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Chronicles of Fey Ivory

Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-11-01 09:24:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
I rubbed my eyes, i still felt sleepy, the warm mug of coffee the first sip sent that warm, rejuvinating touch through my body, slovly little by little i my mind woke up, and i couldent but smile as looked out ower the space hanger iwe done well for myself, very well i should say... i leaned back and took up a note pad, i eyed ower the nights operations by the drones, ships been reparied up and most of my ore on the market been sold... my mind drifted, back to where it all started, couse iwere not like most, far from, some ewen had mentioned me as special, of course i were special, im me, i slipped a giggle to myself, but then again what they ment as special, was probably not entirely ment in a good remark, i dident care though, and socialsituations were not allways easy for me, in some sense i were a three year old...

It had all started about three years ago, much of the first time, is cloudy and had for me to remember, what i do know is tha a Amarr scientific group had found old alien structures, and going through them they found several old stasis pods, and fiddling with it, they managed to kill most of the inhabitants, i though they managed to wake up, at that time i were like a clean sleet, a being without any knowledge exept to most rudamentry ones... its not easy for me to speak well of the Amarr, not after their treatment, and inhuman views, to them i were just a find, a object of recovery, something to bring home and study... but fate wanted otherwise, im not all to sure what happened, but after some inicial study at the relic place, i was retearned to the stasis pod, and was bound to sent to Amarr as a sientific find... what happened next is things iwe puzzled together, the Amarrian convoy got raided by pirates, and my prison of time. the stasis pod bacame what save me, in the debry of all the destryed transports, i got left behind floating inspace, though as this happened in border zones of Gallante and Amarr space, it had drawn the attention of Gallante border patrol ships, and going through the debry they mistook the stasis pod at first for a escape pod, and picked me up...

The Gallante soon realiced by design of the pod that this were no ordanary escape pod, it was of unknownanchient design. so i was shipped off to the Center of Advanced studies, i shall admit the Gallalnte aint no saints either, but after they realiced that i had no memory of hidden secrets of old lost secrets, after medical examination, they realiced i were as much as human my dna had a very maginal change, probably whitin the parameters of human eveolution, but the question remaind, from where were i, and how long had i slept, and who had put me in that stasis pod... questions question, riddles in the dark... after about a year, i was given a identity, and my freedom, but i sort of feel i am watched, the Amarrians , have claimed a offical protest as they see me as their state property as they found me, it was foundly ignored by the Gallante, to some sense i feel, i am a brck in a bigger political game, and the reason im free is more of a show case of the Democratic Gallante...

My skills and learning curve have been measured as beyond or at the peak of normal human possibilities, i have more active synapses in my brain, this has given me a eeiry ablity to soak up information and learn, but i am also distant and unsocial at times, i see things mathematical and the social skills been harder for me to understand, wich more then once labeled me as special, and given people around where i am to rise their eye brow, but i guess that is simply how things are, i simply havent had the time to learn the codes and ways of the intricat social system of humanity in my three years... though now free, i am at times asked to come for regular medical check ups, they take alittle blood or skin tissue, and usually some light simple questioning if i have any or recolection, i dont feel i am in the place to refuse, so i comply with it, it sort of works both ways, and if wouldent cooperate im afraid what might happen, learning of this Universe, its not like i can go to Amarr space, and Caldari space is stretching it, and im not sure i want to live the life as a outlaw, beside, im happy, im getting rich, i have a very blooming little eterprice on my own, so it feels like a small price to pay, atleast for now !

As a free person, a citicen in the Gallente, iwe made a life for myself, my enchanced ability to learn, made me qualify as a capsular, and as i feel to some extent thankfull for my freedom i have stayed whitin the Center of Advaced studies, at 114.09.24 i graduated and gained my status as a capsular, now i have my own little exploration buisness, it felt natural for me, the questions is allways there in the back of my head, who am i, and where do i come from, so when i am out there exploring, i seek my roots, or anything that could reveal more of my origins, and in the same time it also avery lucrative enterprice, bringing home other items for the Gallente federation to study...

((please mind my spelling and gramatics, im writing in a forign lagauge for me, please dont reply in this thread i wish to keep it clean, thanks))
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-11-01 09:41:40 UTC
"Legacy" beurough of Exploration. Subdivision off Center of Advanced Studies

Ceo: Fey Ivory
Location: Scolluzer, University of Caille

Specialices in Exploration and Mining operations

Have normally a stock of found items from Radar, Magnetom explored anomaly cites... and a stock off non high sec Gallente ore, anything from Kernite, Jaspet, Hemorphit and Hedbergite and their variations...

