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How should we improve the inventory UI?

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Vartan Sarkisian
Tannhauser C-Beam
#521 - 2012-11-16 10:40:57 UTC
I would like to see tags which allow me to tags any items I have.

I would like the option of multiple tags per item.

I would like to be able to choose multiple items in order to add the same tag (rather than do it one at a time), those tags should then be available to add to the filters, so we can... erm filter them.

Items in ships/canisters etc should be search and be shown when we do an asset search (indeed anywhere where items are hidden at the moment from an asset search should be visible, after all an asset search is a search on assets we own, it should make no difference if it is in a container.

Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#522 - 2012-11-16 20:45:10 UTC
I would like to see option to see in the left panel, there where you see ship names, the real window of hangar with ships, to easily locate the ship I move stuff into.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#523 - 2012-11-17 19:44:29 UTC
It would be nice to have things like carrier hangars to expand when you're dragging things to the list of ships.

It would also be nice if it would scroll down a bit when hovering while holding items to the top or bottom of the ship list if theres a scroll bar.

Windows already does the 2nd thing so why shouldn't eve.
Brent Newton
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#524 - 2012-11-17 20:31:14 UTC
Would be great to be able to see items in a list form organizable by any attribute.

Also if there were some way to denote meta level of an item in the icon. Maybe a color in the bottom left corner to indicate meta level.

Less words. More visual indicators.

Meldorn Vaash
State War Academy
Caldari State
#525 - 2012-11-17 21:48:00 UTC
Issue: When you open the cargohold, you see the inventory tree with cargohold and everything else...

Fix: When you left click the cargohold button, all you see is the cargohold... just the cargohold... no inventory UI tree, no stack of loot cans... just... the... cargohold...

Loot cans in space and onboard storage cans should open in their own SEPARATE window on demand... IE clicky clicky... or right clicky then clicky clicky...

If you're flying a ship with more than one bay (drones, corp hangar, ship hangar etc etc) right click on the cargohold button, left click select the bay you want... new window... win...

If you want the full inventory for the ship, you would click on the Assets Tab and the Full inventory UI should come up. When docked the normal behaviors are fine.
"Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes."
#526 - 2012-11-20 00:54:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Souisa
It would be nice if doubleclicking items lead to the action that is most commonly chosen when right clicking. For example doubleclicking blueprints will bring up the info window, doubleclicking other items will bring up the view market details. Containers should still open by default


Hunter Heavy Industries
#527 - 2012-11-20 05:46:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Rented
I await the day that I can once again open my ship cargo seperately without jumping through hoops and everything doesn't, by default, open in the exact same window thusly limiting you to doing exactly 1 thing at a time without screwing with everything else you're doing or forcing you to jump through a dozen more hoops every single time.
The Chodak
Void Alliance
#528 - 2012-12-01 01:04:08 UTC  |  Edited by: PAPULA
I just found a problem/bug on test server with new UI.
If you click ships button a ships window pops up and you right click your ship and select open cargohold or open dronebay , dronebay/cargohold window open in the SAME window instead of a new window.
When this happens all of your ships disappear and you have to close and re-open ships window again to see all of your ships.

Ships window should always contain only ships.

So for example if i click open dronebay / cargohold on a ship that is in my ships window new window should pop-up containing only drones or cargohold for that specific ship.
Invictra Atreides
Toward the Terra
#529 - 2012-12-02 15:38:14 UTC
ISSUE: I have trouble to find my own items in the POS hangar. We got 1,000 items under one division in the hangar. With the new Inventory UI I can filter them by price, type, meta and stuff, but it still doesn't help me when I want to figure out which items are mine and which are not.

FIX: Can't we just TAG items? YouTube has tags, all search engines use them. If I just could tag the items before then I could use the inventory's new UI filter function to find my items.

In a mining OP its hard to track how much someone mined and the fleet history for loot can be cheated to death. If all items would be pre-taged with the players name that created them. I know it will take forever to make the new POS system, but at least make our life a bit easier by implementing some system that let us tag items and then filter them by the tag name.

BlogTutorials | Youtube "I don’t know everything, I just know what I know."

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#530 - 2012-12-03 00:15:06 UTC
I would still like to see a way to make the inventory act and look as it did before it was replaced by the UI, the UI is a little better than it was after Inferno but is still horribly bad compared to what the UI replaced.

Whomever is making the last few years decisions on what changes are to be implemented in this game, must hate Eve with all their being.

Vartan Sarkisian
Tannhauser C-Beam
#531 - 2012-12-05 12:50:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Vartan Sarkisian
This thread was created back in January 2012 and was specifically asking about improving the inventory UI. When you read the posts there are a lot of people complaining about the abysmal Inventory UI system and yet there has been a massive patch released yesterday and the main issues with the inventory are still there.

The one and only Dev response was on page 2 where CCP Optimal says

Many thanks for all of those good suggestions. It seems to me that we'll be harvesting heavily from this thread. Keep it coming

But it really seems that very little has been harvested from this thread, so are they just not reading it anymore, perhaps they got bored and drifted off?

So CCP, are any of the ideas in this thread going to be implemented?

If so what ones are you looking at / are you interested in?

You had an opportunity to improve and area that massively needs improvement and this post was open for a whole year and yet the same issues are still there. Either action it or lock the thread so that we know that you are not interested in it.

