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Proposal: Higher Penalties for High Security Space Attacks (Ganks)

First post
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2011-10-20 14:06:33 UTC
High Security is still no security until those that kill other players in Highsec are prevented from coming back to kill more players by Concord. It is still far too easy and far too profitable to suicide gank. The Risk vs Reward is completely off balance especially if you get an insurance payout on your T1 fitted **** ship designed to be killed after you mercilessly **** a defensless miner or hauler.

Bounties for all!

Mai Khumm
#62 - 2011-10-20 16:55:52 UTC
Apperantly the OP forgot what game has was playing...
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#63 - 2011-10-21 02:00:23 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
High Security is still no security until those that kill other players in Highsec are prevented from coming back to kill more players by Concord. It is still far too easy and far too profitable to suicide gank. The Risk vs Reward is completely off balance especially if you get an insurance payout on your T1 fitted **** ship designed to be killed after you mercilessly **** a defensless miner or hauler.

You make it sound so FUN! How can I not gank stuff after posts like this?

The risk vs reward would completely disappear for miners if you had your way. Mining in highsec would be utterly risk-free, and that's what you want. When I enter a wormhole and run anomalies, my PvE ship can't take on most PVP ships. That's a risk. The Noctis I use to salvage the sleeper wrecks is even more vulnerable. That's another risk I take. Why do I accept these risks? Because there's profit to be made.

This is Eve. Go do something dangerous for a bit.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2011-10-21 02:27:43 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
High Security is still no security until those that kill other players in Highsec are prevented from coming back to kill more players by Concord. It is still far too easy and far too profitable to suicide gank. The Risk vs Reward is completely off balance especially if you get an insurance payout on your T1 fitted **** ship designed to be killed after you mercilessly **** a defensless miner or hauler.

You make it sound so FUN! How can I not gank stuff after posts like this?

The risk vs reward would completely disappear for miners if you had your way. Mining in highsec would be utterly risk-free, and that's what you want. When I enter a wormhole and run anomalies, my PvE ship can't take on most PVP ships. That's a risk. The Noctis I use to salvage the sleeper wrecks is even more vulnerable. That's another risk I take. Why do I accept these risks? Because there's profit to be made.

This is Eve. Go do something dangerous for a bit.

You completely miss my point. I am not saying remove the ability for someone to gank. I am saying make it a lot more difficult. The risk vs reward for the miner isn't the issue. Its the risk vs reward for the gankers that is. Gankers deliberately lose their ship with no risk of being podded and have a huge reward depending on the target. Usually way more than the dinky ship they lost. THAT IS THE PROBLEM! Lose 1 100 mill ship for a reward of anything from 0-god knows what. Only an idiot ganker targets a ship that has little of value in its hold. We have seen gankers make billions off a single hauler kill and what did they lose? A few measly points of sec status and a cheap ass ship. Is it clearer now? RISK VS REWARD UNBALANCED!

Bounties for all!

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#65 - 2011-10-21 04:00:37 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
You completely miss my point. I am not saying remove the ability for someone to gank. I am saying make it a lot more difficult. The risk vs reward for the miner isn't the issue. Its the risk vs reward for the gankers that is. Gankers deliberately lose their ship with no risk of being podded and have a huge reward depending on the target. Usually way more than the dinky ship they lost. THAT IS THE PROBLEM! Lose 1 100 mill ship for a reward of anything from 0-god knows what. Only an idiot ganker targets a ship that has little of value in its hold. We have seen gankers make billions off a single hauler kill and what did they lose? A few measly points of sec status and a cheap ass ship. Is it clearer now? RISK VS REWARD UNBALANCED!

If you're hauling high value goods in an easily-ganked ship, you're an idiot and need to shut up and accept that you took a big risk and lost. Remember that industrial ships cost FAR less than the battleships used to gank them. What you want is higher penalties from CCP because you can't be bothered to carry a billion isk worth of goods in a ship able to withstand a single gank ship. Freighter ganks require a LOT more firepower than 100 million isk can put on the field.

Once again: risk versus reward. If you want to be a cheapass and haul expensive stuff in cheap ships, you run the risk of being ganked with cheap ships. If you want to protect your goods, get a freighter. Use a blockade runner so you can cloak up and avoid being scanned. Move it in a battleship. Hire a courier that can cover the price of your stuff on collateral. Don't autopilot. Learn to watch your surroundings. There ARE ways to avoid being ganked. I've never lost a hauler to a highsec gank, even when transporting absurdly expensive goods in a bestower.

