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Losing motivation - where to go from here?

Buskote Al'Layl
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-12-10 04:17:34 UTC
Hey guys,

I've been playing Eve for a little over a month now. A friend and I started a corporation, built it up to a fairly active amount, and got everything settled.

I started out by training mostly TRADING skills and did hauling/ tried in station trading/ and I run level 4 distro missions but none of these are as profitable as I was hoping (I've read the guide to eve-central, and I've had a couple profitable hauls but it's very rare).

I switched over to SPECIAL FORCES certification with some extra DRONE specialization skills. I thought maybe I could spice things up by going this route, but it seems to take forever to get the skills to the point where you can go low-sec, or at least be able to accomplish security 3 missions.

Any suggestions on where to go from here? I've joined and left EVE (1-2 weeks each time) several times, REALLY wanting to love this game in the long run, but I always find myself getting to a point (after initial skill training, etc) where I'm getting bored. Is EVE really not for me, or is there something else I can do to bring back the flame?

Was kinda hoping to continue with trading if there was a more profitable way of doing things. Thanks!
Knockaround Guys Inc.
#2 - 2012-12-10 04:29:31 UTC
I mean no disrespect, but if you are stuck for things to do in eve after only 1 month, then this game may not be your cup of tea!
Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-12-10 04:39:24 UTC
You can go to low sec in a rifter on day one if you really want to.

The question I must ask is "WHAT are you looking for"?

Run level 4 missions together.

Join FW

Go on roams into low sec

The first corp I joined (on an alt) was a bounty hunting corp. I learned very quickly that you couldn't do bounty hunting back then - now you can!!!

Make some friends, go out there and blow some stuff up and just have fun!!!

Buskote Al'Layl
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-12-10 04:47:53 UTC
I guess ideally I'd like to use my trading skills for something profitable, maybe I'm just doing it wrong? I have almost 100mil isk to spend towards investments, not sure if that's the problem.
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-12-10 04:50:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Surfin's PlunderBunny
Buskote Al'Layl wrote:
I guess ideally I'd like to use my trading skills for something profitable, maybe I'm just doing it wrong? I have almost 100mil isk to spend towards investments, not sure if that's the problem.

Problem with thinking like that is you'll need a calculator and spreadsheet... do trading for some spare isk to afford stuff for fun things!

Or else you're going to burn out and quit

*Edit: Want to have fun? Make up a fleet of frigates with friends and head out to lowsec. Less than 1m isk a pop and you'll have (get ready for it...) fun! Shocked

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Buskote Al'Layl
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-12-10 04:54:50 UTC
Surfin's PlunderBunny wrote:
Buskote Al'Layl wrote:
I guess ideally I'd like to use my trading skills for something profitable, maybe I'm just doing it wrong? I have almost 100mil isk to spend towards investments, not sure if that's the problem.

Problem with thinking like that is you'll need a calculator and spreadsheet... do trading for some spare isk to afford stuff for fun things!

Or else you're going to burn out and quit

*Edit: Want to have fun? Make up a fleet of frigates with friends and head out to lowsec. Less than 1m isk a pop and you'll have (get ready for it...) fun! Shocked

I've read the wiki guide and "iskguide" on trading, any other better guides out there that go more in depth with hauling/station and inter-region trading?
Tarvos Telesto
Blood Fanatics
#7 - 2012-12-10 05:06:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarvos Telesto
You mention a lot about profit, try change your view on this game, i know isk are importand, but take EvE as game where you can enjoy space and SF themes it self, being rich wont make you happy, here so meny people who got xxx bilions isk on wattlet and they always unhapy with it and they want more, try eve more as RPG than isk farming, here a lot cheap stuf in game which may make you happy.

EvE isn't game, its style of living.

Buskote Al'Layl
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-12-10 05:08:21 UTC
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
You mention a lot about profit, try change your view on this game, i know isk are importand, but take EvE as game where you can enjoy space and SF themes it self, being rich wont make you happy, here so meny people who got xxx bilions isk on wattlet and they always unhapy with it and they want more.

I understand that, I just feel that for the amount of time I've played, I haven't really had much profit considering I am a 'trader' and 'hauler'. I'd like to get to the point where I can make an easy cash flow to help promote other things in the corporation, like getting our own POS and so forth.
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#9 - 2012-12-10 05:17:14 UTC
Buskote Al'Layl wrote:
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
You mention a lot about profit, try change your view on this game, i know isk are importand, but take EvE as game where you can enjoy space and SF themes it self, being rich wont make you happy, here so meny people who got xxx bilions isk on wattlet and they always unhapy with it and they want more.