Also have a daily fresh map of Wormhole sightings and or places of pirate activity

For inquiries of work, trade or sales. just send me a call, Will refuse sales to Amarrians and people with shady security status, unless proven
Silas Vitalia
#3 - 2012-11-02 04:54:34 UTC
Fey Ivory wrote:
Will refuse sales to Amarrians and people with shady security status, unless proven

And here I was about to offer you an interesting job.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-11-05 16:14:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
"Stumble and you might fall"
114-09-24 to 114-11-05

Looking back on the time that been, iwe done preety good for myself, ower 500milion Isks, exploring been lucrative, and the goods iwe been getting been selling well, the radar instalations i have hacked have had the best pay off, but usuall involves a certain degree of danger, nothing my skills or ships cant handle though, yet atleast... iwe also procured alot of salvaged items from old ships or stations, not the best yield in terms of revinue, but it sells, so still wourth doing, though the main reason for finding old places is still to try find traces to my own history that eludes me, its like a black hole that needs to be filled, i guess with time ill learn, i just hope its something i want to learn, the unknown is allways that doubt, but also i guess its part of the thrill

Iwe had many inquiries from other corps, if i wouldent want a more profitable life, i guess its intriguing, but profit isent everything, i feel i have atleast some security within the Gallante, and i dont mind paying taxes for something i beleave in, this said, iwe still worked alittle with other corps, offering found wormholes, still fairly small things, but in the end i dont mind sharing, also getting on friendly terms with corps do help with security, as long as yourusefull your not competition, and well ya, i rather stay under the radar of Corps or Pirates, everyone needs to make a living, ewen pirates, and as long as they atleast follow certain codes, their atleast okay in my book, but we will see where things lead, its all a corupt labyrint of trying to keep whitin all the grey zones... but for now, ill keep being my own little beuroue, though as said i dont mind cooperation with people that prove themself to atleast have a certain degree of code and not just players that pry on other

My exploring also taken me into some more analysing and researching, about the worm hole space, at times when i scan or find worm holes, it feels like there is something amiss, like when you have that thing in the corner of your eyes and jus cant place your finger on it, so far i cant make head or tails of it, but ill keep investigating, couse there is more to it, much more... many times iwe pondered on how big it is, and how deeph it goes, and is it possible that there are civilisations on the other side, that explores ower to us, sort of spooky thought, and if so, how advanced are they, i mean in theory it should be possible to open wormholes, also in theory it should be possible to place structures around a worm hole to boost its life, to make it stable for longer of times, that be a huge help to explore the other side, definatly something to set up research about, all i can do at this time, i dont have the resources then to scout briefly on the other side... anouther thing that sort of i pondered on is the effect and consequenses on your clones, if you die, it triggers your your clone and you resume life in that body, so far so good, but what isit that triggers you to be revived in that body, is it a signal that is sent to it ?, so lets asume you in a worm hole, the whole behind you colapses, now this puts things in a interesting perspective, couse your signal that your alive must somehow make its way back to your clone, couse if it wouldent, your clone would be revived, while you were still alive, tricky tricky, i think we have alot to learn about this other side and how it fully affects us, but enough of this, back to work !
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-11-08 17:30:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
"You scratch mine, ill scratch yours"

Back to work, i couldent but to laugh at my last entry in my files, yes it sure been more work then i could antisapated,but three wery good days... i had like so many times before taken my Celesties Cruiser exploring the outskirts of civiliced solar systems, in all honesty it all started rather bad, and it took me several systems before i got a interesting tone, it was faint and comming far out at the edges of the system, as the information from the probes gathered up it was clear a grav site, those allways are alot of work, but well wourth investigating since they can hold rare ores, well rare ores for high security systems, as i narrowed in on the signal, i gasped, jaspet, kernite, and omber... Omber is fairly wourtless and not wourth mininng but Jaspet a great Ore and Kernite a good find in Gallante space. but that was not the only thing, it was a large asteroid belt, running the numbers on it, it would drift passed the solar system id calculate id have 3-4 days before it drift to far out in space, so i had better get to work...

