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Your greatest moment in Eve

First post
Presidente Gallente
Best Kept Dunked
#101 - 2012-11-08 16:52:44 UTC
Peter Tjordenskiold wrote:
Presidente Gallente wrote:
Peter Tjordenskiold wrote:
Doing a bombing run and getting 60 killmails

Greetings Peter,

yes, I remember those Drake wrecks at top of this POS in Fountain Cool

You are wrong mate, that was in Stain long ago. I miss Dark. Come back

Oh, ****. Stain. Ofc. Come back to us and make Nennamalia awesome.
Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#102 - 2012-11-08 17:58:21 UTC
Aedh Phelan wrote:

Meeting that player that flips your can, pops your ship, then spends 2 hours in convo giving amazing advice to help you improve in many ways moving forward. You're still in my contacts and I still smile everytime you log in.

This also happened to me after my first week. He also left my stuff in a can and sent me 50million ISK to help me out. It's still the highlight of my short EVE career.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

K'hanesh Lor'al
Merc Krew Union United
#103 - 2012-11-08 21:33:00 UTC
I would have to say my greatest moment was a long one (2 years, lol). Back in early 09 I was having a really rough period in life, and video games were my only solace, but not filling the social void. Then I stumbled onto this game called EVE. 2 weeks in, I was recruited by a High Sec corp called The Golden Knights (TGKN, now closed).

I spent 2 full years with some of the best people I have met. In fact, I traveled several times to meet members in RL. My GF even photographed our CEO's wedding!

It was my time in the Knights that helped pull me out of a really bad place, the comradery, the genuine concern for each other, the teamwork - I can honestly say it probably saved my actual life.

I hate to be cliched, but to many of us, EVE IS REAL, in this sense. THat's why I love this game Smile

Sorry for being sappy, lol.

Oh, and posting with my main.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#104 - 2012-11-09 00:19:53 UTC
My greatest moment has to be my first kill, all those years ago...

Jumped into a low-sec system with my poorly fit, but well skilled Drake, a Cyclone warps on gate and tackles me, I start shooting while re-approaching gate. It was a bloody close fight, I had like 15% Structure while killing the cyclone. The way your hands shake everytime that happens in a small fight, is what keeps me playing. Did the whole sov thing for a few years, recently returned to small gang PVP, never looked back.
Valkyrie Consortium
No Visual.
#105 - 2012-11-09 00:25:18 UTC
Being apart of the fall of C-J Red alliance fought like hell for that station but then Solars coalition dropped supers and finished off the station:D pretty much the end of the xdeath solar war as Red alliance pulled out
Lili Mammon
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#106 - 2012-11-09 04:02:59 UTC
My first great memory was when I started the game and joined a mining corp. I had no mining skills and the only ship I could fly at the time was a rifter. The corp leader still made me feel important as I orbited their hulks and shot down any rats that spawned. I even got a small share of the isk from the mining op. I felt like a complete boss.

My next great memory was a few months later, when I moved to 0.0 to join a RL friend, who was in a corp based in syndicate. With little knowledge about 0.0, I jumped in my rifter and started off on 20 jump fear induced seizure trip to RLL. The one thing I did know about 0.0 was never warp from gate to gate, always stop at a nearby planet to scout. Luckily I made it to RLL without being blown up.

Another few months down the road I was still in Syndicate and my corp had joined a local alliance that would sometimes see pvp action when a roaming fleet would make its way into our pocket. We received intel that a large roaming gang was making its way to our system and that we should get ready to fight. By now I had trained into a stealth bomber and was cloaked up ready to torp once the fighting started. This was my first real fleet battle. At first I stayed cloaked and watched the fight, not wanting to get drones put on me from the get go. The enemy fleet was acting somewhat strange and only warping in 6-7 ships at a time to fight us instead of their entire fleet at once. After the second wave of ships a Widow decloaked on us and out popped a handful of stealth bombers, and then the Widow recloaked. Still to this day I remember on Teamspeak our FC shouting "Keeeel the Weeeedoooow, I neeeeeed the Weeeeedooooow!" in his Greek accent. A hero intercepter burned in the direction of the Widow decloaking it and got a point. I had to warp off during the fight a few times because of incoming damage. It felt truly epic.

Other great memories have been moving into a c3 with my corp and attempting to run a radar site with a handful of t1 battleships and almost dieing. Doing hot drops and bombing runs when I was in PL. Moving into a C5.

