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Golem time?

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-11-02 18:43:59 UTC
Gauging by my skills, would it be advisable for me to finally set foot in a Golem? If not, what skills would you like to see me have prior? If so, which area of skills should I focus on next, to improve my Golem piloting? I'm looking for recommendations regarding PvE. Please advise.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#2 - 2012-11-02 18:58:19 UTC
Off the top of my head:

Signature Focusing (4)
Targeting (5)/Multitasking (3)
Minmatar and Caldari drone specs (2)
Missile Bombardment (5)
Missile Projection (5)

Other missile support skills range from recommended to highly recommended, but those two will give you some much-needed range.

Drone skills are there to swap out drones according to your enemy; despite popular opinion to the contrary Hobgoblin IIs are not always the best option.

Targeting and multitasking are there to make your life easier while juggling targets and wrecks at the same time.

Signature Focusing is an absolute must to make your painters more effective.
Robbie Robot
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-11-02 22:48:03 UTC
I highly recommend getting core capacitor elite, if not core competency elite. You probably want to make sure your shield skills are mostly 4's and 5's too.

Zhilia Mann wrote:
Off the top of my head:

Signature Focusing (4)
Targeting (5)/Multitasking (3)
Minmatar and Caldari drone specs (2)
Missile Bombardment (5)
Missile Projection (5)

Other missile support skills range from recommended to highly recommended, but those two will give you some much-needed range.

Drone skills are there to swap out drones according to your enemy; despite popular opinion to the contrary Hobgoblin IIs are not always the best option.

Targeting and multitasking are there to make your life easier while juggling targets and wrecks at the same time.

Signature Focusing is an absolute must to make your painters more effective.

Totally agree. Against angels, you should pack minmatar drones. Gallente do more damage, and don't have to shoot through must resist vs blood raiders, sansha, serpentis, or guristas, but they are slow.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#4 - 2012-11-03 07:59:44 UTC
I'd really reconsider the Golem. It has very limited use, and for the most part one is better-off with a Raven Navy Issue or Tengu.
Jacob Holland
Weyland-Vulcan Industries
#5 - 2012-11-03 11:30:46 UTC
Drone durability [5]
Drone Interfacing [5]

Also absolutely vital skills after Retribution unless you have a friend in something like a rapid light launcher drake handy - because the survivability of any BS goes down drastically in any mission with scramblers as all of the frigates will target your drones... (at least at the current iteration).
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-11-03 13:11:20 UTC
Thanks for your input. Anyone else?
#7 - 2012-11-03 19:47:27 UTC
Angel Elite frigates are, oddly enough, weakest against Thermal, so I would recommend Hobgoblins over Warriors, especially since the frigates will come to you.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-11-04 18:51:15 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
I'd really reconsider the Golem. It has very limited use, and for the most part one is better-off with a Raven Navy Issue or Tengu.

This is all that's needed to be said...

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams

Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#9 - 2012-11-05 04:25:50 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
I'd really reconsider the Golem. It has very limited use, and for the most part one is better-off with a Raven Navy Issue or Tengu.

With up comming missle changes I must disagree.

Cruiser/Torps getting a buff.

Heavy missles getting a nerf.

Tengu will no longer be on par.

Your left with CNR and Golem for DPS missle L4's

CNR needs a noctis to get the loot salvage behind it.
(( This is the way to go if you plan on looting/salvaging everything ))

Golem won't hit as hard as CNR but will get close and you won't need a noctis.
(( This is the way to go if you plan on cherry picking only the larger wrecks ))

Navy Scorp should be on the list if you want tank / hassle free missions.

Rattlesnake once you get the drone skills as it puts all the other ships mentioned to shame for L4's.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-11-05 10:52:02 UTC
I also must recommend sticking with/getting a CNR, for both if you are running solo and in a fleet, for a few reasons...

