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Your greatest moment in Eve

First post
Josef Djugashvilis
#41 - 2012-11-06 09:24:58 UTC
Reaching my first million isk, I thought I was so wealthy.

This is not a signature.

Le Badass
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2012-11-06 09:47:01 UTC
On this char, taking out a meta 0-3 fit rifter on the second or so day of his existence.
All the very most basic PvP-skills are at 1 or 2, so I could fly a cookie cutter rifter.
I went out to do some can flipping, because hey, that's PvP too, right?
At that point, can flipping was still very exciting for me. So I warp into a belt and see a typhoon mining into a can. I wanted to flip it, but it was a goddamn battleship, so I wasnt' sure it was such a good idea.
So I left for a little tour of the surrounding systems, where I found nothing. When I came back, the phoon was still there, so I though, "wft, who wants to live forever" and flipped the can.
I got aggro and started orbiting and firing away. Amazingly, I could tank his damage and with him being buffertanked, it was just a matter of time. A very, very long time, that is.
Just as he exploded, his friends landed on grid, so I decided this was a good time to split.
Unfortunately, I saw too late, that I had aligned into an asteroid and so, the drones ate my rifter and I warped off in my pod.
Still, a 500k Isk rifter for a phoon... I was happy about that day's result.
3 R Corporation
#43 - 2012-11-06 10:20:50 UTC
Must have been the time I threw all my mining ships and equipment into a station hangar and said "eff this, I will never mine again in this game!". I think my kill-board has improved somewhat since then...
Tao Dolcino
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2012-11-06 10:55:42 UTC
My first radar site. 25 Millions in a few minuts in a T1 frigate. It was so much more than all the grind i had been used to before... so free and so easy... But since i have learned that it's all about luck, and i sometimes spend days without finding one Ugh
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#45 - 2012-11-06 11:02:08 UTC
Escaping a m0o pirate only to return to the belt with my Armageddon for the NPC loot, thinking I could make it back to station in one piece with the loot.

I returned in a pod. Oh 2003 how I miss you!


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Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#46 - 2012-11-06 11:05:04 UTC
i would say either helping to sheperd 3 haulers containing everything we owned 26 jumps through syndicate to our new home while being chased by a fleet at least twice our size for the entire time.


Being part of the fleet that killed 2 raiden supers with dreads and BS and managing to evac about half the dreads despite raiden having at least twice our numbers and more supers on field than we had regular capitals.


The 430 kill 5 way clusterfuck that was Nash Kadavrs leaving party on sunday night, havent had that much fun in a very long time.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Kyra Yaken
#47 - 2012-11-06 11:13:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyra Yaken
...was when i unsubscribed 3 accounts out of 4

True story Bro.

Vargan Armer
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2012-11-06 11:14:09 UTC
RvB's third great war against E uni provided me with so many fantastic memories. I'll list the top 3 as I'm lazy :D
The first is easily when we broke the highsec record for a fight. I think it was something like 300 (?) ships alone, which was amazing. The second being when a Rokh got 36 kills using smartbombs on a gate in high sec ^^ Then the third being when we got bored of station games and decided to go to nullsec and ran into a Russian corps Avatar + support fleet in a POS. Needless to say many penis jokes were made and many giggles were to be had. As someone who mainly doess small gang pvp seeing a Titan basically never happens, so it was pretty cool.

And as the poster above me said, Nash's leaving party was rididculously fun, and while I couldn't stay for the whole time, something that I will remember.
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#49 - 2012-11-06 14:02:03 UTC
My first kill :3 Navy Mega on the Dodixie Undock... so... fitting
Presidente Gallente
Best Kept Dunked
#50 - 2012-11-06 14:55:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Presidente Gallente
I am German and in my first alliance EXA NATION I was chatting with an US guy some day because he told me that he was born in Germany. His mother was German and his father a GI. I asked him where he was born and it was surprisingly the same small village where my father was born. It was a logistics spot for the allied.