I understand that, I just feel that for the amount of time I've played, I haven't really had much profit considering I am a 'trader' and 'hauler'. I'd like to get to the point where I can make an easy cash flow to help promote other things in the corporation, like getting our own POS and so forth.

I suppose you probably haven't tried exploration or mining. Always try to do things as a group regardless. As a Corporaion, every member has to pull their weight if they want to get somewhere. It can't be up to just one person.
Black Ice Consortium
#10 - 2012-12-10 05:22:36 UTC
Hey! Another pretty new pilot here... Just over 8mil skill points. I played back in 2010 for a while before life took its toll and I was forced to focus on other things. I came back about a week ago and may be able to offer you some insight.

First off, talk with your friend and Corpmates and determine what your want to do with your Corp. For new, small Corps it's best if you focus on one thing and do it well. You can do Industry, pirate, run Incursions and missions together, etc. It's alright to ask people to start training up new skills if you decide to take the Corp a different direction from what they are currently focusing on; remember that you can be 80% as effective as a 5/5 veteran with 4/5 skills.

Once you know what you want to do, read up on a good skill path and get to training. Keep the Corp tax rate low so that you can allow your members to buy what they need to operate, remembering that even skill books cost money. ISK is only a means to an end; if you decide that you want to run missions in High Sec then you only need enough to replace or upgrade your ship, but if you decide that you want to break into Low or Null Sec you will need to plan your move carefully and likely make friends with an established Alliance... and that will take Corp funds.

Personally, I recommend that you take your Corp in a combat-focused direction at the start. Being able to defend yourself is the most basic skill you need in EVE, and such activities let you actually go out with your Corpmates and do stuff. Breaking into the "shoot stuff" business is pretty inexpensive if you focus on sub-Capital ship combat (i.e. Battleships and smaller), and you can market your Corp out as mercenaries for hire to the highest bidder with no loyalties or something similarly fun.
Buskote Al'Layl
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-12-10 05:27:07 UTC
Rhaetic wrote:
Hey! Another pretty new pilot here... Just over 8mil skill points. I played back in 2010 for a while before life took its toll and I was forced to focus on other things. I came back about a week ago and may be able to offer you some insight.

First off, talk with your friend and Corpmates and determine what your want to do with your Corp. For new, small Corps it's best if you focus on one thing and do it well. You can do Industry, pirate, run Incursions and missions together, etc. It's alright to ask people to start training up new skills if you decide to take the Corp a different direction from what they are currently focusing on; remember that you can be 80% as effective as a 5/5 veteran with 4/5 skills.

Once you know what you want to do, read up on a good skill path and get to training. Keep the Corp tax rate low so that you can allow your members to buy what they need to operate, remembering that even skill books cost money. ISK is only a means to an end; if you decide that you want to run missions in High Sec then you only need enough to replace or upgrade your ship, but if you decide that you want to break into Low or Null Sec you will need to plan your move carefully and likely make friends with an established Alliance... and that will take Corp funds.

Personally, I recommend that you take your Corp in a combat-focused direction at the start. Being able to defend yourself is the most basic skill you need in EVE, and such activities let you actually go out with your Corpmates and do stuff. Breaking into the "shoot stuff" business is pretty inexpensive if you focus on sub-Capital ship combat (i.e. Battleships and smaller), and you can market your Corp out as mercenaries for hire to the highest bidder with no loyalties or something similarly fun.

Thanks, some good advice here.

Thank you to everyone, I've just been trying to see if I can find that 'spark' again like when I first got back into eve and really had hopes for something big, but was disappointed when the whole trade thing didn't go as planned. I am leaning towards combat right now, I'll probably try and run more missions with the corp and see how that goes. Thanks guys, all tips are still welcome
Tarvos Telesto
Blood Fanatics
#12 - 2012-12-10 05:33:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarvos Telesto
Buskote Al'Layl wrote:
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
You mention a lot about profit, try change your view on this game, i know isk are importand, but take EvE as game where you can enjoy space and SF themes it self, being rich wont make you happy, here so meny people who got xxx bilions isk on wattlet and they always unhapy with it and they want more.

I understand that, I just feel that for the amount of time I've played, I haven't really had much profit considering I am a 'trader' and 'hauler'. I'd like to get to the point where I can make an easy cash flow to help promote other things in the corporation, like getting our own POS and so forth.

