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The truth behind PLEX prices rise?

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State War Academy
Caldari State
#41 - 2012-11-30 05:46:09 UTC
simple explanation

ISK is more available than USD (including all pooled isk, that stays in game)

if ISK was harder to get than USD, you would see decline in plex price, 200 mill a plex, 100 mill a plex

This post sums up why the 'best' work with DCM inc.

WARP DRIVE makes eve boring

really - add warping align time 300% on gun aggression and eve becomes great again

Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#42 - 2012-11-30 06:39:43 UTC
More people that are unwilling to pay for the game are paying with plex, less people want to buy plex to finance their game-play. Seems unlikely it's anything more than supply vs demand.
Plex have been rising for years, plex are tied to game time codes, and those prices have been rising for years. In 2007 you could buy a 90 day timecode for 420 mil. That works out to 140 mil for a plex value.
Inflation has been with Eve for quite awhile, don't expect it to go away soon.
Perhaps that is exactly what CCP had in mind everytime they created a new isk fountain? Lol

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Aurelius Valentius
Valentius Corporation
Valentius Corporation Alliance
#43 - 2012-11-30 07:02:42 UTC
I have an interesting and actually good spin on you theory... that CCP might indeed do this, but not for the purpose of greed, but of a clandestine agenda to reset EVE's levels of wealth and materialism into a balanced form from the previous out of control situation(s) that have happened in the past.

There are for the long playing or following some events that lead to vast increases in wealth and materialism in the game by certain parties using exploits (Goons and others, not going to list them all but they are significant and not so rare)... and these left a what was supposed to be a economy of labor and T1 standard stuff in tatters... proliferation of everything shiny was to be had by all.. it lead to a massive boom in all things and good times for all... see history.


I don't think this was ever entended by CCP as the way the economy or the game should be played, or was engineered to be played... it got too shiny to often, and left a massive number of things and ships considered "****, crap, etc." but the base and never used...

Now consider this, what is going on with ship balancing - well balance, and T1 items, it's a plan to put T1 viable again, and I think that is just part of a bigger op. The over all is a universal rebalancing, put the wealth and the market back to squares with the tech and the user base.

Lets consider that if this is the case, it's not the players that lose out, but they win with a more stable and more economical economy and more fun... where a super-shiny 1%er verse is like what happened to Blizzard's D2... it just went to crap... I think CCP is doing the right thing, and also alot of un-seen things to rebalance and retool new Eden to make it viable... so I for one am fine with my one account and while PLEX doubled, my mining ops are doing much better and I am actually able to PLEX doing less time in game than I was prior ot inferno, where it was a "life", now it's a game, even with double cost per month, I can make it and then some... in fact in one month I was 1.6B and a PLEX too boot, or was it two, just from belt mining in my spare time while doing other things on the PC...

I am not much for tin-foil, and so I am going to say this is just my thought on IF your though it true on CCP doing something with PLEX...
Amarr Empire
#44 - 2012-11-30 07:20:36 UTC
yes, all of you, quit playing so plex prices go down to 250mil again I will make sure to let you all know when it happens.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#45 - 2012-11-30 07:22:36 UTC
PLEX is high because it's RMT for dummies and a hedge bet for speculators.

The bubble will burst sooner than later.

Mr Epeen Cool
Sable Moran
Moran Light Industries
#46 - 2012-11-30 09:30:47 UTC
I used to buy plexes for my account since almost a year

I spotted your problem.

Sable's Ammo Shop at Alentene V - Moon 4 - Duvolle Labs Factory. Hybrid charges, Projectile ammo, Missiles, Drones, Ships, Need'em? We have'em, at affordable prices. Pop in at our Ammo Shop in sunny Alentene.

Inquisitor Kitchner
The Executives
#47 - 2012-11-30 09:41:29 UTC
OP's charatcer looks as paranoid as his posts.

Well played.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared." - Niccolo Machiavelli

Zelda Wei
New Horizon Trade Exchange
#48 - 2012-11-30 09:43:03 UTC

The rise is entire a result of the imminent launch of DUST.

DUST Beta players are existing EvE players with ISK.
Why buy PLEX for cash when you can buy them for ISK
Plex spent during DUST beta will be refunded after launch.

QED. Demand with no additional supply = rising price.

After the DUST launch there will be new players without ISK needing PLEX, supply will increase and price will fall.
CCP Eterne
C C P Alliance
#49 - 2012-11-30 10:05:24 UTC
I am locking this topic for being full of baseless rumor mongering.

EVE Online/DUST 514 Community Representative ※ EVE Illuminati ※ Fiction Adept

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