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Kiting Defense

Maximus Hashur
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-11-22 16:38:39 UTC
Lately i have had a few encounters with a condor kiting me at 20K and holding me down while his fleet takes their sweet time to come get me. I had though my warrior II's would be able to catch the condor and take care of him but all they did was chase after him looking like streamers flying in his wake.

Whats the defence against a quick moving interceptor like this?

RSD with target range disruption script?

Mount a small caliber railgun?

Light missle launcher?

I was in a AB Rupture with no chance of swinging out of his point range. I did have 2 HML launchers but only had scourge fury HMs. Would precision missles have helped?

Looking for honest advise here because it really pisses me off that one paper thin aggressor can kill me.

Looked up...saw this F***ING clown dropping like a rock.  Woke up in Vylade wondering what just happened!!!

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#2 - 2012-11-22 17:27:53 UTC
1. Don't engage.
2. Fight on gates where you can deaggress and not out in open space.
3. ec-300's
4. Have friends you can call on for help (intel channels, the condor has friends - you should too)

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#3 - 2012-11-22 18:01:41 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
1. Don't engage.
2. Fight on gates where you can deaggress and not out in open space.
3. ec-300's
4. Have friends you can call on for help (intel channels, the condor has friends - you should too)

Pretty much this. Also try to be aware enemy boosters in local. Warriors can apply damage to interceptors. If a condor so completely ignores them I'd be suspicious.
Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#4 - 2012-11-22 18:20:55 UTC  |  Edited by: chatgris
Have weapons that can hit to 25-30km.
Fit MWD drive
Burn in a straight line, overheat the prop mod.

That should reduce his transversal and let you get some hits in.

Depends what you are flying. This should work on BC's - BS's probably not due to a lack of tracking.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#5 - 2012-11-22 18:29:08 UTC
chatgris wrote:
Have weapons that can hit to 25-30km..
Yeah forgot the 3xTracking Enhancer autocannon option.
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#6 - 2012-11-22 23:29:01 UTC
Fly a rail incursus and keep guardian tungsten in your cargo.

He will be very surprised?

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Hoplite Brigade
#7 - 2012-11-23 10:40:56 UTC
ECM or Sensor Dampers are probably the best way to get away.
East Trading Co Ltd
#8 - 2012-11-23 10:56:33 UTC
Dual damp or dual td kiting condors are quite common lately. The damp ones are frustrating as you cannot even lock back. EC-300's set on agressive can be useful.

Be prepared to get into this situation more as the new patch introduces a LOT of med slots to the game.
#9 - 2012-11-23 18:43:38 UTC
Mwd and a heated web, rails pulse artys. Or you could try to learn how to get good warpins. Or spend some small isk on a fed navy web and heat it its like 18.2km whitout links..
Maximus Hashur
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-11-23 22:39:06 UTC
Mysa wrote:
Mwd and a heated web, rails pulse artys. Or you could try to learn how to get good warpins. Or spend some small isk on a fed navy web and heat it its like 18.2km whitout links..

Nice videos. How you got away with that Thrasher kill IDK. He must have not had tracking enhancers.

Looked up...saw this F***ING clown dropping like a rock.  Woke up in Vylade wondering what just happened!!!

Lost touch
#11 - 2012-11-26 15:48:30 UTC
wait until he is behind your ship.
overload your mwd
burn in a straight line
slam on
click approach on his ship
overload web/scram
kill paper thin frig

thank me for telling you how to slingshot

lol@ him in local

carry on with your day.

Fla5hy Red the wrong way, only faster

Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#12 - 2012-11-26 16:35:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Nexxala
That typically only works on retards but its definitely worth a shot.

Lost touch wrote:
wait until he is behind your ship.
overload your mwd
burn in a straight line
slam on
click approach on his ship
overload web/scram
kill paper thin frig

thank me for telling you how to slingshot

lol@ him in local

carry on with your day.

Damage projection(range) with the ability to reduce transversal(speed) is the best counter.

nom nom

Gangname Style
#13 - 2012-11-26 18:04:18 UTC
Lost touch wrote:
wait until he is behind your ship.
overload your mwd
burn in a straight line
slam on
click approach on his ship
overload web/scram
kill paper thin frig

thank me for telling you how to slingshot

lol@ him in local

carry on with your day.

When do you approach his ship? When he is infront of you?
Ten Thousand Days
#14 - 2012-11-27 10:01:44 UTC
Gangname Style wrote:
Lost touch wrote:
wait until he is behind your ship.
overload your mwd
burn in a straight line
slam on
click approach on his ship
overload web/scram
kill paper thin frig

thank me for telling you how to slingshot

lol@ him in local

carry on with your day.

When do you approach his ship? When he is infront of you?

OP clearly states he has an AB. Veto'd

Tracking enhancers and/or barrage are your best bet for killing them. Warrior 2's with drone nav 4 should catch him. Or simply use ec-300's. Also an MWD opens up options since they will be using him as a warp in - if he isn't in web/scram range you can potentially kite his backup.
East Trading Co Ltd
#15 - 2012-11-27 10:08:37 UTC
Maeltstome wrote:
Gangname Style wrote:
Lost touch wrote:
wait until he is behind your ship.
overload your mwd
burn in a straight line
slam on
click approach on his ship
overload web/scram
kill paper thin frig

thank me for telling you how to slingshot

lol@ him in local

carry on with your day.

When do you approach his ship? When he is infront of you?

OP clearly states he has an AB. Veto'd

Tracking enhancers and/or barrage are your best bet for killing them. Warrior 2's with drone nav 4 should catch him. Or simply use ec-300's. Also an MWD opens up options since they will be using him as a warp in - if he isn't in web/scram range you can potentially kite his backup.

Properly executed slingshot can work even with AB. Though it works much better with MWD.
Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#16 - 2012-11-27 20:30:50 UTC
Deerin wrote:

Properly executed slingshot can work even with AB. Though it works much better with MWD.

True but it rely's way more on pilot error when trying it with an AB.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Lady Ayeipsia
#17 - 2012-11-27 20:46:26 UTC
Use rapid light missike launchers instead of HML. Given you are in a rupture, HMLs are not your main dps, so this should not hurt you much. The light missiles should hit him.