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Tengu wins!

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#21 - 2012-12-10 17:14:17 UTC
I've been using a Drake to take full room aggro since the patch. Generally I clear out a few NPCs and return in a Tengu.

Ironically, the two ships which were presumably the target of the Heavy Missile nerfs are now my go-to choice for L4s.
Risien Drogonne
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2012-12-10 19:03:01 UTC
Auferre wrote:
I've been using a Drake to take full room aggro since the patch. Generally I clear out a few NPCs and return in a Tengu.

Ironically, the two ships which were presumably the target of the Heavy Missile nerfs are now my go-to choice for L4s.

Mind posting your drake fit, please?
Cage Man
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#23 - 2012-12-10 19:10:10 UTC
You clearly haven't tried the latest rage.. sentry carriers.. the only ship to be using in null for anom farming, 3 drone damage mods and 3 omni's will make even the thany with its fighters hide in shame... and the carrier has those worthless highs that you could maybe just put in a shield RR to keep your sentries alive... haven't tried it in wh's yet, but I guess it will be the same, and as sPaikis said.. in a turret ships you should be popping the frigs before they get too close, and when they are close your drones will be close enough to recall them very quickly..
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-12-11 00:18:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Auferre
Risien Drogonne wrote:
Mind posting your drake fit, please?

Bog-standard omnitank passive Drake (posted a hundred times on BattleClinic, usually to cries of "Stop posting this!"):

3x Medium Core Defense Field Purger I

Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II
Thermic Dissipation Amplifier II
EM Ward Amplifier II

7x Heavy Missile Launcher II (Scourge Fury Heavy Missiles)
Small Remote Armor Repair System II (for drone repair)
5x Hobgoblin II

Swap resist amps as needed.
MItchell Jensen
The Black Widow Company.
#25 - 2012-12-11 01:17:17 UTC
A tengu can have a hard time destroying frigs just as much as a BS, and I've found is a little more tissue paper than a stock Raven. If I load up some light scout drones, and some mediums, I have no problem destroying frigs and cruisers, and missions are a breeze.

I don't know whether I like cruise missiles or torps for missions though. All advice has pointed to cruise.

CCP Dropbear: rofl

edit: ah crap, dev account. Oh well, official rofl at you sir.

Amarra Mandalin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-12-11 01:48:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarra Mandalin
MItchell Jensen wrote:
A tengu can have a hard time destroying frigs just as much as a BS, and I've found is a little more tissue paper than a stock Raven. If I load up some light scout drones, and some mediums, I have no problem destroying frigs and cruisers, and missions are a breeze.

I don't know whether I like cruise missiles or torps for missions though. All advice has pointed to cruise.

I suppose if you're not having problems, I'd stick with it. But I wouldn't say the Raven was as effective at killing small ships.

Prior to the expansion, if a Tengu was struggling it i was a matter of skills and/or fit... or being lazy, with few exceptions.

My heavies are divided 3/3 in fact as I could barely keep up on targeting with all the small ship melt. Granted, I ran in Guristas space mostly. That was prior to the expansion. A few elite frigs were more problematic but one could burn away or hit them in advance.

My joking on the Tengu aside earlier, it has the speed and sig to survive in many cases where the Raven does not. Squishy isn't much of an issue between that and dual reppers unless you get too many webs on ya that you can't shake. Before now I usually ran one repper, infrequently touching the second one.

I know there are decent CNR pilots, but I've seen far more BS hulls, namely Ravens and Nighthawks, warp out of missions than Tengus (or Drakes using traversal ) prior to the expansion, let alone now.
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