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AFK Cloaking Solution - From A Pro-AFK Cloaking Pilot

First post
Mr Floydy
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#21 - 2012-11-13 14:17:34 UTC
Well most afk cloaking threads I usually reply with suggesting the OP should HTFU... but this idea isn't actually horrific like normal suggestions.
With your ideas it wouldn't be seen in every single system so it would only really apply in home systems for well off alliances I guess?

Still, I don't see the issue with someone cloaking in your system, afk or not. So what, they could have a cyno and drop a fleet on you. Deal with it! Go elsewhere :)
If there wasn't the free intel that is local chat people being cloaked in your system wouldn't be an issue, it works great in WH space.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2012-11-13 14:28:52 UTC
Mr Floydy wrote:
Well most afk cloaking threads I usually reply with suggesting the OP should HTFU... but this idea isn't actually horrific like normal suggestions.
With your ideas it wouldn't be seen in every single system so it would only really apply in home systems for well off alliances I guess?

Still, I don't see the issue with someone cloaking in your system, afk or not. So what, they could have a cyno and drop a fleet on you. Deal with it! Go elsewhere :)
If there wasn't the free intel that is local chat people being cloaked in your system wouldn't be an issue, it works great in WH space.

Thanks for the general agreement. You're correct when you say it isn't hard to deal with it, however, since you live in your sov space, you can't really go elsewhere. I wouldn't foresee this being used in home systems per say, seeing as how the home alliance may want to take out a cloaky gang of their own :) I personally imagine it being used in cyno jammed mining systems and CSAA systems. Honestly, as far as ratting systems go, I would be surprised to see something like this there, unless it was a -1.0 system with a ton of belts that literally everyone in an alliance ratted in.

Another thing about this, it could actually give the ratters or miners a false sense of security. Not to mention the lulz that would ensue when a cloaky t3 or hauler attempted to run a gate camp in a cloak jammed system :) They'd be doing it to themselves :)
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#23 - 2012-11-13 15:46:50 UTC
You are not trying to cure the problem here.

The first and primary incorrect statement is that "AFK Cloaking" is the problem.

AFK Cloaking is a symptom of the problem, and was an action of the player-base to balance the REAL problem.

The REAL problem is the free and flawless instant intel provided by Local Chat.

Why do people AFK Cloak? Think about what it does:

You now have an item in Local Chat that is not possible to resolve. This degrades the value of the intel.
You can choose to ignore it, at your own risk. This makes people ignore that intel source.
You can choose to remain inactive, at your own loss of play. Since no shots were fired, that means the intel convinced you.

So, what is really happening here?

PvP minded pilots are looking for targets. Local Chat reveals them to the non PvP locals, who promptly "safe up".
Well, they are interested in specific targets, who are avoiding PvP. Rather than be pushed out by token defenders, they are hunting for targets.

What do you have against PvP pilots hunting for targets?
Kirkwood Ross
Golden Profession
#24 - 2012-11-13 15:56:31 UTC
Probes that can only detect cloaked ships would be a better counter to cloaked ships than a module that prevents cloaking across the entire solar system. A POS module that prevents ships from cloaking while on grid with the POS would be interesting though.
Wulfy Johnson
NorCorp Security
#25 - 2012-11-13 16:02:55 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
You are not trying to cure the problem here.

The first and primary incorrect statement is that "AFK Cloaking" is the problem.

AFK Cloaking is a symptom of the problem, and was an action of the player-base to balance the REAL problem.

The REAL problem is the free and flawless instant intel provided by Local Chat.

Why do people AFK Cloak? Think about what it does:

You now have an item in Local Chat that is not possible to resolve. This degrades the value of the intel.
You can choose to ignore it, at your own risk. This makes people ignore that intel source.
You can choose to remain inactive, at your own loss of play. Since no shots were fired, that means the intel convinced you.

So, what is really happening here?

PvP minded pilots are looking for targets. Local Chat reveals them to the non PvP locals, who promptly "safe up".
Well, they are interested in specific targets, who are avoiding PvP. Rather than be pushed out by token defenders, they are hunting for targets.

What do you have against PvP pilots hunting for targets?

Your logic is as twisted as your view of the problem. remove local and 0.0 will slowly die into enormus wastelands, and the only pvp you will get is big gang gatecampes at the entrypoint of 0.0, not everybody is around for 24/7, 7 days a week insta action.. go play a fps if that is your only interess.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-11-13 16:07:02 UTC
@Nikk Narrel: While I don't like Local Intel myself, that isn't the topic for discussion here. I also never said that AFK cloaking was a problem, in fact, many times I've said I have no problem with the cloaking mechanic as it is.

