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[Service] Bounty Broker services - Brought to you by Rundle Allnighter

Rundle's BountyBroker
#1 - 2012-12-01 02:26:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Rundle's BountyBroker
Retribution : the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter

Consequence : something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions

Avoidance : the act or practice of keeping away from or withdrawing from something undesirable

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions?

Well I can help!

Rundle's Bounty Broker service will place your bounty for you on a player, corporation or alliance!

And when the kill mails start rolling in I will summarize them and forward them too you.

Cost of this service is 5% of the bounty paid in advance to a max cap of 50m.
(The cost of this service tops out once the bounty is at a 1 billion ISK.)

An example:
If you wish to place a 1 billion ISK bounty on Corp-X then you would send me 1.05 billion ISK (1.0bil plus 50m).
I will then place the bounty and send confirmation the bounty has been placed.
Then I will go through the kill reports and forward the ones that your bounty has created till your bounty runs out.

The minimums for bounties as enforced by CONCORD and my cost to place that minimum are as follows:
Player: 100,000 ISK : service costs 5,000 ISK
Corporation: 20,000,000 ISK : service costs 1,000,000 ISK
Alliance: 100,000,000 ISK : service costs 5,000,000 ISK

Send your ISK today. No bounty refused!

Brought to you by Rundle Allnighter. If you wish to confirm this just mail me!

New developments in my service:
- Cost of service reduced with a maximum cap now added.
- Contacts have been made with bounty hunters who are more than happy to hunt down targets of value.
- I WILL NOT be listing any names, contacts, bounties, or statistics. This is an ANONYMOUS service.
- There is NO PUBLIC channel. There is no reason to be caught talking to me. Private conversations only!
- Hate mail can be requested to be forwarded. I can also summarize a count and provide that. Or I can simply delete them.

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions? I'll place that bounty for you! No bounty refused! The original anonymous bounty service of New Eden.

Rundle's BountyBroker
#2 - 2012-12-01 02:32:21 UTC
reserved for future use

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions? I'll place that bounty for you! No bounty refused! The original anonymous bounty service of New Eden.

Rundle Allnighter
No Fox Given
Already Replaced.
#3 - 2012-12-01 02:33:31 UTC
Confirmed! This is indeed my service!

Act now and get those bounties ready!

**Need more? **Read more of what I have to say at my blog EVE All Night. **Still not satisfied?  **Come listen to me with Jade on the Lost in EVE Podcasts!

Griffin Support Services
#4 - 2012-12-01 02:37:31 UTC
Getting started early on the new changed huh rundle?
Rundle's BountyBroker
#5 - 2012-12-01 06:59:11 UTC
Trying! :)

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions? I'll place that bounty for you! No bounty refused! The original anonymous bounty service of New Eden.

shar'ra matcevsovski
#6 - 2012-12-01 07:06:01 UTC  |  Edited by: shar'ra matcevsovski
Rundle's BountyBroker wrote:
you would send me 1.1 billion ISK.

goddamn this is not jita-local....

shar'ra phone home

Sofia Wolf
Ubuntu Inc.
The Fourth District
#7 - 2012-12-01 23:48:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Sofia Wolf
You have interesting idea there Rundle but 10% broker fee seems a bit too steep. Topically brokers should take 1-2%. I understand you, by taking this kind of work, are also taking increased amount of risk on yourself, but still asking above 5% does not seem like something market would accept.

For example what competitive advantage do you have to offer that would make someone use your service instead of using one of his alt characters or simply rolling up trial account and use it to set up bounties?

Jessica Danikov > EVE is your real life. the rest is fantasy. caught in a corporation. no escape from banality. open up yours eyes, peer through pod good and seeeeeee. I'm just a poor pilot, I need no sympathy. because I'm easy scam, easy go, little isk, little know. anyway the solar wind blows...

Rundle's BountyBroker
#8 - 2012-12-02 00:03:33 UTC
Sofia Wolf wrote:
You have interesting idea there Rundle but 10% broker fee seems a bit too steep. Topically brokers should take 1-2%. I understand you, by taking this kind of work, are also taking increased amount of risk on yourself, but still asking above 5% does not seem like something market would accept.

For example what competitive advantage do you have to offer that would make someone use your service instead of using one of his alt characters or simply rolling up trial account and use it to set up bounties?

Good question. And the answer is absolutely nothing prevents someone from rolling an alt (unless they have no slots left). I don't think trial accounts can set bounties, my research has concluded it needs to be a paid account.

The advantage however (and the real core of the service) is the pure anonymous nature of the transaction. API keys won't be able to reveal the alt and if there is concern regarding the financial trail I have additional alts that can handle the middle transactions.

And to be honest, 10% fee seemed like a good place to start. As expected, it's just a starting point and I may very well have to adjust my fee's downwards or even upwards. I won't know till I see how much work I need to put in to see what is reasonable from my side. And I won't be able to know in these early days what the market will handle. As with all services in EVE, negotiations are always a big part of it. So if someone is interested, a quick chat is always welcome.

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions? I'll place that bounty for you! No bounty refused! The original anonymous bounty service of New Eden.

Rundle's BountyBroker
#9 - 2012-12-02 17:11:39 UTC

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions? I'll place that bounty for you! No bounty refused! The original anonymous bounty service of New Eden.

Rundle Allnighter
No Fox Given
Already Replaced.
#10 - 2012-12-03 16:09:17 UTC
Less than 20 hours to go before CONCORD implements the new bounty system across New Eden!

