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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Looking to join a corp.

Ivar Estidal
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-12-11 09:55:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Ivar Estidal
Hi there, I've been playing a few years (although this is my second character, and is now better than my first) and I've mostly played the game solo - Of course i realise that the game is best played as part of a corporation.

Currently i log on every now and again just to do missions. My primary ship is a tech II fitted (including weapons) Abaddon that i use for level four missions, i also have a secondary mining ship for when i want to do something different. But the long and short of it is that i have quite a bit of missioning experience (Levels 1-4, but mostly 4) and i have some skills/equipment for high-sec mining, although i am not specialized for it (training for an exhumer currently).

I'm looking to join a corporation that does PVE Missions (Level 4), exploration, industry - I don't mind pvp too, although i have very little experience of pvp in EVE, as that is not my primary focus. I'm looking for a social, mature guild that aren't casual as such, but aren't super serious. IE i'd like to progress, but i'd also like to enjoy myself and keep EVE fitting around my life, rather than my life fitting around EVESmile.

My primary character has around 13.3M skill points so i am not new as such, although i am not a veteran. These are primarily focused in (Amarr) combat skills. I can pilot Amarr battleships proficiently, i can also pilot Tech II Amarr frigates, although my experience with them is less due to hardly ever having to use them as a solo pilot.

I am a University Student and as such i am subject to a timetable, albeit i generally have a fair amount of free time on my hands -Although of course priority is given to attending lectures, seminars and completing assignments. I imagine i'd be available the majority of evenings although i tend to go for a night out 1-2 times a week so that also has to be factored in.

EDIT: I live in the UK, and my time-zone is GMT, so i'm looking for a corp based in (western) Europe.

I'm loyal, honest and i'd be glad to work hard for the betterment of the corp (and to have a good time of course! :))

And yes, i will change my poorly thought-out avatar picture very soon.
The Dead Rabbit Society
#2 - 2012-12-11 13:13:49 UTC
Ivar, if you are willing to try PvP, be trained on the ships that can be most effective for us in fleet, given your SP total at present (We'd start you off getting effective in Frigates), then I'd like to chat more. I think we offer the social balance you're after.

We are not a PvE corp, but there is time for you to run missions etc, and there is a Level V agent in our home station.

- Moon

"The game is mostly played by men - 97%. But 40% of them play as women... so thats fine."  - CCP t0rfifrans 

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-12-11 13:56:04 UTC
Hey Ivar,

Please allow me to introduce Stellar Essence University. We are a recruitment corp for Stellar Essence. Although the main corp itself is not old, the players in it all have a long history in EVE. We are looking to expand and obviously need new players to do that. The goal is to support a new player and in due time accept the new player in the main corp. More information about the main corp can be shared in-game.

Stellar Essence University is very new-player friendly. Opposed to other corporations we do accept trial accounts! We have a 0% tax rate so our members can grow as fast as possible. Your growth is further stimulated by having experienced players available for any questions you might have.

What do we have to offer
Regular mining ops (orca support available);
Regular PVE ops (including lvl 4);
Regular PVP ops (no piracy though);
Help with introduction to EVE;
Help with shipfittings;
Option to become member of the main corp;
Opportunity to make new friends;
Raidcall group.

What do we request
EU or US TZ.
English speaking. ( does not have to be your main language)
Ability to talk on Raidcall. (working mic and headset)
Easy and mature personality.

If you are interested please reply to this topic or message me ingame.


malleus Deum
#4 - 2012-12-11 19:52:50 UTC  |  Edited by: malleus Deum
Try us The Random Tangent. we do mission and the system in amar space that we are based in has access to a lvl 4 sec mission. we also run fully bonused orca mining ops with mineral payout options. here is a link to more things we do. although we are based in the US currently but we have people online at all times.
Harbingers of Chaos Inc.
#5 - 2012-12-12 04:26:23 UTC
Grim Determination Academy

Grim Determination Academy is part of the Grim Determination family. GRDEA is the training wing, and we are currently opening our door for new recruits on a limited basis. While a member of GRDEA you are required to conduct yourself in a manner that reflects well the Grim Determination family.

