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EVE Online Development Strategy (CSM Public)

First post First post
#121 - 2012-11-19 17:40:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Noisrevbus

1. The Disclaimer
Almost every document that involve CCP communication come with the disclaimer that CCP do not commit to implement ideas presented by the community. That is understandable, as a company they can not and should not simply do as told. The issue is that they don't communicate. When the community ask for communication or commitment from CCP, what we want them to commit to is the discussion. We want them to explain and motivate their decisions. We want them to enter into argument with us and stand for the position they take on important matters.

Giving us the decision and motivating their own decisions are two different things. We don't expect the former.

The CSM should strongly remind CCP of this. Do not let the former be a caveat for the latter.

We want CCP to talk to us (through CSM or elsewhere), explain why, motivate the choices they make, accept criticism and respond to it - we don't want them to simply do as told (by a majority or otherwise). Progression through conflict.

2. Farms & Fields - IS - EVE
It's down right frightening reading that "a revamp of 0.0 is low on the list at the moment". That would equate to saying that EVE is low on the list for EVE-development. Issues that relate to the Farms & Fields initiative deal with the interaction and progression of the game. To me, it's a development strategy that both ensure piecing a fractured game together again and lowering total workload by focusing on content that affect everyone, rather than reaching out to a fractured community one by one. That is why F&F is important and why a "Nullsec revamp" is so important beyond what the word Nullsec entail. It affects everyone, it's there to create content for everyone in all regions of the game. The CSM must be able to clobber that message by thick skulls.

If you look at the list of items in the document, several other passages pertain to F&F in some way: The POS-revamp have F&F concerns (aka. scalability concerns, because that is what F&F is; Farms and Fields each represent one scale or scaling, meant to illustrate how content in the game should have the full spectrum to include- or appeal to all players). It should be independent of where you are or how you choose to play, so it can be used everywhere by everyone. The small scale objectives item is part of the same discussion, in a way, so is Ring Mining. It's a question of scaling and progressing mining from Empire and out, driving complexity and reward from one scale to another. That's how it should appeal to Empire as much as it should anyone in Sovnull. The very notion of "X does not pertain to me since i am a Y-player" should signal that something is wrong, within a reasonable span.

The reason small scale get multiple mention have to do with small scale objectives (the impact, or impression they have) sorely lacking, while large scale objectives do not lack - they just rest on unappealing mechanics. The important connection to development strategies here is that: Any change to one should include both, as with the POS revamp. You can't create specific "small gang content" and leave larger objectives to fester. The smaller scale content should provide alternatives alongside differently scaled content. There should be multiple ways to interact with a mechanic, multiple means to the same end so different groups can interact with each other.

Anyone who belive that F&F is "only for existing nullsec players" have completely misunderstood the point. It's just as much meant to be appealing for you to go live there and give you content there when you visit.

The problem with Sovnull now is that there is essentially just large-scale content for large-scale groups, which drive smaller-scale organisations away from that area and away from interacting with large groups. That situation is what feed many of the shallow issues the playerbase raise: "space bushido", "wormhole CSM candidates" and "empire only players" are all results of alienation, which stem from poor interactivity in mechanics and continued game-design. The development strategies employed: theme-parking, which is the direct opposite of a sandbox.

You can't say sandbox and do themepark.

3. NPE Mathematics and terminology
Old content = new content for a new player

The introduction listing new players as being interested in new shinies baffles me. If you have not played the game and experienced the content it has to offer - how can you be interested in completely new features?

Are you aware of what iteration and shiny actually imply? If you have trouble defining the terms, you will have trouble entering into a discussion that involve them.

The continued discussion suffer from just that, where you try to attribute values to different player groups. If you look at what i wrote above regarding F&F i think you should at least stop to consider how you present this information segment. It has tendence of all the very issues i raise regarding a fractured game and Themepark-design. What makes you think that "iteration" does not appeal to a new player? A new player afterall experience alot of things for a first time with an open mind, and can often see quite clearly what we need to iterate upon.

If the CSM have trouble defining their own terminology, how can you expect CCP to do so based on your document?

It may be a case of loss in translation, but i think the CSM should consider how they communicate that important tidbit.

It comes out as unecessarily complicated and fractured. It comes out as designing specific content for specific groups, which goes against the entire F&F ideal you claim to subscribe to. Those are opposites. You need tangle out that mess before you can present any concrete and unified front toward development strategies.

Possibly more to come...
No More Heroes
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#122 - 2012-11-19 17:44:33 UTC
Amaya Blaze wrote:
No More Heroes wrote:
Need for more lucrative incentives to live/work in dangerous space

You need more actual danger in space instead of 30 jump deep blue zones. CFC and HBC calling null sec space "dangerous" is about as funny as Ted Kennedy calling himself sober.

