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Wife Aggro (100mil ISK contest)

Johnnie Blue
30plus LLC
Brave Collective
#61 - 2012-12-06 13:06:26 UTC
ChromeStriker wrote:
I type this under my own free will. My girlfriend is not looking over my shoulder. My girlfriend is a wonderful, caring, person, who only expects a little attention once in a while. Eve is just a game and saying "im in the middle of a fight" is no excuse not to help in whatever she is asking me to do at the time.

I am not going to get a "present" for typing this "to all my friends".

Psst... We're sending a shovel I a cake. Be ready to grab a laptop at a moments notice Blink
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#62 - 2012-12-06 13:14:10 UTC
i make my wife to play with me over a year now.... but we not actually play together, she is the biggest carebear in all Eden
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2012-12-06 13:28:05 UTC
Kyle Yanowski wrote:
Most of us have been there. You are home from work, the kids are finally in bed, and you have a planned night of endless spaceship mayhem ahead of you... or so you thought. As you settle down in your computer chair, you hear a low whine emanating from the kitchen... or is it the laundry room (I joke... I joke...).

"Honey.... Do you want to watch this movie with me? Come spend time with me."

Sometimes it's not a whine at all... it's something much... much worse.

"You get your ass in here and spend time with me, or I'll kick that damn triple screen in."

It's called wife aggro, and it's a serious problem. I'm currently in pre-production for the next High Drag podcast, and I need your stories... and tips... about your own wife / girlfriend / significant other aggro. The plan is to read the tips and stories on the podcast, and I will even throw in 100 million ISK to the winner of the best story (selected by the High Drag team).

If you wish to remain anonymous just say so in the message or post. Feel free to post your story in this thread, send an ingame mail to kyle yanowski, or send an e-mail to


My tip?

Stay single. I have been for nearly two years now and it's the BEST thing that's ever happened to me. But it wasn't always that way....

I'm autistic, and... well... highly affectionate with women, but also strange at times and difficult for other people to understand. I wasted spent the first 25 years of my life (minus those spent as an uncaring child) with the naive notion that I needed to be with someone and please someone in a romantic manner. I won't go into the full story, but needless to say I have since altered my opinion in that regard and discovered that the only company I need to keep is my own.

It's not a sob story, though, more like a tale of revelation. Not something I'm willing to tell for any amount of money, either, but in a nutshell, it involves many heartbreaks (not the least of which was the straw that broke the camel's back two years ago when I told the woman I was with about my autism and she decided she didn't want autistic kids and left me), delusions regarding humanity's better nature in general, and the subsequent mistakes made thereof.

In the two years that I've been single, I've gotten a full-time stay-at-home job working as an investigative journalist (which sometimes requires me to go places I can't divulge) and studying a major's degree in PR and journalism. I've been able to play my games, read my books, and cook my own damn meals without someone hanging expectations on my back like I'm some kind of new toy to play with and throw away when they're finished chewing on me (pun not intended, just a cliched analogy). And my progress in my writing career has been astounding. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about women... but I love my life.

Yo ho, yo ho, It's the single life for me Pirate

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2012-12-06 13:47:28 UTC
Don't ever really get aggro over Eve, thankfully, since I don't spend too incredibly much time on it these days. Wife just calls me a nerd and then goes and spends hours planted in front of the TV watching whatever "Real Housewives of..." is on. I occasionally have to get up to let her get on Scrabble Cheat every so often so she can beat her friends and feel smart Blink

Wife isn't a gamer but she can be fun when mixed with eve. Example: Back when I first got into 0.0 and had comms up for the first time ever (I've never really been THAT serious of a gamer, don't even have a console of any kind) the wife gets on to check her email while I have comms on in the back ground. Wife picks up headset and starts listening.

Wife: "Wow these guys sound like NERDS. Wait, that one guy has an english accent ...oh damn...ask him to say my name!"

I type the question in the comm chat box coz she's too afraid to speak on comms.

Wife: Giggling "OOoooooooohhh well he's still a nerd but he's got a ******* sexy accent"

Then there was the time she got on the local chat in Arnon (back when local in Arnon used to be like Jita minus the market bots)

Wife: "Wow this one guys really mad!" <---- Newbster got ganked by can-baiters and was rage quitting for all to see

At one point she actually started typing back to people saying "can't we all just get along?" I jumped on and said, "My wife is actually enjoying seeing all the rage here tonight, lol"

We all got a good laugh but the best was when all the shut-in, basement dwellers told my wife goodnight when she said she was handing the computer back to me. The eve mails that followed afterward asking if she was coming back anytime soon...that's a whole other story Roll
Meja Ashtan
New Eden Advertisement
#65 - 2012-12-06 13:50:29 UTC
The "come spend time with me" sounds so familiar. We've been together for 7 years now and she's quite used to me sitting at computer working, playing or watching movies etc.