Podding gankers won't fix the problem. Go ahead and do it, it'll save us the trip back to where we stored our gank ships.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#66 - 2011-10-21 05:04:35 UTC
Eh, the only annoying thing about all of it is that the T2 exhumers are made out of paper and are easily killed with something costing a few million ISK. Even if you *do* tank them, it's like spitting in the wind for the most part. A fully tanked hulk is about 22k EHP while the Mackinaw only gets up to 13k EHP. If they had about 20 more CPU and another 50-75 PG, they'd be a lot more viable.

In comparison, the Orca was a well designed ship by CCP - because you can fit it in a variety of ways as anything from a fragile max-cargo version to a well-tanked version or something in between.
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#67 - 2011-10-21 05:13:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Drake Draconis
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
Eh, the only annoying thing about all of it is that the T2 exhumers are made out of paper and are easily killed with something costing a few million ISK. Even if you *do* tank them, it's like spitting in the wind for the most part. A fully tanked hulk is about 22k EHP while the Mackinaw only gets up to 13k EHP. If they had about 20 more CPU and another 50-75 PG, they'd be a lot more viable.

In comparison, the Orca was a well designed ship by CCP - because you can fit it in a variety of ways as anything from a fragile max-cargo version to a well-tanked version or something in between.

This.... the argument of "well life sucks get a helment" in EVE loses its value when you start spitting hard data on tankability of mining ships these days.

Not saying mechanics suck.

Just saying...its too easy gank sa it is.

Some....not much but SOME consideration should be given to defensive capabilities.

It's not enough for me to get loud and crazy about...yet...but its a problem that's becoming a little too obvious.

It would be nice to require a little bit more than a single ship to gank a tech 2 "mining barge" ship for crying out loud.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Montevius Williams
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2011-10-22 02:17:36 UTC
lol man, I hate to say this becasue I HATE it when others say it in the forums (I just find it a stupid thing to say) but Im gonna say it here and I mean no offense at all by it.

EVE is not the game for you. Sorry :(

"The American Government indoctrination system known as public education has been relentlessly churning out socialists for over 20 years". - TravisWB

Smiling Menace
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2011-10-22 02:29:58 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
Eh, the only annoying thing about all of it is that the T2 exhumers are made out of paper and are easily killed with something costing a few million ISK. Even if you *do* tank them, it's like spitting in the wind for the most part. A fully tanked hulk is about 22k EHP while the Mackinaw only gets up to 13k EHP. If they had about 20 more CPU and another 50-75 PG, they'd be a lot more viable.

In comparison, the Orca was a well designed ship by CCP - because you can fit it in a variety of ways as anything from a fragile max-cargo version to a well-tanked version or something in between.

This.... the argument of "well life sucks get a helment" in EVE loses its value when you start spitting hard data on tankability of mining ships these days.

Not saying mechanics suck.

Just saying...its too easy gank sa it is.

Some....not much but SOME consideration should be given to defensive capabilities.

It's not enough for me to get loud and crazy about...yet...but its a problem that's becoming a little too obvious.

It would be nice to require a little bit more than a single ship to gank a tech 2 "mining barge" ship for crying out loud.

I agree with you that T2 barges are a bit too easy to kill but having said that, if you are not AFK mining and an obvious combat ship jumps into your belt, wouldn't you be likely to watch them closely? If they start burning towards you, wouldn't you be spamming the warp button? Of course you did align to a station or a safe spot, right?

If you are AFK mining then this is your own fault. If you are not watching local and you allow another ship that's obviously not there for some ore to close on you, then this is your fault.

Same with being ganked in a paper thin hauler. Use the tools you have and you will be safe from gankers. A corp mate and I recently had to move 2bil worth of faction mods through hi sec. We used a battleship that was tanked to hell with the other as scout. Guess what? We didn't get ganked even though there were gankers on the gates.

I have not been suicide ganked by anything in hi sec in the nearly 5 years I have been playing eve. I learned very early on from other people's mistakes not to let your guard down once you undock. The only safe place in eve with 100% security guaranteed is in station. Undock at your peril.
Takara Mora
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2011-10-22 02:30:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Takara Mora
Nothing wrong with Mining ships not being able to tank .... just stop insurance payouts for ships destroyed by Concord (gankers) and all will be fine.
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2011-10-22 03:24:43 UTC
Smiling Menace wrote:

I agree with you that T2 barges are a bit too easy to kill but having said that, if you are not AFK mining and an obvious combat ship jumps into your belt, wouldn't you be likely to watch them closely? If they start burning towards you, wouldn't you be spamming the warp button? Of course you did align to a station or a safe spot, right?