Dozens of gangs of experienced killers roam our space everyday along with solo killers. There's a carrier group being attacked by a T3 gang that came out of a WH right now as I am typing this post. Allies and the sov map have absolutely nothing to do with safety in space.


#123 - 2012-11-19 18:15:29 UTC
Looks great, yall are doing a great job CSM-ing I supposed Issler didn't do jack but that is a good thing or it'd be about how dudes can emote each other. This is important stuff, how/why we live and fight. lol what the christ

Hadon Shipping
#124 - 2012-11-19 18:29:59 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Herschel Yamamoto wrote:
The goal of the CSM is not to remain in compliance with the letter of their legal agreements, their goal is to get CCP to make a better game. You don't do that by spitting at them. I'm perfectly willing to see a document a day or two later if it means that any would-be ruffled feathers get smoothed down and the CSM has a better chance of actually making a positive contribution to the future of Eve. Just because being a **** is legal doesn't mean it's a good idea.
These guys are too concerned with potentially upsetting their new besties.

The Mittani, last year, brought the issue of Monocles, the in-game demonstrations, and the failures of Walking in Stations straight to the gaming press, very likely to the consternation of CCP. He was less worried about his besties and more concerned about correcting the course of CCP development on EVE Online.

Given all that, I don't think his relationship with CCP was hurt all that much. (His fanfest gaffe is beside the point.)

The CSM is more concerned with keeping CCP happy than the playerbase, because they live in fear of being denied access if they upset their keepers.

Now this document speaks to correcting development course as well. But it's certainly not time sensitive. CCP won't be roadmapping their next expansion, deciding upon features, until January or February, so there was time to discuss on a public forum first, then they could draft their document.

What we have here is a roadmap that the CSM is already firmly behind (only five or six of them had any legitimate input on the document), and we're meant to accept its direction, more or less, as is. Given that you don't see much discussion happening in this thread, just the CSM defending their stance, speaks to that.

Since you seem to love mittens so much Ill bring this up from the fire side chats from last year:

"-And part of what were trying to do as the CSM, in a non threatening way, IE not screaming 'you[CCP] f***ing idiot it doesn’t work like this,' Ideally speaking over beer with sweet words and sweet nothings say look it actually doesn’t work like this Uh ya know this is really how things work."
- The Mittani Fireside, Chat 1 April 2011. 27:18 - 27:39.

How is the CSM not achieving this by there current actions? By the way when this csm tried to do more informal and loose communications they were accused of being ineffective and looking disorganized and informal and that the player base would take them less seriously, as well as CCP. They tighten up there act try to formalize and distill things down for public consumption, now there being accused of not communicating enough. Did you ever think for a second maybe they're actually to busy working on the games issues with CCP trying to get through to them, they cant turn around and do an interview or a Fireside when ever you demand it. Dont forget they do this work for free on top of any RL time constraints they already have.
In politics there are work horses and show horses im going to take a stab in the dark and say the current csm are work horses.
My general take on you poetic is regardless of what the CSM is doing you will be unhappy with it until you are on it. Theres nothing wrong with that its a pretty common election strategy: run against something as the change that will fix it.
Nevryn Takis
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#125 - 2012-11-19 18:33:35 UTC
I'm not going to re-iterate on the discussion in the Farms and Fields thread.. but I'm going to make the same observation on this document that I did in regards to the orginal Farms and Fields thread ..
The document was put together by a group of people with a vesteted interest in mainting the status quo of the amorphus blob concept of EVE. There is nothing for the small scale enterprenur or casual player. Driving them out of High Sec, which appears to be the intent, will just drive them out of the game. I think the analyss of the player grouping completely missed looking at the demographics of existing Corporation size and why they are the way they are.
Whether I continue to play still remains to be seen. Making it impossible to support my play style by forcing me out of high sec definately will force me out of the game (expecting to be flamed by the amorphus blob trolls that predate the foruns).
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#126 - 2012-11-19 18:35:01 UTC
I for one thank CSM7 for their awesomesauce
Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#127 - 2012-11-19 18:36:58 UTC
Considering this document and all feedback associated with it greatly involve everyone playing the game; shouldn't this thread be in general discussion forum so it has a better chance of being seen?
Gordon Industries
#128 - 2012-11-19 18:37:04 UTC  |  Edited by: CataCourier
I greatly appreciate the work that the CSM has done on this, and sincerely hope that CCP listens and applies these ideas (or some of them) in their design process.

tl;dr: Fix 0.0 industry, buff supercaps/titans in a way that encourages more "super" destruction, give more reason for people to pvp and blow stuff up.