The CNR will hit harder, as Ireland VonVicious said, it will also have much better range. Personally I find I can just slow boat over to the next acceleration gate as soon as I start letting loose my missiles, as little wasted time as possible. Having no optimal/falloff is so nice :)

This will lead to a faster mission completion time > more missions run per hour. Of course running solo you will have to swap out to a Noctis for every mission to salvage, but salvaging the whole rooms of the missions is much more profitable than cherry picking in my opinion, but that's down to personal preference I guess. Naturally having a salvaging alt will speed this up tenfold.

With just a few deadspace mods, EVERY L4 is easily tankable, with of course the obvious swapping specific hardeners.

... Seems my mind has gone blank... I'm usually very good at arguing this case of CNR over Golem/Mach and have done on many occasions, changing even the minds of the arrogant "I've been playing EVE for 20 years, I know more than you!!" capsuleer.
I'll get back to you...
Ysstorm Koud
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2012-11-06 18:01:13 UTC
Frequency modulation; increases range target painter
signature focusing; increases effectiveness of target painter
The Great Space Coasters
#12 - 2012-11-06 19:41:05 UTC
Energy Management 5 and Energy Systems Operation 5 as well.
RaVeN Alliance
#13 - 2012-11-07 14:57:20 UTC
If I remember correctly:

The Golem was just an accidental pick up, on my way to a Carrier. Or at least it was a very small side-step in skilling.
I used 1 for missions about 20 times, then returned 100% to the CNR.

Before Noctii, my Golem was a fully fit, dedicated salvage ship. Bear
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#14 - 2012-11-07 15:57:48 UTC
OK, this is something that has always bothered me.

What is it about the CNR that is better than the Golem??

The only down side I see for a Golem aside from the price is the weak sensor strength, making it easier to jam.

As far as fitting goes it is easier to fit than the CNR as you only need to fit 4 launchers.

The 4 launchers get 100% damage bonus effectively equaling 8 launchers at half the fitting cost.

The big selling feature of the CNR seems to be its extra launcher slot. Giving it 7 launchers compared to the standard Raven with 6. But the Golem effectively has 8 which should put out more DPS than the CNR.

The Golem has is much more forgiving to fit as you have all the PG/CPU/CAP you are not using from the extra launchers. As well it has a good shield booster bonus. 7.5% per level really adds up.

Sure the Golem has a little less capacitor and shield capacity,. but it also has higher base resists.

I would just like to know what I am missing that makes the CNR better than the Golem. I can fly and afford both, but I am currently using a 1100 DPS Typhoon as my mission boat. I have been planing on trying a Golem though as I have the skills for it, and will most likely buy a CNR when my loyalty points get high enough.(over half way there now)
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#15 - 2012-11-07 20:42:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
What is it about the CNR that is better than the Golem??

The Golem is a torp ship with very limited range (good for Angels that orbit very close), however managing multiple target painters is quite a pain, as well hitting anything smaller than a battlecruiser is very inefficient.

If you put cruise missiles on a Golem, one Defender missile removes 25% of your damage. Torps have more HP, so can survive a defender with only a slight damage loss.

The Raven Navy Issue has 7 launchers and a rate-of-fire bonus, that at max skill is equivalent to:
7 / (1 - 5 * 5%) = 9.33 launchers
which is more effective launchers than a Golem.

When a Raven Navy Issue loses a cruise missile to a Defender, the damage reduction is far less than a Golem. Plus, cruise missiles have no problems hitting cruisers and even destroyers. Of course cruise missiles have far more range than torps, which is also better for most missions.

Like all Marauders, the Golem has a low sensor strength, so it is more easily jammed by Guristas.
Firestorm Delta
Aphotic Machina
#16 - 2012-11-08 19:01:07 UTC
If you like range and cruise missiles you fly the CNR, or SNI. If you want to nuke battleships with torpedoes, you fly a Golem.

Golems take a lot of work to train into, Caldari BS 5, Energy Grid Upg 5, Weapon and Adv weapon upg to 5, on top of that you want T2 missile rigs, t2 torps, and missile projection and missile bombardment to 5. Add in all the skills for target painters to at least 3-4, plus drone skills.

