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[SERVICE] Push Industries Courier and Transport Service

First post
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#281 - 2012-11-17 18:07:11 UTC
Expect lots of contracts this weekend Push! Thanks for the great service as always!
Francis Podkill
Podkill Consolidated
#282 - 2012-11-18 15:04:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Francis Podkill
nvm im drunk
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#283 - 2012-11-19 14:23:30 UTC
Good to see rumors of PUSH's demise were greatly exaggerated. Highly recommend PUSH for transport needs!
Viktor Allende
Sensi Fleets
#284 - 2012-11-20 19:24:46 UTC
Great service. Highly recommended.

Thanks a lot!
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#285 - 2012-11-20 23:57:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Looks like something went wrong this weekend PUSH. Had a contract come back expired... Sad Hoping this isn't indicative of future contracts.
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#286 - 2012-11-21 01:47:48 UTC
Joshua Vaughn Lampen wrote:
Looks like something went wrong this weekend PUSH. Had a contract come back expired... Sad Hoping this isn't indicative of future contracts.

Or set a longer leed-time if you can afford it to get a better queue quality @ push ;)...

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

Electrique Wizard
Mutually Lucrative Business Proposals
#287 - 2012-11-22 08:28:42 UTC
Seems they had a bit of an issue with JF contracts this week but mine with rush service went through no problem and fast with that aswel.

I am the Zodiac, I am the stars, You are the sorceress, my priestess of Mars, Queen of the night, swathed in satin black, Your ivory flesh upon my torture rack.

Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#288 - 2012-11-24 22:42:56 UTC
Well after several dozen expired contracts I'll be moving back to Red Frog Freight. Too bad I enjoyed the competition but it seems Push can't deal with 1/4 of the traffic RFF does. Thanks for those deliveries that did make it and I'll be looking to see if you expand your ranks enough to reliably contract to again.
Siigari Kitawa
New Eden Archery Club
#289 - 2012-11-25 02:21:12 UTC
Joshua Vaughn Lampen wrote:
Well after several dozen expired contracts I'll be moving back to Red Frog Freight. Too bad I enjoyed the competition but it seems Push can't deal with 1/4 of the traffic RFF does. Thanks for those deliveries that did make it and I'll be looking to see if you expand your ranks enough to reliably contract to again.

Sorry to see you go man. We're experiencing growing pains. We got so popular we didn't have the pilots to back us. Plus RFF has been reported to be poaching our pilots, which has caused us to have one-two pilots online at a time max the past few weeks.

We're going to have to find some fresh guys to fly our stuff around.

Need stuff moved? Push Industries will handle it. Serving highsec, lowsec and nullsec - and we do it faster and more reliably than anyone else. Ingame channel: PUSHX

Shadow Adanza
Gold Crest Salvage
#290 - 2012-11-27 02:29:59 UTC
Completed the contract and sent a nice letter for choosing their service to boot. No complaints here, I'm satisfied. Thank you, Push!

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Rampage Endashi
#291 - 2012-12-08 14:41:36 UTC
Fast, cheap and friendly service. Used them a couple of times couldn't ask for better!
Takeshi Kazuki
Shell Fuel and Ore Supply
#292 - 2012-12-08 22:31:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Kazuki
Contract was accepted 8.5 hours after creation, still not delivered 14.5 hours after acceptance with no notification of any kind on the status of the shipment (23 hours after creation). I had CSPA enabled at the time of creation, but disabled it within ten minutes of creating the contract, so that should not have been the problem. Accepting the contract implies that there is a plan to deliver it (immediately in accordance to your own expectations). I recognize that there may be high volume going through right now, but it's better for the contract remain pending than for it to be accepted and left to sit. The latter case at least lets another contractor to take the contract as he/she becomes available to do so.
Miranda Ka
Push Industries
Push Interstellar Network
#293 - 2012-12-09 18:44:52 UTC
Takeshi Kazuki wrote:
Contract was accepted 8.5 hours after creation, still not delivered 14.5 hours after acceptance with no notification of any kind on the status of the shipment (23 hours after creation). I had CSPA enabled at the time of creation, but disabled it within ten minutes of creating the contract, so that should not have been the problem. Accepting the contract implies that there is a plan to deliver it (immediately in accordance to your own expectations). I recognize that there may be high volume going through right now, but it's better for the contract remain pending than for it to be accepted and left to sit. The latter case at least lets another contractor to take the contract as he/she becomes available to do so.

You're absolutely right, a contract should be delivered right away after being accepted. If that is not possible for any reason (gatecamp), customers should be notified via evemail about the reason and expected length of the delay.

I'm not sure what caused the delay and lack of notification in your case and haven't spoken to the pilot yet, but after a quick look at our database, I can assure you that the pilot in question has delivered all his other contracts within normal timeframes.
I also see that your contract got delivered since (15 hours after being accepted).

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience caused. Rest assured that we're investigating cases like this and will take proper measures.

-Miranda Ka
Push Industries
Electrique Wizard
Mutually Lucrative Business Proposals
#294 - 2012-12-11 18:00:54 UTC
Discreet and quick delivery again, even with maximum collateral and questionable contract contents.

I am the Zodiac, I am the stars, You are the sorceress, my priestess of Mars, Queen of the night, swathed in satin black, Your ivory flesh upon my torture rack.

Oggez Rashas
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#295 - 2012-12-14 15:18:22 UTC
Between myself and some alts and my corp I've got a metric crapload of contracts up. An ETA would be fantastic on them
Darius Alhena
#296 - 2012-12-16 13:30:44 UTC
This is the first time I have used Push Industries. They provided me with fast and reliable service at a reasonable price. I highly recommend them.
Cipio Hakoke
Tactical Manufacturing Group
#297 - 2012-12-20 22:19:19 UTC
Great! thanks a lot! My shipment was accepted and completed the same day it was contracted. Thanks a bunch Push :)
Querry Moon
#298 - 2012-12-28 19:03:28 UTC
Incredible service!
Ratting By Hand Sux
#299 - 2013-01-02 22:06:36 UTC
Second time I've used these guys and i've yet to be disapointed :) Awesome prices and a very quick turnaround - did mine in less than 24 hrs Pirate

Thanks and God bless!
Cardila Utama
#300 - 2013-01-06 15:01:33 UTC
Just want to say thanks to Larenia Orlenard for doing my contract professionally and quickly, with updates on the status of the contract. I'll definitely be using this service again, and again, and again. Thanks!