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EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion

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Your questions to the commentators and guests

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#21 - 2012-12-01 19:08:38 UTC
What would your thoughts be on introducing more or less bans in the later stages of the tournament ?
Silk daShocka
Greasy Hair Club
#22 - 2012-12-01 19:09:39 UTC
Do you have any stories from MoO CCP falcon?
Rordan D'Kherr
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2012-12-01 19:14:26 UTC
Who in your very personal opinion

  • is or was the best solo PvPer?
  • is or was the best pirate / merc corporation?
  • is or was the best alliance pvp-wise?

Don't be scared, because being afk is not a crime.

Binal Extensions
Xagenic Freymvork
#24 - 2012-12-01 19:20:12 UTC
We hear the commentators talk about team logistics (organization, ship prep, etc., not guardians). Can't the teams just sit in Jita and buy whatever they need, or is there more to it than that?
The Papaja
Dutch United Mercenaries
#25 - 2012-12-01 19:42:19 UTC
I like the Nighthawk alot myself, but aswell in TQ as in tournaments I get the feeling it is quite a bit weaker compared with the almighty sleipnir. (In my opinion mostly due to lack of powergrid) The Sleipnir seems to beat the other race T2 BC aswell.

Isn't the sleipnir a bit out of line with the other t2 bc or is it just so much better for pvp and does it lack on other areas? What's the panels opinion on that?
Sven Hammerstorm
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2012-12-01 19:56:52 UTC
how do they feel about the plex prices atm
Interbus Universal
#27 - 2012-12-01 20:56:07 UTC
Who are you?

No seriously, we have seen those three devs for a long time and they are telling us interesting stuff, but you should show their names once in a while so we know who they are.

So the pink-haired one was CCP Sunset... the dark-haired woman was Karkour? Who was the young other dev (not Soundwave)?


Dunkler Imperator
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2012-12-01 20:57:12 UTC
there was a large interest in smallholdings just before crucible. Just wondering what happened to the idea(s)

Burseg Sardaukar
Free State Project
#29 - 2012-12-02 18:24:19 UTC
With the front-loaded sec hits coming in Retribution in lowsec PVP, how long will we have to wait for a revamped sec-gain system? Or perhaps a system that won't allow a player to go below -4.9 if they don't do criminal acts?

Can't wait to dual box my Dust toon and EVE toon on the same machine!

New Eden Alliance 99013733
#30 - 2012-12-02 19:02:55 UTC
Will ATXI have bans aswell?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-12-02 19:03:43 UTC
Is a "Role-icide" on the horizon?

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-12-02 19:05:59 UTC
Question: Who was the mastermind behind that hilarious movie!
Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#33 - 2012-12-02 19:06:31 UTC
Fleet hangers and safety persistence needs to be addressed live thanks.

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

0rder of the Golden Dawn
#34 - 2012-12-02 19:52:02 UTC
CCP Soundwave promised an explanation of Asine Hitama's choice of not banning any ships for the second match - could we have the reason ?

For the devs - will there be a tooltip or fitting screen iteration so that drone users can see the control range of their drones ?
Appetite 4 Destruction
#35 - 2012-12-02 20:06:32 UTC
Meadowvale wrote:
CCP Soundwave promised an explanation of Asine Hitama's choice of not banning any ships for the second match - could we have the reason ?

For the devs - will there be a tooltip or fitting screen iteration so that drone users can see the control range of their drones ?

Because they got far too cocky? and thought they could take anything on


Bobby Mugabe
#36 - 2012-12-02 20:23:29 UTC
When do we get Faction POS stuff back to loot tables?
Gabriel Braun
Wrabble Wrousers
#37 - 2012-12-02 20:41:37 UTC
Will we possibly see an in-game implementation of the coalition mechanic that now seems to dominate nullsec politics?
Karah Serrigan
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2012-12-02 20:48:49 UTC
Hey Soundwave. Why are you so eager to simplify every aspect that differentiates EVE from other games, what makes EVE what it is and is a crucial factor for EVEs reputation as the opposite of Hello Kitty online?
There is a difference between bad implementation and bad design. An example for the first is the old crimewatch system and the LP store. Yes its a good thing to simplify it a bit by adding the bulk-buying option. An example for the latter however, is the drug manufacturing process.
Yes it requires a lot of skills, a lot of money invested and a lot of time to pull it through, but as it is now, enough people are already doing it and the prices for drugs arent so high that they are exclusive to a rich few.
Another example youve talked about is datacores. Why would you want toremove them? Sure its a passive income, but its not more or less "bad" for the game than say moongoo or ratting. It just broadens the possibilities you have in EVE.
Everything you suggested today is aimed towards simpifying EVE to "click this button to get shiny".
Gabriel Braun
Wrabble Wrousers
#39 - 2012-12-02 21:04:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Gabriel Braun
Also, what about replicating the FA cup system where the lowest teams always have a chance through process of elimination?

-edit: Lol, answered live :D
#40 - 2012-12-02 21:11:00 UTC
why don't you make a ship that can refine stuff in space ?
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