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Working on tactics to nullify suicide ganking in high sec

Imports Plus
#41 - 2012-11-24 07:40:17 UTC
Shederov Blood wrote:

Providence - 194k
+ Legion and 5% hardwires - 243k
+ Slaves - 287k

Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute- Do you mean that there is something these fat, rich freighter swells could be doing to almost double their chances of survival!?!

Who knew! EVE is a game that you actively make adjustments for depending on what others are doing in your area of play. What a dynamic world!
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#42 - 2012-11-24 09:52:20 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
If you've taken all the precautions you can, and still get ganked, then you should congratulate the gankers on a job well done.

An escorted freighter has a vulnerability window of 10 seconds or less.

Webbing tip: Overheat. This gives webs 13 km range (more for faction of course). They will never burn-out as they are only active for one cycle.

Webbing Tip#2: Hyenas are easy to train for, really fast moving (even with web aggro, they'll still have no problem getting ahead of your freighter) and get a nice fat web range bonus and best of all because they pretty much have no other use, silly cheap.

[Hyena, Freighter's Friend]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script

Improved Cloaking Device II
Salvager I
Salvager I

Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Zaraz Zaraz
Zontik Paraphernalia Inc
#43 - 2012-11-24 09:53:14 UTC
ACE McFACE wrote:
I also noticed this is the third thread you have made about the same thing because the other 2 got locked.

I think the other 2 got locked because of comments on the thread from people other than the OP. Thats what ISD's do; lock threads that have too many naughty comments in them. Thats their JOB.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#44 - 2012-11-24 12:31:44 UTC
Zaraz Zaraz wrote:
ACE McFACE wrote:
I also noticed this is the third thread you have made about the same thing because the other 2 got locked.

I think the other 2 got locked because of comments on the thread from people other than the OP. Thats what ISD's do; lock threads that have too many naughty comments in them. Thats their JOB.

Actually one of them was locked because you're not allowed to reopen locked threads by recreating the OP, which is what OP has done here.
Elvis Fett
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2012-11-24 13:43:25 UTC
Andski wrote:
double-wrapping is your friend

Don't be fools, double wrap your tools. People are a lot less likely to gank what they can not see.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2012-11-24 14:25:00 UTC
- Avoid the systems where a lot of freighter ganks happen. Prevention is better than having to solve a problem.

- Gank them before they can gank you.

- A special mercenary taskforce that patrols the tradelanes and guards freighters (at a cost) could become reality when Retribution comes out, but can already work nicely now. (GCC = free-for-all)

- Get a squad of T1/T2 logistics ships that repair the freighter, extending the time required to gank it, which I hope for your sake is enough time for Concord to respond to the gankers.

- All of the above combined pretty much guarantee you won't lose your freighter. It's still possible, but if a ganker group sees a freighter being escorted by a blob of logistics and combat ships, ready to gank the gankers, they know they're in trouble.

- Alternatively: complain and whine on GD and FI forums. (least effective)

Less yappin', more zappin'!

Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#47 - 2012-11-24 14:40:46 UTC
Singoth wrote:
- Avoid the systems where a lot of freighter ganks happen. Prevention is better than having to solve a problem.

- Gank them before they can gank you.

- A special mercenary taskforce that patrols the tradelanes and guards freighters (at a cost) could become reality when Retribution comes out, but can already work nicely now. (GCC = free-for-all)

- Get a squad of T1/T2 logistics ships that repair the freighter, extending the time required to gank it, which I hope for your sake is enough time for Concord to respond to the gankers.

- All of the above combined pretty much guarantee you won't lose your freighter. It's still possible, but if a ganker group sees a freighter being escorted by a blob of logistics and combat ships, ready to gank the gankers, they know they're in trouble.

- Alternatively: complain and whine on GD and FI forums. (most effective)

Here, let me just save you some time:

- Why should I lose time and money making extra jumps when I can go through Niarja and get to Jita quicker? You make no sense.

- I'm not a basement-dwelling virgin sociopath, why should I do this?

- Why should I pay anyone to protect me? I should be safe already because it's high-sec.

- Where would I find people for this? Everyone in my corp only flies barges and Ravens. Also, this is dumb, because CONCORD should pop gankers instantly anyway. CCP really needs to fix that bug where it doesn't.