I fetched my old retriver, she was a earlier version i bought cheap, and fixed up myself, she worked great on small mining operations, but this be a test for her, getting to the asteroid field, i did a quick calculation of the boulders, there wre probably ore here for 300-400 Million ... Mosts of the time when i mine, i study, research try to pick up on things, so much i need to learn, the first day of non stop mining worked fairly well, a few owerloaded power grids, capacitor issues and strip miners about to ower heat, nothing i couldent fix, but i realiced this field was more then i could clear out myself... so i sent a call to a friend Alaseka Director of the Beta Cartel, eventually other would most likely find this place, so i dont mind let friends in ot it as well, beside there were so much ore here i couldent profit on it all, She showed up a hour later, and we went to work at the task at hand !

Back at the hanger, i looked at all those containers, having run the numbers and sorted up the ore... 204416 Jaspet, 95587 Pure Jaspet and 69875 Pristine Jaspet... to this i probably had 200k of Kernite, it been three long days with more jury rigging and patching up my old retriver, but well wourth it, Alaseka mentioned a person that might buy the ore of me, running the numbers with him, ill give him a week to decide, other wise i have other buyers, and money isent a issue for me, so i can wait a friend of Alaska is a friend of mine
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-12-21 22:20:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
114.11.08-114.12.21 "Alittle luxury never hurts"

Its been some time since i got the time to refelct on things, and looking back ower these weeks, its been good times, i took a few weeks holiday at some luxury locations, and at same time apointed some time to get some better implants installed, its not as easy for me to use implants as most implants need abit of tweaking to work at optimum capacity due to that my DNA is alittle bit off from the normal human, i guess its just how it is when you been frozen for so long as i have... still i just wish i could remember more, at times when i sleep and dream and wake up i just know i have dreamt of things in the past, but i just cant remember... in time i guess

Beside getting a few new imlants, and some well deserved rest, i bought a Macinaw mining barge and been spending alot of time calibarting it and setting it up as i want, a few personal modifaications, and will make my work easier, and keep the money rolling inside, all in all, its been a rather eventless time, most exciting things were a few serpentis that tried to make me pay protection money, after launcing my drones, they decided to run like the rats they were... just wish just leave me alone, i will never ewer pay moneythrough blackmail or what ewer, i rather see my ship self destruct and make use of my clone, the moment you pay, that is the moment you legimate their vile buisness, just say no and take the loss !

While iwe been taking a break iwe been listing and going ower my little sub divisions ship park

"Legacy" beurough of Exploration. Subdivision off Center of Advanced Studies
Industrial Ships
4 x Iteron mark I
1 x Retriver
1 x Mackinaw

Exploring & Electronic Ships
4 x Imicus
1 x Celestis
1 x Shuttle

Escourt & Patrol Ships
1 x Brutix
1 x Thorax
1 x Exequror
2 x Atron
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-12-25 01:21:57 UTC
114.12.22-114.12.25 "Reflections"

The last few days iwe mostly been running my Mackinav, and im impressed by its capbilities, and mining is good change from exploring, plagioclase been my main target and its been selling good, also it gives me alot of time to study and go through logs from my exploration trips, and further my studies into science, but all in all i taken things slow, i ewen took my shuttle to some nearby cities, to try understand more about the holiday, it seems all the nations seems to share this time for celebration in some day, and as i eyed through the lores and acts to it, there a resemblences into the truths, and yet they are all so far from each other...

The Amarr Empire, i know i shouldent put them all under the same label, but its so hard, not only couse of my first very unpleasent first hand experience, but every time you deal with them or come in contact to them, they just have that superority complex based upon forces based upon theories that we cant ewen prove with logic or reason, it just makes no sense, im trying to understand but the more i look at it, its like they have this inner leap of faith, maybe in time there is some reason or logic to it, but i sure do not see it or can find proof to its existance... i can admire their dedication and conviction behind their ways, ewen as earlier stated its just blind faith, nothing you just cant prove, for now ill just stay away from them, just feel healthiest that way

The Minmatar, i cant say iwe done much research about these clan based states, though the little iwe read about them, they feel like it just been best to leave them to their own squabling inbetween, sort of feel the moment you try to intervene or stop them from squabel between themself, they will all gang up on you like a angry bee hive, and once their rage fit settled they will go back to squable abmong themself again... interesting people

The Caldari... There are many things about the Caldari i can understand, and logically their mega corporate based capitalism makes sense, though in all their ways of perfecting production, profit and stream lining every process, in a short term its true that their results and ways might look superior, but also you kill the very essence of inovation and change, inovation comesfrom the ability to question, ewen the lowest employe get their spark of genius and if their silenced and supressed from speaking out their mind, your structure ends up static, its perfect from the parameters set from the start but its only that and lacks it ability to grow, research, sience can only push you so far, specilisation and optimisation will in the end be the downfall to its own rigid and static system, its alittle shame the Gallante is at war with them, personally i think both could profit from their ways, i guess both are just to stuck up in their own ways...

