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[Ushra'Khan] And so to war

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Jotunn Risi
#1 - 2012-11-26 22:56:59 UTC
Yesterday marked the 8th anniversary of the Ushra'Khan. Earlier this year we returned to the Republic to resume direct action against the Amarr Empire and their 24th Imperial Crusade. In this time we have set about reconstructing the alliance from the ground up, recruiting new pilots alongside returning comrades while creating ties with the other corporations and alliances that form the Tribal Liberation Force.

This would have passed as a low-key affair, but as ever in the Ushra'Khan's history controversy seeks us out. Yesterday, Late Night Alliance chose to issue a CONCORD-sanctioned declaration of war against us which went live in the early hours of this morning.

We have been aware for some time of LNA's thinly-veiled hostility towards ourselves, much of it seeming to stem from our choice of friends within the TLF. This war declaration immediately follows a minor incident where one of our pilots was threatened and attacked while scouting defensive complexes. Our pilot disengaged from the fight with neither side suffering any losses.

Our information on the incident comes entirely from the account of our own pilot, as LNA diplomat Bahamut420 (who was himself directly involved) was contacted but has outright refused to discuss the matter with our leadership. Shortly after that conversation LNA chose to declare war.

It is clear to us that the only true victors in all of this shall be the Amarr. We are frustrated by LNA's actions but unsurprised as they have a history of aggression and intimidation against other members of the TLF. At this point we consider diplomacy to have run its course, any peaceful resolution is now entirely in the hands of LNA. We shall actively defend our pilots and their interests against LNA aggression and take whatever steps we deem necessary to achieve that.

The Jotunn Risi are now recruiting, Brutor ancestry required in order to best represent the Brutor interest.  Join channel JORIS to learn more!

Jessie Arr
Order of the Black Dagger
#2 - 2012-11-26 23:15:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Jessie Arr
The Daggers have also found themselves on the receiving end of an (as far as we were able to discover) unwarranted war from LNA many months before joining UK. Discussion with several members of LNA leadership got us mixed and conflicting reports about the motives for the war, and all of them were later rebutted as exaggerated hearsay from their members. We were then told to "just let it play out."

As a Brutor, I fear no enemies and welcome all fights, but I'm also disappointed to see the Amarr gaining an advantage in the warzone due to LNA's continued refusal to pursue any diplomatic actions before opening hostilities against fellow members of the TLF. Disrespect, endless grudges, and unexplained aggression toward fellow militia members is no way to unify the Minmatar Militia.

I hope other militia organizations will avoid participating in such pettiness and instead work toward presenting a United front against the foul Amarr: our true enemies.

We are Ushra'Khan, and we come for our people!

- Jessie Arr
CEO, Order of the Black Dagger

Order of the Black Dagger is a corp based around a simple goal: getting as much small gang PvP as we can handle. We accept USTZ PvP pilots of all skill levels.

Phobos Eversor
Order of the Black Dagger
#3 - 2012-11-26 23:28:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Phobos Eversor
Would it be too radical of me to suggest LNA be branded traitors to the Republic? At a time when we've nearly eliminated the Amarr foothold in Metropolis, they have decided to focus on shooting their fellow countrymen, instead of focusing on those who kept their ancestors as slaves.

This latest pissing match is the result of a Minmatar pilot (and personal friend) scouting a defensive facility and being ordered to leave by someone with no authority over him. Teamwork is paramount in a war, and if they had asked him to focus his attention elsewhere so as to better allocate our efforts, he would have. Instead they resorted to the playground ideology of "I want it, therefore it's mine" in a context that renders such notions irrelevant, and then subsequently called in a neutral entity to attack a fellow soldier by proxy. This act suggests not only an incredible lack of loyalty to the Minmatar cause, but a pitifully inept ability to prioritize goals.