Sadly, lately the game has become less epic for me, perhaps I have been living in wormhole space for too long, or know too much about the game to give that epic feeling....
Keen Fallsword
Skyway Patrol
#107 - 2012-11-09 04:22:00 UTC
When i susspended my accounts :>
BLUE Regiment.
#108 - 2012-11-09 08:41:26 UTC
Killing a Revelation with a rifter fleet.
Mby not greatest moment but definitely entertaining one.
Eternal Montage
Myriad Sequence
#109 - 2012-11-30 15:44:00 UTC
Ok, OP here, it looks like this thread is dying down so I'll throw in my story(s). It's hard to say what my greatest moment was but I'll tell a few.

Early in my eve career I specialized in ninja salvaging which kind of lead my to can flipping. I really enjoyed being a shady character in highsec. It was fun messing with people knowing that there were certain game mechanics in place that protected me. I wasn't very strong just yet and didn't want to pvp in lowsec or null because it intimidated me and every time I tried I immediately died. At the time I was all about the Imicus. Still one of my favorite ships to this day. It can not only probe, it packs a serious punch for such a small package. I tweaked it so that It had just enough tank to survive the onslaught of drones from a hulk and it still put out 140dps or something like that. So I was can flipping in Allamotte. Corpies were near by but I was pretty much soloing. I found a small gang of noobs mining in retrievers and started to mess with them. I stole from them so that I'd turn blinky red and then I started bumping them. I kept stealing all their ore and flipping it to my own container. I made it impossible for them to make any isk without stealing it back from me. Eventually they left and around that time one of my corp mates joined me in a nemesis, he sat cloaked near me. My aggression timer was still counting down as we sat on their belt waiting for them to come back. Eventually one of them showed up, and immediately targeted me. Coms exploded with laughter as my corp mates realized he was flying a Hound. The Hound immediately started shooting at me and did absolutely no damage. I got on top of him and took him down in mere seconds, it was beautiful. Then as the icing on the cake he wined in local and said that he filed a petition to CCP and he claimed that I was "hacking". Here it is:

My second story is about the time I killed a 5 man fleet all on my own. You see, I was and still am obsessed with solo roaming, granted I haven't done it in a while. Solo is all about the glory. It's not about 1v1 its about 1v5. 1v1 doesn't exist in Eve, but being outnumbered has its advantages, it means you have more ships to kill and the enemy is going to be aggressive in their attempts to kill you. I was soloing in a rupture. I was in K-QWHE and came across a small gatecamp of Coercer, Coercer, Jaguar, Cormorant. I immediately went to town on them overloading my guns and pretty much insta popped the coercers. A few minutes later after some cat and mouse the Jag finally got on top of me and we brawled it out but ultimately my neuts got the best of him and he went down--I got his pod too. I was deep in structure by then so I docked up and repped (the Cormorant was 80km off gate the whole time and he was sniping, I couldn't reach him so for the time being just ignored him). After I repped I figured I was doing well so why not continue? I went back to the gate I just left and the Cormorant was still there. I jumped through the gate because I wanted to jump back in and surprise him. I did just that and when I came back in I was 12 kilometers on the other side of the gate, HIS side of the gate, and he had moved 10 kilometers closer to the gate. This put me about 58km from him. Perfect. I decloaked, overloaded my MWD and burned towards him. He must have panicked cuz all he could think to do was shoot at me. He did poor damage and I got on him and he went down instantly. I hung out there for a bit hoping they'd throw more ships at me and eventually a Caracal jumped through the gate. He burned towards me looking like he wanted to fight so I obliged and just absolutely destroyed him, he did less damage than the 3 destroyers and frigate I'd just destroyed. After this I put my stuff in a station to grab later and went home. All in all one of the best experiences I've had in eve. An entirely successful solo pvp endeavor in which I survived and made isk from. I can only imagine what these guys were saying about me on coms. It felt reallly good.

I have some other stories but those two are pretty much my best.
BC Hastings
Seventh Sanctum.
#110 - 2012-11-30 16:42:16 UTC
Carrying 215 war decs the week before CCP made their first attempt to get rid of us, and watching all the major alliances in the game getting so upset about it. Pirate
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#111 - 2012-12-01 02:25:27 UTC
Well, there's a lot of good stories in this thread so I'll add a couple of mine as well, though I doubt they'll be as good. Sorry for my big wall of text.