The Gallante... im not sure where i should start, i could really ended up anywhere, though iwe been giving a chanse in Gallante, i can aprove alot with its moral wievs, ewen if alot of it is on paper, theory then in practice, coruption lingers within the system, but i guess its just one of those things with Democracy, a side effect to possibilities, a perfect thought, that brings a imperfect system, but a very dynamic one, in all its flaws its equally brilliant, its like a tree, it will keep growing, reacing for the sky and the stars, some branches wont reach as high as others, but as the trees keep growing, it will cull itself by its flexiable and imperfect ways... i like it, in its imperfect ways, its simply the best of many imperfect ways...

Ah well, enough ramblings, i think i shall fly to Dodixie and do some shopping, and spoil myself *blip*
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-12-28 06:58:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
114.12.25-114.12.28 "People aint nice to people, people are nice to money"

My trip to Dodixie, became a few days, after that i managed to aquire some well needed parts for my little organisatoin, i stumbled on a advertisment for a luxury retreat, and said and done, i was on my way, once there they ran security check up, and after some time i was able to land with my shuttle, i probably should have brought some other clouthes, once out of the pod suit, the thin cat suit i wore under did turn some heads, curious though, its a practical outfit... but oh my, i really can get used to being rich, the boulevard had store after store with amacing things from all ower the known universe, and probably the best and most luxurious brands were representd... after some hours of walking through the boulevards, i was gettng hungry, so thought id pick the fist place that cought my eyes, but as i was about to enter, this uniformed restorant guard stopped me, and looked at me strangly -"Miss at this establishment we do have a dress code" his tone was rather cold, but i wasent fully sure what he ment, but standing there for a few moments, i remembered what one of my dock workers said, people aint nice to people,their nice to money... so this said i handed him my galaxy isk card, considering those were only given to those that had a bilion isk, he took it with abit scepsis as he ran it though his arm pad, probably checking ii ower... he looked at me, at the display, at me again, and then his whole features changed, -"Do excuse me Miss Ivory", one moment and we will help you with some apropriate atire... it dident take long before a nice Lady dressed in some suit, she escourted me to a side room, aparently i probably wasent the only one that at time came under dressed, there was some holo displays, shifting through the latest fashions, we talked some and to be honest i was feeling lost, so i asked her what she thought id needed, it dident take long before she had several sets of really expensive dresses and gowns on display, i ended up buying them all, and choose to wear a little black gown, with some platinum jelwery set with some green stones... despite the rather cold first hand experience with the resturant guard, i loved it, the place was just fabulous, the service amacing, and the food, everything that was served on the menu, was real food, nothing synthetic, and the wines, deserts... i ate for hours, it did come with a rather big note at the end of it all, but hey, if you have this money why not enjoy it and live... after this amacing meal i took in the hotel that the resturant belonged to, with their own massage and spa, with beuty treatment, it was recomended after a long meal, so i took the full package, and comming out from it i felt really rejuvinated, i had about a two hours to get dressed in one of the gowns i had bought and then take the hower cab to the opera... four hours, and what four hours, i shall admitt i dident understand much of the play itself, but the music and the symphony of voices, in a presice mathematical harmony, you dident need to understand just close your eyes, and let the music harmonies drift you away... amacing... once back on my room at the hotel, i strugled about as much getting into the gown as getting out of it, it dident make sense to wear all those pieces, layers and lacings and other parts, highly unpractical, but it seems to be the fashion among the wealthy, so i guess ill do the same... for three days i lived like a princess, it did cost me several million isks, but it was great, i felt really rejuvinated, i ewen got alittle costumed to the dresses, im so helpfull they had hotell maids that helped you get dressed, otherwise would have taken me hours to get into them, and when i fianlly checked out, i felt alittle nude wearing my cat suit... but all things has come to an end
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-12-28 16:09:00 UTC
114.12.25-114.12.28 (contiuation)