In these years she has gained a lot of gaming knowledge by listening all my Ventrilo conversations from other room. She knows all my gaming friends (most of whom I've never met in RL) by name, she knows which games I used to play in the past, she knows what kind of crafting I do in some games etc.

Back in the wow days, she came and asked if I could park that orc for a moment and come craft armor kits with her in the bedroom. Now in the Eve days, she comes tapping to my shoulder asking "could you find a safe spot and come tuck me in?" when she's going to bed. And I don't know why, but it makes her extremely happy and pleased when I say "Sorry guys, gotta put the missus in bed. AFK for 5." in Ventrilo. Then she's all tired and smiley faces in bed, when I had to leave the guys for her and they all know it.

I'm guessing it's important for her to know that there is a one certain moment in day, when she can pull me out of a game without a struggle and I won't just delay it with "Just second", "in a moment" or other lines.

Sometimes she likes to pick on me when I'm drawing Eve related stuff and not doing actual RL work. "Oh, you are drawing space stuff again? Too bad THAT is not bringing in any real money."

The only thing bringing serious heat towards me are the weekends, when it's 9am, she wakes up and see's me still up playing - and we were supposed to do something together later that day. She don't like me in zombie mode. Oh, and talking in Ventrilo too loud in the middle of night and waking her up. Back while we were playing Left 4 Dead, I had to explain the guys what "waking up the witch" really means. That gives huge negative standings and grinding that back up means watching a lot of Idols, Teen Moms and X-Factory with her. And no, you can't just take naps on the couch with her while she watches it, you have to participate and comment it with her.

Luckily she's now hooked on Walking Dead with me. That is like "our moment" when we prepare to watch it with good food and some treats. I know it makes her extremely pleased (I like it too, you know) and grants me a lot get-out-of-jail-free cards.
Complex Potential
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#66 - 2012-12-06 13:56:38 UTC
My wife likes me to spend time with her as I like her to spend time with me but I tend not to get much grief about it when I'm playing eve. I'm lucky because she and I like the same sort of TV and so during "quality time" I get to watch the likes of South Park, Stargate, Firefly and Jericho rather than being forced to watch the mindless fluff many other women seem to think is entertaining.

On a day to day basis I get a fantastic deal out of the marriage since she enjoys cooking and so I actually feel guilty when I spend a whole night playing eve, even though she doesn't complain. Also, she goes to sleep really early, like 9:30pm, and she likes me to be there when she's dozing off but after that she's out cold which means I can head back to the study for a few hours.

Often when I'm playing eve she'll be sat on the other table doing her arts and crafts stuff and can quite happily do that for hours.

It's all about trust. She trusts me to make time for her when it matters and I trust her to understand that I need my space.

Also, I never object when it comes to her wanting to buy anything, ever. This could be a big factor in our harmonious relationship.
#67 - 2012-12-06 14:05:25 UTC
Give her an ipad

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Scope Works
#68 - 2012-12-06 14:46:21 UTC
On wife (well, fiancee) ganks, I have had this happen, numerous occasions.

She is asian.
She has perfect curves.
She has perfect legs.
She is a perfect hour glass.

This is rare among all asians. Eve is not rare.

I welcome her ganks and willingly sacrifice isk and ships to her.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Destru Kaneda
Arzad Police Department
#69 - 2012-12-06 14:59:18 UTC
If you seriously consider "I want to have sex" wife aggro you need to either stop playing EVE or get a better looking wife.

Actual wife aggro is sometimes unavoidable but can be mitigated by following the OFC: Oral, flowers, chocolate.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#70 - 2012-12-06 15:03:32 UTC
I lost a Rattlesnake because my wife choose RIGHT THEN to come talk to me about something that was soooo important it couldn't wait....

So sure, I lost a faction battleship, but I gain the powerful and useful knowledge of the current goings-on of my Sister-in-law and her new husband. Yay.....
Renier Gaden
Immortal Guides
#71 - 2012-12-06 15:31:40 UTC
I was flying Logistics for a fleet grinding sovereignty. My alliance at the time was trying to rapidly take an entire region, and had reinforced stuff all over the place. I kept thinking that maybe after the next structure the fleet would head back to base, but they kept going and going. This went on for five and a half hours on a Sunday. I finally managed to log out in the safety of an Alliance POS.