As a "0.0 miner/industrialist", changes to mineral distribution in 0.0 are greatly welcome. Industry as a whole in 0.0 is stale (as Corestwo described) and needs an improvement- both for existing industrialists like myself, and for prospective/newbies that are just starting to play eve.

Like it or not, there are a lot of players that are willing to subscribe for the sole purpose of shooting rocks and building stuff out of it. Even though Eve is a pvp-focused game, CCP (and the playerbase as a whole) would benefit by more industrial minded players subscribing- more production, more consumption, and many, many more tears. The problem is enticing those players to pick up Eve and stick with it. Building 0.0 industry and giving venues for industrial minded players to own and improve their operations would be a huge benefit. Additional system/POS/planet structures and upgrades would allow for growth of 0.0 industry and provide tons of pvp opportunities.

To quickly rattle off some ideas to coincide with the mining section:
-Upgraded refineries at POS that give benefits based on the industrial level of the system
-Additional system upgrades that allow the spawning of very rich ore sites that show up on overview as a celestial object
-Revamp/rebalance 0.0 ores in general (Spod & Gneiss and maybe Dark Ochre)
-Redesign Rorqual so they can actually be used in belts (by non-bads)
-Once NPC AI is revamped, perhaps a mixed mining/combat site, where there are valuable rewards for both industry and pve (IE: a combat fleet is required to persistently engage NPCs while the miners mine out the site- NPCs spawn based on volume of ore mined, etc). Perhaps this could also show up as a celestial object.
-"Permanent", destructible, planetary structures that mine planets for low end ores. This could benefit DUST too. (Permanent means that it can't be un-anchored to dodge impending destruction). These would require industry upgrades active in the system to continue producing minerals.

It seems like the original idea for 0.0 industry was to have an outlet for corps and alliances to have profitable mining ops with their own protection force- enabling them to gather resources while giving enemies a target to aim for. The problem with this in implementation is that there currently isn't enough reward or benefit for having any type of defending fleet or major mining operations, because it's simply more profitable to run hubs/sanctums than it is to support a mining fleet. On top of that, even if a huge mining fleet is assembled and protected, there aren't enough low ends in 0.0 to support real industry without importing the bulk of the minerals.

Aside from the mining/industry section, I am all for more pvp improvements and reasons to fight. There is nothing better for a miner than consistent pvp and destruction- even if that means that you occasionally lose hulks/orcas/rorquals. As Corestwo noted, production of supers/titans has diminished due to the plethora of nerfs against them. I'd also like to see a way for Supers/Titans to be used (and destroyed) more often.
Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#129 - 2012-11-19 19:06:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Harvey James
I would love to hear what CCP thought of the contents of this.
Tech moons need to be replaced with moon goo in belts you should have to spend time and effort and risk to get such immense rewards.
No mention of fixing the mercenary contracts/high sec war release it was only half completed at best when released.
And industry clearly needs a lot of attention as well as mining content.
And i can't believe incursions are still going on i mean sansha lost and the content is still the same boring repetitive frigate grinding with battleships which is odd as we all know battleships aren't good at killing frigs.

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

The Executioners
#130 - 2012-11-19 19:29:18 UTC
Strongly agree with this document and the suggestions it makes. I applaud CCP for asking for such a thing from the CSM.

We must get small entities into the sov game and make the risk vs reward stronger for 0.0. Everyone that wants to is welcome to mine and mission in high sec with the inherent low risk (should be) low to moderate reward. A revamp of 0.0 with higher rewards would hopefully elicit a gold rush to 0.0 like we saw post dominion. The Sov changes would have to go hand in hand.

All in all an excellent document. Thanks to CSM and I hope CCP find it helpful.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#131 - 2012-11-19 19:31:16 UTC
Harvey James wrote:

Tech moons need to be replaced with moon goo in belts you should have to spend time and effort and risk to get should immense rewards.

Ah, yes, risk and effort. It takes 250 people between 1 and 3 hours to capture (or defend) a tech moon. Tech moons are surprisingly well defended by their owners when they come out of reinforced. All in all, you're spending 750 man hours' effort, combined with risking a substantial subcap or capital fleet.

You also appear to be under the (distressingly common) illusion that nullsec logistics is done by pixies and involves no risk or effort to keep the tower fuelled or to harvest the sweet, sweet goo it produces.

One can make 80 million ISK an hour while ratting relatively easily. If you assume that a tower is attacked once every six months, would you like to run the numbers and work out where the break-even figure on tech capturing versus going ratting is?