He told me that he has no memories about Germany and just knows the surname of his mother's family and that she had a brother who's not alive anymore. His mother was 16 when he was born. He gave me his uncle's name and I asked my aunt living in this area if this name sounds familar to her. She negated.

A few days later she called me and told me that a very good friend of my uncle had this name. Finally we found out that my uncle's friend had a 16y old sister who showed her secret baby to my uncle. He could remember his name and that he held him in his arms. A few weeks later she left Germany.

My aunt sent me some pictures of my uncle's friend and a notice of death. I scanned that and sent it to my ingame friend. It was an emotional moment for him when he received the only pictures of his German family. He planned to visit me and my family with his wife in 2010. But it did not happen.

When I write this I am still shivering. I joined a virtual game with thousands of players and meet randomly a guy from US who is connected to my father's family in Germany. This is simply amazing.

Thanks for the thread. This reminds me to contact him again.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#51 - 2012-11-06 15:02:02 UTC
EvEa Deva wrote:
Killing 20 vs our 10, not our fault they didnt bring logi or ecm Cool

rofl, greatest moment was killing some enemies with ECM.

thats weak.
Eternal Montage
Myriad Sequence
#52 - 2012-11-06 15:07:51 UTC
Presidente Gallente wrote:
I am German and in my first alliance EXA NATION I was chatting with an US guy some day because he told me that he was born in Germany. His mother was German and his father a GI. I asked him where he was born and it was surprisingly the same small village where my father was born. It was a logistics spot for the allied.

He told me that he has no memories about Germany and just knows the surname of his mothers family and that she had a brother who's not alive anymore. His mother was 16 when he was born. He gave me his uncle's name and I asked my aunt living in this area if this name sounds familar to her. She negated.

A few days later she called me and told me that a very good friend of my uncle had this name. Finally we found out that my uncle's friend had a 16y old sister who showed her secret baby to my uncle. He could remember his name and that he held him in his arms. A few weeks later she left Germany.

My aunt sent me some pictures of my uncle's friend and a notice of death. I scanned that and sent it to my ingame friend. It was an emotional moment for him when he received the only pictures of his German family. He planned to visit me and my family with his wife in 2010. But it did not happen.

When I write this I am still shivering. I joined a virtual game with thousands of players and meet randomly a guy from US who is connected to my father's family in Germany. This is simply amazing.

Thanks for the thread. This reminds me to contact him again.

That's really something. Small world. Thanks for sharing man!
Absolute Order
Absolute Honor
#53 - 2012-11-06 15:23:41 UTC
Doing some exploration in my Legion and hitting an escalation. Went up all the way to the last one and when I killed the overseeer and opened the wreck there was an A-type Invuln in the wreck. My heart was allready pounding like hell because of what I found, I even became more nervous when I realized I had to fly through two 0.0 systems. Eventhough I did have the nullifier sub, my bloodpressure was unhealthy.

Got the mod out and sold it.

As for epic stupidness, doing a low-sec exploration site and being kinda pissed of not getting anything faction. Alt-tabbed to check google (stupid with a feature called 'Ingame browser') and suddenly realized i was being locked up and pointed. WTF!? I was 50km from warpin,. how could that happen?

Well see here:

Obviously I didn't stand a chance, although I am still surprized by how long the killing lasted (or at least felt like it lasted).

One of the last epic moments on my alt. Pessing the button "deliver job" on my first Archon-build

**Salvation Õnryo **- Capital builder of the Stillwater corporation

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#54 - 2012-11-06 15:35:49 UTC
The day I realized that Highsec space sucked and made the move to nullsec. Nothing quite compares to that first rush of the unexplored and the adrenaline when you run smack into that first bubble camp in Venal with your prowler.

De'Veldrin's Corollary (to Malcanis' Law): Any idea that seeks to limit the ability of a large nullsec bloc to do something in the name of allowing more small groups into sov null will inevitably make it that much harder for small groups to enter sov null.

#55 - 2012-11-06 15:48:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Ryhss
When I made my first billion ISK.

