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High-sec miner bumping and "griefing" definition

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Capt Lynch
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp
Silent Company
#61 - 2012-11-27 16:47:26 UTC
Lets be clear to any watching CCP staff I said in an earlier post...I've already spoke to people in Scope and I am feeling much better and am no longer a risk to my own safety...any agents will now be blocked...end of problem (thank you, Thea Orleans for helping me feel alot better and to de-stress before I snapped).

The situation has been resolved and I concider the matter over.

Please do not bring it up will be ignored.
Aphex Industries
#62 - 2012-11-27 16:48:07 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
If Captain Lynch wasn't such an attentionwhore then all of this would be moot, he actively courts the trolls by attempting to troll them and failing, he also creates situations that make for amusing press coverage by aggravating the situation further with lies, misdirection and generally being a a pain in the arse.

If Mr. Lynch really isn't stable like another poster suggested, and he showed this as he continued in the game, then you should have stopped. Tears are one thing, aggravated harassment is another. At first, I found bumping rather amusing, potentially even profitable. Now it just seems very unsavory, especially in lieu of this thread and its topic matter.

If Captain Lynch wants someone to blame for his current situation in the game he need look no further than the nearest mirror. He attempted to play the metagame and failed miserably.

Yes, he did, laughably so I admit. But there is a time where you cease playing the game and move on. The New Order continues to push the matter and attack an unstable player despite numerous signs that this should be avoided. You won the meta game, congratulations. But it's time to stop.

On a side note as someone who does actually suffer from depression and has considered suicide in the past, I encourage him to seek help from a mental health specialist, it'll be a lot better for him than whining on the forums about it, which btw makes me think that he's telling another whopping great porkie, people with depression don't generally spam a game forum about it, it tends to be kept bottled up inside and if the feelings are shared at all they are shared with close friends and family.

In your situation yes, but patient reaction variability is broad in terms of depression. There is also the possibility of multiple illnesses bothering him and combining to create the current situation. Depression in combination with a bi-polar disorder or others could cause this. Needless to say, your assumption is incredibly sickening in attempting to project your symptoms on him as a standard and using that fake standard as an attempt to discredit him.

But I can't blame you totally, you may not be knowledgeable on the subject. But I will still blame the Order for the actions and reactions we are seeing here today. There is a point where fun-making becomes harassment. If the Order was to really court support and show itself to still be a joke organization just out to have fun, they should be the bigger man here and cease this targeted harassment, potentially issue an apology, and adopt new policies to ensure this does not occur again.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#63 - 2012-11-27 16:49:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Capt Lynch wrote:
Lets be clear to any watching CCP staff I said in an earlier post...I've already spoke to people in Scope and I am feeling much better and am no longer a risk to my own safety...any agents will now be blocked...end of problem (thank you, Thea Orleans for helping me feel alot better and to de-stress before I snapped).

The situation has been resolved and I concider the matter over.

Please do not bring it up will be ignored.

I still suggest going to see a person who specialises in mental health, if you were truly suffering from suicidal thoughts they can be a great help, and tbh it's probably the best thing you could do to help yourself.

Rodtrik wrote:

If Mr. Lynch really isn't stable like another poster suggested, and he showed this as he continued in the game, then you should have stopped. Tears are one thing, aggravated harassment is another. At first, I found bumping rather amusing, potentially even profitable. Now it just seems very unsavory, especially in lieu of this thread and its topic matter.

If Captain Lynch wants someone to blame for his current situation in the game he need look no further than the nearest mirror. He attempted to play the metagame and failed miserably.

Yes, he did, laughably so I admit. But there is a time where you cease playing the game and move on. The New Order continues to push the matter and attack an unstable player despite numerous signs that this should be avoided. You won the meta game, congratulations. But it's time to stop.

On a side note as someone who does actually suffer from depression and has considered suicide in the past, I encourage him to seek help from a mental health specialist, it'll be a lot better for him than whining on the forums about it, which btw makes me think that he's telling another whopping great porkie, people with depression don't generally spam a game forum about it, it tends to be kept bottled up inside and if the feelings are shared at all they are shared with close friends and family.

In your situation yes, but patient reaction variability is broad in terms of depression. There is also the possibility of multiple illnesses bothering him and combining to create the current situation. Depression in combination with a bi-polar disorder or others could cause this. Needless to say, your assumption is incredibly sickening in attempting to project your symptoms on him as a standard and using that fake standard as an attempt to discredit him.

