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Solo Mining Worth It?

Renis Vaille
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-11-12 15:52:12 UTC

I'm very new to EVE (my first and only characters is less than a week old) and I am almost done the tutorial missions. I enjoyed mining and want to know if solo mining is at all lucrative for someone who plans on playing 10-15 hours per week. Also, a question about low/null sec vs. highsec, I realize that low/null sec is the eventual goal for all miners, as this is where the rare and valuable ores are located. However, will I still be able to make relatively good isk by starting out in highsec mining veldspar and other very common ores? I want to start out in highsec to gain the capital needed to invest in better ships/equipment to venture into null/low sec.

#2 - 2012-11-12 16:40:27 UTC

I'll be honest, when you start playing EVE mining feels like the easiest away of making ISK. This isn't true, mining solo and in corp is getting bored after a few days, few hours. After that you will think about the mining barges.... It's new you'll love it, the amount you of ore you get is amazing! Then you realize that it's not that great.

In a mackinaw, you will get bored in a 0.5 you will find ores with around 4-5 cycle in strip II with T2 crystals. 5 cycle is 15 minutes... without anything to do... Well you better have something else to do and not be tired...

To be honest I think mining is a good start if you want to be manufacturing. It will give you the starting ores when your wallet doesn't and the risk isn't bad. But I would recommand to not go too far into that profession (even if my time in eve is most of the time use to mine).

About the low and the null sec : It's cool because you get more ores with a better m3/ISK ratio. But it's harder because you need security, haulling to sell your stuff. Anyway if you get a good corp with a good alliance that won't be a problem.

I hope it's helped you.
Celgar Thurn
Department 10
#3 - 2012-11-12 16:44:10 UTC
You will find a lot of pilots still slag off mining in terms of profitability but personally I still think it is a viable career choice for new pilots. In fact there is more ISK in it now than when I started off a few years ago with the price of Pyerite & Tritanium stable and at a good level. The skill requirement for mining vessels has recently been reduced so it won't take you that long to get into a Retriever.

Low & nul sec are not the eventual goal for all miners as you will quickly find out if you try to mine in low sec. In your capsule or floating dead in space you will soon be. Smile If you are well clued up and in a good alliance mining in nul sec may be safe but there better things to do in New Eden.

You may find mining not so much fun if you just do that activity so I suggest you broaden your skill base and look to level four missions, or high sec Incursions, or Factional Warfare which will all bring in more ISK.
Gordon Industries
#4 - 2012-11-12 17:09:00 UTC
Mining solo is only viable if you're afk mining ice or in a mackinaw. That said, you only get about 15 mil an hour at best.

If you're playing 10-15 hours a week, there are two options for you that I would recommend:

1) Play with 5+ characters (orca + 4 miners at least). A "good" hulk pilot in empire with an orca only takes about 25 hours to pay for the account. That's not 25 hours per account, that's 25 hours for all of your accounts. The remainder of your 15-35 hours is purely profit- obviously the more miners you have, the more profit you make. I run a rorq, orca (hauling), and 7 hulks in 0.0 and net about 300mil/hr when I'm mining. About 7 hours a week of mining pays for all of my accounts. (assuming I don't have static streams of income)

2) If you're sticking with one character, don't mine. You're better off "afking" level 4s with a drone boat (soon to be nerfed) or still doing missions while watching netflix rather than mining. Or follow around someone and salvage for them. Or market trade, or anything. Mining is painfully boring and not rewarding unless you have a ton of accounts. With one character, you'll look at yourself after an hour and realize "I only made 15 mil?" and probably unsub your account.
Cipio Hakoke
Tactical Manufacturing Group
#5 - 2012-11-12 18:44:44 UTC
Alright it seems you have a lot of the pvpers points of view.

This is a pure manufacturing/industrial player's Opinion:

I Solo mine a LOT. In a mackinaw (not perfect skills but close enough, with no implants) I make about 10mil isk/hr and this is not trying hard. You can very easily make more, but mining allows you to do homework during it, watch movies, heck even play other games with friends, or doing the dishes ect. ect. If you enjoy playing the game and not being fast action then industry is very good. I started 6 months ago and I started out mining, and eventually got into manufacturing t1, then I manufacture t2 and capital ships!! I still mine on a regular basis anytime I have something else to do. I make millions of isk a day off not logging on due to my manufacturing jobs and planetary interaction. If this, along with staring at spreadsheets a great deal, Then manufacturing/mining is for you. If you don't enjoy the spreadsheets so much just mine and sell this it's a great activity to do while doing something else as well!