Also, I have nothing against PVP pilots hunting for targets, quite the contrary.

@Kirkwood Ross: Probes that detect cloaked ships would entirely negate the point of cloaking. That is the last thing I ever want to see, and I don't believe CCP has any plans to implement such a thing.

Once again, many people have a knee-jerk reaction because they get caught up on the whole AFK Cloaking thing. They either think I'm trying to nerf cloaking (which I'm not) or that I'm a ratter who can't stand AFK Cloakers (which I'm also not).

The truth is, people have said for years that they want something to deal with AFK Cloaking. What I'm saying is fine, you get what you wished for, but it's going to cost you dearly, and it's going to be a double edged sword. You won't get a convenient pulse system that lets you stay cloaked but not a hostile, or probes that let you find cloaked ships, or any of that nice, safe, bull-crap. Instead, you get an inconvenient, and expensive system that affects you as much as anyone else.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#27 - 2012-11-13 16:15:08 UTC
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
What do you have against PvP pilots hunting for targets?

Your logic is as twisted as your view of the problem. remove local and 0.0 will slowly die into enormus wastelands, and the only pvp you will get is big gang gatecampes at the entrypoint of 0.0, not everybody is around for 24/7, 7 days a week insta action.. go play a fps if that is your only interess.

I welcome any evidence you have to back up your claim.

Till then, that FPS certainly welcomes you, as you have it on your mind.
All Web Investigations
#28 - 2012-11-13 16:16:14 UTC
Undeadenemy wrote:
@Nikk Narrel: While I don't like Local Intel myself, that isn't the topic for discussion here. I also never said that AFK cloaking was a problem, in fact, many times I've said I have no problem with the cloaking mechanic as it is.

Also, I have nothing against PVP pilots hunting for targets, quite the contrary.

@Kirkwood Ross: Probes that detect cloaked ships would entirely negate the point of cloaking. That is the last thing I ever want to see, and I don't believe CCP has any plans to implement such a thing.

Once again, many people have a knee-jerk reaction because they get caught up on the whole AFK Cloaking thing. They either think I'm trying to nerf cloaking (which I'm not) or that I'm a ratter who can't stand AFK Cloakers (which I'm also not).

The truth is, people have said for years that they want something to deal with AFK Cloaking. What I'm saying is fine, you get what you wished for, but it's going to cost you dearly, and it's going to be a double edged sword. You won't get a convenient pulse system that lets you stay cloaked but not a hostile, or probes that let you find cloaked ships, or any of that nice, safe, bull-crap. Instead, you get an inconvenient, and expensive system that affects you as much as anyone else.

We have a knee jerk reaction because terrible little carebears like you keep making idiotic suggestions that massively nerf legitimate activities, undermine the entire point of several class of ship, or outright destroy entire sectors of space (wormholes).

We're also rather sick of how utterly dishonest the little nullbears are. You can deny being a cowardly little carebear all you like, and repeatedly yell that you're not trying to turn nullsec into your own personal 100% risk free iskhole. The problem is every single thing you say is at odds with that.

Your idea is not some kind of compromise between the two sides, again you're being dishonest. A sov module that would prevent all cloaks is extremely biased in favour of the residents, as they have pos shields and outposts to sit in with absolute safety. Again, it's all about a risk-averse carebear trying to get rid of threats to himself.

At least carebears in highsec have the stones to just admit they are risk averse, and are willing to play in a way which suits them, rather lying about what they are and instead making "suggestions" to CCP to allow them have their cake and eat it too.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#29 - 2012-11-13 16:21:19 UTC
Undeadenemy wrote:
@Nikk Narrel: While I don't like Local Intel myself, that isn't the topic for discussion here. I also never said that AFK cloaking was a problem, in fact, many times I've said I have no problem with the cloaking mechanic as it is.

Also, I have nothing against PVP pilots hunting for targets, quite the contrary.

That's like saying you hate having a cough or runny nose, but have nothing against a virus or cold.

AFK Cloaking descends from Local Chat intel specifically.

The game balance won't permit a symptom to be addressed without considering the cause.
Again, the player-base created AFK Cloaking because of this intel.

Put another way:

It is not that cloaks should not change, but this stalemate effect is countering the free intel being given out by local.

We have right now, a case of: "I know you are there, but I cannot find you"
(Absolute presence awareness countered by absolute location concealment)

You cannot change one side without the other, and still have balance.

Too much focus on how to remove AFK cloaking. You are addressing a symptom of a problem, not the problem itself.

