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Dev Blog: Happy Safe Fun Time!

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Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#41 - 2012-11-27 15:33:37 UTC
*** CCP Greyscale is now known as popup killer

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#42 - 2012-11-27 15:33:42 UTC
Graygor wrote:

Now that I think about it this isn't nannying. You aren't telling us not to climb trees, more that if you get hurt don't come crying to us.

This is pretty much how I see it too: we're not saying you can't put your fingers in the plug socket, we're just asking you to sign a waiver first.

Chribba wrote:

Just too bad you can't have your cloak activated while safe logoff, so for me I will still stick around cloaked until I am sure all timers are up.


Ok, so you can't initiate a safe logoff until your timers have ended anyway. The benefit of safe logoff is:

  • Unsafe logoff: you close the client, your ship turns off its modules, emergency-warps, sits in space for a minute and then disappears
  • Safe logoff: you hit safe logoff, your ship sits in space for thirty seconds with its modules off, and then disappears

Other than not generating you an instant 1m km safespot, there's really no upside to unsafe logoff other than speed.

San Fransisco wrote:
How will accidental disconnections work?

Same way they do currently Smile

Skippermonkey wrote:
So, i'm infering from your 'safety feature' that you think the average EVE player has the intelligence of a turnip and need their hand holding

It's more that a) I think the average EVE player has too many confusing, unintuitive systems to deal already, and b) the big wins aren't about individual player safety, they're about systemic soundness.

For one thing, this system guarantees that nothing like a "lofty scam"* can happen without the player's explicit consent. Not just that the current implementation of the system happens to not have any loopholes in it (as it is on TQ currently, AFAIK), but that the system simply does not allow it at a fundamental level. By enforcing it on the server as well as the client, it also allows us to catch corner cases which are otherwise-unsolvable.

For example, if a pilot in a war ejects from a ship in space, docks up and leaves the corporation, there's no sound way to tell war targets on grid with the ship that its owner is no longer at war with them without incurring a crippling performance hit on the server (there's an extensive technical reason to do with the way we propagate states that I'm not going to try and remember perfectly here). The end-user experience is that your client believes that ship you're targeting is a legal target, but when the server processes your attack it disagrees and you get CONCORDed. By having a safety system, and by tracking your safety state on the server, we can intervene at the last second and say "hey, that's not a legal target, your safeties are on, so your gun doesn't fire". This is essentially a generalization of the fix that we put in for remote assistance to prevent people getting entire Incursion fleets CONCORDed by having one guy in the rep chain pick up a GCC, to illustrate a completely different situation in which this sort of problem also occurs.

* A whole class of scams, the common factor in which is that the victim dies without ever being given the information needed to determine that they're in danger

Salpad wrote:
Just two questions: Will maximum safety be enabled by default, even for veteran pilots?

And: Is safe logoff impossible while autopiloting? I'm guessing the answer is yes, but the dev blog isn't 100% clear about it.

- Yes, it will. We're cognizant of the small additional load that this puts on people who regularly want it off; we don't believe the load is much larger than the one already incurred by eg having to turn on your hardeners all the time, so we don't believe it's a *major* problem, but we're also not totally happy with it (as we're not for hardeners either) and we'd like to find a clean way to persist it between sessions without violating its primary goals.

- Insofar as autopiloting involves warping, yes.

Vincent Athena wrote:
Im trying to understand this statement:

"Today I'm going to talk about how to fly safely in Retribution! We are adding a couple of new features to ensure that, when you inevitably lose your ship in a very silly way, it is very definitely 100% your fault."

How is my ship protected from loss in the cases of a disconnect, client freeze or a ""the socket was closed" error? None of those are my fault, so based on the above statement I assume from now on none of those will result in the loss of a ship. How is that done?

In those cases, you're losing your ship in a way that is not very silly, so the sentence does not apply. (I acknowledge the potential for ambiguity in the second quoted sentence but feel that the natural reading supports the intended meaning.)

T RAYRAY wrote:
but on a more serious note --- help me understand what is in place to prevent the nullbear botters from using the safe loggoff timer to the detriment of the antibots. many of us were drooling over the botageddon that would happen 12/4 when the aggro mechanics change, but now CCP is giving them all a nice yellow countdown that they can use to make their gutless logoffski mannerisms function nearly foolproof.

This is counterbalanced by the fact that the safe logoff does *not* allow you to circumvent logoff timers, and the logoff timer for NPC aggression is now five minutes. I don't think you're going to have a problem.