My first blood rushing heart pounding white knuckle hand shaking experience was a couple of weeks after I first started playing, over 4 years ago. I was running missions and got the mission - Break Their Will - . Someone in NPC corp chat (older player) had told me to take out the 3 power generators first to make it easier in destroying the Outpost.

I did it and after killing the initial NPC's, destroyed the Outpost when all of a sudden I see a bunch of Reds show up on screen with someone in Local chat saying they were going to hunt me down and chop off my head. Man was I scared. I quickly warped out, docked up and told corp chat some players were after me for destroying that Outpost.

The older corp members asked me what happened, then asked what the text color was in local chat. I told them and they all started laughing, telling me I had nothing to worry about. It was just the NPC's and part of the mission story.

lol, talk about being a noob.

My next big experience happened about 1 year playing and was a combination of both excitement and apprehension.

I had bought a BPC for a Hurricane thinking I would spend a few days mining to build one myself. After seeing the amount of materials needed to build it, I pretty much felt like I had wasted my ISK and was very bummed out. After mentioning it in Corp chat, one of the older players said he could help me get the minerals within 1 day for free but would need a couple of days first to set it up.

He contacts me to meet in a system and have my Hoarder ready to haul Ore. I show up in system and get invited to join fleet, my very first fleet opp. Man I didn't know what to expect. I warped into the belt to see 2 Retrievers and 6 Hulks. After being introduced to fleet members (all from different corps), the pilots then directed me on which cans to collect from.

Fleet chat was very busy, same as I was. No time for me to rest trying to empty out all those cans or to even watch the light show, which by the way was excellent, lol. I even had to ask another newer player in Corp chat to help me do the hauling. He had a Wreathe and also had never been in a fleet opp. It seemed like every time we warped into the belt, NPC's would spawn and start attacking us haulers. Of course the Mining ships would quickly unleash their Drones.

I think the whole opp only lasted a few hours, but it seemed like an eternity to us hauling. One of the Hulk Pilots had very good refining skills and did the refining for me, also told me to sell the excess to buy any minerals I was missing. I will never forget that experience, it was very exciting and new to me, a bunch of players all joined up to help out someone they didn't even know.

Later after that, probably about 6 to 9 months, I had another blood rushing heart pounding white knuckle hand shaking experience.

I had a Rapier and decided to go cloaky travel into low / null security (Great Wildlands) for a while. Going out there was no problem. After I got there, the local population noticed me and it became a problem. Basically I ended up playing cat and mouse with a bunch of Russians for 2 weeks while trying to get back to high sec. I eventually made it back, dodging warp bubbles and gate camps, logging out in safe spots, learning how to plot course and travel in 0.0, not to mention working with Dscan. The whole ordeal was a very nerve racking, constantly being hunted. Eventually they realized I was leading them further and further away from their turf and they left after leaving some Russian text in local chat.

I guess my next biggest experience was more of a WTF? feeling mixed with confusion, bewilderment and fumble syndrome.

That happened about 1 1/2 years ago in my Loki. Was multitasking in a 0.7 system scanning down exploration sites while running a radar site at the same time. Didn't notice local chat spike and due to being in 0.7, didn't really care. Had my target slots filled up with cans and shooting NPC's (plus scanning for other sites) when all of a sudden a 1/2 dozen Battleships hot drop on top of me, unload drones and proceed to attack me.

Of course I was caught offguard and totally surprised, fumbling around trying to find an object to warp to while also trying to return fire. It seemed nothing was working. Of course I forgot my target slots were already filled up plus my screen was in scanning mode. Man, talk about mass confusion. Not to mention Concord spawning and with my Overview set up to show brackets and everything while playing on a 10 year old computer, old man lag hit me hard.

Actually the whole ordeal lasted about a minute or two. Next thing I know I wake up in my Medical clone saying WTF? Turns out I was the victim of an assassination hit, paid for by a known forum troller who had decided to take our forum banter into the game, get my corpse / killmail and post it in C&P trying to extract some rage tears..

No rage tears were ever found since the whole thing happened so fast, also I barely had time to react and probably was still in shock for a couple of days afterwards. Of course my revenge was had later by another player pretending he had proof of "Rage Tears" to sell him, basically scamming him for the cost of my lost implants, a few billion ISK worth. The loss of the ship didn't really bother me since it's to be expected.