If you want to remove AFK cloaking's game impact, remove cloaked ships from displaying in local.

When this is done, it becomes reasonable to consider means to hunt cloaked vessels. NOT before this happens.

So long as people in a system magically know cloaked pilots are present with them, cloaked vessels should not be vulnerable to being hunted effectively.

Cloaking will be earned when cloaking awareness is earned. Balance must be maintained.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2012-11-13 16:29:35 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Undeadenemy wrote:
@Nikk Narrel: While I don't like Local Intel myself, that isn't the topic for discussion here. I also never said that AFK cloaking was a problem, in fact, many times I've said I have no problem with the cloaking mechanic as it is.

Also, I have nothing against PVP pilots hunting for targets, quite the contrary.

@Kirkwood Ross: Probes that detect cloaked ships would entirely negate the point of cloaking. That is the last thing I ever want to see, and I don't believe CCP has any plans to implement such a thing.

Once again, many people have a knee-jerk reaction because they get caught up on the whole AFK Cloaking thing. They either think I'm trying to nerf cloaking (which I'm not) or that I'm a ratter who can't stand AFK Cloakers (which I'm also not).

The truth is, people have said for years that they want something to deal with AFK Cloaking. What I'm saying is fine, you get what you wished for, but it's going to cost you dearly, and it's going to be a double edged sword. You won't get a convenient pulse system that lets you stay cloaked but not a hostile, or probes that let you find cloaked ships, or any of that nice, safe, bull-crap. Instead, you get an inconvenient, and expensive system that affects you as much as anyone else.

We have a knee jerk reaction because terrible little carebears like you keep making idiotic suggestions that massively nerf legitimate activities, undermine the entire point of several class of ship, or outright destroy entire sectors of space (wormholes).

We're also rather sick of how utterly dishonest the little nullbears are. You can deny being a cowardly little carebear all you like, and repeatedly yell that you're not trying to turn nullsec into your own personal 100% risk free iskhole. The problem is every single thing you say is at odds with that.

Your idea is not some kind of compromise between the two sides, again you're being dishonest. A sov module that would prevent all cloaks is extremely biased in favour of the residents, as they have pos shields and outposts to sit in with absolute safety. Again, it's all about a risk-averse carebear trying to get rid of threats to himself.

At least carebears in highsec have the stones to just admit they are risk averse, and are willing to play in a way which suits them, rather lying about what they are and instead making "suggestions" to CCP to allow them have their cake and eat it too.

You're real cute you know that? Please, allow me to retort, and do control that rage induced knee spasm you have going there. Also, please refrain from talking about me like you know me.

-Nothing about this nerfs cloaking, in fact, cloaking altogether stays the same.

-Nothing about this has anything to do with wormholes.

-I don't care about POS shields and outposts, they are the ones that pay for the space after all, if they want to run to a POS then so be it. Maybe you should bring a small gang and camp the gate instead, then every time they try to get eyes, you kill them, because hey, they can't watch you cloaked!

-I'm not risk averse, actually I look forward to the chaos this would sow. Just think how annoyed those "nullbears" would be if you simply AFK cloaked next door to their incredibly expensive Cloak Jammed system, and killed everything that tried to come through. Also, think how funny it will be when one of those systems gets attacked, had it not been jammed, they might have been able to launch a bomber attack, but oops, they jammed it, so bombers get murdered.

All Web Investigations
#31 - 2012-11-13 16:30:04 UTC
And as Nikk and many, many others have said: The issue is local. Local is instant, free and infallible. That is arguably quite broken. The smart ones figured out a way to introduce just the smallest bit of uncertainty into that system. And the terribads of course run around like headless chickens saying that those players need to be prevented from being able to cast doubt on the all mighty local.

The bottom line is that local needs to be tweaked - not necessarily outright removed. Any changes to cloaking, or new modules or ships or whatever, is the completely wrong direction. And those suggestions are always, always, made by carebears.
All Web Investigations
#32 - 2012-11-13 16:41:13 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Undeadenemy wrote:
You're real cute you know that? Please, allow me to retort, and do control that rage induced knee spasm you have going there. Also, please refrain from talking about me like you know me.

-Nothing about this nerfs cloaking, in fact, cloaking altogether stays the same.

-Nothing about this has anything to do with wormholes.

-I don't care about POS shields and outposts, they are the ones that pay for the space after all, if they want to run to a POS then so be it. Maybe you should bring a small gang and camp the gate instead, then every time they try to get eyes, you kill them, because hey, they can't watch you cloaked!

