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EACS - 1 Year Plex FREE give-away

Anya Mintor
Incursion Cleaners inc.
#181 - 2012-11-13 15:15:27 UTC
Hopefully i finally win something
Theona Caldaran
#182 - 2012-11-13 15:16:22 UTC
post for win!
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#183 - 2012-11-13 15:36:03 UTC
Posty Posty! I hope I win!
Domination Navy
#184 - 2012-11-13 15:52:41 UTC
Jin Nib
Resplendent Knives
#185 - 2012-11-13 21:00:08 UTC
Currently using your service now, which is great, and posting here despite the slight danger of wining Cool
Valkyie Valhallin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#186 - 2012-11-13 23:55:58 UTC
Can't hurt by trying. I wish everyone good luck.
Cristym 04Commander
Jita Trading Inc.
#187 - 2012-11-14 01:47:11 UTC
PLex plex plex plex i need plex :)
Kipo Endashi
Caldari State
#188 - 2012-11-14 02:48:29 UTC
Pick me!
Iracious Krane
Under The Sea Mining Corporation
#189 - 2012-11-14 05:16:41 UTC
I need one or I will take all 12 if that is ok with everyone elseTwisted
Arcaneus Silvermane
Southland Research and Development
#190 - 2012-11-14 06:52:59 UTC
Kind of glad that EVe is crapping out at the moment, and I cannot connect, or I would probably of not known about this post.

Good Luck to everyone.
#191 - 2012-11-14 21:04:42 UTC
X marks the plex Smile
Me ofcourse
Goonswarm Federation
#192 - 2012-11-15 03:53:22 UTC
hmm, why not, i figure theres nothing to lose :D
Mina Raholan
Amarr Empire
#193 - 2012-11-15 09:11:09 UTC
*crosses fingers*
Teanna Mirae
Caldari State
#194 - 2012-11-15 11:12:45 UTC
Well I guess it couldn't hurt to add my name to the mix of things. Good luck to all!
Katsumoto Moliko
Players vs. EVE
Goonswarm Federation
#195 - 2012-11-15 22:12:33 UTC
Posting for entry. I would be amazed if I had won, I have always been dirt poor and I never win anything. Sad

Good luck to everyone else!
jasondamien Severasse
High Plains Drifters II
#196 - 2012-11-16 02:50:57 UTC
i never win but i gots to try......good luck to everyone...
Glasgow Dunlop
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#197 - 2012-11-16 12:24:20 UTC
well why not, in it to win it Cool

@glasgowdunlop #tweetfleet

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Glasgow EVE Meets Organiser

#198 - 2012-11-16 20:32:43 UTC
Entry here please o/
Anna Panala
Redlight District 6
#199 - 2012-11-16 21:56:25 UTC
I love free plex
Iida Li
Straight Outta Wormholes
H a c k e r m e n
#200 - 2012-11-16 21:58:20 UTC
crossing my fingers..