For my input on the thread, please just choose anyone one of the hundreds of replies before mine.
Agromos nulKaedi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#532 - 2012-12-11 00:05:56 UTC
Had an inventory window up while looting wrecks. Discovered that there is no way to rearrange the order of columns in the list view; I wanted to put volume up by the front. Add a way to re-order the columns?
United Electro-Magnetic Federation
Business Alliance of Manufacturers and Miners
#533 - 2012-12-11 14:05:28 UTC
Whenever you have the Inventory window stacked with other windows and go through a session change, the stack swaps to the inventory.

1. People & Places and Inventory are stacked together.
2. People & Places is the active tab.
3. Go through a Stargate.
4. Inventory becomes the active tab.

I really don't like the client changing my setup on me.
teh penguins
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#534 - 2012-12-12 05:05:19 UTC
Jafit McJafitson wrote:
I'd like to be able to create and delete 'folders' or divisions within my personal hangar. I can then put things in different folders in the same way that I'd organize files on my computer.

Then I could have a folder for things like salvage, blueprints, stuff that might be useful one day, modules that I swap out on my ships a lot, ammo, stuff I'm buying and relisting at higher prices at fucktest prices to get money from my alliance mates, etc.

I have used cans in the past but inevitably one day I'll be looking through all the rubbish I have in the hangar and absentmindedly click 'repackage all' and OH GOD MY CANS REPACKAGED AS WELL AND NOW EVERYTHING IS TOGETHER IN MY HANGAR AGAIN!

Also have an option to list ships and items together in one list, I may want to put a faction fit t2 rigged Rifter I got for Christmas in a folder with any other curiosities I acquire, rather than having it in the same list as normal Rifters

I have the same problem with cans. I think a very simple elegant solution would be that you can not repackage cans with items in them.

a simple "you can not repackage this item because it is full" or something like that. life would be so much easier.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#535 - 2012-12-13 09:59:44 UTC
Issue: I can't simply get volume remaining in any kind of inventory without calculating it manually. I see only total and used volume.

1) Show inventory free volume (Total - Used)
2) Show entire item stack volume (Item volume * Stack count) on mouse over. Optionally you can add additional field in detail view. For performance reasons, you can calculate it when user interacts with this stack (mouse over on it or select column Volume Total in detail view)

It will be VERY useful for logistic and industry and will make routine operations faster and easier.
Seems to easy to implement.
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#536 - 2012-12-13 18:08:47 UTC
Well... Try to make it simple.

As did with orca

It is impossible to do things globally, as everyone admins stuff in its own way. So Split It !
The management is NOT a tree anyway, it is a WEB!
Remember that a NASA janitor have acess to places that not even the president have....

And the biggest problems in the Corp management is ITEM management.

REVAMP POS: it is the biggest problem for the inventory, now we have many structures with (many x allot) tabs spread among them... we should make it simple. 1 dockable structure with 1 x N tabs...

Then every Station and POS should have an local and single Corporation Hangar with no tabs. and IN THERE the corp manager could place Secured Station Container.

REVAMP CONTAINERS: Every Secured container should have a list of players that can open it. You should also be able to select grup of chars. (Lets says that you corp are split into "vets" and "noobs" so there would be a simple UI where you could sellect who goes to what group) and then in the can you could do: permission> corp> vets > yes and then permission>corp> noobs> no. And all problems are solved.

Then allow the corp CEO and who he really trust to have remote acess to the containers security UI.

And almost All problems solved.

But there is also the POS management roles!!

Easy, give the POS a Owner, a player that will keep the POS. and he can manage the pos Building UI and Fuel. He can give individual permission to others to acess the tabs. If the owner is the corp. then the CEO have the ownership of the POS.
Shadow Cartel
#537 - 2012-12-16 00:35:23 UTC
Dont know if this is the right place for this but...yeah
Well i always change Whic Race is using which sensors, and as ECM modules are colored for races and hardners are colored for resistance, why not also color ECCM a little...
I made a Photoshop for that as an example how i mean it.
Example Shop

Maybe you guys think its a good idea, if not also ok
Dawne Xi
3D Salvage and Acquisitions
#538 - 2012-12-16 14:39:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Dawne Xi
Put it back how it was before Inferno.
Iyacia Cyric'ai
Lai Dai Counterintelligence
#539 - 2012-12-18 04:09:33 UTC
Not sure if this is still being worked on but please make the the inventory filter only filter things out from the inventory and not the hangar. Tired of having to uncheck my filter when swapping between the inventory and the hangar to see my ships.
Jo Vasnaxos
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#540 - 2012-12-19 17:36:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Jo Vasnaxos
My apologies if this has been suggested previously.

ISSUE: There is currently no way to accurately filter all items based on size. Yes it is possible to view your inventory via the 'Details' or 'List' view after a search result and then sort by size, but there is no way to do so with just a filter. What if I want to view all small modules alphabetically instead, or by slot, or group?

FIX: The 'Size' Metadata already exists. Just add it as an option when adding a filter. The filter would be identical in function to the 'Slot type' filter, in that the first drop-down menu would be just 'is' and 'is not' while the second drop-down menu would be 'Small','Medium','Large' and 'XLarge'

Note: I am aware that even with the fix there is still the inherent problem of not being able to filter all items by size, as what you would need if you wanted, say, a 'Frigate' Filter that only showed Small/Light/etc. modules that you would typically fit on a frigate, because many items (ex. Small Armor Repairer I) do not have any searchable metadata for their size.