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Wife Aggro (100mil ISK contest)

#81 - 2012-12-06 18:11:33 UTC
Pitrolo Orti wrote:
My GF calls EVE the other GF...I get Aggro all the time she sees me is the temporary solution I found...when she comes over wait till she goes to bed put headset and play..she really does not care if I play when she is sleeping or at least she is too busy sleeping :-P still trying to figure out how to manage this since I never played an MMO in my life and EVE is my first gaming experience

ProTip: MMOs aren't real[1]. GFs are. Maintain perspective.

[1] Well technically, corporations are people too. However, when it comes to screwing or being screwed by, corporations and GFs are non-equivalent.[2]

[2] Unless your GF is Martha Stewart(tm) or Oprah(tm), in which case the lines get real blurry.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Ronix Aideron
Zymurgy Corp.
#82 - 2012-12-06 18:34:03 UTC
This reminds me of this comic.

Start the day off slow and taper off from there.

Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#83 - 2012-12-06 18:58:13 UTC
Kyle Yanowski wrote:

"Honey.... Do you want to watch this movie with me? Come spend time with me."

Ah, one of those films in which nothing happens, but there's a couple whom you hate right from the off who may, or may not, get it together but you simply don't care because they are simpering overbearing idiots.

Woe betide you wanting to watch a film with a Story Line in which Something Interesting Actually Happens. No, it's got to be a bloody pointless film about a relationship which may or may not happen and takes the best part of two hours for nothing to happen as well.

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#84 - 2012-12-06 19:11:19 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
]ProTip: MMOs aren't real[1]. GFs are. Maintain perspective.


Also, my wife became much more understanding of EVE after her sister hooked her on Guild Wars. Now that she has to say that she told her sister she'd play this evening, she knows exactly how it feels to say that I've told the guys that I'd play this evening. It's not about the game so much as the social aspect, and yes, there's a balance to strike. Sometimes she has to renege on her sister, and sometimes I have to renege on my corpies. Life happens, and everyone in game understands (or really should understand) that.

That said, if the game is so much more important to you than the person you're actually sharing space with, maybe some introspection is in order.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#85 - 2012-12-06 19:14:33 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:

ProTip: MMOs aren't real[1]. GFs are. Maintain perspective.

That's right, remember, there will always be more women, but there is only 1 EVE!
Maggie Evenstar
Unoriginal Corporation
#86 - 2012-12-06 19:31:59 UTC
Should I ever find myself married to a man who ignores me for video games, I will make "wife aggro" look like something outdated and in need of an upgrade. We are talking mushroom clouds gentlemen! ;-)
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#87 - 2012-12-06 19:41:02 UTC
My wife and I were arguing about something I cannot recall. I went to smoke and came back to find that she had hidden the modem. I escalated by playing Civ V. After things calmed down we talked it out and hugged.
Once during another argument my wife threatened to pour water into my PC. I did not escalate on this occasion. I stopped playing and we talked it out, hugged and made love.
These days I just try to do as she says when something comes up. I also take out our son (he's 15 months) out almost every Saturday (good times). This gives her some personal free time. In turn I get more time for Eve and such.
It's really very simple: Happy wife happy life.

I never seen these people in my life. I don't recognize them Your Honor

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#88 - 2012-12-06 19:49:12 UTC
I started playing Eve back in 2007 and my wife said to me "you had better play that game if we're paying for it".

I know she really regrets saying that, I just happen to remind her of that why she gives me aggro unless she happens to get my attention in other ways of course. Blink

You only realise you life has been a waste of time, when you wake up dead.

Albi Desphair
Profound Destiny
#89 - 2012-12-07 01:10:30 UTC
Long time back when I was married my (now ex) husband introduced me to my first MMO. Before then I had only been playing console games. I got hooked, after a while he had less interest and went to other types of games. I really enjoyed MMO's so I stuck with them in general. The thing is.. he had his games and I had mine and we played some together as well. So there was a certain understanding of this hobby between us both and so it was never an issue. We had 'us' time and gaming time and it was peaceful.

