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ISN - Incursion Shiny Network - Incursion Community
Wir (alle 25+ Jahre alt) suchen Mitspieler, möglichst (aber nicht nur) mit Headset (Teamspeak 3). Corp-Mitgliedschaft ist NICHT notwendig! Einfach zusammen Zocken und Erfahrungen austauschen ist das Ziel. Teamspeak-Server:
I should buy an Ishtar.
ISN - Incursion Shiny Network Public channel: ISN Secondary
Take Pride In What You Do And It Will Show In Your Favour ☻EIRE☻
An' then, he come scramblin outta the Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Things that keep me up at night; Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.