P.S. Once you reach a retriever you can easily just mine anytime you need something else done, and go back to pvp/pve when you have time to focus on the game!

Hope this helps!
Styth spiting
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-11-12 19:34:16 UTC
Renis Vaille wrote:

I'm very new to EVE (my first and only characters is less than a week old) and I am almost done the tutorial missions. I enjoyed mining and want to know if solo mining is at all lucrative for someone who plans on playing 10-15 hours per week. Also, a question about low/null sec vs. highsec, I realize that low/null sec is the eventual goal for all miners, as this is where the rare and valuable ores are located. However, will I still be able to make relatively good isk by starting out in highsec mining veldspar and other very common ores? I want to start out in highsec to gain the capital needed to invest in better ships/equipment to venture into null/low sec.


Highsec mining will be far more profitable for you then null. Null mining is only worth doing if you have access to several systems, have full orca / rorqual boosts, and all T2 mining crystals (which is like 24 days training), and that doesn't even take into consideration costs of moving items to/from highsec. Also nullsec ores are not worth much more these days then highsec ores, and im some cases less.

But yes mining in highsec can be descent isk. Train into a retriever, train T2 mining crystals for veld, scor, pyro and mine when you have down time, or don't feel like grinding standings to get higher level missions. These days training to mining barges is pretty fast, the setups are cheap and it dosen't require alot of work.
Dave Stark
#7 - 2012-11-12 22:40:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave Stark
Renis Vaille wrote:
I enjoyed mining and want to know if solo mining is at all lucrative for someone who plans on playing 10-15 hours per week.

nope, generally speaking mining isn't an isk making monster, it's something people do while mostly afk as more of a passive income.
i mine while i'm watching random tv series i've downloaded. i think of it as "isk for tv".

Renis Vaille wrote:
Also, a question about low/null sec vs. highsec, I realize that low/null sec is the eventual goal for all miners, as this is where the rare and valuable ores are located. However, will I still be able to make relatively good isk by starting out in highsec mining veldspar and other very common ores?

oh you poor misguided new players.
null sec and low sec aren't worth it at all for a miner. between afk cloaky campers and people who actually want to blow you up because you're a free kill, the "rewards" of null sec aren't worth it. the ores are barely worth more than empire ores and you're taking more risk and have more logistical costs.
staying in high sec, multiboxing multiple accounts is the way to earn money mining if that's how you want to generate your isk in this game.
i started out like you with those rose tinted goggles, and now i'm back in high sec earning more than i could in null sec now i have more than one account.
if you can find a null sec corp that has players that regularly jump freighter things to and from empire space it can be lucrative to mine in null sec. however unless you're in a corp like that, or you have multiple accounts to do it for you then empire space will pretty much be more lucrative.

Renis Vaille wrote:
I want to start out in highsec to gain the capital needed to invest in better ships/equipment to venture into null/low sec.

the problem is, by the time you have that, you'll have realised null and low sec are pretty much a complete waste of time for any miner with more than one account.
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-11-12 22:48:01 UTC
Learn to mine and do it when you cant devote full attention to the game.
Learn to do any other activity when you can devote more attention to the game.

you can even train an alt on the same account to mine if you want to keep cross activity aggression to a minimum. Its never fun {for you} when a wartarget or a past kill finds you afk in a mackinaw or hulk.

Mission when you dont have hours to play, mine for afkness, nullsec / incursion /wh /everything else for fleets, isk and entertainment.

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Serotonin Inc.
#9 - 2012-11-13 12:35:13 UTC
Join a corp, one that runs Orca and hauling support for its miners.