During the days at the luxury resort, mingling with dignitaries, diplomates, coporate ceos from all corners of the universe, well i shouldent say mingling, i still feel very clumsy in social situations, but its been a good leason, and though my hightened mental and mathematical capabilities and understandings, i feel this is just nothing you cant solve with logic, the social code is just one of those things you need time and experience to understand... but at a few of the times when i tried to mingle i picked up on news, and many talked about the atrosities that been taken place at the city of Rilnais, im kinda stunned by the event, and though the acions done by the Coreli and the Serpentis is just plain vile, iwe been trying to look to what benefit they could have gained, now from other releases they claim they done it couse they wanted a certain rare herb, but then it feels kinda utterly stupid to destroy the infrastructure that produces this herb, not to mention, since most deam drugs illegal, you would think they wanted to act in the shadows, and avoid attention, i just cant understand or see the gain behind their as i see it sheer stupidity, in any case, i have got the news late, but iwe sent Mr Anderes Duellene of Combined Harvest, if and what aid, if they still need any, i could offer a Battle Cruiser, a Frigate and a Cargo Transport, maybe not the biggest contribution, but its what i can offer with my still limited resources, to a sense i feel alittle ashamed for the days in luxury, i just felt i had to do something... if and there is something good about this, is the fact that Amarrians, Caldarians, Minmatar and Gallanteans alike have offered their aid for the people of Rilnais, in all their squabling and fighting between each other, but this shows, if there is a will there is a way !
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-12-30 06:06:44 UTC
114.12.28-114.12.30 "A days work"

Comming back to Scolluzer after the few daysbreak, most of my crew and workers had gotten a paid leave as well, a few shi mechanics and engineers had been working around the clock on my Mackinaw, many Capsulers keep them self sealed off and isolated in their pods from rest of their ships crew, i wanted to install the possibility to be able to leave the pod while its operating, for many reasons, some is for the crews morale, and also to be able to iteract with them, something im still very lacking at, and work on not being blunt, direct and presice in my ways, its still abit strange how these social codes work, also its far more comfier to spend the long hours outside the pod while it mines...

And i sure have had time to take my ship and test the new changes... two average Hedbergite, Hemorphite and Jaspet gravmetrical finds, one of them i only got about half of the content before anouther explorer found it and soon yoined in... i flew down to Tar and Takaima systems, they are under the control of Concord but just on the border to Amarr space, aproacing the systems i got a inquiry from a Gallante border patrol, i felt alittle eerie about the whole thing, alittle as being watched ower your back... in any case i have no intentions to cross into Amarr space, but i do want the Kernite and Pyroxeres ore that some of the asteroids is composed off... the days best find though was the large hedbergite, hemorphite and jaspet grav site i found, those sites are so massive, i know i cant handle them myself, so its just logically to share them, i sent a call to other people in the Cas, Graham answeared and showed up in his Retriver, we managed to get most of the more valuble ore types before other showed up, on close estimations that site alone, netted me rouglhy 90-100mil in mixed raw ore, Graham felt odly happy, spoke that he owed me, i only pointed him to ore i couldent possibly manage in any case, and its not like i mined the ore for him, only pointed him to the place, but i guess im happy that hes happy...

While mining, most of my times been going ower my exploring logs, its massive amounts of information from my scanners to sort through, but i think i am on to something, i have earlier mentioned my suspishions about beings, maybe even civilisations that dwell into wormhole space, so while i have explored i have stayed near wormholes both on our side and briefly inside worm space, to filter through the wave length, my skills and knowledge isent good, yet, but i think i am on to something, there is signals, or atleast i think it is signals, that lays hidden in the background radiation in space, ill keep working on this, but for now i have anouther site to look into *blip*
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2013-01-07 00:40:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
114.12.30-115.01.07 "As time passes"

Its been awhile since i had the time to sit down to think and analyse the week that have passed... the new year operations was down to a minimum, mostly couse i gave most of the workers payed time off, also gave me alot of timeto catch up with logs and atrometrical data to decode, i cant say it dident give me anything new, but more data, gives more to compare and broadens the chanse of finding what im looking for... i also spent some time in a philosofical debate, it was more for my own amusement and understanding then anything else, though not that many, the debaters came from all corners of the universe, at times i found that the topic was somehow secondary then to prove others wrong, wich is rather contra productive... a Amarr woman Miss Mithra, did make me rather intrigued, her ability to use this form of philosophy is remarkable, its a interesting tool, but i find it to create as much issues as its trying to prove... in a sense like humans

My little Bureau is growing, iwe manufactured my first ship, a industrial class Iteron IV, and a few small ship components, but its still small scale, my refining operations has also grown, and that i have opened up anouther station of operation, means im starting to get short on people, mostly its easy to reqruit people in the Federation, mostly couse i seem to have got the liking of my employees, im not sure what i have done, but i find that my system works well, and content employess thats given the room to be inovative and creative performs better... I created a system, where after the basic work is done, i have calculated quata that needs to be done, and as long as it gets done after quality they all get their pay regardless of when its completed, it motivates my employess to comunicate and syncronice their work, i get the tasks done, they get their pay and at time ewen shorter work days, so everyone is happy, the importance is to set a realistic quata for each day...