Goonfleet Investment Banking
#132 - 2012-11-19 19:47:57 UTC
Harvey James wrote:

Tech moons need to be replaced with moon goo in belts you should have to spend time and effort and risk to get should immense rewards.

Gotta echo RDevz here. While I feel moons should go away and be replaced by some form of alliance taxable bottom up income, the idea that they are "no effort" is pretty funny. And wrong.

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#133 - 2012-11-19 19:59:56 UTC
CataCourier wrote:
buff supercaps/titans in a way that encourages more "super" destruction, give more reason for people to pvp and blow stuff up.

Buffing super capitals will not encourage players to blow them up anymore than they do now. If a super is tackled people come out of the woodwork to kill it. No one stops for a moment to ponder if the ship is balanced, recently buffed or what kind of damage bonus it gets to fighter bombers or resistance to armor.

If anything supers carriers need their bonuses changed a bit to define them more as anti-capital and structure killers. For instance:
1. Remove the range bonus on remote modules. That just encourages spider tanking/logistics within its own ship class which means they are not obligated to bring logistics to support them.
2. Remove or redefine the remote ECM burst module. With enough super carriers in a fleet they can effectively neuter a ton of incoming dps from enemy non-capital ships and drastically increasing their ability to escape.
3. Change the number of fighter/fighter bombers deployed per level from 3 to 1. In addition provide a bonus to fitting drone control units so each one fit allows 3 instead of 1. This is so supers have to make a real choice on how to fit their high slots. Currently the default on super carriers is a couple smart bombs, couple neuts, remote rep and a cloak. The entire high slot rack for killing bubbles, neuting out hics and a cloak for complete safety. All the while dishing out a majority of its potential damage. With this change super carriers can still do the safety dance on the top rack, but at half the damage they do now.
4. Which brings me to the last change that would affect super capitals exit strategy. Currently the only thing super capitals need to ensure a safe exit is find a safe spot, cloak up and wait for enough cap to jump out. What needs to happen is all non-covert ops cloaks to stop a capacitor from recharging while cloaked. This will encourage supers to bring a proper support fleet for the ENTIRE duration of it being in hostile territory.
5. Also opening a cyno should cancel and prevent self destructing. Which is a popular trick supers use to travel around without a support fleet. I could go in more detail, but I'll leave it at that.

Make those changes and you will see more super capitals die while the ones with a proper support fleet be fine.
Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#134 - 2012-11-19 20:02:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Il Feytid
A propery setup moon tower takes all of five whole minutes to empty the silo and top off the fuel tank. Stop exaggerating on the struggles of maintaining one please.
Midnight Hope
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#135 - 2012-11-19 20:08:30 UTC
A big step in the right direction!
Forlorn Wongraven
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#136 - 2012-11-19 20:20:50 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:

Your whole rebalance idea would only change the amount of supercap kills per month to zero. If you nerf things too much people will only use it as POS decoration, not fielding it in combat.

Winner ATXI , 3rd place ATXII, winner ATXIII, 2nd ATXIV - follow me on twitter: @ForlornW

Cash Miner
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#137 - 2012-11-19 20:49:44 UTC
Read and had a few points might want to bring to CCP.

1. In regards to the mineral compression thing, rather then having completely doing away with mineral compression, how about we allow Rorqual or an equivalent version to be allowed in High Sec. This would allow for low-end minerals to be compressed and shipped to null sec for production, rather then the other way around. Seems to me that if they allow Jump Freighters to use gates and be in high sec, then there shouldn't be a problem allowing Rorquals there either. This to me seems like the logical step. You mine the low-end ore....compress it...and jump it down to null sec all in one ship. The current system of mining high end ore, compressing it, jumping to high sec, build ships, then jump those back into null....its a little backwards.

2. I couldn't agree more about the way PoS and Corp Hangers in general work. Could they not allow for a Personal Corp Hanger bay to allow for more secure research/construction to be performed? The main reason I see a lot of one-man corps is due to the inability of the current system to protect members assets that are in corp hangers. I know a lot of industrial corp face this problem when members want to be industrialist but don't want to risk losing BPO that are very valuable to corp thief because everyone has to share the same hanger for research, while it can be somewhat controlled, still allows for a lot of corp security issues. A simple addition of a personal corp hanger that would allow research/copying/invention/production to be performed without worrying about thief could solve this. Of course this hanger would follow the member no matter what corp he joins/leave. So if you leave your corp and move to an NPC corp, all the items would still be in that personal corp hanger....untouchable by anyone other then yourself. Or just allow these jobs to be performed at your personal hanger rather then the corp hanger....there are plenty of ways to solve this.

