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Empire Hot - Nullsec Not?

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#41 - 2012-11-13 09:24:19 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
Andski wrote:
we'll take the removal of local if hisec incursions and l4s are removed entirely


Do you, like, even live in null anymore?

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Ayn Randy
Home For Pugs
#42 - 2012-11-13 11:07:55 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Sure, if you want to constantly worry about irritating mechanics like wardecs, CONCORD, security status, sentry guns, and station games.

You forgot local...WHers are scared of local.

I dont know, ive fought a fair few nullsec guys and they always seem to be afraid to jump into a WH. Probably because there is no local... :D
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#43 - 2012-11-13 11:14:10 UTC
Spaceman Jack wrote:
Recently started living in a WH. Usually try take advantage of LowSec Nullsec exits for a little PVP action.
I Used the standard map techniques to find target pilots in space and such.
Was disappointed to see how empty it really was. Sometimes 10-15 systems at a time... nothing.

Check "Ships/pods" destroyed in last 1/24 hour... Nullsec was cold.

HiSec on the other had... Hishec was a fireball.
The empires are ablaze with burning ships.

So... is it just me, or should I move back into HiSec if I want to PVP?

You need to furiously oppose any proposals to make 0.0 a relatively more attractive place to engage in industry, mining or R&D. Only when 0.0 is totally purified of such activity will it become the PvP nirvana it should, nay, must be.

I suggest creating another 10-12 accounts right away so that you can threaten to cancel them if CCP don't listen to you. Get your friends to do the same.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Lin-Young Borovskova
#44 - 2012-11-13 11:19:47 UTC
Ayn Randy wrote:
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Sure, if you want to constantly worry about irritating mechanics like wardecs, CONCORD, security status, sentry guns, and station games.

You forgot local...WHers are scared of local.

I dont know, ive fought a fair few nullsec guys and they always seem to be afraid to jump into a WH. Probably because there is no local... :D

You underestimate WH locals fear to see more than one guy jumping in their hot and tight little hole. That's why they start going back and forth to deplete the thing. I'm not sure this explanation is quite clear for you but I'm missing some words right now.

Well, I could always show you how it's done Lol


Inquisitor Kitchner
The Executives
#45 - 2012-11-13 11:28:55 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
In before the establishment of nullsec (the Goons) swarm in here to defend their free intel tool.


EVE-O is getting better.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared." - Niccolo Machiavelli

3 R Corporation
#46 - 2012-11-13 11:56:34 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:

if my scared you mean 'hate it cos it's dumb and stifles PVP', sure.

By the same argument d-scan also stifles PvP. Because knowing the enemy is actually there is bad for PvP, according to you. So.....

remove d-scan!
New Edens Freeports
#47 - 2012-11-13 12:04:10 UTC
Spaceman Jack wrote:
Recently started living in a WH. Usually try take advantage of LowSec Nullsec exits for a little PVP action.
I Used the standard map techniques to find target pilots in space and such.
Was disappointed to see how empty it really was. Sometimes 10-15 systems at a time... nothing.

Check "Ships/pods" destroyed in last 1/24 hour... Nullsec was cold.

HiSec on the other had... Hishec was a fireball.
The empires are ablaze with burning ships.

So... is it just me, or should I move back into HiSec if I want to PVP?

Well you have to udnerstandt that 0.0 dosent really be good for anything but two things: fleet warfare and moon mining.

So finds tower on rare moon, shoot it and you shall soon have plenty of pvp. Probably much more then yo looked for Cool

Yes most of 0.0 systems are empty, theres many reasons for it. Main one being, 0.0 only offers something currently for pvp players. Industrials, etc... find 0.0 quite difficult place to live with its own logistical challenges... And its not made any easyer that you can be locked out of station where your manufacturing stuff is... and that can happen in couple days...

We are Minmatar, Our ship are made of scraps, but look what our scraps can do...

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#48 - 2012-11-13 13:35:30 UTC
Imports Plus wrote:
Slowly but surely CCP has been removing all incentives to live in and own space in null sec. Barbaric sov mechanics, anomaly nerf, technetium nerf, industry is worthless, nerf nerf nerf and no love or iterations.

Meanwhile, in high sec... it becomes easier and more streamlined and expedient and effortless to make boatloads of isk even while mostly afk. Don't even get me started on wormholes, the amount of isk them things crap out is disgusting, props on keeping the lid on it WH dudes. Keep it secret, keep it safe.

So yeah- the only reason left to live in and own space in 0.0 is space pride. People only log in when there's a fight, that's why it looks and feels so empty, because it is. No one lives there and if they try too, they're masochists because they could make better and easier living in high sec, under the protection and coddling of CCP hf and CONCORD.

While i understood and agreed with the original anomaly nerf (even though Anoms were/are my bread and butter). the current balance is just way off.