But I can't blame you totally, you may not be knowledgeable on the subject. But I will still blame the Order for the actions and reactions we are seeing here today. There is a point where fun-making becomes harassment. If the Order was to really court support and show itself to still be a joke organization just out to have fun, they should be the bigger man here and cease this targeted harassment, potentially issue an apology, and adopt new policies to ensure this does not occur again.

You do make a very good point, symptoms do vary from person to person and my personal experience may well be different from that of others.

That said, it takes two to tango, if the person concerned stops trying to troll the bumpers then I pretty sure the bumpers will ignore him, as it is at the moment he is actively antagonising them and playing the depression card to make any reaction reflect badly on them.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

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All Web Investigations
#64 - 2012-11-27 16:51:34 UTC
brb setting up Victims of the New Order Support line. Only 10m for a session.
Capt Lynch
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp
Silent Company
#65 - 2012-11-27 16:52:48 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Capt Lynch wrote:
Lets be clear to any watching CCP staff I said in an earlier post...I've already spoke to people in Scope and I am feeling much better and am no longer a risk to my own safety...any agents will now be blocked...end of problem (thank you, Thea Orleans for helping me feel alot better and to de-stress before I snapped).

The situation has been resolved and I concider the matter over.

Please do not bring it up will be ignored.

I still suggest going to see a person who specialises in mental health, if you were truly suffering from suicidal thoughts they can be a great help, and tbh it's probably the best thing you could do to help yourself.

For the final time...I was over-stressed due to a combination of events IRL and snapped briefly. It has never ahppened before and won;t happen again...PLEASE DROP THE SUBJECT OR BE BLOCKED!
Orlandeu Fernandez
Clockwork Industries Co. Ltd
#66 - 2012-11-27 16:53:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Orlandeu Fernandez
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Unit CA108AF wrote:
SaKoil wrote:
Neither of these are done by sane persons. I have reported your posts to CCP. You should seek professional help immediately and leave James alone, he is the least of your problems.

Leave James alone? You kidding me? James should leave him and everyone else alone! That's bullshit that he isn't responsible for all this. He is. I've reported your post for protecting a psycho as bad the Mittani at fanfest. Jerk.

How is James responsible for this at all, the only snippet we've seen is between Capt and Wookie.

As for James postings on his blog: Not harassment, simple. People copy and pasting your tears is not harassment, never has been, never will be.

Emailing other corporations he joins isn't harassment either, as far as I'm aware. If you've made such a name for yourself that people are willing to dec any corp you join to get you that's tough luck. If other corps find out this is a possibility and don't accept you as a result, again tough luck.

If Capt just dropped all this nonsense instead of making up lies, pestering CCP, etc then it'd stop pretty quickly. People threaten to dec corps he joins because they don't like him and or because tears. If he stopped doing the things that cause them to dislike him, and stopped generating tears, then it'd stop.

It really isn't a matter for the CSM at all.

Taking the time to repeatedly message each corp he joins and threatening to wardec them isn't harassment? Do you need me to post what the definition of harassment is? I swear, talking to you people is pointless, you talk and talk ,but you don't listen. Seriously, shut up a moment, close your mouth, and read.

a : exhaust, fatigue
b : to annoy persistently (2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct

Got it through your head yet? Whether you consider it harassment or not is a moot point, the English dictionary does.
Unit CA108AF
Unit Commune
#67 - 2012-11-27 16:54:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Unit CA108AF
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Unit CA108AF wrote:
SaKoil wrote:
Neither of these are done by sane persons. I have reported your posts to CCP. You should seek professional help immediately and leave James alone, he is the least of your problems.

Leave James alone? You kidding me? James should leave him and everyone else alone! That's bullshit that he isn't responsible for all this. He is. I've reported your post for protecting a psycho as bad the Mittani at fanfest. Jerk.

How is James responsible for this at all, the only snippet we've seen is between Capt and Wookie.

As for James postings on his blog: Not harassment, simple. People copy and pasting your tears is not harassment, never has been, never will be.

Emailing other corporations he joins isn't harassment either, as far as I'm aware. If you've made such a name for yourself that people are willing to dec any corp you join to get you that's tough luck. If other corps find out this is a possibility and don't accept you as a result, again tough luck.

If Capt just dropped all this nonsense instead of making up lies, pestering CCP, etc then it'd stop pretty quickly. People threaten to dec corps he joins because they don't like him and or because tears. If he stopped doing the things that cause them to dislike him, and stopped generating tears, then it'd stop.

It really isn't a matter for the CSM at all.

