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Dev Blog: Inventory Improvements

First post
The Executioners
#141 - 2012-11-21 20:57:39 UTC

Thank you very much. Actually looking forward to this as part of retribution, and I'm sorry but I have to say this but this is how the feature should have launched in the first place.

Please please please think long and hard in regards to the changes you are looking at for corp hangers on capital ships. Make it new by all means but also make it better (removing all of the divisions and replacing them with one does not count) .

As for the inventory changes, I can finally look forward to not running everything of my station services bar.
Hunter Heavy Industries
#142 - 2012-11-21 21:04:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Rented
Gratz, It appears the inventory suckage has finally been abolished.
Shovi Chen-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#143 - 2012-11-21 21:37:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Shovi Chen-Shi
CCP Arrow wrote:
Shovi Chen-Shi wrote:
I would greatly appreciate it if you could do this to the info windows as well. Would be nice to be able to navigate between the info windows on various items without having to move the cursor over those tiny things and try to click click them. ( As far as i am aware we can't do that, feel free to prove me wrong and educate me if we can.)

Ahh it so happens that if you choose to use the Back and Forward keybindings on your mouse (which is customizable in the Esc Menu) it will in fact work for other Back and Forward buttons in EVE, in the Show info windows for example Big smile

I'm sorry, i know this isn't the place to discuss this but for the love of all that's sacred i can't find the bindings. Would you be so kind as to give me some detailed info on where those bindings are?

Edit: Didn't want to make another comment just to say thank your for the info. I thought it was already implemented and was looking like crazy at the shortcuts. Anyway, thank you again for the info.
CCP Arrow
C C P Alliance
#144 - 2012-11-21 22:36:21 UTC
Shovi Chen-Shi wrote:
I'm sorry, i know this isn't the place to discuss this but for the love of all that's sacred i can't find the bindings. Would you be so kind as to give me some detailed info on where those bindings are?

It will be available in the Esc Menu under 'Shortcuts - General'. This is of course not going out on TQ until December 4th, but you can see it on the Buckingham server right away.

CCP Arrow   |   Director of User Experience   |   EVE Online   |   @CCP_Arrow

Mr Floydy
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#145 - 2012-11-21 23:37:58 UTC
So many nice little fixes there. Great stuff :)
The Scope
#146 - 2012-11-22 02:08:37 UTC
Never had a problem with the current inventory system. Good to see that improvements are continuing.

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#147 - 2012-11-22 03:02:41 UTC
Xercodo wrote:
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
+1 for returning Alt-C to its old purpose of opening up the Ship's cargo.

On my current setup, I have Alt-G set to open the hangar floor, Alt-C for the cargo (like $DIETY intended), and Alt-N for the ship hangar.

Not sure what other keystrokes are available, but Alt-I is a common one for "inventory" in other games.

I also made Alt+I my inventory and overwrote the industry window with it

My S&I window opens up with Alt-S... Looks like Alt-I is tied to the Mail window? But Alt-M does nothing.

Move the mail window to Alt-M, make the inventory window Alt-I and we'd have a winner?
Royal Robot Ponies
#148 - 2012-11-22 03:24:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Myrkala
for(int k = 0; k < CCPTEAMS.GameOfDrones.Count; k++) {
   while( n <= 9000) {
     CCPTEAMS.GameOfDrones[k] += Myrkala.Love;
   n = 0;
Dead Hooker Storage
#149 - 2012-11-22 03:54:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Skullair
Doing invention i at time can have a few thousand bpcs to move from system to system I've noticed that ships have a limit of items it can hold so I'm forced to put them into cans in order to move this

would it be possible to remove that item limit? current 993

Small issue but will help quality of life for me
Pierced Brosmen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#150 - 2012-11-22 09:37:30 UTC
Thank you so much for the improvements detailed in the dev blog. Looking forward to seeing them and using them in Retribution.

But two small questions. As a person who more or less always have my ship's cargohold window open when I play.
1. Can the state of the cargohold window persist between log-ins? If the cargohold was open when I logged out, I'd like it to be open wehen I log back in.
2. Would it be possible to implement a feature where you could set default location, size and stacked/unstacked parameters on the cargohold window? Like place and resize the window to your liking and click the window settings button and chose something like "save as default". So when you get in a brand new ship where you have never opened or moved the cargohold before, it will open with those parameters.
Maru Sha
The Department of Justice
#151 - 2012-11-22 10:57:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Maru Sha

CCP Arrow wrote:
We also wanted to make stacking of items better. Currently when you want to stack items together, you don’t really know if it works until you try, and then you might get a rude error message saying you can’t. We also noticed that sometimes when players just want to move an item into an inventory they will accidentally move it over an item that will give them an error message saying they can’t stack those items.

... a problem that so many user interfaces don't take seriously. You drag an item and simply want to move it to another window. But instead of offering the user a place where it can be dropped, the user has to scroll for a free spot or squeeze it in between other items. Why not offering the user a field/area which is always free and where the user can drop the item. As soon as it lands there, the item will either be rejected because it is not allowed in that inventory or it will 'disappear' from that field and becomes part of the inventory list.