Apparently my wife and I were supposed to go out for lunch, but it was too late by the time I got off. She was so pissed that she quit the Alliance and moved out to Low Sec to join up with a motley band of pirates.

I thought about staying where I was, but she had developed an intense hatred of Sov grinding and I figured that if she caught me structure grinding again she would start feeling the need to spend more quality time with me outside of the game, so I finally decided to join her new Corp and follow her out to Low Sec.

Besides, I was not overly frilled about getting dragged around for five and a half hours and then being abandoned in the ass end of nowhere. The morning after the incident my wife was looking at the killboard losses and goes: “Hey, isn’t that the POS you logged out in?” Apparently they had forgotten to put fuel in the POS I had left my Guardian in, and someone had taken advantage of their oversight. Bloody lovely!
Emily Florence Nightingale
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#72 - 2012-12-06 15:35:36 UTC
eve has a mechanic for dealing with this

Pull her to the nearest gate. wait for her to aggro, point her, drop cyno and bridge in vindi's...

Make sure you have a smart bomber handy too, Wife down.. pod dead... end of aggro..

Or simply ignore her, till she goes away... with the kids and half your annual salary.

Worked for me.

Integrated Insterstellar Holdings
#73 - 2012-12-06 15:36:46 UTC
Zack Korth wrote:
my g/f aggros me every day, you learn to live with it. sometimes she sits here talking thinking i'm listening (shes doing it right now) and that seems to sate her, but most of the time she wants me to watch some buttshow like criminal minds or law and orders: SVU (or, "****" as i like to call it), i'm relegated to a silent soundboard for random thoughts she has, stuck in the living room (the RL rapecage)

I usually yield to these demands because shes the only person alive that has sex with me, and sex is more important than one more forlorn hub, also I would like to think it will be around long after EVE, but my life is full of wishful thinking.

Its better than being alone m8s

I almost wept reading this, i also live in a **** cage. Do you think that they actually think we are listening? I mean i nod allot and say yeah sometimes but at the same time im FCing down a mic staring at a screen.

The other day she said she wants to draw another (more handsome) face on the side of my face and have a relationship with that, to be fair if it allows me to play more EVE ill be content.

Also child aggro is a whole bunch worse.
Emily Florence Nightingale
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#74 - 2012-12-06 15:44:55 UTC
AndromacheDarkstar wrote:
Zack Korth wrote:
my g/f aggros me every day, you learn to live with it. sometimes she sits here talking thinking i'm listening (shes doing it right now) and that seems to sate her, but most of the time she wants me to watch some buttshow like criminal minds or law and orders: SVU (or, "****" as i like to call it), i'm relegated to a silent soundboard for random thoughts she has, stuck in the living room (the RL rapecage)

I usually yield to these demands because shes the only person alive that has sex with me, and sex is more important than one more forlorn hub, also I would like to think it will be around long after EVE, but my life is full of wishful thinking.

Its better than being alone m8s

I almost wept reading this, i also live in a **** cage. Do you think that they actually think we are listening? I mean i nod allot and say yeah sometimes but at the same time im FCing down a mic staring at a screen.

The other day she said she wants to draw another (more handsome) face on the side of my face and have a relationship with that, to be fair if it allows me to play more EVE ill be content.

Also child aggro is a whole bunch worse.

Yes... Kid aggro is worse, but due to thier generally lower EHP, kids are easier to gank
Integrated Insterstellar Holdings
#75 - 2012-12-06 16:42:59 UTC
Emily Florence Nightingale wrote:
AndromacheDarkstar wrote:
Zack Korth wrote:
my g/f aggros me every day, you learn to live with it. sometimes she sits here talking thinking i'm listening (shes doing it right now) and that seems to sate her, but most of the time she wants me to watch some buttshow like criminal minds or law and orders: SVU (or, "****" as i like to call it), i'm relegated to a silent soundboard for random thoughts she has, stuck in the living room (the RL rapecage)

I usually yield to these demands because shes the only person alive that has sex with me, and sex is more important than one more forlorn hub, also I would like to think it will be around long after EVE, but my life is full of wishful thinking.

Its better than being alone m8s

I almost wept reading this, i also live in a **** cage. Do you think that they actually think we are listening? I mean i nod allot and say yeah sometimes but at the same time im FCing down a mic staring at a screen.

The other day she said she wants to draw another (more handsome) face on the side of my face and have a relationship with that, to be fair if it allows me to play more EVE ill be content.