Also other posters are right, Null/Low-sec is not currently worth it for solo miners.
Miregar Shakor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-11-13 13:53:56 UTC
I came across a guy who relishes in mining. Solo. In lowsec. The majority of it is in grav sites, but he is no stranger to regular belts, either. From what he told me he burns through about 3-4 Retrievers per six months. Doesn't do wormhole- and nullsec mining, considers it very boring. He is not using cloaks on his Retievers and he has amassed a mesmerizing amount of entertaining stories from his way of eve-life. I held him for almost two hours, enjoyed every single second of the conversation and, in the end, I almost forgot to get the ransom from him.

So, there you go. If you are not in it for profit only...see you around, I guess.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#11 - 2012-11-13 14:57:02 UTC
Mining is the lowest profit profession in EVE. But it is also the easiest. The problem is easy quickly becomes boring.

As a solo miner you can make easy 15 mil an hour without any boosts. Get into a corp that offers mining boosts through a ORCA supported fleet and you can make 20-25 mil easy. but it is still very boring.

I would recommend running the sisters of EVE epic mission arc. Google it if you are not sure how to start it or what to do. It will give you a taste of what EVE has to offer. By the time you finish it you will have several ships and about 1 mil cash.

If you train up your social skills, social 4 and connections 4 for starters. you will only need to run a few level 1 missions to unlock level 2 missions. Level 2 missions are very easy and much less boring than mining solo. You should have a decent feel for mission running and how to fit your ships by the time you unlock level 3 missions. Once you get into level 4 missions you can make +40 mil an hour and have fun doing it. Any experienced level 4 mission runner can make over 60 mil/hr. While a max skilled and boosted miner will only make 20-25 mil/hr and mining gets very boring.

Correctly null sec mining is no better isk than high sec mining. You can not solo mine in null in anything but a Skiff as the null sec belt rats that spawn are generally waves of battleships and battle cruisers unlike the frigates that spawn in high sec. On top of that most null sec ores are currently worth less than high sec ores. Although I expect this to change very soon. If you really like mining by all means stick to it. But I would recommend at least trying mission running.
Bing Bangboom
DAMAG Safety Commission
#12 - 2012-11-14 14:31:43 UTC
For another view about hisec mining, visit

Hey, its better that they learn about it here than on the streets.....

Bing Bangboom
Agent of the New Order of Highsec
Belligerent Undesirable

Highsec is worth fighting for.

By choosing to mine in New Order systems, highsec miners have agreed to follow the New Halaima Code of Conduct.

Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#13 - 2012-11-14 19:22:16 UTC
Mining can be boring, it can be cathartic, it can be relaxing, its rarely outright 'fun'. But I enjoy it, and do a ton of it. When I get home from work and am working on reports for the day on the lap top, I have mining going on next to me on the desk top. I keep the sound up, and my eye drifts to the screen every few seconds or so to make sure I do not have any surprise visitors coming.

It is profitable, but as stated above, it is the slowest money maker in the game currently.

Depending on your play style (and your lifestyle / time free, etc), mining can be a very relaxing way to pass the time in game. Some people (namely heavy pvp'ers) don't think so, but then, it is a different play style from theirs. Try it, get a feel for it, and if you enjoy it, welcome aboard! If not, try out some pvp and / or mission yourself up to L4's for faster money if you prefer the pew-pew lifestyle.

See you in the black,


There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly

Aeydan Condit
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-11-14 23:44:29 UTC
Yes. When I started mining minerals were worth about HALF of what they are now. Is mining with a second account and hauler more profitable?? Sure but not all of us can/want to do that. I made a lot of money from solo mining just make sure you have a netflix account or something to watch while you mine.
Dave Stark
#15 - 2012-11-15 09:20:17 UTC
Aeydan Condit wrote:
Yes. When I started mining minerals were worth about HALF of what they are now. Is mining with a second account and hauler more profitable?? Sure but not all of us can/want to do that. I made a lot of money from solo mining just make sure you have a netflix account or something to watch while you mine.

yeah, and so were ships. you haven't really gained anything just because mineral prices have gone up.
still takes you the same amount of time to buy things.

i mean, when i started mining trit was half what it is now, as was the cost of a drake.

mining is still poor isk/hour in comparison to other activities, especially at the solo level.
Carlos Condit
PJ Ind.
#16 - 2012-11-15 20:10:42 UTC
Dave stark wrote:
Aeydan Condit wrote:
Yes. When I started mining minerals were worth about HALF of what they are now. Is mining with a second account and hauler more profitable?? Sure but not all of us can/want to do that. I made a lot of money from solo mining just make sure you have a netflix account or something to watch while you mine.

yeah, and so were ships. you haven't really gained anything just because mineral prices have gone up.
still takes you the same amount of time to buy things.

i mean, when i started mining trit was half what it is now, as was the cost of a drake.

mining is still poor isk/hour in comparison to other activities, especially at the solo level.