They (vaguely) cited the "theft" of what they believed to "belong" to them as the cause of the war... I ran the numbers: It comes out to 8.5 million ISK. They started a war over something worth less than a cruiser. Their pride is deliberately impeding the war effort, and it's becoming increasingly obvious that they just want to be able to justify friendly fire. We need to put this foolishness behind us and focus on the real threat: the Amarr. This petty infighting is just giving them the opportunity to take more of our systems, and enslave more of our people.
Pinky Feldman
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#4 - 2012-11-26 23:39:23 UTC
Barely a month ago...

Vordak Kallager wrote:
The Minmatar militia is a giant family and we have learned through time and hard work that we can depend on one another. We have our fair share of drama or whatever, but it never gets to the point where we can no longer cooperate or are no longer willing to cooperate. I am proud to be apart of the same brotherhood as Defiant Legacy, Swift Angels Alliance, Iron Oxide., Sicarius Draconis, U'K, and EM. I just don't see that in the Amarr militia; time and time again, the strength of the Amarr has crumbled due to internal conflicts that ultimately results in a lack of cooperation or pilots leaving.

You guys need to get your propaganda all on one page or at least be more original with it. Are you guys really that bored?
Jessie Arr
Order of the Black Dagger
#5 - 2012-11-26 23:44:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Jessie Arr
Pinky Feldman wrote:
You guys need to get your propaganda all on one page or at least be more original with it. Are you guys really that bored?

If you inspect his corporation history, you will notice that Vordak is no longer a member of Late Night Alliance. Perhaps his aspirations for the Minmatar Militia fell on deaf ears within his own alliance.

At any rate, their behavior does not seem to reflect his inspiring words.

Yet I am inclined to agree with his sentiments. Every other major corporation and alliance in the militia aside from LNA has always been a pleasure to fly with, in my experience.

Order of the Black Dagger is a corp based around a simple goal: getting as much small gang PvP as we can handle. We accept USTZ PvP pilots of all skill levels.

Silas Vitalia
#6 - 2012-11-27 01:14:24 UTC
I'm shocked and surprised by Militia in-fighting!

Said no one, ever.

Still, best of luck with the purging.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-11-27 03:28:31 UTC
Phobos Eversor wrote:
This latest pissing match is the result of a Minmatar pilot (and personal friend) scouting a defensive facility and being ordered to leave by someone with no authority over him.

LNA has always punished both mistakes and treachery with brute, uncompromising force regardless of the material amount involved. It weeds out the weak, separating those who will learn from those who are not suited to be our allies.

Stealing resources from our members will not be tolerated.
Jessie Arr
Order of the Black Dagger
#8 - 2012-11-27 04:45:39 UTC
Braitai wrote:
LNA has always punished both mistakes and treachery with brute, uncompromising force regardless of the material amount involved. It weeds out the weak, separating those who will learn from those who are not suited to be our allies.

Stealing resources from our members will not be tolerated.

A diplomatic and fair-minded stance, that will surely inspire constructive collaboration between the members of the Minmatar Militia.

Ushra'Khan chose [UNITY] as our alliance ticker.
LNA chose [GHEY]

And I think that sums up our respective attitudes toward our militia allies pretty well right there.

Order of the Black Dagger is a corp based around a simple goal: getting as much small gang PvP as we can handle. We accept USTZ PvP pilots of all skill levels.

Milton Middleson
#9 - 2012-11-27 04:49:59 UTC
Braitai wrote:

Stealing resources from our members will not be tolerated.

I'm reasonably confident Ushra'khan is not responsible for Baha's brain going missing.
Jev North
#10 - 2012-11-27 09:13:09 UTC
Braitai wrote:
LNA has always punished both mistakes and treachery with brute, uncompromising force regardless of the material amount involved. It weeds out the weak, separating those who will learn from those who are not suited to be our allies.

Stealing resources from our members will not be tolerated.

Ahh, just to be in the warm glow of all this testosterone.

Even though our love is cruel; even though our stars are crossed.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2012-11-27 17:51:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Thorvik
Braitai wrote:
Phobos Eversor wrote:
This latest pissing match is the result of a Minmatar pilot (and personal friend) scouting a defensive facility and being ordered to leave by someone with no authority over him.