-I'm not risk averse, actually I look forward to the chaos this would sow. Just think how annoyed those "nullbears" would be if you simply AFK cloaked next door to their incredibly expensive Cloak Jammed system, and killed everything that tried to come through. Also, think how funny it will be when one of those systems gets attacked, had it not been jammed, they might have been able to launch a bomber attack, but oops, they jammed it, so bombers get murdered.

Except it does nerf cloaking. As we've said, afk cloaking is a way to devalue local. Your suggestion removes that ability, aka it is a nerf.

Your suggestion specifically has nothing to do with wormholes, but some of your fellow carebear scum have made suggestions (countless times before) that would - such as probes, or a specific ship, that would be able to find cloaked ships.

As for not caring about pos and outposts... I don't care if you care or not. The fact of the matter is residents have those things which at the very, very least provide them somewhere to just sit. You want to remove your enemies ability to even sit in your system. Typical carebear entitlement if you ask me.

You ARE risk averse, that is why you are making suggestions that would provide you, as a resident in your little system, with bigger benefits and which would hurt anyone who ventures into your little pocket of boring space and literally does nothing because he went AFK, just to mess with the local list. Your suggestion of people sitting in the next door system is just more carebear dishonesty. Your sole concern is making your system 100% safe for you to PVE in - it doesn't matter if someone is next door, because that's next door. You're not going next door. You're PVEing here, and "here", if you have your way, would be 100% safe.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#33 - 2012-11-13 16:42:58 UTC
Undeadenemy wrote:
-I'm not risk averse, actually I look forward to the chaos this would sow. Just think how annoyed those "nullbears" would be if you simply AFK cloaked next door to their incredibly expensive Cloak Jammed system, and killed everything that tried to come through. Also, think how funny it will be when one of those systems gets attacked, had it not been jammed, they might have been able to launch a bomber attack, but oops, they jammed it, so bombers get murdered.

A couple of warfare points to consider.

1. Never fight an opponent on their terms.
The point is to bring the fight to them, and attack the very things they seek to defend.
If their economy sustains them, then this must be your target.

2. All is fair in war.
There is no such thing as off limits. The best and closest to fairness you get in a sandbox game such as EVE is balanced.
It's not rock paper scissors, but one tactic quite often counters another, so their is no "I Win" button.

Local Chat acting as a source of intel gives defenders an "I Win" button, by providing them the time and ability to avoid conflict. All they need to do is react when the new name appears, and they avoid PvP.

If they want to use properly flawed and realistic intel, such as scouts or other human beings who need to make an effort to provide it, that is fair.

Everything in the game needs a counter to be balanced.
That includes Local Chat acting as intel
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2012-11-13 16:44:11 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
And as Nikk and many, many others have said: The issue is local. Local is instant, free and infallible. That is arguably quite broken. The smart ones figured out a way to introduce just the smallest bit of uncertainty into that system. And the terribads of course run around like headless chickens saying that those players need to be prevented from being able to cast doubt on the all mighty local.

The bottom line is that local needs to be tweaked - not necessarily outright removed. Any changes to cloaking, or new modules or ships or whatever, is the completely wrong direction. And those suggestions are always, always, made by carebears.

Again, with the generalities, you don't know me or what I'm about, don't assume you do or that you understand my motives. AFK Cloaking doesn't bother me, if it did, I would be like the legion of others wanting some kind of probes to find cloakers or a pulse to decloak people. Any dislike that I do have of AFK cloaking would stem from the fact that this game should not reward inactivity, not dislike of the psychological effect of the "activity."

Local is an issue, I agree, but this topic isn't about local. If you want my opinion on local, then here it is:

Local should stay the way it is for high-sec, and low-sec.

For null-sec, local should be the same as wormhole space.

For Sov-Null it should be the same as wormhole space, with the exception that a fairly cheap, but easily destroyable module (that cannot be anchored near a POS) should be deploy-able that returns the regular local (again, for both sides, not simply the defender). It should also increase the upkeep bill (only slightly though, it should be financially feasible to deploy in any and all SOV systems, and the module should be fairly easy to replace once destroyed.) Destruction of the module should only take about 10 minutes or so for a small (less than 10) pilot gang consisting of HACs.
All Web Investigations
#35 - 2012-11-13 16:50:50 UTC
claim afk doesn't bother you

in a topic you made specifically calling for changes to stop afk cloaking

more carebear dishonesty
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#36 - 2012-11-13 16:51:18 UTC
Undeadenemy wrote:
Local is an issue, I agree, but this topic isn't about local.

You cannot address the reaction to something and not also address what the reaction is to.

AFK Cloaking is quite specific in being a reaction to Local Chat intel.