Ra Jackson wrote:
So will smartbombs be completely blocked from activation in hisec? Or will they miraculously shut down when a player comes into range? /edit: With the high security setting ofc.

Smartbombs require you to fully disable your safeties, yes. They're really not very smart, and there's no good way to prevent you from "accidentally" hitting that cloaked ship who sneaked into the mission with you and incurring the wrath of CONCORD.
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#43 - 2012-11-27 15:38:55 UTC
I...I...I like this change...
wow...I said it...
seriously a very good change.

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#44 - 2012-11-27 15:41:25 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:

  • Unsafe logoff: you close the client, your ship turns off its modules, emergency-warps, sits in space for a minute and then disappears
  • Safe logoff: you hit safe logoff, your ship sits in space for thirty seconds with its modules off, and then disappears

So the timer in the picture is 45.6 seconds... why? Is this a mistake, or a late change?

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#45 - 2012-11-27 15:43:48 UTC
Danny theDog wrote:
Seems cool but still alot of 'major' issues that could've been looked at instead of this, like cloaky campers (fair enough they exist blah blah but they shouldn't be allowed to do it afk) how boring mining is, how ICE should've been removed from highsec, to make titans useful again ect ect

The old crimewatch as a whole was one of the biggest sore thumbs in the entire game in terms of incomprensibly complicated, user-unfriendly, hard-to-maintain, legendarily-fragile systems, and its previous state made improvements to a number of features essentially impossible due to the risk involved in touching it. Once we decided to fix it, we wanted to do so properly with the goal of presenting a complete, working system that didn't need revisiting in another few years, hence the inclusion of features like the safety system as part of the overall effort.

Carol Krabit wrote:
I would want an action that is not permitted under the current safety level to open a popup similar to the ones on TQ atm. "This action is not permitted because your safety level is blabla. Do you want to make an exception?". This way you still have the option to do some impulsive gcc'ing and so on. That would make the safety toggle be more like a confirmation toggle, but yeah. With it switched off, you have disabled all warnings and confirmations, excellent for eebil piwates and low sec dwellers. Me and most casual pvpers have all confirmation dialogs still on in case of misclicks, and to be able to turn them off temporarily (without having to go through the options menu) would be nice. Coupled with some confirmation pop up clarifications with clear consequences, it would go a long way.

TL;DR: Turning the safety toggle into a confirmation toggle would be nice although it won't happen.

The main reason we didn't want to do this was that EVE has far too many "are you sure" popups and we're not convinced that they get read all that often, particularly when you're in a bind. Plus doing it in a clear, understandable, visually different way makes it much less likely that "yeah, just do A B C and then click "ok" in the dialogue" scams will score many victims. Plus see all the above reasons about client/server issues Smile

Shaishi Otichoda wrote:
If you have safety switched on, can you still engage legal war targets?

Yup. It only stops you from getting suspect/criminal flags; anything else, including faction hits and the like, is fair game.
CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#46 - 2012-11-27 15:44:15 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

  • Unsafe logoff: you close the client, your ship turns off its modules, emergency-warps, sits in space for a minute and then disappears
  • Safe logoff: you hit safe logoff, your ship sits in space for thirty seconds with its modules off, and then disappears

So the timer in the picture is 45.6 seconds... why? Is this a mistake, or a late change?

Oh. Whoops. Late change. Lemme go fix that...
Jing Xin
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2012-11-27 15:44:19 UTC
I hope safety setting is persistent through docking, jumping, logging off. If it constantly defaults to green, some people will be seriously annoyed.
Eli Green
The Arrow Project
#48 - 2012-11-27 15:49:50 UTC
Jing Xin wrote:
I hope safety setting is persistent through docking, jumping, logging off. If it constantly defaults to green, some people will be seriously annoyed.

currently unless it has changed since last week it is not persistant Sad


Petrus Blackshell
#49 - 2012-11-27 15:50:26 UTC
Louis deGuerre wrote:
This is nice for the new players but will make canflippers cry.
I am in two minds about it to be honest. What?

How? It just ensures carebears won't get CONCORD'ed, but with the safety "On", they can still fire at canflippers without getting a Suspect or Criminal flag -- so canflipping still works as before. In fact, it might work even better due to carebears thinking "green = safe", which is false.

I like the changes. +1

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#50 - 2012-11-27 15:53:22 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Dersen Lowery wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

  • Unsafe logoff: you close the client, your ship turns off its modules, emergency-warps, sits in space for a minute and then disappears
  • Safe logoff: you hit safe logoff, your ship sits in space for thirty seconds with its modules off, and then disappears

So the timer in the picture is 45.6 seconds... why? Is this a mistake, or a late change?