I'd say introduce your wife/gf to gaming and maybe she will find interest in something and the two of you could game together or just do it separately at the same time. Maybe Eve is not for her, but something else might appeal to her. Eve never appealed to my ex, so after he left I decided to give it a try.. still here and love it so far.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#90 - 2012-12-07 01:16:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Unsuccessful At Everything
I can tank almost anything the gf throws at me.....but when she redboxes with the sexytime aggro, lets just say that I tell the fleet the next day I had a closed socket issue.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Sakhr Otaktay
Amarr Empire
#91 - 2012-12-07 01:19:01 UTC
Could be as bad As my friend who was playing eve I guess his GF wife what ever we call it a it was a female tho lol. We heard her talking in back ground well she said come to bed I want some so he said guys I really gotta go Mind you he has 4 accounts well he logged them all off but 1 in a tengu in null sec not even docked up or in safe pos he just randomly warped off for some rason. Well first he forgot to turn off he TS3 aswell and left his push to talk button down or left and open mic Guess there computer is in there bedroom lol. We heard him getting it on with his thing We all are trying not to laugh or what ever. Then nuet comes into system we all warped and docked well I look and dont see Friend docked up looked in all of the pos and nope he not there then I see Local nuet post Kill mail in Local and laugh fully faction fit Tengu. Laugh close to 2 bil. He comes back bout hour later and askes his IT you leave computer on she said no and then you heard the bitching lolz from both. Needless to say we come him head pounder now lolz.
#92 - 2012-12-07 01:27:26 UTC
Maggie Evenstar wrote:
Should I ever find myself married to a man who ignores me for video games, I will make "wife aggro" look like something outdated and in need of an upgrade. We are talking mushroom clouds gentlemen! ;-)

That Like wasn't from me. It was from my wife.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2012-12-07 03:28:24 UTC
I make sure that i appease the wife and conceal my beloved space ship game from attacks. I get the occasional sighs or rolling of the eyes though. The best I ever got is when i got my wife's sisters boyfriend to play eve. After about 2 months i received an angry text stating that I have destroyed his life and that space consumes our lives and our corp mates were our butt buddies.

Followed up by a single text stating "Nerd."
Herr Hammer Draken
#94 - 2012-12-07 03:38:41 UTC
Kyle Yanowski wrote:
Most of us have been there. You are home from work, the kids are finally in bed, and you have a planned night of endless spaceship mayhem ahead of you... or so you thought. As you settle down in your computer chair, you hear a low whine emanating from the kitchen... or is it the laundry room (I joke... I joke...).

"Honey.... Do you want to watch this movie with me? Come spend time with me."

Sometimes it's not a whine at all... it's something much... much worse.

"You get your ass in here and spend time with me, or I'll kick that damn triple screen in."

It's called wife aggro, and it's a serious problem. I'm currently in pre-production for the next High Drag podcast, and I need your stories... and tips... about your own wife / girlfriend / significant other aggro. The plan is to read the tips and stories on the podcast, and I will even throw in 100 million ISK to the winner of the best story (selected by the High Drag team).

If you wish to remain anonymous just say so in the message or post. Feel free to post your story in this thread, send an ingame mail to kyle yanowski, or send an e-mail to


HAHA Oh how things change over time.... wait til you are 56+ then your wife will say honey why don't you play that new computer game you like so much instead of bothering me...

Herr Hammer Draken "The Amarr Prophet"

Zack Korth
Livid CO.
#95 - 2012-12-07 05:27:44 UTC
AndromacheDarkstar wrote:
Zack Korth wrote:
my g/f aggros me every day, you learn to live with it. sometimes she sits here talking thinking i'm listening (shes doing it right now) and that seems to sate her, but most of the time she wants me to watch some buttshow like criminal minds or law and orders: SVU (or, "****" as i like to call it), i'm relegated to a silent soundboard for random thoughts she has, stuck in the living room (the RL rapecage)

I usually yield to these demands because shes the only person alive that has sex with me, and sex is more important than one more forlorn hub, also I would like to think it will be around long after EVE, but my life is full of wishful thinking.

Its better than being alone m8s

I almost wept reading this, i also live in a **** cage. Do you think that they actually think we are listening? I mean i nod allot and say yeah sometimes but at the same time im FCing down a mic staring at a screen.

