a bunch of players to languish with a primary source of income cut off to them.
Goonswarm Federation
#120 - 2012-12-16 05:31:06 UTC
not cut off completely, i still see the occasional missile from a navy megathron every now and then