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WTB Blaster Focused PVP/PVE Starter

Dave DaBloerb
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-11-19 23:15:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave DaBloerb
I´m looking for a Blaster Focused PVP/PVE Starter.

Should have atleast:

  • T1 Medium Blasters
  • Ability to fly a cruiser effectively
  • Use all the neccesary T2 support mods.

Sec status and standings don't really matter
Dave DaBloerb
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-11-20 13:07:50 UTC
bump to the top.
Dave DaBloerb
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-11-21 11:27:50 UTC