LNA has always punished both mistakes and treachery with brute, uncompromising force regardless of the material amount involved. It weeds out the weak, separating those who will learn from those who are not suited to be our allies.

Stealing resources from our members will not be tolerated.

I wasn't there but I believe the post above stated that the pilot in question was scouting. Was it that particular view of space that so captured LNA's imagination that the pilot stole? Minmatar space is truly beautiful and I often gaze upon the stars myself but calling it "my" resource is petty and selfish as I would want all my Matari brethren to bask in the glow of our stars.

Braitai wrote:
LNA has always punished both mistakes and treachery with brute, uncompromising force regardless of the material amount involved. It weeds out the weak, separating those who will learn from those who are not suited to be our allies..

Wow, just wow. I remember growing up among the Brutor. I had been adopted by a Brutor family as my father and mother were both captured by the slavers. We would "fight" over piles of dirt or other locations and make stupidly bold statements to inflame the others to attack. We had no sense of what diplomacy was, we were all of 6. All we had was a rock headed bravado and a need to scrap with each other.

Luckily we grew up and found that when times got tough, our willingness to set aside certain things in the interest of the greater good far out weighed the childish behaviour we exhibited when we were 6.

Perhaps, Braitai, you should grow up a little before you fight in the wars of men. Becoming a Capsuleer doesn't, regrettably, imbue men with common sense when all the knowledge is pumped into our heads.
Kuan Yida
Huang Yinglong
Electus Matari
#12 - 2012-11-27 18:26:24 UTC
White-Lotus regrets this war. HUANG and Ushra'Khan have a long and storied history, and we shall never regard them as an enemy.

In the same vein, HUANG pilots have flown with LNA corps and pilots since the inception of the Faction War, and as much as we condemn this rash war declaration, we will never fire upon any within the LNA.

I have flown with Braitai as a wingman more times than I can recall, and value his martial skills. He is and remains among the deadliest of enemies of the Amarr, responsible for countless Amarrian losses over the course of the Faction War. If he speaks with arrogance, it is one I feel he has earned as a Tribal Liberation Militia pilot. Yes, LNA are filled with overweening egos and pirates, but they remain among the bitterest enemies of the Amarr, and are subject to the Amarr Militia's most strident propaganda attacks.

As a valued friend of both U'K and LNA, I believe White-Lotus can mediate. If Ushra'Khan so desires, I believe my word carries weight of no insignificance among the Late Nite leadership. Favors are owed and would be granted. I can make a direct request to Bahamut to cease hostilities, if UK pilots will also respect any future requests to leave the defense of Republic sovereignty complexes to any who are originally defending them, to for attackers of Amarrian outposts. I believe this is commonly understood courtesy--I myself always vacate a complex if I see it is already being defended by a TLF pilot.

As for Vordak, he has been extended an invitation to join HUANG and we sincerely hope he consents.

The dragon knight treasures the state, friendship, duty, promises, kindness, vengeance, honor, and righteousness more than his own life._ _- The Way of the Dragon Warrior Random Posts from Auga

Dame Death
Black Aces
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2012-11-27 18:30:34 UTC
Good luck Baha and co.
Jessie Arr
Order of the Black Dagger
#14 - 2012-11-27 18:56:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Jessie Arr
Kuan Yida wrote:
As a valued friend of both U'K and LNA, I believe White-Lotus can mediate. If Ushra'Khan so desires, I believe my word carries weight of no insignificance among the Late Nite leadership. Favors are owed and would be granted. I can make a direct request to Bahamut to cease hostilities, if UK pilots will also respect any future requests to leave the defense of Republic sovereignty complexes to any who are originally defending them, to for attackers of Amarrian outposts. I believe this is commonly understood courtesy--I myself always vacate a complex if I see it is already being defended by a TLF pilot.