Well is hard to define how to make easy money, everyone use own and specyfic tactics to earn money, some people run lv4 missions and they earn like 20-40mil per hour, which give nice isk/day ratio or like xx mil per few hour, other people who got some basisc exploration skill and ships like battlecruiser explore space, with luck after one two hours of scaning they may fund like 4/10 plex which give nice drop around 300-400mil isk after 15min fight vs NPC, other people mining, other rating in 0.0 space, wormholes etc.

Ps. Like one week ago one week old player ask for help in local... he was in caldari destroyer and got some problem with lvl 2 mission, so i decide to help him, after we finish mission we talk about money aspect in game, i realise it would be cool if i support him a bit with small donation... so i sent him 10 milions to help him to get closer to cruiser with fit, he was very happy when i sent him few millions however he was happy with own result while mission and isk earn progres, as you see meny people enjoy game even they not rich like others.

You should try other ways to earn money etc, personaly im bad at trading, i like trading but is not my thing, i prefer more primitive sources to earn isk, like mission grind for example ;) Also i was miner two years long ;) but i start long time ago, personaly i try meny things in game.

EvE isn't game, its style of living.

Buskote Al'Layl
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-12-10 05:41:46 UTC
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
Buskote Al'Layl wrote:
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
You mention a lot about profit, try change your view on this game, i know isk are importand, but take EvE as game where you can enjoy space and SF themes it self, being rich wont make you happy, here so meny people who got xxx bilions isk on wattlet and they always unhapy with it and they want more.

I understand that, I just feel that for the amount of time I've played, I haven't really had much profit considering I am a 'trader' and 'hauler'. I'd like to get to the point where I can make an easy cash flow to help promote other things in the corporation, like getting our own POS and so forth.

Well is hard to define how to make easy money, everyone use own and specyfic tactics to earn money, some people run lv4 missions and they earn like 20-40mil per hour, which give nice isk/day ratio or like xx mil per few hour, other people who got some basisc exploration skill and ships like battlecruiser explore space, with luck after one two hours of scaning they may fund like 4/10 plex which give nice drop around 300-400mil isk after 15min fight vs NPC, other people mining, other rating in 0.0 space, wormholes etc.

Ps. Like one week ago one week old player ask for help in local... he was in caldari destroyer and got some problem with lvl 2 mission, so i decide to help him, after we finish mission we talk about money aspect in game, i realise it would be cool if i support him a bit with small donation... so i sent him 10 milions to help him to get closer to cruiser with fit, he was very happy when i sent him few millions however he was happy with own result while mission and isk earn progres, as you see meny people enjoy game even they not rich like others.

You should try other ways to earn money etc, personaly im bad at trading, i like trading but is not my thing, i prefer more primitive sources to earn isk, like mission grind for example ;) Also i was miner two years long ;) but i start long time ago, personaly i try meny things in game.

Well that's the thing, I worked my way up to Level 4 distro missions and the payouts are like 300-400k per run (often 5 jumps + 5 runs to go back and get another mission). How does one get into level 5 distro, if possible?
Tarvos Telesto
Blood Fanatics
#14 - 2012-12-10 05:47:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarvos Telesto
I have no idea about payment in distibution (hauling missions) but lvl 4 combat mission offer up to 25mil isk per mission, maybe 30 with salvage.

EvE isn't game, its style of living.

Krixtal Icefluxor
#15 - 2012-12-10 05:48:53 UTC
Even though I joined a corporation within 2 months when I started, honestly it was not until around 6 months of playing and I started a 2nd account did I start to really make some serious ISK.

It's not easy at first at all. I loved the challenge though, and figuring out how to work 2 Toons as a 'symbiotic pair' helped a whole lot of things become feasible.

It may be a RL monetary expense at first, but soon they both start paying for themselves.

This is primarily a PvE path at first, but that can always be altered.

Contact me ingame if you need some help.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Krixtal Icefluxor
#16 - 2012-12-10 05:51:39 UTC
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
I have no idea about payment in distibution (hauling missions) but lvl 4 combat mission offer up to 25mil isk per mission, maybe 30 with salvage.

Angel Extravaganza can bring in 45 M with Rewards, Bounties and Salvage. But one needs 2 toons.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Tarvos Telesto
Blood Fanatics
#17 - 2012-12-10 05:55:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarvos Telesto
Dont give up, you still here at last you try, most people who realy fail in EvE fail during frist day or max after few days, if they never come back for longer than one month they not here anymore, you still got potential.

