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Out of Pod Experience

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Cynter DeVries
Spheroidal Projections
#8021 - 2012-11-06 20:56:16 UTC
Baby ChuChu wrote:
I can't speak for Cynter, but I assume what happened to me, happened to her too. And what happened is - I don't know lol.

I literally logged on then I swung the camera around to the front and noticed my bra was gone. Obviously, this doesn't bother me though.

As far as I'm concerned, it's working as intended. And if it's not working as intended, then all I ask of CCP is that you intend it to work this way. I don't ask for much. Hell, I don't ask for anything. Just let us have this one little thing!

...and while I'm making requests, can I pleeeeease get a white version of this vest <--------

Alright, that's all I'll ask for. i swear!

Yes, or a nice white open robe...

Cynter's Law of feature suggestion: Thou shalt not suggest NPCs do something players could do instead.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8022 - 2012-11-06 20:56:22 UTC
I don't think I can alter my avatar too much. Changing the angle makes me look less girly and I'm not a fan of tattoos/piercings, so that's right out! If only there were better long hair styles for men...


Jesuis - Scary looking MFer, instantly recognizable. 10/10.
Baby ChuChu
Ice Cream Asylum
#8023 - 2012-11-06 20:58:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Baby ChuChu
Cynter DeVries wrote:
You have to have a pre-Incursion Archura female, I believe. We had funky bra straps and a recent fix removed the whole bra. Can't say I mind, though it hadn't occurred to me to change the outfit to take advantage until Baby ChuChu pointed the way.

Ah, that makes sense. Also, in the interest of staying on topic -

11/10 for Cynter for being the only other member of the open-jacket, no-bra alliance.

The few. The proud. The mostly naked.
Malforian Pox
#8024 - 2012-11-06 21:02:48 UTC

Does it really need to be explained?
CCP Eterne
C C P Alliance
#8025 - 2012-11-06 21:03:13 UTC
As for the topless girls, I can definitely say that not wearing a bra is a bug and not intended. I don't know if anyone will force you to change, though, that's for the GM's to decide.

I would recommend putting proper shirts though, as it gets cold in space.

EVE Online/DUST 514 Community Representative ※ EVE Illuminati ※ Fiction Adept

@CCP_Eterne ※ @EVE_LiveEvents

#8026 - 2012-11-06 21:03:20 UTC
Jesuis Cache-Cache wrote:

Ha! I like the plates. I remember our convo on it and I agree. However, while it would be a sick is not an option for ole JCC.

How in the hell are you guys /girls doing that?
Is it race specific for a certain top or outerwear?

All three of my Alts are female and I want them in that, or out of that as the case may be, very much!

Sounds good, Dark Brother. Now, lets worry less about your minions' breasts and more about hatching a plan to infiltrate a major alliance and crush it from within. Twisted

--Ignore this post and rate the char above--
Malforian Pox
#8027 - 2012-11-06 21:06:08 UTC
CCP Eterne wrote:
As for the topless girls, I can definitely say that not wearing a bra is a bug and not intended. I don't know if anyone will force you to change, though, that's for the GM's to decide.

I would recommend putting proper shirts though, as it gets cold in space.

Personally I think you should make it a feature. But, then I am a perv.
Jesuis Cache-Cache
#8028 - 2012-11-06 21:08:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Jesuis Cache-Cache
Jarqual wrote:

Sounds good, Dark Brother. Now, lets worry less about your minions' breasts and more about hatching a plan to infiltrate a major alliance and crush it from within. Twisted

--Ignore this post and rate the char above--

How could I not give that a 10?

Malforian Pox wrote:
Personally I think you should make it a feature. But, then I am a perv.
I am tempted to start a Corp thusly named TREVREP...

Only female characters ...not toons...with that "feature" will be granted acceptance.

And you get a 10/10 for that very creeped out disturbingly haunted look of an avatar.

"I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the time he killed himself." - Johnny Carson 

Cynter DeVries
Spheroidal Projections
#8029 - 2012-11-06 21:31:27 UTC
CCP Eterne wrote:
As for the topless girls, I can definitely say that not wearing a bra is a bug and not intended. I don't know if anyone will force you to change, though, that's for the GM's to decide.

