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Dev blog: The Retribution of Team Super Friends

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Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#1141 - 2012-11-09 18:20:47 UTC
Lieam Thellere wrote:
IIRC, there's a time limit on bounties. Any uncollected ISK reverts to the person who put up the bounty at the end of that time.

No.... this is NOT entirely true....

Bounties last for as long as it takes for them to be paid out... up to forever.

The only time bounties are refunded:
A.) it is boutny on a corps/alliances which disbands....
B.) it is a bounty on a character that goes inactive (account wise) for 5 months. I assume character death would count as going "inactive", but this is not verified.

CCP Paradox wrote:
Bagehi wrote:

And if the character goes inactive after the bounty is placed, will it bounce back? If so, how long would they have to be inactive (as I can see that being an exploit to escape bounties). Lastly, what happens with all the current bounties?

Basically every two hours or so, the bounty office will return/reimburse players with any bounty amount they set against an inactive character. (At the moment, a character must be on an account that has been inactive for 5 months).
Sunrise Omega
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1142 - 2012-11-15 03:07:00 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Lieam Thellere wrote:
IIRC, there's a time limit on bounties. Any uncollected ISK reverts to the person who put up the bounty at the end of that time.

No.... this is NOT entirely true....

Bounties last for as long as it takes for them to be paid out... up to forever.

The only time bounties are refunded:
A.) it is boutny on a corps/alliances which disbands....
B.) it is a bounty on a character that goes inactive (account wise) for 5 months. I assume character death would count as going "inactive", but this is not verified.

So if they're going to expire after 5 months if the account goes inactive, what is stopping them for making all bounties have a 90 day expiration, just like any other contract in the game? Putting a shorter 30 or 60 day limit on a bounty would curb at least some of the abuse.

Putting limits on the total # of bounties you can have open would also work to curb some of the upcoming rampant abuse.

And if you don't think that everyone in Jita and surrounding systems won't have a bounty on day 1, I have a nice bridge I'd like to sell you.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#1143 - 2012-11-19 19:49:46 UTC
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet. It is one hell of a threadnaught here.

I had an idea about the bounty system.

Based on what I have read in Dev blogs and other threads, It seems the CCP team is putting more effort into closing the gap between PVP and PVE lately.

The idea of players paying out bounties when killed could be a great source of income for PVPers. This bounty system sounds really cool, but it seems to me that the pay outs will be very small. Possibly to small to be worth the effort of hunting them down.

If you spend the time and effort to hunt down a player with 10 billion bounty on his head you only get a bounty payout equal to a small portion of the value of the current ship they are flying. That 10 bil bounty would most likely keep growing as it will be added to, much faster than it is payed out. But this could be a good thing.

My vision is to have player bounty payouts comparable to the bounties payed by ratting. PVPers could actually make isk for PVP by killing other PVPers. in normal PVP fights, not just hunting them down as a bounty hunter. This would probably require CONCORD to add a default bounty to each player for each player ship they killed. On top of the bounties applied by players.

My idea is to adjust the payout according to how dangerous the player is. This can be done in a very simple way. A simple tracking of a players kills and deaths could be used to determine how "good" of a PVPer that player is. This would be exploitable to artificially increase they players danger level, but if done right would not hurt the game. A player who shoots an alt to increase his own threat level will just make himself more of a target resulting in more deaths bringing the numbers back down.

Each player would have a danger/threat score or what ever you want to call it. Say for every 100 kills the player gets a danger point. The bounty payout on that player would be increased by a %, as little as 1% or as much as 5% depending on the balance needed. Every 10 deaths would likewise drop the danger score by 1. This way killing an actual PVPer with many kills will net you a decent income, while killing a carebear who somehow got a big bounty on their head would pay much less.

This way players with high kills, basically most decent active PVPers, would also pay higher bounties. Without getting to the point of paying more than their ship is worth. Put a cap on the bounty of 50-60% of the value of their ship. Most null sec PVPers make isk to buy their PVP ships by ratting to collect bounties.

Would it not make sense if they could get this same income by killing other PVPers? It would take time for the threat/danger levels and bounties to build up. But once they did PVPing could create income comparable to ratting. With the highest skilled PVPers paying out the biggest bounties, just like faction and officer spawn rats payout bigger than the average rats.

Less skilled PVPers could still go ratting to supplement this income until their skills get high enough to make their isk strictly from PVP.

Anyone else think this would be a cool way to make isk?
Rundle's BountyBroker
#1144 - 2012-12-01 23:17:55 UTC
I'm really looking forward to this change!

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions? I'll place that bounty for you! No bounty refused! The original anonymous bounty service of New Eden.