**Need more? **Read more of what I have to say at my blog EVE All Night. **Still not satisfied?  **Come listen to me with Jade on the Lost in EVE Podcasts!

Rundle Allnighter
No Fox Given
Already Replaced.
#11 - 2012-12-04 19:51:30 UTC
The new bounty system is live.

Avoid the hassle of setting up an alt and running the risk of revealing it with your API.

Place a bounty on your own corporation or alliance!

Remain anonymous!

Remain hidden and place those bounties today.

**Need more? **Read more of what I have to say at my blog EVE All Night. **Still not satisfied?  **Come listen to me with Jade on the Lost in EVE Podcasts!

De Guillaume
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#12 - 2012-12-04 20:00:27 UTC
I am a bit slow on reading what the new changes are, But why would anyone place a bounty on their own corp or alliance.

Has you ever went so far as chose to go even use want to look more like do?

Rundle Allnighter
No Fox Given
Already Replaced.
#13 - 2012-12-04 20:11:50 UTC

  • I would imagine spy's all around New Eden can answer that for you.

  • I'm sure a few people would for the ***** 'n giggles.

  • Maybe you hate a specific corp in your alliance.

  • Maybe your corp thinks your alliance are idiots.

  • Maybe you think one of your FC's is a raging racist and you want him dead.

  • Perhaps you just want to see the world burn.

The list just goes on..........

**Need more? **Read more of what I have to say at my blog EVE All Night. **Still not satisfied?  **Come listen to me with Jade on the Lost in EVE Podcasts!

Rundle Allnighter
No Fox Given
Already Replaced.
#14 - 2012-12-05 04:52:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Rundle Allnighter
Adolf H Places his own EVE Online Bounty

A cautionary tale.....


**Need more? **Read more of what I have to say at my blog EVE All Night. **Still not satisfied?  **Come listen to me with Jade on the Lost in EVE Podcasts!

Rundle's BountyBroker
#15 - 2012-12-05 17:36:50 UTC
After some market research and conversations with customers and bounty hunters I have adjusted the cost of this service.

Service is now 5% of the bounty placed to a max of 50m.

Means the cost of the service tops out at 1 billion ISK. Any larger bounty and it's still 50m.

The minimums for bounties as enforced by CONCORD and my cost to place that minimum are as follows:

Player: 100,000 ISK : service costs 5,000 ISK
Corporation: 20,000,000 ISK : service costs 1,000,000 ISK
Alliance: 100,000,000 ISK : service costs 5,000,000 ISK

Enjoy the new system!

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions? I'll place that bounty for you! No bounty refused! The original anonymous bounty service of New Eden.

Rundle's BountyBroker
#16 - 2012-12-05 23:46:23 UTC
Sorry, there is NO PUBLIC channel. There is no reason to be caught talking to me. Private conversations only!

You can send mail to Rundle Allnighter or convo there me also. I don't even have logging turned on my PC.

Hate mail can be requested to be forwarded. I can also summarize a count and provide that as an estimate of tear level.
Or I can simply delete them.

The kill mails have begun to flow! :)

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions? I'll place that bounty for you! No bounty refused! The original anonymous bounty service of New Eden.

Aurelius Valentius
Valentius Corporation
Valentius Corporation Alliance
#17 - 2012-12-06 00:53:05 UTC
Hi Rundle [and Jade] love the cast, that and Fly Reckless and Voices are my mainstream casts, just listened to 81, nice to have Gil's freshman perspectiive on there, good cast.

Ok now to this bounty thing, I feel the bounty is not what it was, a form of punishement in the fashion of a brand, now it's trendy, it's a fashion statement, the more ISK the more one is know... it's fame, it's love, it's populatity, there is no need for poddings for payouts, it's not about pew-pewing and goo... it's about style.

Now one can even bounty one's self, though if caught it's like giving yourself a Valentines Day card... so un-cool. We need to understand the greater purpose of this...IMAGE!, it's about how we look, and looking bad and tough w/o being so is trendy to the enth, it's total cool with out having to do the crime, or the time or anything, it's a false sense of grit and grim... it's new age.

So lets not give to hate, but to love, love and being wanted, it's about who care enough to dip in for 100K and tell you they noticed you, and you matter to them if only for a tick on a tape. No one should every be un-wanted in EVE, EVEryone is loved, and worth 100K.
Indecisive Cid
The Scope
#18 - 2012-12-06 05:22:38 UTC
Idk cus all ud have to do is login to an alt. Or creat a quick one just to do so. Id take u all of 5 mins kina like u just making an alt bountybroker lol
Good luck in ur endeavor tho
Rundle's BountyBroker
#19 - 2012-12-06 16:13:57 UTC
Indecisive Cid wrote:
Idk cus all ud have to do is login to an alt. Or creat a quick one just to do so. Id take u all of 5 mins kina like u just making an alt bountybroker lol
Good luck in ur endeavor tho

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. :)

Must have been hard, being indecisive and all.

Check out my answer to Sophia (above) and you will have my response. :)

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions? I'll place that bounty for you! No bounty refused! The original anonymous bounty service of New Eden.

Rundle's BountyBroker
#20 - 2012-12-08 18:06:27 UTC
The new system is causing all sorts of tears!

Place your bounty now!

Do you wish to have retribution while avoiding the consequence of your actions? I'll place that bounty for you! No bounty refused! The original anonymous bounty service of New Eden.

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