In null sec I "rat" (i include doing anomalies in that terms, those ares full of npc piRATes to shoot) with a fairly pimped (faction lows, deadspace booster) Machariel. If i'm paying very strict attention and all the forsaken hubs are open (not likely) I can pull 35-40 mil "ticks" (ie every 20 minute wallet cycle). Thats 105-120 mil per hour with the added bonus (but small chance) of maybe getting an escalation (which leads to the risk of death for MAYBE the reward of deadspace loot) of faction spawn (usually ammo and a tag lol).

This while watching local for reds and neuts, worrying about being awoxed by some blue or called out in a cta to fight for your space or worried that some wormhole will pop up in your system and "gankers from beyond the universe" will come at you.


I can use the SAME Mach Hull with nothing more expensive than a tech 2 invul, in empire, doing incursions and making 90 to 120 mil an hour (the HQ communities I fly with can do at least 3 HQ sites per hour) for much less personal effort (because yuo have an FC to tell you want to do/where to go/what to shoot and logistics to keep you alive + you don't even have to have local chat maximized as you won't even be in fleet anyways if you are war-decced ect ect).

Both ways have their downsides. With incursions, occasionaly there are no high sec incursions, or you get contested at every sight (*looks at ISN*) or some griefer pre-loads some of the hq sites or there is no FC on or fleet is full.

But this just doesn't compare AT ALL to what you face in null sec, for a few measly pennies more. The only way you make more isk as an individual pilot in null is if an incursion hits your space and your alliance decides to clear it off, otherwise null sec incursions might as well not exist because no one is going to invade someone else space to fight both them AND incursions sanshas...

Lvl 4 missions aren't as good for isk, but close, and the distance between what an individual can make in hi sec vs null is just way off. and there are no good fixes, nerf incursions and lvl 4 missions and those things will just die (even with all the isk you can make in incursions now, the "community" is a shadow of it's former self), buff null anoms and inflation gets worse.

Fine mess CCPs designs have
El Geo
#49 - 2012-11-13 13:55:51 UTC  |  Edited by: El Geo
the reason for wh space not having a local iirc was something to do with the gates in k-space reporting whoever passed through. It makes sense that anything undocking or passing through a gate would be seen in local but bridges/cyno's should not, my only opinion is that sov should be based on activity within an area of influence and the more 'alliance activity' in a given system, constellation and region should give that alliance more ways to make money (with agents that pay extremely well by sending players outside their alliances sphere of influence) and protect their space (ie gate/station sentry guns) along with local being a tool of administrated areas, not non-owned systems, obviously this would all be too much for CCP or any games development company to implement.

*you know, like go there and kill some npc officer etc (actual officer) then theres risk AND reward
Spaceman Jack
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#50 - 2012-11-13 14:43:06 UTC
- I never said I was exclusively looking for PVP. Just the occasional hunt and noted that MOST of the ships destroyed now are in Empire, NOT null. Seeing how many of you nullsecers are her whining and arguing with everyone (looking at you RAZOR and Goon), now I can see why it is so empty.

- This forum wasn't intended to get on the subject of Local. But now that some Null dwellers brought it up. I am for the removal of local, (its obvious smaller gangs safe up when they see it jump abd they dont need anyone scouting for them) But El Geo makes a good point form the standpoint of Role Play and gate mechanics recording people coming in, I can buy that.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#51 - 2012-11-13 21:25:26 UTC
Spaceman Jack wrote:
- I never said I was exclusively looking for PVP. Just the occasional hunt and noted that MOST of the ships destroyed now are in Empire, NOT null. Seeing how many of you nullsecers are her whining and arguing with everyone (looking at you RAZOR and Goon), now I can see why it is so empty.


Spaceman Jack wrote:
- This forum wasn't intended to get on the subject of Local. But now that some Null dwellers brought it up. I am for the removal of local, (its obvious smaller gangs safe up when they see it jump abd they dont need anyone scouting for them) But El Geo makes a good point form the standpoint of Role Play and gate mechanics recording people coming in, I can buy that.

Wanting to remove local is dumb, but changing your mind about it because of some RP reason is even dumber.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Dar Manic
Dirt Road Services
#52 - 2012-11-13 21:30:25 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Spaceman Jack wrote:
- I never said I was exclusively looking for PVP. Just the occasional hunt and noted that MOST of the ships destroyed now are in Empire, NOT null. Seeing how many of you nullsecers are her whining and arguing with everyone (looking at you RAZOR and Goon), now I can see why it is so empty.


Spaceman Jack wrote:
- This forum wasn't intended to get on the subject of Local. But now that some Null dwellers brought it up. I am for the removal of local, (its obvious smaller gangs safe up when they see it jump abd they dont need anyone scouting for them) But El Geo makes a good point form the standpoint of Role Play and gate mechanics recording people coming in, I can buy that.

Wanting to remove local is smart, but changing your mind about it because of some RP reason is even dumber.

Fixed it for you.

I just don't understand null sec players.

**Please note: **Anytime I use the phrase PvP in a post, I'm talking about shooting/combat/killing things/blowing things up. Thank you.

