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Solo Mining Worth It?

Denal Umbra
Coffee Hub
#21 - 2012-11-17 11:35:21 UTC
Mining is not about making the most isk per hour.

Mining is not about being able to afk and churn away while you do something else.

Mining is a calling and can be very enjoable, as long as you do not have ADHD and can't stand to sit still for more than 5 minutes. I enjoy mining not for the money it brings, but for being able to relax and enjoy the rocks pop and float around in space. It's not about earning the 'big moneys' but it all adds up in the long run.

Mining just for profit is not what it is about. If you want the 'big moneys' you can do something else instead but none of them can be done for a long period of time without burning out. You can only run so many missions or so many sites before it feels like a job. It all depends on what you want to do.

If you really want to start mining as a career... then do so. A retriever is a few weeks to train at most and will be all that you need for a long time since exhumers... are a nice juicy gank targets. A retriever, brings in almost the same for a 10'th of the cost and you can start to skill other things while you churn away on the rocks.
Dave stark
#22 - 2012-11-17 11:44:40 UTC
Denal Umbra wrote:
Mining is not about being able to afk and churn away while you do something else.

complete lies.
Denal Umbra
Coffee Hub
#23 - 2012-11-17 15:40:41 UTC
Dave stark wrote:
Denal Umbra wrote:
Mining is not about being able to afk and churn away while you do something else.

complete lies.

Words from a high-sec carebear who decides that mining is nothing more than being afk in a belt and churning away on another account while he does something else instead since mining is too boring.

mining, as a profession is not something that should be a purely solo thing to do in the long run. Good to start solo in high sec, but later on... you are going to want to find a mining corp to expand and increase your yield / income. Preferably a strong null sec corp even. Or you can stay solo and enjoy it for the relaxing nature that mining is.

Dave stark
#24 - 2012-11-17 17:45:51 UTC
Denal Umbra wrote:
Dave stark wrote:
Denal Umbra wrote:
Mining is not about being able to afk and churn away while you do something else.

complete lies.

Words from a high-sec carebear who decides that mining is nothing more than being afk in a belt and churning away on another account while he does something else instead since mining is too boring.

you say that like there's a bonus for staring at your mining lasers for 2 mins 59 seconds.

there isn't.
there's no reason not to be afk while mining.
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