The Following info is for people interested in GRDEA:
-TEAMWORK!! We are a family; we fly together and treat each other with respect. We are a tight knit group, but we always want to improve and become better.
-Willing to learn, we donGGVt expect you to know all the tricks, but we do expect you to have a willing attitude to learning and flying our fleet concepts.
-SP Requirements for GRDEAGGv5 mill is the basis, but we are willing to talk to anyone and then make a decision, brand new players to the game are welcome to try and tough it out.
-Race: We will accept all races, but we do have very strict fleet concepts that you will need to fly, but there is something for everyone. No you canGGVt fly your drakes in an armor fleet!!

Grim Determination is a 0.0 PVP corp in the Nulli Secunda alliance. We're a pretty tight knit group with a very active base of PVPers and focused leadership. We're looking for more likeminded players to join our group.

Things we're looking for:
- PVP experience (we have an academy corp for those without it)
- 15M+ SP (this is flexible based off of killboards -- Academy applications are exempt from this)
- Amarr (pref) or Minmatar pilots. Others can apply but are taken on a case by case basis -- we're really interested in T2 Pulse/Gun pilots, our fits have high requirements.
- Pilots that enjoy small (less than 10) to medium (20-30) gang fighting. We do plenty of roams at this size and it's where we have the most fun.
- Capital Pilots! We need capital pilots, we would like for every member to be flying Capitals, and we'll gladly put you in one. Exceptional (and loyal) members will end up getting things much bigger.
- FCs, you can never have too many.

Things you will get:
- Free in corp jump freighter runs to/from Jita/Amarr. Buy stuff on your market alt and we'll move it for you.
- Well stocked 0.0 market. Wherever we live will be well seeded.
- Ship Replacement. We offer very comprehensive ship replacement, Free Logis, and fun bennies like that.
- Access to prime carebearing space (for those that like it...).
- Lots of things around to shoot. Area is filled to the brim with neuts and reds. Blow some up today.
- Discounted Super/Capitals. We'll help you get into the ship you've always wanted to fly. We'll also help replace them when you lose them.
- Lots of FCs in alliance and in corp taking fleets out at any (and all) hours.

If you have an interest Please join in game channel Grim Determination and ask for Rhaeghar, or any director can assist you.

Sal Trent
#6 - 2012-12-12 04:49:25 UTC
Hello I think that Black Carbon Industries would be a good fit for a person such as your self.

Black Carbon Industries, is a nullsec, sov. space mining corporation with an industrial emphasis on capital production.We are pretty much always accepting new fun people to fly with. We are very laid back, fun, and are looking for pilots who enjoy mining, industry and PVE.

Who we are:
*SOV Nullsec mining and industry corp with pve rattling access.
*Tight knit, but accepting of new players.
*Very active for our numbers so you will always have someone to fly with.
*Orca and rorqual supported mining ops
*Mature laid back player base

What we can offer:
*Daily Fun orca and rorqual supported mining ops.
*Fun people to fly with!
*SOV nullsec access With pve access and plenty of alliance PvP operations.
*Capital production.//Mineral buyback program.
*Logistics. We will help get you settled in our space.
*Low tax rate.
*Non mandatory OPS/CTAs

Join our in game chat channel:
"Black Carbon Industries" to get started. We look forward to hearing from you.

If you would like more info please eve mail myself for Grand Ace
Ivar Estidal
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-12-12 08:29:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Ivar Estidal
Cheers for the replies everyone, really appreciate it! Am a little busy at the moment but i should be freed up over the next few days. Of course i can't join all of your corps, but i will send you a message over eve-mail or in-game within a week if i'm interested. Have a good day all. :)
Ivar Estidal
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-12-12 08:29:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Ivar Estidal
Post deleted.
Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-12-12 09:49:10 UTC

British Corporation, see what you think.

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.