Yea but who cares? Its not like your ALWAYS buying something, I mean im not. Once you buy your ship and pay it off then all of that is good money in the bank. Yes its not AS profitable as some of the other professions in EVE but who cares?? A lot of people enjoy it and the pretty easy way to make isk. Mining right now is in a better place then its ever been with the cost of minerals along with the huge ore bays on the barges/exhumers. If you like mining, dont let anyone tell you not to mine.
Venerated Stars
#17 - 2012-11-15 20:21:15 UTC
Fougerius wrote:

I'll be honest, when you start playing EVE mining feels like the easiest away of making ISK. This isn't true, mining solo and in corp is getting bored after a few days, few hours. After that you will think about the mining barges.... It's new you'll love it, the amount you of ore you get is amazing! Then you realize that it's not that great.

In a mackinaw, you will get bored in a 0.5 you will find ores with around 4-5 cycle in strip II with T2 crystals. 5 cycle is 15 minutes... without anything to do... Well you better have something else to do and not be tired...

To be honest I think mining is a good start if you want to be manufacturing. It will give you the starting ores when your wallet doesn't and the risk isn't bad. But I would recommand to not go too far into that profession (even if my time in eve is most of the time use to mine).

About the low and the null sec : It's cool because you get more ores with a better m3/ISK ratio. But it's harder because you need security, haulling to sell your stuff. Anyway if you get a good corp with a good alliance that won't be a problem.

I hope it's helped you.

This dude is right. Work on your standings first and then switch to industry later. The standings will pay you back much more than what you can make on mining in the beginning.
Dave Stark
#18 - 2012-11-15 20:59:26 UTC
Carlos Condit wrote:
who cares??

the OP cares.
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#19 - 2012-11-17 06:29:04 UTC
Mining can be great supplimental income while you actively make isk at the same time. Big smile

Learn to station trade remotely.

Park in same region as a major trade hub.
Mine semi-afk while you work the markets.

You'll get rich with both the most and least profitible ways at the same time.

This can also be done while you mission with drone boats but this is going to be much harder after the next big update.
I still recommend it so you can get perfect refine and low taxes on your trades due to high standings.

Train up enough science to get some bpo's ready for building.
Use items big enough to suck up the minerals you mine.
They don't have to be all that great but it's nice to have options on how to get rid of your mining loot.

At this point your will become a true industrialist.
So yes you want to mine to increase your isk per hour as a whole.
This will go up further if you can get in regular orca hosted fleets with good skills/implants.
Beckie DeLey
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2012-11-17 11:25:24 UTC
Skilltraining for mining skills takes an awful lot of time if you want to gain a fairly decent income with it. Even then, it's not that great of an income when compared to other professions and basically the whole of EVE looks down on you for being so unimaginative and boring. Mining is the lowest profession there is, why settle for it instead of striving for something greater. This is a game that lets you build empires after all.

In my opinion, training for mining stunts the skill growth of new players way too much to make it a suitable way into the game. If you have to mine, do it on an alt, but figure out what you really want to do with your main character in EVE before you commit yourself too much.

Another problem: Mining skills are worthless outside of mining. If you go ahead and train ship skills instead, those will help you forever, no matter if you end up PVPing, running missions, trading, exploring, running logistics or hauling or whatever it is you will end up with.

Don't commit to mining too early, it's a skillpoint hose. Time spent training for mining in the beginning will be useless for you, unless you can already forsee that you will always want to stay a mining peon. Why not do something that will have you earn ISK from the hard work of others*?

*shameless plug

My siren's name is Brick and she is the prettiest.

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