It takes a lot of time, but at least to me the difference is huge. Having flown the Golem, Ham Tengu, SNI, and CNR, I felt the Golem was the most fun I had, it takes more skill and more focus, especially when juggling all the painters around, but it is a lot of fun. It also steamrolls through enemy ships like nothing, and with javs has some pretty solid range to boot.

True it will jam easier, but anything that can jam can simply be destroyed in a few volleys, so just pay attention to what your fighting and it's easy.

With Cruise true the CNR is better, especially with the ROF buff, but Golems just throw out so much more dmg a volley, and not only that but they can apply it pretty dang well too, something CNRs have a harder time with.

If you just want to train some skills up on the side in case you do decide to get it start with the missile and drone skills you'd need, as well as the weapons upgrade skills. Those are the longest aside from Caldari BS 5.
RaVeN Alliance
#17 - 2012-11-09 02:54:04 UTC
Tau hit the major points why I like the CNR better.

A side note for Bugsy:
Faction wars have crushed the value of CNR's down recently. They are very affordable, but more important for you, they are a bad value for your LP at the moment. You're better off to just buy one, and use LP for balistic controls, ammo, or something else.
Viscount Hood
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-11-14 13:56:48 UTC
Get a Golem go for it. Get a nice fit in EFT, maximise your training for that fit. have fun with it.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#19 - 2012-11-14 15:07:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
RavenPaine wrote:
Tau hit the major points why I like the CNR better.

A side note for Bugsy:
Faction wars have crushed the value of CNR's down recently. They are very affordable, but more important for you, they are a bad value for your LP at the moment. You're better off to just buy one, and use LP for ballistic controls, ammo, or something else.

I have been buying CN hardeners and Ballistic Controls, Star base charters, Ammo, Skill books, and implants. That is why I have not got a CNR yet. You are right I should just buy one.

I already have all the skills to fly a Golem. I have marauders 4, Core competency elite certificate, Full T2 missile skills with trop and cruise missile specialty to 4. Missile suport skills to 4 with a few to 5.(over 40 mil skill points on both my mission running toons) A number of faction mods(most Caladri Navy mods) I use on my mission ships.

I have been considering buying a CNR, I guess i better do it while the price is low. I just felt I might be better off going straight into a Golem. But if the CNR actually puts out more applied DPS than the Golem, I really hate torp boats, I will seriously consider going that route. I did not realize the CNR bonuses equaled out to 9.33 launchers while the Golem effectively has 8. Would this not also work the other way, if you made a trop boat from a CNR? Rate of fire bonus should still make it better as a torp boat than the Golem. But the Golem should have more range for torps that the CNR.

I get the issue with defender missiles but even losing a missile to defenders you are still left with the effective damage of 6 launchers, equal to a normal raven. I do however see the advantages of a CNR now. I guess I will get both and see for myself which I like better. Might as well buy a CNR before the price goes up, now that faction wars farming has gotten such a nerf. At least for the underdogs.
Firestorm Delta
Aphotic Machina
#20 - 2012-11-14 19:41:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Firestorm Delta
Since the CNR is much cheaper then what it once was now would probably be a good time to get it. I still found the golem more fun, and while against small targets you could probably get a bit better applied dps using a CNR, with the buff coming to missiles the golem will need less to hit just as well as it does now, and against anything but fast elite cruisers and frigates your dmg application is more than enough anyway.

The issue has always been range with the golem, which should be a bit better after the update so that'll be even less of an issue, and with only really needing 2 tps to get good dmg application you'll have more room for better tank or even a prop mod.

It will always be a matter of preference of course, but I say if you have the skills you might as well use the thing.

Forgot to mention, don't bother with a torp CNR, you'd need to fit 7 t2 launchers instead of 4 making it harder on PG, and to top it off you lack the explosion velocity buff of the golem, as well as the crucial TP and shield boost amount bonus's. Without those torps are just too hard to use in missions. Trust me I've tried it.
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