I just turned into an egg, did I level up? I spent an hour trying to salvage a wreck, when in local a guy said "Stop it, this is my Tempest, I was AFK"

Amber Coldheart
#56 - 2012-11-06 16:43:32 UTC
For me, its probably when i bought my Rattlesnake.

I had been saving up for it for god knows how long, then went 30+ jumps to Jita to buy one. At 2.1 billion unfitted, it wasnt really something i could afford to lose, so it was an "interesting" trip back... this is way before warp to 0 and all that (and i didnt have bookmarks), so it was a "#¤%"#¤% long trip as well, hehe.

Well worth it though, when i finally got back home :)
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2012-11-06 17:05:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Casirio
A few weeks into my Eve career someone in the noobie corp I was in said they found a "wormhole." I was curious so I took my beloved Worm that I spent every penny on, into the fleet with him to see what a wormhole was all about.. We both jumped in, and I remember thinking oh my god where the f*ck am I?? Not 60 seconds later I see my ship go into armor; a tengu had decloaked and had me tackled. We both died sitting right on that hole, but got our pods out. I'll never forget that total feeling of being in the complete "uknown" and the uber pilot who killed me, and losing everything I had :P

Fast forward 6 months later, and I worked my way up to be able to join one of the top pvp wormhole alliances in all of Eve. All because that one moment I knew exactly what I wanted to do in Eve, be that badass that makes you fear the unknown, like that uber tengu pilot.

In my short time here this has to be one of my greatest moments, as It was so intense and exciting hour long fight:
Posted: 2012.10.09 13:11
Casirio wrote:
Just a few nights ago Black Legion. decided to come play in our C6 at 3 am US time. For half the fight only myself and Chitsa were online until we were able to get 2 more. But we accepted the fight! (plus our archon, and a few t3's we managed to collapse out on there side.) Major props to Black Legion for bringing a small but white knuckle fight.

great fights too be had, for sure. Sometimes you just gotta go balls deep
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#58 - 2012-11-06 17:42:03 UTC
Great thread, great posts, people seem to have many good memories :)

My turning point in EVE happened on my first exploration trip into lowsec. I had gotten bored after a month into game spent trading, and wanted to do something more exiting. So I went scanning in Old Man Star. Oooh, it is full of sigs! It was also full of red skulls, and my noobie pants were clearly shaking, when I homed in on some juicy radars, and a Serpentis Phi Outpost. This is good, I thought when I zoomed back to Villore to swap into a mostly meta-fitted Vexor. I ran the radars, and then onto the 4/10.

It was hard, I kited, I heated, lost drones, I sweated, dipped into structure and finally cursed at the badass battleship who stubbornly refused to succumb to my superiority, so I heated some more until he popped- DEADSPACE LOOT <3 My ship was on fire, everything was glowing red and I was literally standing in front of my PC when I warped to the Villore gate. My heart almost stopped when I loaded grid on the gate, it was full of red from top to bottom. Of course they couldn't do anything to a ship landing at zero, but it was kinda the icing on the cake.

I moved to lowsec shortly after, got slowly into pvp, and fell hopelessly in love with this game.

Other highlights were conquering our first wormhole with pilots who I still have the pleasure to fly with, watching the force field light up and the feeling- "we did it, this is ours now", soloing a Golem in that same hole months later, and perhaps the best one- getting our first kills as Shiva Furnace, on our own. It was an awesome feeling to realize that we can actually do this :)


Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#59 - 2012-11-06 17:53:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
My highlight so far was getting popped in losec as a noob and receiving a GF in local from my opponent, then numerous guffaws of laughter as he & his corpies looked at the killmail and saw the shitfit I was flying.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#60 - 2012-11-06 18:08:04 UTC
I have a few...

1) Taking a Rokh in hisec with an assault frigate. I was unable to break her tank, so I flew my neutral alt into her smartbomb range and brought CONCORDOKKEN! to the party....

2) Solo spanking a Vigilant with a frigate.

3) Solo spanking a Navy Raven with a frigate.

4) Solo spanking a $2b ISK Vindicator in an assaut frigate

Ahhhhh....memories, time to make some more.....