Btw nothing is wasted, believe me or not i got 100mil sp on main and i spent in game more than 500 days online..since 2006, so meny of my old goals was mistakes and so meny milions skillpoins that i realy dont need, i fail meny time in EvE, but i never give up ;D if im bored form game i made break, every week i got new ideas ;p

Also im bad money maker to... i dont earn isk in last few months, last time i was forced by my self to sell my alt in haracter bazar , because i was bankrupt :D

Ps. Just give a chance to this game, i wont force you to play, but i dont like when people leave EvE, i feel sad when they gone, but form other perspective if playing make no more fun for you or you confused about EvE, maybe is realy not your thing, here a lot other good games around, you must decide.

EvE isn't game, its style of living.

Krixtal Icefluxor
#18 - 2012-12-10 05:57:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Krixtal Icefluxor
And I remember a Blog where CCP said that once a players has been in for 3 years, they NEVER quit.

Certain players are just going to have to swallow that..............about me.

I thank them for the encouragement.

EDIT: I guess it's ok for 'them' to post whatever drivel they like, apparently not OK for me. But that's a whole other story and thread.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#19 - 2012-12-10 06:08:14 UTC
Honestly, I can't imagine level 5 Distro missions being worth the effort if level 4s give you 3-400K per run. Smile

At least you are getting LP, (how much?), and building standings though. If you want to build a POS, then consider that in Highsec, you need minimum Faction Standings where you want to build it, and for your Corp, rather than just yourself.

You can hire someone to provide this for you; perhaps shutting down your Corp and letting them start a new one for you, (most is by donation as I recall), and they'll use their standings to temporarily increase your new Corp standings, then you can set up your POS.

If it's industry you are looking at, then start using speadsheets, because you do need them. It's not a simple task to run a POS, fit and field ships, and still determine a profit without them. Use your trading skills to set buy orders, watch that they don't overlap lowsec systems unless you are willing to make runs when the systems are empty.

Typically, if you have a large buy order filled in a lowsec for a minor investment, it's because someone intends on relieving you of it and polishing their killboard after.

Unfortunately, you will have to compete with buy orders from other players, and there are a lot of them, and they will compete for those resources. This is why mining, or being affiliated with a Corp that mines and provides you with less than standard market resource values, is a good idea.

Proximity helps, but you will need to use some interpersonal skills to make deals like that. Often, they will be willing to take it straight to market rather than sell it short of market value for a little less effort. Depends on the Corp though.

Standings are important as they help you decrease your costs at stations where you have acheived them, but I assume you know this already, as you run primarily Distro missions.

Corps, particularly mining corps, get wardec'd. Either find some allies, or learn to defend yourself and/or mitigate the potential for this to happen by being under their radar.

Scout intended systems, and pay attention to the killboards of any reds or yellows you see in the area. It's important to know if they are frequent visitors or just passing through. Also check the killboards, (if you can find them), of miners and industrialists in the area if you determine that it is a good potential location to start setting up your business.

None of this offers any guarantees, and those Corps will move here and there. Allies or the ability to both prevent ship loss and inflict it is a good idea. Defend what you work for.

Select goals:

~ Standings with a Faction.

~ Standings with Corporations within or outside that Faction.

~ Skill requirements for ships that you can use in the event of a Wardec.

~ PI for POS Fuel requirements.

~ Anchoring and Starbase defense skills.

~ Leadership skills for Mining Operations and Defense fleets.

~ Blueprint acquisition for manufacturing, and research on those Blueprints towards that end.

~ Determine which Corp members are suited to which roles or combination of roles.

~ Corp leadership and establishing a baseline of trust.

~ Finding out which members will be suited for positions which require that trust.

~ Develop Spread-sheets for manufacturing, profit calculations, and cost calculations for all Corp activities.


It's involved without a doubt, but worth it for some. There are many things you can do in EVE that require much less effort though. Smile
Xtek Hemah
#20 - 2012-12-10 06:32:27 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
And I remember a Blog where CCP said that once a players has been in for 3 years, they NEVER quit.

Certain players are just going to have to swallow that..............about me.

I thank them for the encouragement.

EDIT: I guess it's ok for 'them' to post whatever drivel they like, apparently not OK for me. But that's a whole other story and thread.

Dude you're like a megalomaniac, how did you turn this poor guys thread into something about you!?
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