Noone cares about AFK Cloaking in a wormhole, specifically because there is no local to counter. Noone cares if you are AFK and cloaked.

It affects Null systems because PvE pilots there want to avoid risk, and local is warning them of potential risk.
The ONLY thing AFK Cloaking projects is risk, and it can only be done when local reports the cloaked vessel as being present.

This cannot be separated from local.
Risk avoidance using local is always the topic, when AFK Cloaking is described as a problem.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2012-11-13 16:53:13 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

Except it does nerf cloaking. As we've said, afk cloaking is a way to devalue local. Your suggestion removes that ability, aka it is a nerf.

Your suggestion specifically has nothing to do with wormholes, but some of your fellow carebear scum have made suggestions (countless times before) that would - such as probes, or a specific ship, that would be able to find cloaked ships.

As for not caring about pos and outposts... I don't care if you care or not. The fact of the matter is residents have those things which at the very, very least provide them somewhere to just sit. You want to remove your enemies ability to even sit in your system. Typical carebear entitlement if you ask me.

You ARE risk averse, that is why you are making suggestions that would provide you, as a resident in your little system, with bigger benefits and which would hurt anyone who ventures into your little pocket of boring space and literally does nothing because he went AFK, just to mess with the local list. Your suggestion of people sitting in the next door system is just more carebear dishonesty. Your sole concern is making your system 100% safe for you to PVE in - it doesn't matter if someone is next door, because that's next door. You're not going next door. You're PVEing here, and "here", if you have your way, would be 100% safe.

-You seem to forget that the system I suggest would be prohibitively expensive, take a look and see how many cyno-jammed systems you see, it isn't many.

-If the targets are hiding in a POS, then burn the POS down. Bring a big gang, or drop some caps. Too scared? Now who is risk averse? While you're at it, incap the Cloak Jammer.

-Nothing about a Cloak Jammer makes a system 100% safe. Maybe bring a gang, I like gangs. Have you gang of HACs come pay me a visit. You might have to work for your supper, or wait a bit for a response to form, but you'll get your PVP.

-You make a big stink of not being able to cloak in a Cloak Jammed system, but you're still giving the same exact effect just by being in local, cloaked or not. If your goal is to prevent money making, you are doing so simply by being there. The thing is, I can see you, and I can kill you. You act like system camping cannot be done without being cloaked, again who is really risk averse here?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2012-11-13 16:56:24 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Undeadenemy wrote:
Local is an issue, I agree, but this topic isn't about local.

You cannot address the reaction to something and not also address what the reaction is to.

AFK Cloaking is quite specific in being a reaction to Local Chat intel.

Noone cares about AFK Cloaking in a wormhole, specifically because there is no local to counter. Noone cares if you are AFK and cloaked.

It affects Null systems because PvE pilots there want to avoid risk, and local is warning them of potential risk.
The ONLY thing AFK Cloaking projects is risk, and it can only be done when local reports the cloaked vessel as being present.

This cannot be separated from local.
Risk avoidance using local is always the topic, when AFK Cloaking is described as a problem.

I think you read the first sentence and then your mind lost it's focus. If you had read on, you would have seen that I agree with you whole-heartedly. I think CCP would agree with us on this as well, or at least they used to. One thing I will say about the no-local business, is that it would make the game seem a lot more lonely and barren.
All Web Investigations
#39 - 2012-11-13 16:56:42 UTC
If you want a rather simple solution, we could just make cloaked ships disappear from the local list.

There'd be no afk cloaking as it wouldn't be needed/able to introduce doubt regarding the local list.

Sorted, right?

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#40 - 2012-11-13 17:05:59 UTC
Undeadenemy wrote:
I think you read the first sentence and then your mind lost it's focus. If you had read on, you would have seen that I agree with you whole-heartedly. I think CCP would agree with us on this as well, or at least they used to. One thing I will say about the no-local business, is that it would make the game seem a lot more lonely and barren.

Not at all, I am quite focused.

Allow me to clarify:
You are creating the potential for risk management that is not balanced.
Local chat in these systems will have no counter to balance them. PvE pilots who are mining / ratting / missioning will have absolute control over risk, since they will be able to use brute force tactics to guard with.

If you cannot cloak, you cannot gather intel effectively.
We are not about catering to the biggest group like that, which is what covert and black ops is the counter for.

The smaller force never uses brute force, they use guerrilla tactics.
The bigger force of course tries to force them to use the tactics that favor them, obviously catering to their size.

Balance is not served by allowing larger forces the ability to deny smaller forces appropriate tactical options.