I would recommend putting proper shirts though, as it gets cold in space.

If we're made to put the bra back on, could it please be just the bra?... Pod wear, FTW.

Although this would be good too:

J C-C : Nice and disreputable look there. 8.5/10

Cynter's Law of feature suggestion: Thou shalt not suggest NPCs do something players could do instead.

Gallente Federation
#8030 - 2012-11-06 22:40:40 UTC
CCP Eterne wrote:
As for the topless girls, I can definitely say that not wearing a bra is a bug and not intended. I don't know if anyone will force you to change, though, that's for the GM's to decide.

I would recommend putting proper shirts though, as it gets cold in space.

best bug ever though those are rather low quality implants...
At the end of the game both the pawn and the Queen go in the same box.
Lexiana Del'Amore
Nouvelle Rouvenor
#8031 - 2012-11-07 01:38:57 UTC
Dark, moody and very creepy... i like it 9/10
Tinja Soikutsu
Caldari State
#8032 - 2012-11-07 02:41:10 UTC
hmmm, impish. 8/10
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#8033 - 2012-11-07 03:16:53 UTC
Kinda creepy

Nemesis Factor
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8034 - 2012-11-07 05:10:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Nemesis Factor
Actually had a pre-incursion Achura at my disposal, though mine had a shirt on. Tried for maybe too long to duplicate that bug.

Edit: Forgot about ya Krux.
6/10. You're zoomed out a little far and that background isn't helping.
Cynter DeVries
Spheroidal Projections
#8035 - 2012-11-07 05:38:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Cynter DeVries
Nemesis Factor wrote:
Actually had a pre-incursion Achura at my disposal, though mine had a shirt on. Tried for maybe too long to duplicate that bug.

Edit: Forgot about ya Krux.
6/10. You're zoomed out a little far and that background isn't helping.

Maybe it was original second-gen Archura, then (first gen being the original avatars before the new CC). Not sure. But you don't really have to try. Toggle clothes and it's just there. Given that it comes through on the server-side render, it can't be a mere client bug. I have another Archura female that I created after the geometry mod and it hasn't happened for her. She also didn't have the bra-strap problem.

8/10 for properly tough looking character.

Cynter's Law of feature suggestion: Thou shalt not suggest NPCs do something players could do instead.

#8036 - 2012-11-07 08:26:12 UTC
Cynter DeVries wrote:
[quote=Nemesis Factor].

Fresh blood
about to enter your pod are you well a 8/10 just to support the no bra side

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Jesuis L'Ojet-Douze
#8037 - 2012-11-07 08:41:03 UTC

The first of what will be several new Jesuis...experiments.

Her name translates to - I am subject twelve.

I plan to make new accounts for each of the new...subjects...Moohoohaaaa...

@ pussnheels : I always like that avi. Nice job. - 9/10

"So long as governments set the example of killing their enemies, private citizens will occasionally kill theirs."

~Elbert Hubbard 

Baby ChuChu
Ice Cream Asylum
#8038 - 2012-11-07 09:16:57 UTC
I see you've cranked out another great avatar. Sadly, I don't think it's as good as the last one. I think it's mostly the hair that kills this one for me. The color and style kinda detract from everything else. However, once again, it's quite literally anything but bad.

Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#8039 - 2012-11-07 09:18:01 UTC
Something is Different? I can't put my Finger on it? Hmmmm :P :P


FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.

Jesuis Cache-Cache
#8040 - 2012-11-07 09:24:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Jesuis Cache-Cache
Baby ChuChu wrote:
I see you've cranked out another great avatar. Sadly, I don't think it's as good as the last one. I think it's mostly the hair that kills this one for me. The color and style kinda detract from everything else. However, once again, it's quite literally anything but bad.


IDK..I'm really just playing around this morning trying to fish for inspiration. I do plan on making several new accounts. Names will differ only by surname.

She is nothing set as she is on my main account and I will not spend 3 PLEX just to transfer an infant character.

Just throwing her out there to get some suggestions on what to change.

Sadly she wears a bra...

@ Alice : Rolling with no make up today? I really liked the previous set up.

"I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the time he killed himself." - Johnny Carson