If you are AFK mining then this is your own fault. If you are not watching local and you allow another ship that's obviously not there for some ore to close on you, then this is your fault.

Same with being ganked in a paper thin hauler. Use the tools you have and you will be safe from gankers. A corp mate and I recently had to move 2bil worth of faction mods through hi sec. We used a battleship that was tanked to hell with the other as scout. Guess what? We didn't get ganked even though there were gankers on the gates.

I have not been suicide ganked by anything in hi sec in the nearly 5 years I have been playing eve. I learned very early on from other people's mistakes not to let your guard down once you undock. The only safe place in eve with 100% security guaranteed is in station. Undock at your peril.

With all due respect.

No #### Sherlock.

And further more.... Its a little late if someone warps to your belt and approaches you with intent to kill... ever try warping out in a hulk at full 180degree turn radius to escape from alpha strike?

Thought so....

you can say what you want..but when the data hits the paper...gankers have the advantage...full alert and all.

Don't get me wrong..not saying we should nerf suicide ganking...but a balance would be nice.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Black Anvil Industries
#72 - 2011-10-22 04:53:52 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:
Smiling Menace wrote:

I agree with you that T2 barges are a bit too easy to kill but having said that, if you are not AFK mining and an obvious combat ship jumps into your belt, wouldn't you be likely to watch them closely? If they start burning towards you, wouldn't you be spamming the warp button? Of course you did align to a station or a safe spot, right?

If you are AFK mining then this is your own fault. If you are not watching local and you allow another ship that's obviously not there for some ore to close on you, then this is your fault.

Same with being ganked in a paper thin hauler. Use the tools you have and you will be safe from gankers. A corp mate and I recently had to move 2bil worth of faction mods through hi sec. We used a battleship that was tanked to hell with the other as scout. Guess what? We didn't get ganked even though there were gankers on the gates.

I have not been suicide ganked by anything in hi sec in the nearly 5 years I have been playing eve. I learned very early on from other people's mistakes not to let your guard down once you undock. The only safe place in eve with 100% security guaranteed is in station. Undock at your peril.

With all due respect.

No #### Sherlock.

And further more.... Its a little late if someone warps to your belt and approaches you with intent to kill... ever try warping out in a hulk at full 180degree turn radius to escape from alpha strike?

Thought so....

you can say what you want..but when the data hits the paper...gankers have the advantage...full alert and all.

Don't get me wrong..not saying we should nerf suicide ganking...but a balance would be nice.

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#73 - 2011-10-22 05:10:25 UTC
Smiling Menace wrote:

I agree with you that T2 barges are a bit too easy to kill but having said that, if you are not AFK mining and an obvious combat ship jumps into your belt, wouldn't you be likely to watch them closely? If they start burning towards you, wouldn't you be spamming the warp button? Of course you did align to a station or a safe spot, right?

If you are AFK mining then this is your own fault. If you are not watching local and you allow another ship that's obviously not there for some ore to close on you, then this is your fault.

In general, yes, you need to watch local carefully - we always tell the new folks that more then 15-20 in local is too crowded for a regular mining system. Ideally, you want a system with fewer then 10 regulars and not a lot of through traffic so that you can spot possible trouble when it hits local. And if something enters the belt like a newbie frigate, shuttle, etc. it does raise the nerves a bit and you do start paying closer attention.

But once the hostile lands on grid (often at optimal range because you've been scouted by a cloaky), it's basically too late to warp out a Mack / Hulk - you will be locked and alpha'd before you get up to speed. Align time on a Mackinaw is a lazy 12.9 sec, the Hulk takes 17.4 seconds to warp off from a dead-stop. Both are the size of a large barn with short lock times from a BC/BS sized ship. (The only solution to the align time is to have each hulk/mack web another hulk/mack so that everyone can escape faster. Not really possible in a fleet with members from different corporations and it makes the tank even weaker.)

General concepts that we try to explain to the younger players:
- Don't mine where the gankers tend to look (newbie systems, market hubs, main travel routes).
- Don't mine where there is a lot of traffic (look at # of jumps in past 24/48 hours).
- Don't mine where there are more then 15-20 in local.
- Tank your ship.
- Watch local.
- Watch the overview.
- Make sure that you are always clear of the asteroids so you can warp-out easily.
- Don't engage a can-flipper, just dock up at the first sign of trouble.
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2011-10-22 06:11:37 UTC
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
Smiling Menace wrote:

I agree with you that T2 barges are a bit too easy to kill but having said that, if you are not AFK mining and an obvious combat ship jumps into your belt, wouldn't you be likely to watch them closely? If they start burning towards you, wouldn't you be spamming the warp button? Of course you did align to a station or a safe spot, right?