- Why should I have to do anything? This game is a sandbox, so I should be able to play how I want to without anyone interfering in my business. I shouldn't have to jump through all those hoops just to make ISK.

- STFU gankbear. Don't tell me what to do.

*Insert a massive whine about ganking to CCP {here}*

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2012-11-24 15:02:26 UTC
@ Destiny, didn't sound like whining to me, sounded like he just wanted some helpful suggestions on how to deal with it. Sounds like you are the one whining that yet another individual has come to the forums for assistance and they must clearly be looking to CCP to change the system. Not because they just wanted realistic suggestions on what to do, eg take small support fleet etc

But thank you for your incredibly helpful reply which has obviously assisted GD with reaching its dailly quota of douchebag
Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#49 - 2012-11-24 15:27:35 UTC
Zhade Lezte wrote:
"Nullify"? As in, entirely?

Hisec hauling: Risk vs. Reward done right Lol

This.. is why I never get ganked with my freighters in highsec. I know howmuch I can carry 'safely', I check the map and scout the likely places where I can get ganked, and fly at different times/days when possible.
And I've been running my freighter to and from Jita for 3 years now.

Does railgun ammunition come in Hollow Point?

Nexus Day
Lustrevik Trade and Travel Bureau
#50 - 2012-11-24 15:30:15 UTC
Move to lo or null. You will still get ganked but it will be less embarrassing.
Jonathan Malcom
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2012-11-24 17:35:33 UTC
So, I hardly log in anymore (winning eve) and am certainly not a space trucker, so I am speaking out of utter and abject ignorance on the subject, but I've never understood why people can't put things they want to haul in locked containers. So that even if they do get blown up, the offenders get a couple of unopenable containers that are essentially worthless.

I'll not speculate as to whether this is good for gameplay or not. It just seems that if I were transporting some valuable ****, I'd want to lock it in something that other people couldn't get into. At least, not easily.
Mistah Ewedynao
Ice Axe Psycho Killers
#52 - 2012-11-24 17:37:34 UTC
1. Don't haul Plex's EVER. There is a simple game mechanic that allows you to move plexs with ZERO risk. If you are too lazy to research it than you deserve to lose them.

2. Crystal and Slave implants are your friend.

3. A fleet booster is also your friend.

4. Double wrapping helps, as will numerous little valueless items mixed in with visible cargo.

5. For small high value BPO's etc, a cloaky transport ship that aligns really fast will limit your vulnerability time to almost zero.

6. Forget that autopilot even exists! It will just get you killed.

Skip weekend hauling and peak hours also. I mean who wants to go to Jita on the weekend. Just the spam overload is enough to keep me away.

Nerf Goons

Nuke em from's the only way to be sure.

Riddick Liddell
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2012-11-24 17:57:09 UTC
Mistah Ewedynao wrote:
1. Don't haul Plex's EVER. There is a simple game mechanic that allows you to move plexs with ZERO risk. If you are too lazy to research it than you deserve to lose them.

2. Crystal and Slave implants are your friend.

3. A fleet booster is also your friend.

4. Double wrapping helps, as will numerous little valueless items mixed in with visible cargo.

5. For small high value BPO's etc, a cloaky transport ship that aligns really fast will limit your vulnerability time to almost zero.

6. Forget that autopilot even exists! It will just get you killed.

Skip weekend hauling and peak hours also. I mean who wants to go to Jita on the weekend. Just the spam overload is enough to keep me away.

- Actually they are killing at down time hrs. 12:00 am to down time by eastern times
- Double wrap only works if you double wrap everything. Double wrap the good stuff, leave the junk for scanner says the wrap has good stuff.
- They look for people with single accounts and no real option to multi box a web alt. My guess, the reason CCp are ignoring it.
- no skill or implant will help. If they catch you, it's all over.
- 6 was good advice. Something else CCp is ignoring for their own benefit. Making me question their dignity, if they need to feed on our fuckups to make money.

The only real advice I can give, don't haul. Let Trit go to 12.00 let Pyerite go to 30.00 let Goons play king of the sand castle and wait for the tide to come in.
Some Rando
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2012-11-24 18:05:07 UTC
Riddick Liddell wrote:
- They look for people with single accounts and no real option to multi box a web alt. My guess, the reason CCp are ignoring it.