Since the introduction of the new UI which included the changes on how to handle inventoriesand other windows, I was wondering why EVE goes all the "Microsoft Windows Style". I persoanlly don't like it and from my point of view there are better alternatives. I want to give you an example: back in the old DOS days a program called "Norton Commander" was developed and continued from there as "Windows Commander" and later "Total Commander" (and other spin offs). The principle is easy ... instead of one window with one list of items (which is MS Windows style) it would offer one window with two lists of items. One list is left, the other one right; they are independent from each other and can either show the same folder or different ones. Now you can easily move items between those two lists and navigate to different folders (and that is what we most do in EVE inventory ... move items from one spot to another). In comparison, the MS Windows style needs you to open two windows, then copy & paste or drag & drop, but before doing so refocusing to the new window. And if you do it for a while in MS Windows or EVE, you will often end up with many open windows each partly covering each other, so you have to move them around, minimize them, maximize them, close, reopen them, etc. That would not be necessary, at least when it comes to inventories, if you would use an approach with two lists of items in one window (like in the EVE player trade window) and a clever approach how to navigate "folders" (e.g. list of hangars, containers, cargo holds, etc.). Possibly, this is just personal preference of me, but maybe (for example if you try out Total Commander; it's shareware) you can see the advantages and take it into consideration for your next steps.
#152 - 2012-11-22 12:23:47 UTC
Please, please, please make it so I don't have to wait for the container to open before looting all.

Simple r-click the wreck on the overview/targets and select loot all

Waiting half a second for each wreck to open and another half a second for each wreck to recognize I clicked the loot all button is a PITA which isn't going to go away with the latency I get from down in Australia.
Caldari 5
D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. S.A.S
#153 - 2012-11-22 13:22:45 UTC
Lots of good changes here :)

Although from the performance part wtf is "Plastic wraps"?????

Also I'm not colour blind and I didn't notice the difference between the icons until I went back and looked at them again. (Maybe my quick glance only sees grey-scale :P ) Different Icons will be better, agreed with the circle and cross from the Cert Planer
New Eden Ninja Mining Consortium
#154 - 2012-11-22 15:58:05 UTC
OUTSTANDING work but WHAT took you guys so LONG?!?
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#155 - 2012-11-22 16:15:27 UTC
Caldari 5 wrote:
Lots of good changes here :)

Although from the performance part wtf is "Plastic wraps"?????

Also I'm not colour blind and I didn't notice the difference between the icons until I went back and looked at them again. (Maybe my quick glance only sees grey-scale :P ) Different Icons will be better, agreed with the circle and cross from the Cert Planer

Plastic Wraps are the containers used to do courier contracts.

They apparently make the database people cry a bit as they have no set size (being determined by the contents of the contract)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

CCP Engineering Corp
#156 - 2012-11-22 17:01:35 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Caldari 5 wrote:
Lots of good changes here :)

Although from the performance part wtf is "Plastic wraps"?????

Also I'm not colour blind and I didn't notice the difference between the icons until I went back and looked at them again. (Maybe my quick glance only sees grey-scale :P ) Different Icons will be better, agreed with the circle and cross from the Cert Planer

Plastic Wraps are the containers used to do courier contracts.

They apparently make the database people cry a bit as they have no set size (being determined by the contents of the contract)

Basically. A plastic wrap had almost unlimited capacity and was a unique container in that it could have multiple more containers inside of it (containerception). When the Inventory opened with a "plastic wrap" it would go and ask the database about all the contents in the wrap and if there were containers too, it would ask what was in each container. So we were having to check multiple levels down of an Inventory without you choosing to look as a user.

This is fine when you choose to look into a wrap of your own accord, we make one call and it is quick. But the game was deciding to check all wraps you had access too in a station and this was just taking far too long as it was having to load them all up.

Regarding restriction icons
The restriction icons will have instant tooltips that should help tell you what access you have where, but we hear your concerns.

Feel free to poke me on: Twitter

CCP Optimal
C C P Alliance
#157 - 2012-11-22 17:02:01 UTC
The new Active ship cargo window will take care of 2), but 1) is a good suggestion and I'll look into it personally.

Pierced Brosmen wrote:
Thank you so much for the improvements detailed in the dev blog. Looking forward to seeing them and using them in Retribution.

But two small questions. As a person who more or less always have my ship's cargohold window open when I play.
1. Can the state of the cargohold window persist between log-ins? If the cargohold was open when I logged out, I'd like it to be open wehen I log back in.
2. Would it be possible to implement a feature where you could set default location, size and stacked/unstacked parameters on the cargohold window? Like place and resize the window to your liking and click the window settings button and chose something like "save as default". So when you get in a brand new ship where you have never opened or moved the cargohold before, it will open with those parameters.

Olga Ivanovna
#158 - 2012-11-22 17:35:31 UTC
CCP Optimal wrote:
The new Active ship cargo window will take care of 2), but 1) is a good suggestion and I'll look into it personally.

This is great news!!

But one thing still wonders me... as I remember it, 1) actually worked long ago, but disappeared in an earlier version long before uni.inv. Possibly it was with Incarna (?) you did some fixes with the windows and this feature ceased to function... don't you have any documentation of current functionality so you can do regression tests when updating?
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#159 - 2012-11-22 19:25:13 UTC
You mean to say i won't constantly try to loot my own hangar anymore?

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

#160 - 2012-11-23 02:36:58 UTC
Looks like things are finally shaping up for the univentory. The UAT comments were ironic ... considering univentory's history ... ...
Reserving final comments till it's out on TQ however.

Pertaining to the ability to move items by scrolling down the tree view, I'm assuming a std press hold (selected items) > scroll down > release (selected items)?
Consider a sticky button option i.e. ability to hold onto the selected items without needing to continuously hold down the mouse button.