If you are AFK mining then this is your own fault. If you are not watching local and you allow another ship that's obviously not there for some ore to close on you, then this is your fault.

In general, yes, you need to watch local carefully - we always tell the new folks that more then 15-20 in local is too crowded for a regular mining system. Ideally, you want a system with fewer then 10 regulars and not a lot of through traffic so that you can spot possible trouble when it hits local. And if something enters the belt like a newbie frigate, shuttle, etc. it does raise the nerves a bit and you do start paying closer attention.

But once the hostile lands on grid (often at optimal range because you've been scouted by a cloaky), it's basically too late to warp out a Mack / Hulk - you will be locked and alpha'd before you get up to speed. Align time on a Mackinaw is a lazy 12.9 sec, the Hulk takes 17.4 seconds to warp off from a dead-stop. Both are the size of a large barn with short lock times from a BC/BS sized ship. (The only solution to the align time is to have each hulk/mack web another hulk/mack so that everyone can escape faster. Not really possible in a fleet with members from different corporations and it makes the tank even weaker.)

General concepts that we try to explain to the younger players:
- Don't mine where the gankers tend to look (newbie systems, market hubs, main travel routes).
- Don't mine where there is a lot of traffic (look at # of jumps in past 24/48 hours).
- Don't mine where there are more then 15-20 in local.
- Tank your ship.
- Watch local.
- Watch the overview.
- Make sure that you are always clear of the asteroids so you can warp-out easily.
- Don't engage a can-flipper, just dock up at the first sign of trouble.

Sound advice...but you can't tank your ship...your dead anyway.....thats the problem.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#75 - 2011-10-22 07:05:33 UTC
OP is a butthurt pubbie.... lots of other pubbies rally round him.... they all propose to "fix" High-Sec, High Sec is fine, stop yer bitching. You don't like being picked on in internet space ship game? Either fight back or stop playing. Sure you can dock n hide, but that just staves off the inevitable. So stop filling up forumspace with useless ****.


Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#76 - 2011-10-22 07:56:06 UTC
Angry Onions wrote:
OP is a butthurt pubbie.... lots of other pubbies rally round him.... they all propose to "fix" High-Sec, High Sec is fine, stop yer bitching. You don't like being picked on in internet space ship game? Either fight back or stop playing. Sure you can dock n hide, but that just staves off the inevitable. So stop filling up forumspace with useless ****.

^ Perfect example of useless ****

Particularly when they don't read.

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Black Anvil Industries
#77 - 2011-10-22 15:07:25 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:
Angry Onions wrote:
OP is a butthurt pubbie.... lots of other pubbies rally round him.... they all propose to "fix" High-Sec, High Sec is fine, stop yer bitching. You don't like being picked on in internet space ship game? Either fight back or stop playing. Sure you can dock n hide, but that just staves off the inevitable. So stop filling up forumspace with useless ****.

^ Perfect example of useless ****

Particularly when they don't read.


Black Anvil Industries
#78 - 2011-10-22 15:09:01 UTC
Angry Onions wrote:
OP is a butthurt pubbie.... lots of other pubbies rally round him.... they all propose to "fix" High-Sec, High Sec is fine, stop yer bitching. You don't like being picked on in internet space ship game? Either fight back or stop playing. Sure you can dock n hide, but that just staves off the inevitable. So stop filling up forumspace with useless ****.

WOW! you are so smart!

Go get another thread LOSER!
Kitt JT
True North.
#79 - 2011-10-22 16:01:29 UTC
This is hilarious. If you don't like the brutality of EVE, go play something simpler. Like Bubble Spinner or WoW.

Don't get me wrong, I hate goons too. But for completely different, perfectly legitimate reasons. What they did to you was funny.
Black Anvil Industries
#80 - 2011-10-22 16:10:31 UTC
Kitt JT wrote:
This is hilarious. If you don't like the brutality of EVE, go play something simpler. Like Bubble Spinner or WoW.

Don't get me wrong, I hate goons too. But for completely different, perfectly legitimate reasons. What they did to you was funny.

You mean the OP or whom?