The Aceray
The Argonus Inc.
#1145 - 2012-12-04 06:28:14 UTC
I have played this game for a while but never done the bounty hunter thing so, i have question. can u shoot a bounty anywhere or just 0.4 and below?
Phyrexian Engineering
#1146 - 2012-12-04 15:54:30 UTC
In light of the new expansion releasing today, I have been reading through the pages, and it became a TL;DR lol. With this new and updated bounty system, what is stopping the bountees from just sitting in a station laughing at the people outside waiting for them to undock? Also IIRC, bounties are collected in low-sec areas only when not in the vicinity of gate/station guns and practically nonexistent in highsec unless suicide gank is involved, or you purchase a kill-right. Please someone correct me if I am wrong. Pirate
Drago Misharie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1147 - 2012-12-05 17:15:38 UTC
Its not working right now. Overview and Local is bugging out, can't find people to kill.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#1148 - 2012-12-05 17:57:37 UTC
So it's an awesome time for skillful PVP then.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Interplanetary Expeditions
#1149 - 2012-12-12 00:43:48 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:

#77 Posted: 2012.10.11 15:55
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
I am confused.
I have read the dev blog twice.
I see the part in the blog where the -1 sec status requirement has been removed, so that makes me think anyone in the game, in any sec area, can have a bounty on them, and be a target if someone if some bounty hunter is willing to accept high sec consequences of Concord.

So what is to stop someone like goons from placing a 10 billion isk bounty on someone they dislike, which pays out with 50 billion ISK in ship and implant losses, then restarting the bounty again, until the person they have set the bounty on has had their assets completely wiped out?

I don't see how that's different than just ganking him over and over without the bounty?

And therein is the conundrum.

Eight years I've flown in New Eden space & I don't ever recall having a bounty placed upon my head until last night - a frivolous 100k "***** & giggles" bounty at that. For what? Unknown - most likely because my name appeared above his/hers in the local channel. I certainly had no interaction with them at any point previous to the bounty being placed upon my head.

The issue for me initially was: does having a bounty make me any more of a target for unprovoked attack in high-sec space [without CONCORD intervention] than before? After much research & with some relief, it appears not. It doesn't make me feel any better -- admittedly & oddly enough there's a psychological factor at play here as well.

I'm not happy about these changes -- esp since any Tom/****/Harriet [funny D-ick gets parsed out] can randomly bless you with a frivolous bounty at will or without provocation regardless of your security status. Allow this to go unchecked & I can foresee the situation where a character starts collecting an inordinate amount of 100k "***** & giggles" bounties over an extended period of time, eventually amounting to tens or hundreds of millions of ISK or more [now it becomes a more serious matter & a greater inducement for ganking in high-sec space].

If this is what CCP wants, may I suggest dispense with the niceties of it all & give every capsuleer [& their alts] a 1B ISK bounty, lock up CONCORD for a couple months & let MAYHEM rule supreme in high-sec space until the dust settles [or New Eden is littered with so many corpses that you'd need a snowplow to get anywhere]. I'm sure your subscriptions would take a serious hit.

Since CCP is unlikely to step back on this one, may I suggest a mechanism for 'surrendering' to the authorities [CONCORD et al] to have these nuisance bounties expunged from ones character -- call it "house arrest"?
Perhaps by paying a fine or voluntarily surrendering pilot privileges for a period commensurate with ones security status applied to a base time value per 100k bounty 'forgiven': say where a security ranking of -5.0 applies a 12/6 time period multiplier; a -4.0 applies a 10/6 multiplier; a 0.0 applies a 6/6 multiplier; a 5.0 applies a 1/6 multiplier; & with all others in between being applied proportionally [the time value I was thinking of could be a 24 hr period].

For the one who placed the frivolous bounty, knowing 100% of their ISK goes to CONCORD rather than a bounty-hunter might give them pause to think twice before giving some random capsuleer a frivolous bounty for "***** & giggles" -- esp. to those with high security rankings.

I don't need eye-balls to see, I can see clearly in all directions without them.

Greg Tanner
Tanner Industries Corp
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#1150 - 2012-12-12 01:27:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Greg Tanner
I think the bounty system is just plan one sided at this point.

I really don't feel that anyone should be able to place a bounty on anyone without just cause.

Also with no way to contest it or having the issuer to retract the bounty placed is just plain stupid.

There should be a way to have the bounty removed or contested with out resorting to being shot at.

I, by no means am saying that the bounty system idea is dum or stupid,
but I think that some serious thought and planing should have went into it before it was revamped to the way it is now.

Think about it, a Bounty is placed on someone who committed a crime, podding someone, stealing, corp theft, extortion, ect.ect all the fun things you could do in the game with out someone being able to do anything about it, except put a bounty on your head and try to track you down. Great, wonderful, keeps things exciting.
But now all you have to do is just sit in a station or fly around and bam, you have a bounty on your head because they thought it was funny. and it doesn't matter how much it is, it's still a bounty.

Now your marked with a Wanted sign across your face and your thinking what did I do??? humm

this can get really out of hand as mention by Optawankut.

ps. and salvaging is by no means stealing, it's recovering items just laying around blocking the space lanes of travel.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#1151 - 2012-12-12 15:37:44 UTC
To posters above me, Why /shouldn't/ I be able to register a payment for killing anyone, with a third party?

With ISK to burn, I can be eccentric and decide that today, flying a vexor is a reason to set people after you. It's not like I'm getting a official agency to go after you. It's /all/ mercenaries.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Alexander Renoir
Covenant Trading Agency
#1152 - 2012-12-24 14:56:31 UTC
The current and new bounty system has a lot of improvement potential.