James started it, his blog gets people to keep pushing lynch, James condones the actions. It's his fault. Deal with it.

You keep him from joining corps, you keep him from playing anything, you target him and 90% him. It's ******* harassment. I don't even know why I'm talking to you. You just come in and troll from an extremist point of view and fake civility to make it look like you're some superior **** head. Get out.

I hope this gets nerfed to hell.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
brb setting up Victims of the New Order Support line. Only 10m for a session.

Case in point. Christ.
All Web Investigations
#68 - 2012-11-27 16:56:31 UTC
Capt Lynch wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Capt Lynch wrote:
Lets be clear to any watching CCP staff I said in an earlier post...I've already spoke to people in Scope and I am feeling much better and am no longer a risk to my own safety...any agents will now be blocked...end of problem (thank you, Thea Orleans for helping me feel alot better and to de-stress before I snapped).

The situation has been resolved and I concider the matter over.

Please do not bring it up will be ignored.

I still suggest going to see a person who specialises in mental health, if you were truly suffering from suicidal thoughts they can be a great help, and tbh it's probably the best thing you could do to help yourself.

For the final time...I was over-stressed due to a combination of events IRL and snapped briefly. It has never ahppened before and won;t happen again...PLEASE DROP THE SUBJECT OR BE BLOCKED!

All joking and trolling and New Ordering aside though, if you honestly came close to doing something like that - even if it was the first time, and was only a brief moment - you might want to seek some help. We're happy to bath in tears, but we don't want anyone to actually get hurt in real life or anything.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#69 - 2012-11-27 16:57:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Kainotomiu Ronuken
Capt Lynch wrote:
Please do not bring it up again...

Some serious irony right here...
Tali Ambraelle
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2012-11-27 16:58:40 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
All joking and trolling and New Ordering aside though, if you honestly came close to doing something like that - even if it was the first time, and was only a brief moment - you might want to seek some help. We're happy to bath in tears, but we don't want anyone to actually get hurt in real life or anything.

Then leave him alone, stop the harassment, stop bumping, and go back to ganking. Ganking, miners can defend, bumping, they can't. Then they get harassed. Then we get to situations like this.

Griefers are the worst. Nerf high sec ganking to be harder, and this is what you get. Psycho undesirables.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#71 - 2012-11-27 16:59:46 UTC
Tali Ambraelle wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
All joking and trolling and New Ordering aside though, if you honestly came close to doing something like that - even if it was the first time, and was only a brief moment - you might want to seek some help. We're happy to bath in tears, but we don't want anyone to actually get hurt in real life or anything.

Then leave him alone, stop the harassment, stop bumping, and go back to ganking. Ganking, miners can defend, bumping, they can't. Then they get harassed. Then we get to situations like this.

Griefers are the worst. Nerf high sec ganking to be harder, and this is what you get. Psycho undesirables.

Is that an upgrade from belligerent undesirables?
Scope Works
#72 - 2012-11-27 17:00:08 UTC
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:
Capt Lynch wrote:
Please do not bring it up again...

Some serious irony right here...

Says the follower of the hypocritical "order."

This entire thread is a testament to why this issue should be addressed by the CSM and CCP. At first, I just wanted to see bumpers ganked by miners in glory and honor. But if this crap is what's happening, then it needs escalated.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Ze'jira Penshar
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#73 - 2012-11-27 17:01:39 UTC
Wtf? How is all this not harassment?? Wow dude...
Orlandeu Fernandez
Clockwork Industries Co. Ltd
#74 - 2012-11-27 17:01:52 UTC
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:
Tali Ambraelle wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
All joking and trolling and New Ordering aside though, if you honestly came close to doing something like that - even if it was the first time, and was only a brief moment - you might want to seek some help. We're happy to bath in tears, but we don't want anyone to actually get hurt in real life or anything.

Then leave him alone, stop the harassment, stop bumping, and go back to ganking. Ganking, miners can defend, bumping, they can't. Then they get harassed. Then we get to situations like this.

Griefers are the worst. Nerf high sec ganking to be harder, and this is what you get. Psycho undesirables.

Is that an upgrade from belligerent undesirables?

Not really, I'd take an idiotic undesirable over a malicious, arrogant, and socially awkward one any-day.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#75 - 2012-11-27 17:05:40 UTC
Capt Lynch wrote:

For the final time...I was over-stressed due to a combination of events IRL and snapped briefly. It has never ahppened before and won;t happen again...PLEASE DROP THE SUBJECT OR BE BLOCKED!