Oh. Whoops. Late change. Lemme go fix that...

Why does the safe logoff have a shorter timer than the unsafe logoff?
That makes no sense. The entire point of the safe logoff is so you can see your ship during that minute and act if anything happens to it. I think it's rather coddling to reduce the timer.

With regards to smartbombing in highsec, I'm about to go test that on Buckingham. Will post results.
EDIT: Nevermind, just noticed this was addressed earlier.

However, I'd also like to ask this of the devs: is there anything being done about anchored containers preventing activation of smartbombs in their vicinity? It's currently being used in highsec ice fields to an extreme extent in order to provide large mining fleets with absolute immunity to the only kind of attack that can be used to deal with them. I'd consider this an exploit.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#51 - 2012-11-27 15:54:51 UTC
Eli Green wrote:
Jing Xin wrote:
I hope safety setting is persistent through docking, jumping, logging off. If it constantly defaults to green, some people will be seriously annoyed.

currently unless it has changed since last week it is not persistant Sad

Should be persisted per session, but not currently between sessions (see above). Ie, so long as you stay logged in, it stays the same; log out and it goes back to default.
Carol Krabit
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#52 - 2012-11-27 16:00:34 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:

Why does the safe logoff have a shorter timer than the unsafe logoff?

Possibly because you are missing out on the emergency warp?
San Fransisco
Silver Falcon Survey
#53 - 2012-11-27 16:01:20 UTC  |  Edited by: San Fransisco
When you log back in after a safe log off will you simply pop into existence and be able to act immediately?

I can imagine some unpleasant surprises if that is the case.

Its not much but if local spikes the 15 or so seconds it takes a ship to warp back to its log out site is enough to take action.

With this system local spiking will happen at the same time as the fleet appearing next to you.
DJ P0N-3
Table Flippendeavors
#54 - 2012-11-27 16:07:56 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Eli Green wrote:
Jing Xin wrote:
I hope safety setting is persistent through docking, jumping, logging off. If it constantly defaults to green, some people will be seriously annoyed.

currently unless it has changed since last week it is not persistant Sad

Should be persisted per session, but not currently between sessions (see above). Ie, so long as you stay logged in, it stays the same; log out and it goes back to default.

Is making it persist between sessions on the table? I'd rather just turn it off and not have to deal with various safety settings ever.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#55 - 2012-11-27 16:11:25 UTC
I think that ideally, Safety should default to certain positions depending on whether you're in highsec or not.

If I'm in lowsec, after all, sometimes I need to shoot first. So, I'd want my safety to default to "off" whenever I jump to lowsec, and automatically return to "on" when I return to highsec.

Are there likely to be safety options where I can configure such a thing?

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#56 - 2012-11-27 16:14:02 UTC
so wait if we unsafe logoff we DONT warp 1m km?

if so...things will get very interesting

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

Shaishi Otichoda
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#57 - 2012-11-27 16:14:50 UTC
San Fransisco wrote:
When you log back in after a safe log off will you simply pop into existence and be able to act immediately?
I just tested this and you do 1000000km warp-in just to appear in space 1.8 AU from the spot where you logged out Cool

It looks like there are some issues to be fixed.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2012-11-27 16:21:30 UTC
So this new safety mechanic is the reason you're bringing back snowballs for christmas.

I was thinking that I'd permanently have my safety's off, even when venturing through high sec but now I've thought about it I should probably turn them on in high sec so I don't get trolled by the inevitable snowball spammers.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2012-11-27 16:23:35 UTC
Warde Guildencrantz wrote:
so wait if we unsafe logoff we DONT warp 1m km?

if so...things will get very interesting

No, you do. It's the same as before. The difference is if you safe logoff, you won't warp anywhere. Not only is this logical, but it also prevents people from generating random 1m km bookmarks by abusing the safe logoff system.
Jiska Ensa
Estrale Frontiers
#60 - 2012-11-27 16:29:25 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Eli Green wrote:
Jing Xin wrote:
I hope safety setting is persistent through docking, jumping, logging off. If it constantly defaults to green, some people will be seriously annoyed.

currently unless it has changed since last week it is not persistant Sad

Should be persisted per session, but not currently between sessions (see above). Ie, so long as you stay logged in, it stays the same; log out and it goes back to default.

If you're going to make it go back to "default" every time you log on, I would suggest you make it possible to change the default setting client side. Otherwise, pirates will be unhappy. And when pirates are unhappy, they tend to make life miserable for the rest of us :)