Dat tinfoil

CCP has no sense of humour.

Riddick Liddell
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2012-11-24 18:10:55 UTC
Some Rando wrote:
Riddick Liddell wrote:
- They look for people with single accounts and no real option to multi box a web alt. My guess, the reason CCp are ignoring it.

Dat tinfoil

Dat narrow minded innocence.
Some Rando
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2012-11-24 18:16:42 UTC
Riddick Liddell wrote:
Dat narrow minded innocence.

Please tell me how a gank squad knows how many accounts any given pilot has.
Please tell me how CCP is "ignoring a problem" rather than saying "working as intended".

CCP has no sense of humour.

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#57 - 2012-11-24 18:20:56 UTC
Riddick Liddell wrote:

- no skill or implant will help. If they catch you, it's all over.

So doubling your EHP won't help when the way gankers work it to do almost exactly enough damage to kill you to minimize their losses?



Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Riddick Liddell
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2012-11-24 18:23:32 UTC
Some Rando wrote:
Riddick Liddell wrote:
Dat narrow minded innocence.

Please tell me how a gank squad knows how many accounts any given pilot has.
Please tell me how CCP is "ignoring a problem" rather than saying "working as intended".

Let me tell you about my day a few days ago.

I'm standing on a corner. I'm very ''situational awareness' minded. I can hear the beeps from the little buttons on the cross walk system, the ones that help blind people to know when the lights are changing. They are broke. They are both chirping and when you hit either button, nothing changes. They both keep chirping the same as they were.
I know they are broke. Suppose a blind guy gets hit by a car and bounces off the hood next week. It won't be my fault. True I could take 5 minutes out of my life and email a city official to tell them the audio system on that corner is broken but I didn't. While it isn't my fault, I could have helped.

CCP know using autopilot isn't what it used to be. They do nothing. It isn't their fault but they do nothing.

Cause and effect.
Mistah Ewedynao
Ice Axe Psycho Killers
#59 - 2012-11-24 18:24:33 UTC
Tallian Saotome wrote:
Riddick Liddell wrote:

- no skill or implant will help. If they catch you, it's all over.

So doubling your EHP won't help when the way gankers work it to do almost exactly enough damage to kill you to minimize their losses?



Resistance is futile....

At least that's what the Gankers want you to think.

Nerf Goons

Nuke em from's the only way to be sure.

Marvin Narville
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2012-11-24 18:26:27 UTC
kes88 wrote:
@ Destiny, didn't sound like whining to me, sounded like he just wanted some helpful suggestions on how to deal with it. Sounds like you are the one whining that yet another individual has come to the forums for assistance and they must clearly be looking to CCP to change the system. Not because they just wanted realistic suggestions on what to do, eg take small support fleet etc

But thank you for your incredibly helpful reply which has obviously assisted GD with reaching its dailly quota of douchebag

I suppose you could argue that it didn't sound like whining. However if you presume that they "just wanted realistic suggestions" then you also have to jump to the conclusion that they were utterly incapable of switchin the ol' brain on long enough to come up with the basic stuff offered up in this thread (which has been suggested probably dozens of times since this last round of freighter ganking began.)

At any rate, the OP is a thinly veiled attempt to have CCP change the system. Why you ask, well here's why:

1.The suggestions in this thread are well known, borderline common knowledge.
2. The OP isn't popping his forum cherry right now, he's seen all this before.
3. This is his third thread on the same topic, the other two have been locked, recently.
4. He was precise in his wording, he wants to "nullify" hi sec freighter ganking, not "mitigate", not "reduce", not "make less frequent or more difficult or more expensive", he simply wants to nullify freighter ganking. (see definition below before you try to further mince words)

(nullify [ˈnʌlɪˌfaɪ]
vb -fies, -fying, -fied (tr)
1. (Law) to render legally void or of no effect
2. to render ineffective or useless; cancel out)

5. In order to make ganking ineffective, useless, or cancel it otherwords to nullify it, you WOULD in fact have to change gameplay mechanics, as currently ganking is "possible" by definition.

TL;DR Yes, yes the OP is in fact "looking to CCP to change the system"