Ahhh, memories. That's what makes Eve real.

Tarvos Telesto
Blood Fanatics
#112 - 2012-12-01 03:29:27 UTC
I miss times when i start play EvE, i was excited about everyting, now i feel like old man ;/

Probably most great time i remember was when i start play EvE, a three day newbi finaly unlock skills that alow me to fly destroyer, i remember when i see a lot high slots at it, i feel so strong and powerfull, i got similar feeling after first time asemble Rokh, old good times.

EvE isn't game, its style of living.

Gallente Federation
#113 - 2012-12-01 03:54:34 UTC
1v1 sentry domy vrs torp raven I think in 08 ... Even though his dps was insane he overheated his torpedoes too much... Killed him with 30% structure... Was epic...
At the end of the game both the pawn and the Queen go in the same box.
Shamus O'Reilly
Candy Cabal
#114 - 2012-12-01 06:11:27 UTC
I'm not nearly as old in game as others in this thread. But i definitely have good memories so far. My first memory i love honestly was sitting in a thorax during my first wardec (then i was in a mining corp and felt good to actually be able to fight it out... In my meta fitted thorax vs hisec merc/griefers). Thankfully i had a buddy who played eve and came to help me out ingame when i started.

Day one of the war one player showed up in a Myrmidon in Algogille where we were based. I undocked my thorax after my friend lost his megathron to a .9 system sec status Lol . With three others in incursus's (incursi?) we went after the myrmidon hoping to actually put a decent fight up (how wrong we were...)

One corpie got instapopped followed soon after by both of the others and i was sitting in my Thorax feeling helpless when a Dominix landed on me.

My buddy had called in an alliance he was friends with to help us. suddenly my damage went from half hull to full armor and my adrenaline was pumping like an insane maniac thinking i was going to actually win the fight! The myrmidon was losing armor and wasn't repper fit. he was in low armor when he chose to deagress and jump thru the gate.

Though we had lost a total of 5 incursi (i feel so pitiful when i say this now...) that day i had one of the best times in eve. It was less than a week into the game for me and i felt that because i had lasted it was a personal victory for me. We continued small skirmishes like that one for the next few hours with neither side getting anywhere. Our alliance buddies told us that the griefers were pulling out bigger guns (i believe if i remember correctly it was a falcon, drake, and a rapier) so we chose to dock up and wait the rest of the night out. The next day the alliance that helped us decced the corp and got them off our back and they retracted out.

Two months later our new reformed corp had joined said alliance where we still happily are today.

That day was the reason i got into the pew and loving every kill and loss i have in here. And before anyone says i was "converted" to PVP i wasn't at least fully. I still love my fat wallet as much as i love my hurricane, cyclone, and HACs (PS damn you CCP for killing the 425 cane coming dec 4th Evil )

"I swear there are more people complaining over "nullsecers complaining" then actual nullsec people complaining."

To mare
Advanced Technology
#115 - 2012-12-01 11:28:21 UTC
one of my best moment was when i was moving a pve maelstrom with a nightmare bpc in the cargohold from sansha 0.0 npc space to high sec i avoided 1 gate camp with sabre and other ships plus some enemy gangs on the way i even remember the fit was some sort of a XL tank with mwd AB 3-4 heavy neuts and WCS in all the lows, i was more afraid of the lol killmail than the value of the ship, somewhere i made it to empire just to find out all mi missioning in 0.0 screwed up all my standings in empire and there was space police all over the place trying to kill me, that was really a fun day.
Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#116 - 2012-12-01 11:39:20 UTC
keeping it short. Me with 4 other fellow militia members took on a fleet of 11. We where out sized, out classed, out numbered, and had no chance...

We ended up with 6 kills and 0 losses. Gallente scum didn't stand a chance.
#117 - 2012-12-01 11:45:24 UTC
Ninja looting with a noob alt and finidng a CNR wreck in a mission with 3 bil of loot in it, scooping it with my heron seconds before the owners corpse run drake got to it, happy days.
Rotten Legion
#118 - 2012-12-01 11:53:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
I don't think I could state 1 specific event. But here are a few of my favourites;

-Hauling everything I own out of AAA space as our corp left the alliance. They were getting attacked by White Noise quite heavily and were not putting up any resistance so we bailed. I was using a Crane, and I got through 4 gate camps, the last one got me killed. A lot of the gate camps were huge, mostly BCs and interdictors, but the one I got caught at 1 jump from highsec was just two guys. A Dramiel and a Hound. This was relatively early on, I had only recently stopped calling myself a carebear at the time.