I gladly risk getting blocked if I have a chance to help a potential suicidal schizophrenic to actually seek help. Your condition is no joke. There is no telling when you will "just snap" the next time. It certainly will not help you with your future corp applications.

If you are adamant against visiting a licensed practitioner, at least look through at least 2 of the 3 risk factors might be present.

Please take care of yourself.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#76 - 2012-11-27 17:06:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Kainotomiu Ronuken
Anslo wrote:
[ 2012.11.27 12:23:40 ] Capt Lynch > tell james he gets needs to ad a special killboard
[ 2012.11.27 12:23:51 ] Capt Lynch > players he's driven to chronic depression and suicide
[ 2012.11.27 12:23:53 ] Wookie Sith Ottig > lol defiantely
[ 2012.11.27 12:24:08 ] Wookie Sith Ottig > will next i see him on

No, I'm pretty sure that is quite telling of what Wookie meant.

I like how you've cut out the only bit that was even remotely indicative of Wookie's condoning Lynch's suicide.

Anslo wrote:

You could block and ignore an unstable individual so you would not be complicit in his issues and egging on continued harassment of him. The NO and miner bumpers are responsible for this.

Interesting how we're responsible for the funny things he says to us.

As for harassment, I believe it's been stated before that the harassment (as carried out by James) consists of blog posts about him, aimed at an audience of which he is not a part. If he goes looking at that stuff, that's his fault.
All Web Investigations
#77 - 2012-11-27 17:06:14 UTC
Tali Ambraelle wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
All joking and trolling and New Ordering aside though, if you honestly came close to doing something like that - even if it was the first time, and was only a brief moment - you might want to seek some help. We're happy to bath in tears, but we don't want anyone to actually get hurt in real life or anything.

Then leave him alone, stop the harassment, stop bumping, and go back to ganking. Ganking, miners can defend, bumping, they can't. Then they get harassed. Then we get to situations like this.

Griefers are the worst. Nerf high sec ganking to be harder, and this is what you get. Psycho undesirables.

Look, I have no ill wishes against Capt but just because he had this kind of reaction over the whole New Order and bumping thing doesn't mean it is an illegitimate activity, or griefing, etc. The vast vast majority of bot-aspirants and undesirable afk miners have barely reacted at all to it, maybe some comments in local telling us to sod off, maybe a little whining on the forums, whatever, but the Capt's situation is hardly the norm, or something that should be used as an argument for or against anything - that just feels a bit slimy to me, taking his situation and using it for your own agenda. It also causes us all to talk about it more, which he doesn't want.
Scope Works
#78 - 2012-11-27 17:10:30 UTC
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:
I like how you've cut out the only bit that was even remotely indicative of Wookie's condoning Lynch's suicide.

I showed the only part that needs to be shown, he agreed, and said it was "awesome." After that, it's irrelevant. You "bumpers" are out of control.

Interesting how we're responsible for the funny things he says to us.

You aren't responsible for what he says. You are responsible for what you do with it, which is harassing.

As for harassment, I believe it's been stated before that the harassment (as carried out by James) consists of blog posts about him, aimed at an audience of which he is not a part. If he goes looking at that stuff, that's his fault.

Are you this dense? He is not part of the audience but, as you and your kind so eagerly point out, others can interact and react to him, which you all have forged in a negative fashion to ensure his inability to play, enjoy, and ensure maximum damage to him.

That is harassing. Plain and simple.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Tali Ambraelle
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2012-11-27 17:13:27 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Look, I have no ill wishes against Capt but just because he had this kind of reaction over the whole New Order and bumping thing doesn't mean it is an illegitimate activity, or griefing, etc.The vast vast majority of bot-aspirants and undesirable afk miners have barely reacted at all to it, maybe some comments in local telling us to sod off, maybe a little whining on the forums, whatever, but the Capt's situation is hardly the norm, or something that should be used as an argument for or against anything - that just feels a bit slimy to me, taking his situation and using it for your own agenda. It also causes us all to talk about it more, which he doesn't want.

When the above posts start occurring, you're thugs and illegitimate in my book. And you continue to do so, with words like "bot aspirants." At first it was just bots, and many were very supportive of it. Now, you go after anyone. You're no good, period.

And why can't it be an argument? How many more does this need to happen to? 5? 10? 20? Please, tell us. If anything is slimy, it's your assumption that one person's reaction to this crap isn't enough to justify reanalyzing your belligerent behavior.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2012-11-27 17:15:30 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
[that just feels a bit slimy to me

The only thing slimy here is you Roll