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#53 - 2012-11-13 21:33:56 UTC
Dar Manic wrote:
Fixed it for you.

Dar Manic's signature wrote:
I just don't understand null sec


Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Dar Manic
Dirt Road Services
#54 - 2012-11-13 21:38:07 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Dar Manic wrote:
Fixed it for you.

Dar Manic's signature wrote:
I just don't understand null sec


I like that one!!! Wrong but funny. Honestly give you a 10/10.

I just don't understand null sec players.

**Please note: **Anytime I use the phrase PvP in a post, I'm talking about shooting/combat/killing things/blowing things up. Thank you.

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#55 - 2012-11-13 21:40:28 UTC
It's not wrong if you and others like you who propose removing local from nullsec continually ignore logic.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Kronos TEchnologies
#56 - 2012-11-13 22:16:01 UTC
MasterEnt wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
MasterEnt wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
MasterEnt wrote:
The removal of local doesn't require a replacement... oh wait it does... balls.

It does. So what's the replacement?

Bigger balls

Just because something takes balls doesn't make it smart.

And a magical box that tells you who is in local is smart?
Come on guy. Step up the argument

No magic. Systems with a gate have an FTL information backbone. On jump in, be it jump-drive, jump-bridge or gate travel, all ship IDs are recorded and the information available to any ships in system, and to locator agents in range.

If you want delayed local you have to go where there aren't any gates.

Maybe switching to constellation-only (still immediate) chat in null sec might be one possible fix, that also fits the lore. Don't know what that'd do to the hamsters though.

Be careful in Pulsar systems, you might get Pod Flu.

(Bio for YouTube reading)

Karrl Tian
#57 - 2012-11-13 22:19:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Karrl Tian
Andski wrote:
we'll take the removal of local if hisec incursions and l4s are removed entirely

Fine by me.

Ptraci wrote:

By the same argument d-scan also stifles PvP. Because knowing the enemy is actually there is bad for PvP, according to you. So.....

remove d-scan!

D-scan tells you there's an uncloaked ship out there and what it's name is. It doesn't tell you who's flying it, what corp/alliance they're in, their standings towards your corp/alliance and whether or not there's even a pilot in there (always fun jumping into a new system with a bunch of POS crap on scan) and has a max range.

Also, a lot of people in null don't know/care to learn how to use D-scan. I know because I've had to explain it to them when they went to pvp in lowsec out of boredom at the lack of action in 0.0. ("Derr, I just watched intel channels and warped out whenever they screamed about neuts 5 jumps away from me").
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2012-11-13 22:29:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Casirio
Rek Seven wrote:
Why did you move to WH space if you were interested in low/null PVP?

Um I dont know, cus I have random low and null exits erry day? WH space imo is the best place for pvp, because you literally get to go all over the universe every day.

And at least WH pve you have to work as a team (at least for the c5-c6 cap escalations where the real isk is at.) And without knowing who is in local you can never be truely "safe." But im not here for pve im here for Pvp and I wouldnt want to be anywhere else for it.

Imports Plus wrote:
Don't even get me started on wormholes, the amount of isk them things crap out is disgusting, props on keeping the lid on it WH dudes. Keep it secret, keep it safe.

I can tell you that the established, permanent WH corp/alliances arent in wspace to farm sleepers, they are here to have a piece of their own space, to escape the nullsec blob pvp and use wspace mechanics for small/med gang pvp, and the majority of them will gladly explode billion isk t3s against one another. It is the alt farming corps that literally contribute zero pvp and are there only to make isk or t3 gas for themselves or their null sec alliances. Their day will come though, soon™
Inquisitor Kitchner
The Executives
#59 - 2012-11-13 23:18:28 UTC
Casirio wrote:

I can tell you that the established, permanent WH corp/alliances arent in wspace to farm sleepers, they are here to have a piece of their own space, to escape the nullsec blob pvp and use wspace mechanics for small/med gang pvp, and the majority of them will gladly explode billion isk t3s against one another. It is the alt farming corps that literally contribute zero pvp and are there only to make isk or t3 gas for themselves or their null sec alliances. Their day will come though, soon™

I am really glad that all of the wormwhole corps and alliances finally elected you to speak for them all.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared." - Niccolo Machiavelli

Gallente Federation
#60 - 2012-11-13 23:28:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Casirio
Inquisitor Kitchner wrote:
Casirio wrote:

From my experience I can tell you that the established, permanent WH corp/alliances arent in wspace to farm sleepers, they are here to have a piece of their own space, to escape the nullsec blob pvp and use wspace mechanics for small/med gang pvp, and the majority of them will gladly explode billion isk t3s against one another. It is the alt farming corps that literally contribute zero pvp and are there only to make isk or t3 gas for themselves or their null sec alliances. Their day will come though, soon™

I am really glad that all of the wormwhole corps and alliances finally elected you to speak for them all.

skills. here i'll edit for you noob. cus you know, im sure you know whats going on in wormholes and all.