The other day she said she wants to draw another (more handsome) face on the side of my face and have a relationship with that, to be fair if it allows me to play more EVE ill be content.

Also child aggro is a whole bunch worse.

My girl offered to leave me alone and go out and see if other men would be more attentive, since shes way better looking than I am, I did not accept the offer. I do not have a wife or kids, if I go AFK, I don't wanna lose half my ISK.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2012-12-07 05:35:08 UTC
I'd like to take a moment to thank Maxis for inventing Sims and EA for carrying the torch.

Dual Pane idea: Click!

CCP Please Implement

Mr Pragmatic
#97 - 2012-12-07 06:52:54 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
I'd like to take a moment to thank Maxis for inventing Sims and EA for carrying the torch.

the SIms justs prove the point that females like to control mens lives. And make them do interior decorating...*sobs*

Super cali hella yolo swaga dopeness.  -Yoloswaggins, in the fellowship of the bling.

Gallente Federation
#98 - 2012-12-07 16:34:44 UTC
Remember, even if your wife/GF plays games with you, you can still get the aggro...
Kyle Yanowski
Malevelon Roe Industries
Convocation of Empyreans
#99 - 2012-12-07 16:36:40 UTC
Gents and Ladies,

Thanks for these awesome posts. After all is said and done... between here, the RvB forums, e-mail, and in game messages, I have over 200 waggro stories and tips. Fantastic. We are going to record tonight, and the episode will be out next week.

I'll announce the winner when the podcast posts on


Host of the High Drag Eve Online Podcast ( Director of Aideron Robotics.

Hunter Ace
#100 - 2012-12-08 00:32:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Hunter Ace
LOL....My wife dug up some full on intervention letter on the internet (so it must be true) about how only miserable people play games like EvE.....had to take a break for like a whole month after that....

Here's the letter she sent me:
Random Internet Letter wrote:
This is a bit long, but I promise it has a point. I kinda had the same problem, I played Eve for about a year and a half I think, and it started taking time away from my wife and daughter. It wasn't until recently that I learned about how much of a waste of precious time to spend with your family, games, in particular MMORPGs are. Currently Im in Afghanistan and getting shot at kind of changes your priorities in life which is what made me decide to quit playing, that and the whole other people online killing me all the time got old, anyways the best advice that I can give would be to go out and do other things that you both enjoy that has nothing to do with anything that may draw him away to the game, like going out to the movies, or something far away from a computer. Explain to him why you are doing this, try not to make the reasons about you, even if they are. Explain to him that you're worried about his well-being, and things dealing with him. If you make it about you, it may be misconstrued for nagging, which is only going to make it worse. Get interested in other things that he is interested in and talk to him about them. A constructive confrontation is the key here, if he starts getting upset tell him that you're just worried and want to help and try changing the subject because the more time you're actively engaged in conversation, the less time he is playing EVE. Also realize that like any other addiction, it's going to take time, so don't expect him to quit cold turkey. Remind him how much he means to you and your kids and how proud of him you are for the sacrifices that he may have made in the past for your family. The ultimate underlying problem with games like EVE is that, eventually it turns into an alternate reality, no matter how fake and non-existent that reality may be. It gives the player recognition for accomplishments made within the game, and thusly an overwhelming sense of pride and self-importance. They also allow the player to achieve goals that in the real world are completely unrealistic, but in-game are very achievable. And lastly, they allow them to ignore the stress that they may be having in their real life, by essentially leaving the real world behind and starting fresh without a care in the world. So all in all the person is really addicted to the idea of leading an alternate, and more rewarding life while ignoring the stress they have in real life. So the key is to try to somewhat imitate that feeling in everyday life by recognizing or rewarding them for their achievements in order for him to stop or at least slow down on playing EVE, or any other MMORPG for that matter. The main warning that I will share is this, DO NOT engage in an argumentative conversation about the game or it will just make it worse by them thinking that their life is getting worse, so ultimately they will compensate by playing more. Also talk to him about what is bothering him in life, what his stressors are, sometimes just talking about your stress with another person helps relieve all of that which is built up. Keep in mind, I am not a psychiatrist or anything like that, so don't take what I say for being THE answer to your problem, I'm just trying to help.