-I had just been killed by two guys in Loki's whilst trying to bait a Broadsword in my Stabber Fleet Issue. Turns out they Broadsword was bait and I got two Loki's uncloak on me. I got another ship, because I was FC and couldn't just close the fleet because I had lost something. Our first jump into lowsec jumped us into a gate camp with these same three guys. We lost a stealth bomber, and killed a Loki worth 2 bill. All his faction mods dropped and we got to give the whole fleet 10m each, pay for my loss and the loss of the Stealth bomber. Sweet sweet revenge.

-Every fight with my Hawk. I created a Hawk fit, and managed to kill 13 people before it got killed. Most of them were "1 vs 1s" where the other guy was too late calling his friends in. 3 of those kills were a 1 vs 1 where I killed a Thrasher, who as he died had two friends turn up, one in a harpy, the other in an interceptor. I killed both. My hawk died recently trying to kill Cyclone with a friend in an SB. That was one step too far.

-I also have some very fond memories of a few war decs. One in particular was when I was CEO of a indy corp. We were outclassed, outnumber, out gunned and definitely outsmarted. Just before the war ended we ganked one of their Domis and put us on equal footing.

-Second official fleet I ever ran for Ineluctable, someone scanned down a WH into Goonspace. I jumped the fleet in and a group of nanos with a falcon and a curse killed a ratting carrier and jumped out safely afterwards. Classic. The achievement isn't particularly amazing or anything, but it was only my second officially FCed fleet so I was bricking it.

Elistea wrote:
Killing a Revelation with a rifter fleet.
Mby not greatest moment but definitely entertaining one.

This^^ is bad ass.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

To mare
Advanced Technology
#119 - 2012-12-01 12:06:15 UTC
Lili Mammon wrote:
My first great memory was when I started the game and joined a mining corp. I had no mining skills and the only ship I could fly at the time was a rifter. The corp leader still made me feel important as I orbited their hulks and shot down any rats that spawned. I even got a small share of the isk from the mining op. I felt like a complete boss.

My next great memory was a few months later, when I moved to 0.0 to join a RL friend, who was in a corp based in syndicate. With little knowledge about 0.0, I jumped in my rifter and started off on 20 jump fear induced seizure trip to RLL. The one thing I did know about 0.0 was never warp from gate to gate, always stop at a nearby planet to scout. Luckily I made it to RLL without being blown up.

Another few months down the road I was still in Syndicate and my corp had joined a local alliance that would sometimes see pvp action when a roaming fleet would make its way into our pocket. We received intel that a large roaming gang was making its way to our system and that we should get ready to fight. By now I had trained into a stealth bomber and was cloaked up ready to torp once the fighting started. This was my first real fleet battle. At first I stayed cloaked and watched the fight, not wanting to get drones put on me from the get go. The enemy fleet was acting somewhat strange and only warping in 6-7 ships at a time to fight us instead of their entire fleet at once. After the second wave of ships a Widow decloaked on us and out popped a handful of stealth bombers, and then the Widow recloaked. Still to this day I remember on Teamspeak our FC shouting "Keeeel the Weeeedoooow, I neeeeeed the Weeeeedooooow!" in his Greek accent. A hero intercepter burned in the direction of the Widow decloaking it and got a point. I had to warp off during the fight a few times because of incoming damage. It felt truly epic.

Other great memories have been moving into a c3 with my corp and attempting to run a radar site with a handful of t1 battleships and almost dieing. Doing hot drops and bombing runs when I was in PL. Moving into a C5.

Sadly, lately the game has become less epic for me, perhaps I have been living in wormhole space for too long, or know too much about the game to give that epic feeling....

oh god i remeber about killing a widow in RLL when i was there and i was the rifter that decloaked him and put the first tackle and the situation was pretty much the same do you have the KM somewhere? that would be epic
Keen Fallsword
Skyway Patrol
#120 - 2012-12-01 12:57:33 UTC
Jita monument shooting and unsub for half a year .