The first point is the list for most wanted (char/ corporation/ alliance) and successful hunter. Why is this list limited to ten entries?
Solution: It should show more than ten entries.

Second point: Why is there absolute NO regulation or limitation for bounties? I mean there are a lot of grievers in EVE. CCP know this fact. This is why CCP does not allow to spend bounties on CCP’s staff and volunteers.
The current situation is now that too many players have a senseless bounty on their head from some one who was bored or is just an idiot and wants to annoy other players!
This leads to the misleading situation that the current most successful bounty hunters are just simple gankers who killed some one with a (lol) bounty.
Furthermore there are a lot of helping peoples who left your help channels because of the fact, that some one spends always a bounty on them if they see them in this channel!

Enable a break against grievers who just wants to annoy other people. It should not be possible again to spend a bounty on characters with positive security rating (similar to the restriction from CCP to not spend bounties on CCP). The bounty pool is under control of CONCORD. THE POLICE IN EVE. Why should the police allow to spend bounties on chars which does NEVER EVER something wrong? You get now bounties from some one who you never ever had contact with.

Make it so that a char has just a few possibilities to spend bounties. Some one with more then ten enemies in EVE has other problems in game and RL and do not deserves to spend bounty on every char he has seen in the local / help channel.

I know that a bounty does not enable killrights or something other. THIS is also not the point here.
The question to CCP is: Why do you implement the current mechanic NOW and not years back, as you have started with EVE? Perhaps you know that it is just made for grievers! I like the ide of the partially payment of bounties. But not that all players in EVE have a bounty.. without ANY reason or association to the man who spend the bounty.

So.. and now I am waiting for your bounties folks.* irony Sad
Inkarr Hashur
Skyline Federation
#1153 - 2012-12-24 15:08:53 UTC
Frivolous bounties don't effect your game one bit. No one wants to be Concorded to go after your 100k bounty, or even in some cases your 10M bounty.
Alexander Renoir
Covenant Trading Agency
#1154 - 2012-12-24 15:34:56 UTC
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
Frivolous bounties don't effect your game one bit. No one wants to be Concorded to go after your 100k bounty, or even in some cases your 10M bounty.

Alexander Renoir wrote:

I know that a bounty does not enable killrights or something other. THIS is also not the point here.
The question to CCP is: Why do you implement the current mechanic NOW and not years back, as you have started with EVE? Perhaps you know that it is just made for grievers! I like the ide of the partially payment of bounties. But not that all players in EVE have a bounty.. without ANY reason or association to the man who spend the bounty.

It effects me. I do not wish to have a bounty. Because I never did something wrong. It is NOW, that every idiot spends a lol Bounty if you type something into an official channel. THIS MUST STOP!
Tony Web
#1155 - 2013-01-24 21:49:16 UTC
Salpad wrote:
Excellent implementation of the bounty system (and matcing 100% with ideas I've had for several years), but I have one question:

About 5 years ago, when I was a tiny noob only a couple of months old, I flew into low-sec to sell some stuff and got ganked. Now, I have nothing against the player who ganked me and my industrial (with expensive T2 fittings in LOW slots!), but ever since then, I've held a grudge against the player's character.

The problem is, this was about 5 years ago. I still remember the name of the character, and I have him on my Watch List. He's been there all the time, because I figured some day I'd become a wealthy merchant prince and be able to pay some mercs to make his (character's - not player's!) life miserable for few days or weeks.

But I don't think I've noticed his icon coming online or going offline, at all, in the last couple of years.

Do I just have to place a bounty on him (e.g. a couple of billion) and then trust that if he truly has stopped playing, I'll get the bounty back in 6-9 months? Or is there some way for me to find out this before I decide to place the bounty?

I'll happily throw a large amount after his bounty, if I know it'll do some hurt, but it feels like I'm dumping the ISK into a half-year void at 0% interest.

Oh, and a second question: Will he be able to know who put the bounty on him? I very much doubt he remembers me. For him, it was just another Tuesday in low-sec.

Wait, third question: I lent a small amount of ISK to a player about 3 years ago. He never paid back; I think he stopped playing. If I dump a bounty on him of, say, 10 times the amont I lent him, and he resumes playing again, and he contacts me and begs for mercy, is there any way I can retract my bounty on him? Like if he agrees to pay the ISK back to me?

Tony Web
#1156 - 2013-01-24 21:50:08 UTC
hope you don't hold grudges like that in real life...LOL
Tony Web
#1157 - 2013-01-24 21:58:23 UTC
CCP Gargant wrote:
Bounties. We all want to know more about how the upcoming iterations on them and how it will all work. CCP SoniClover from Team Super Friends explains the fundamental mechanics behind this upcoming (non-chocolate) bounty hunting system in this devblog.

Read it to bits here

As always, we want your constructive feedback and thoughts in the comments below.

Indrid Colde
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1158 - 2013-04-24 05:03:34 UTC
Great another good reason to quit eve, total indiscriminate bounty placement, Devs are now marketing tears and revenge. You actually think that people who don't pvp enjoy this? Why even have Hi Sec anymore?