Also child aggro is a whole bunch worse.

Yes... Kid aggro is worse, but due to thier generally lower EHP, kids are easier to gank

One swift and well aimed kick usually does the job
Emily Florence Nightingale
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#76 - 2012-12-06 16:47:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Emily Florence Nightingale
AndromacheDarkstar wrote:
Emily Florence Nightingale wrote:
AndromacheDarkstar wrote:
Zack Korth wrote:
my g/f aggros me every day, you learn to live with it. sometimes she sits here talking thinking i'm listening (shes doing it right now) and that seems to sate her, but most of the time she wants me to watch some buttshow like criminal minds or law and orders: SVU (or, "****" as i like to call it), i'm relegated to a silent soundboard for random thoughts she has, stuck in the living room (the RL rapecage)

I usually yield to these demands because shes the only person alive that has sex with me, and sex is more important than one more forlorn hub, also I would like to think it will be around long after EVE, but my life is full of wishful thinking.

Its better than being alone m8s

I almost wept reading this, i also live in a **** cage. Do you think that they actually think we are listening? I mean i nod allot and say yeah sometimes but at the same time im FCing down a mic staring at a screen.

The other day she said she wants to draw another (more handsome) face on the side of my face and have a relationship with that, to be fair if it allows me to play more EVE ill be content.

Also child aggro is a whole bunch worse.

Yes... Kid aggro is worse, but due to thier generally lower EHP, kids are easier to gank

One swift and well aimed kick usually does the job

I prefer to use something with webs, as the Alpha strike of a swift kick can sometimes miss a child, due to their lower sig radius, I suggest webs, points and a sustand and relentless pounding.

(p.s. God i hope my kid never reads this)
Kimo Khan
Rage Against All Reds
#77 - 2012-12-06 17:44:32 UTC
Destru Kaneda wrote:
If you seriously consider "I want to have sex" wife aggro you need to either stop playing EVE or get a better looking wife.

Actual wife aggro is sometimes unavoidable but can be mitigated by following the OFC: Oral, flowers, chocolate.

Not all aggro is bad aggro. Everyone here was mentioning their bad aggro stories. My story is more of how my wife aggro me while playing. I did not mention all the ways she has done this, and believe me they have been good!
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#78 - 2012-12-06 17:49:48 UTC
Renier Gaden wrote:
I was flying Logistics for a fleet grinding sovereignty. My alliance at the time was trying to rapidly take an entire region, and had reinforced stuff all over the place. I kept thinking that maybe after the next structure the fleet would head back to base, but they kept going and going. This went on for five and a half hours on a Sunday. I finally managed to log out in the safety of an Alliance POS.

Apparently my wife and I were supposed to go out for lunch, but it was too late by the time I got off. She was so pissed that she quit the Alliance and moved out to Low Sec to join up with a motley band of pirates.

I thought about staying where I was, but she had developed an intense hatred of Sov grinding and I figured that if she caught me structure grinding again she would start feeling the need to spend more quality time with me outside of the game, so I finally decided to join her new Corp and follow her out to Low Sec.

Besides, I was not overly frilled about getting dragged around for five and a half hours and then being abandoned in the ass end of nowhere. The morning after the incident my wife was looking at the killboard losses and goes: “Hey, isn’t that the POS you logged out in?” Apparently they had forgotten to put fuel in the POS I had left my Guardian in, and someone had taken advantage of their oversight. Bloody lovely!

"Structure Grinding" must be a codeword for "screwing with fat chicks" right?

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#79 - 2012-12-06 17:54:33 UTC
Kimo Khan wrote:
Destru Kaneda wrote:
If you seriously consider "I want to have sex" wife aggro you need to either stop playing EVE or get a better looking wife.

Actual wife aggro is sometimes unavoidable but can be mitigated by following the OFC: Oral, flowers, chocolate.

Not all aggro is bad aggro. Everyone here was mentioning their bad aggro stories. My story is more of how my wife aggro me while playing. I did not mention all the ways she has done this, and believe me they have been good!

Oh, yes. Sometimes wife aggro is best aggro.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Pitrolo Orti
#80 - 2012-12-06 18:01:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Pitrolo Orti
My GF calls EVE the other GF...I get Aggro all the time she sees me is the temporary solution I found...when she comes over wait till she goes to bed put headset and play..she really does not care if I play when she is sleeping or at least she is too busy sleeping :-P still trying to figure out how to manage this since I never played an MMO in my life and EVE is my first gaming experience

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.