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Sky Broadband Connection Issues

Dante Chusuk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-10-22 08:11:56 UTC
Morning all,
This is a bit of a call to see if anyone on Sky Broadband is having issues this morning. Personally I'm with a different ISP but a friend on Sky has been having some issues so talked him through basic steps (ping/tracert/pingplotter) and found that he's getting stuck at a particular BSkyB owned IP address (and hence piece of hardware).

Sky support have actually admitted that they have had reports of this all morning but thought "Eve" was some gambling site so didn't really worry about it. His case has been advanced to second line (though I reckon it will need to go further than that), I'm just wondering (dependant on where this piece of kit is) whether this is geographic or nationwide?

I'd suggest he swap to Virgin Media but (like my own street) they don't want to install where he is.
Steve Mc
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-10-22 08:43:20 UTC
I use Sky as well and unable to log on 'Status unknown' but evemon is showing sever status unkown, so is eve up and running or just an issue with sky broadband?
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2011-10-22 08:47:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Nutbolt
I am on Sky and also cannot connect. Seems like BSkyB is blocking the EVE IP address or something?

Glad its not just me. Fingers crossed they roll out a fix or something and don't make me have to deal with their customer service...

Edit: If I connect to a VPN and then EVE it works (thus bypassing any blocking stuff they have in place?)
Steve Mc
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-10-22 08:51:27 UTC
Steve Mc wrote:
I use Sky as well and unable to log on 'Status unknown' but evemon is showing sever status unkown, so is eve up and running or just an issue with sky broadband?

Just restarted my modem and back on, not sure it that was the problem or Sky have sorted it :)
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-10-22 09:05:04 UTC
I 2 have been having issues. Strangely i was also unable to view my alliance forums, connect to alliance jabber, team speak or access my corp forums.

(eve forums still work tho)

Re start of router allowed to get all this back but still no connection to the game :(
Dante Chusuk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2011-10-22 09:25:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Dante Chusuk
Intriguing as my friend is getting Status Unknown from Eve, Evemon says server is fine and cannot see the forums.

My friend's traceroute was stopping 4 stops out from his his PC/router, restart of router hasn't solved it and the last "good" hop is a BSkyB owned IP address.

He's running a constant pingplotter and every so often a packet gets through but it then goes back to status quo ante with the particular IP blocking his access. Thanks for the feedback as he's harrassing Sky support at the moment on an almost constant basis. Their most recent suggestion? Could you give it 48 hours and retry. I think his response was none too polite without resorting to swear words.

Or to quote part of his response "NO its not an issue that changes when it stops raining or the sun comes out"
Steve Mc
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2011-10-22 09:32:49 UTC
Rapta wrote:
I 2 have been having issues. Strangely i was also unable to view my alliance forums, connect to alliance jabber, team speak or access my corp forums.

(eve forums still work tho)

Re start of router allowed to get all this back but still no connection to the game :(

when I was trying to sort out my client first of all, I had a couple of Eve shortcuts on my desktop, I deleted these and tried the original one in the CCP folder and alsoo ran the repair file file, still no joy, that's when I restarted my router, now the client works it has gone back to some old settings, e,g bookmarks in the Eve browser have appeared that I had deleted or got rid of old cache files, try the original Eve start up in the ccp folder and see if that does the trick
Dante Chusuk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2011-10-22 09:34:59 UTC
I got him to try those before calling Sky support or even running a traceroute in case his client had gone awol. After all I was logged in so knew it wasn't the server having issues (or their data centre's infrastructure!)
Blind Leading the Blind
#9 - 2011-10-22 09:37:11 UTC
Hey .. I _AM_ that friend... and yes.. .I have a "work arround"

reroute using my 3G dongle....

still running the constant trace route.. and it its a hangup... hopping about BskyBs hardware....

Best quote Front Desk Jockey "... I can ask you to wait 24 hours please.. and watch it develop!"

me .. "Ummm, mate its not going to fix itself when it stops raining or the sun comes out..... Its digital.... off or on!"

Front Desk Jockey "..... ummm I will raise you to our Tier 2 support!"

me .. "... ahhh they understand the seriousness of it then!!!!! Tier 2 indeed!"


Tyburn Stannis
Xenon Salvage Inc.
#10 - 2011-10-22 09:47:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyburn Stannis
Another SKY broadband victim here. Bizarrely I can connect to forums.eveonline to read but not gate.eveonline to log in and reply (this is being typed on a phone) and also not itself or most importantly - the server.

Having trouble with other sites as well but no real logic to it other than sky/easynet router running round going "I can't seeee yooo...."

Edited because autocorrect is EBIL!
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2011-10-22 09:52:23 UTC
Rebooted my router just now and this seems to allow eve to connect now, however a bunch of sites still aren't working.

Sky are aware of the problem and trying to fix it. Sigh...
Blind Leading the Blind
#12 - 2011-10-22 09:54:01 UTC
Tyburn Stannis wrote:
Another sky victim here. Bizarrely I can connect to forums.eveonline to read but not gate.eveonline to log in and reply (this is being typed on a phone) and also not itself or most importantly - the server.

Aye... I can not even get to the fourm on my main box, this is through the laptop with dongle..... well... being in the kitchen is closer to the kettle and toast I guess....

For those tracing its hanging up at aka BskyB central! or .. probably the server in the next room!

Blind Leading the Blind
#13 - 2011-10-22 10:23:50 UTC
Well.... I was told by 12:00 UK they will be calling me back .....

Pleased to say, as of 11:22 UK... I am still running the traceroute .. and its now showing an "8 hop trip from my router to BskyB to Eve and back" wih a trip time of 29ms average.......

.. GAME ON!...

.... now for some more toast.... as I wait for the "customer service call!"


Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-10-22 10:59:31 UTC
I am also on BskyB. I had this issue this morning. Couldnt log on to eve or the new eve forums as well as my internet banking and one or two other sites. Most sites worked normally though as did my evemon.

Happily, it is all working now. Looks like the issue has been sorted out and I am now able to get on to everything as normal.