I have passed this offer along to the Ushra'Khan Council. Mutually respectful diplomatic relations with LNA has always been elusive, and as we mentioned in our original post, the only victors in this war will be the Amarr. If you're able to help establish positive relations between our two alliances, I think it will benefit the Minmatar Militia greatly, though history has shown me LNA's love of a grudge, so I must say I'm very skeptical.

I look forward to hearing the responses of both LNA and the Council. For my part, I always prefer an ally to an enemy when there's no shortage of Amarr to slaughter.

Order of the Black Dagger is a corp based around a simple goal: getting as much small gang PvP as we can handle. We accept USTZ PvP pilots of all skill levels.

Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#15 - 2012-11-27 19:33:03 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Eterne
The Amarr are on the upswing right now and *snip* Minnies have alot to deal with given the current resurgence of the Amarrian Empire. This wardec will only make it tougher for the Minmatar militia to hold its own. It cannot fight a war on 2 fronts.

Removed mentions of "US TZ", whatever that strange statement may mean! - CCP Eterne

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-11-27 20:06:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
Jessie Arr wrote:
If you inspect his corporation history, you will notice that Vordak is no longer a member of Late Night Alliance. Perhaps his aspirations for the Minmatar Militia fell on deaf ears within his own alliance.
Vordak came to his senses. There's only so much Ka Pow Pow [KPP] d-baggery any person can take. I couldn't take much of it, so moved to Fweddit. It just took Vordak a little longer to realize he was flying with jerks.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-11-27 20:14:15 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Eterne
Deen Wispa wrote:
The Amarr are on the upswing right now and US TZ Minnies have alot to deal with given the current resurgence of the Amarrian Empire. This wardec will only make it tougher for the Minmatar militia to hold its own. It cannot fight a war on 2 fronts.
KPP, the initiators of this war, are not known for anything resembling common sense. They want a very particular reputation: ***** of the Minmatar. They deserve every bit of that reputation; that they've worked so long and hard for.

Removed inappropriate language - CCP Eterne
Vordak Kallager
#18 - 2012-11-27 21:40:22 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Jessie Arr wrote:
If you inspect his corporation history, you will notice that Vordak is no longer a member of Late Night Alliance. Perhaps his aspirations for the Minmatar Militia fell on deaf ears within his own alliance.
Vordak came to his senses. There's only so much Ka Pow Pow [KPP] d-baggery any person can take. I couldn't take much of it, so moved to Fweddit. It just took Vordak a little longer to realize he was flying with jerks.

Please do not make assumptions of my thoughts or actions just to score points in your imagined grudge-match with Late Night Alliance, thank you. You are the jerk and douche-bag, turning so suddenly and hatefully on your allies and friends (AUTOZ is part of LNA too, regardless of what you think of some of LNA's other members). Your drivel is filled with vitriol and self-hype that is frankly astonishing. I question how long before Fweddit tires of your silly echo chamber.

Why did I leave LNA? A change of scenery is often the best cure for Bittervet Syndrome. How did I leave LNA? On the best of terms.

Good luck to both U'K and LNA in resolving this conflict.

Poetic, please don't get chummy with me ever again or pretend to know why I do what I do to score political points. This is a ******* game; get over yourself.

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Ice Fire Warriors
#19 - 2012-11-27 21:47:39 UTC
We were bored. And get easily agitated/trigger-happy/drunk. Do we really need better reasons?

Also... U'K tends to take things WAAAAYYYY more seriously than they should. Just go with the flow, enjoy the extra targets, and laugh with us.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2012-11-27 22:11:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
Vordak Kallager wrote:
Why did I leave LNA? A change of scenery is often the best cure for Bittervet Syndrome. How did I leave LNA? On the best of terms.

Good luck to both U'K and LNA in resolving this conflict.
You're the one being politically expedient. Considering what Pinky quoted from you above, and considering you never liked KPP forcing wardecs on the rest of the alliance, why you left is pretty clear.

Just a few weeks ago, you couldn't be happier as AUTOZ. Sudddenly, you're afflicted with bittervet syndrome. More likely you were afflicted with KPP Syndrome. :)
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