3. PI is something as well I was glad that was being touched on, as I believe that the current tax rate is too high. I know that some will argue that you just increase your prices, which is fine. I am talking more along the lines of having to be taxed multiple times when trying to perform PI to make higher lvl production items. *Insert whatever troll comment you want here*

4. Industrial Ship Revamp or Addition- So need this on so many levels. We need a tier system put in place that allows for a larger amount of cargo space rather then....t1 indy with no defense and decent hauling or t2 great defense....tiny cargo hold. Maybe the addition of a mini-freighter ship....rather then going from 20k m3 straight to 850k m3.....there is a lot of room here to work with.

5. Lastly goes out to the common tactic of bumping.....Bumping ships to me seems like the bumper should be taking some damage. I been in war decs were the common tactic used has having an out of corp alt bumping my industrial ship over and over using a frigate with MWD while allowing the war targets more time to get to me. Along with the whole bumping of Titans and Freighters. I'm sorry but if we want to be realistic here, we need to acknowledge the fact that when 2 ships ram each other....both ships are going to take damage....and in all reality, a frigate ramming a BS/Freighter is going to cause the the frigate to explode....*insert troll comment after here*

Oh well said my peace...
Gordon Industries
#138 - 2012-11-19 21:01:03 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
CataCourier wrote:
buff supercaps/titans in a way that encourages more "super" destruction, give more reason for people to pvp and blow stuff up.

Buffing super capitals will not encourage players to blow them up anymore than they do now. If a super is tackled people come out of the woodwork to kill it. No one stops for a moment to ponder if the ship is balanced, recently buffed or what kind of damage bonus it gets to fighter bombers or resistance to armor.

If anything supers carriers need their bonuses changed a bit to define them more as anti-capital and structure killers. For instance:
1. Remove the range bonus on remote modules. That just encourages spider tanking/logistics within its own ship class which means they are not obligated to bring logistics to support them.
2. Remove or redefine the remote ECM burst module. With enough super carriers in a fleet they can effectively neuter a ton of incoming dps from enemy non-capital ships and drastically increasing their ability to escape.
3. Change the number of fighter/fighter bombers deployed per level from 3 to 1. In addition provide a bonus to fitting drone control units so each one fit allows 3 instead of 1. This is so supers have to make a real choice on how to fit their high slots. Currently the default on super carriers is a couple smart bombs, couple neuts, remote rep and a cloak. The entire high slot rack for killing bubbles, neuting out hics and a cloak for complete safety. All the while dishing out a majority of its potential damage. With this change super carriers can still do the safety dance on the top rack, but at half the damage they do now.
4. Which brings me to the last change that would affect super capitals exit strategy. Currently the only thing super capitals need to ensure a safe exit is find a safe spot, cloak up and wait for enough cap to jump out. What needs to happen is all non-covert ops cloaks to stop a capacitor from recharging while cloaked. This will encourage supers to bring a proper support fleet for the ENTIRE duration of it being in hostile territory.
5. Also opening a cyno should cancel and prevent self destructing. Which is a popular trick supers use to travel around without a support fleet. I could go in more detail, but I'll leave it at that.

Make those changes and you will see more super capitals die while the ones with a proper support fleet be fine.

I should have pointed out that I do not own a super, so I can only speculate (but I am well aware how they are used).

Supers/titans in general already have gotten nerfed pretty fairly. Instead of further nerfs, I think a change is in order. This may be "buffing" some things while "nerfing" others- making supers slightly more powerful in terms of capabilities, but slightly less tanky or slightly more vulnerable to being locked down. Supers should be powerful- which is why they are such an expensive upgrade from their carrier counterparts- but they should also not be largely immune to bad decisions.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#139 - 2012-11-19 21:08:27 UTC
Cash Miner wrote:
5. ... we need to acknowledge the fact that when 2 ships ram each other....both ships are going to take damage....
Can of worms that does not need to be opened.

People being concorded on the Jita undock due to unintentional bumps.
Cash Miner
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#140 - 2012-11-19 21:13:42 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Cash Miner wrote:
5. ... we need to acknowledge the fact that when 2 ships ram each other....both ships are going to take damage....
Can of worms that does not need to be opened.

People being concorded on the Jita undock due to unintentional bumps.

no concord involvement needed as it damaging yourself.....but as far as the jita undock then set the damage to be applied to ships with active afterburners or mwd on.

If you bump at regular speed=no damage

if you bump with afterburner/mwd on=damage

but I understand the post....not trying to restart old arguments but it is a tactic that needs to be addressed