As for my shortage of employess iwe been thinking of contacting the Disciples of Ston, i wont be able to take on that many, but is possible and their organisation think mine fits theirs, it be good to give these humans a chanse to start over and start to build their own lives... i have a few spots everything from simpler tasks to machine operaters ewen computor engineers if there e such people available... id definatly send an inquiry...

I also made a deal, wich hopefully will make my Bureau continue to grow, one thing iwe been sceptical about is sharing my finds, and i shall admit, some finds iwe done im holding back from my employers the federation, the destructive nature of humans, has made me wonder, all these emotions i lack, if its not for the better, we are such a chaotic race, though capable of such grand feats we can also do such horrible ones, i shall admitt i have had this eerie feeling about this, i think we call it being afraid, i just hope i dont catch these degenerate traits... as for the deal, a good deal of the minerals i produce, will be bought by someone i know, i could have earnt more by selling it to the open market, but now i know where and who will use it...

I have also aquired a Mymidon battlecruiser, she was salvaged from a battle and left for repair, but it suits me well, then i can repair her up and refit her as i want... Its more of second hand task, but if anything goes wrong its better to have a ship that can handle more dangerous operations, one of the reasons, is one of the happenings that transpired in a gravemetric site i had scanned down, it had a good deal of Hedbergite, Hemorphite and Jaspet, all three ore types is very rare to find in high security space, while i was there mining, a few serpente scouts got alittle bit to close, like most times, my rather advanced combat drones dident make them stand down, they attacked, and while their three frigates dident prove much of a threat, the next waves did, my shields were on the brink of depletion, when my good friend Gil from CAS managed to get to me, it was enough to make the remaning serpentis ships withdraw, i hope this is or was a just a unfortunate insident, as i wish to remain as neutral as possible in all the conflicts that exist...

Enough for now i need to get some sleep
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2013-01-11 13:27:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
114.01.07-115.01.11 "Riddles of past"

Off late i had noticed a slight less performance from my implants, nothing big and nothing that at the time felt alarming, but now as i sat with the data pad in my lap just back from a days regular medical check up, i looked back at the report from it... so many thoughts that rushed through my mind, also i felt a erie sensation i couldent place... aparently my body had started to reject the implants, they were not fully sure why this happened, they would work, but they would continue to work with less and less effiecancy and then eventually would need to be replaced, aparantly i have a very hightened imune system, wich might also suggest why i never had a cold or been ill since i was awakened, or the fact that i seem to feel the effects of alchol alot less... and this wasent all the bad news, i mean this was in asense good news, but the bad bad news was that after they learnt this, they did a check up off my clones, and aparantly their not stable, they cant explain why at this time... right now, with all this at hand, i need to give it all a big thought, what would be the best couse of action, the idea that if disaster strikes, and my ship gets blown up, and your sent to a non stable or ewen foulty clone, thats a rather unapealing thought

Duing the days that past iwe had alittle correspondance with the Disiples of Ston, i personally think this might be a good cooperation between to organisations, and everything has to start somewhere, i am abit reluctant to enploy to many at a time, its mostly for their sake, if they are a less percentage of my employess, they will be easier for them to get asimilated within the group, and the employees morale is important for me, their efficancy and inovative ability is higher when they are inspired to their tasks... but we will see how things proceed, nothing is ewer certain !

The contract with shipping minerals have turned out well, i estimate about 160000m3 of mixed Tritanium, Pyerite, Mexallon and Isogen been shipped to the designated location, and then to be transported to nullsec by other parties involved... i know i could have got more out of my minerals if i sold them on the open market, but know i know who and in for what couse it will be used

I looked back to the datapad in my lap, and that strange eerie feeling rushed ower me again, i sort of couldent let the thoughts go away, the many questions that lingered there, questions with out answears...

Enveloped in a sentiment,
a sound that rushes over me.
Engage an impulse to pretend
I have a faith as pure.
Not forgetting what it means to dream.
Indulging everything.
Entertaining thoughts that I've the strength
of those I yearn to be.
Cheers and tribute greet the saviours.
Reckless thoughts survive.
Anachronistic and impulsive.

And what will happen?
Will I dream?
I am too scared to close my eyes.
For a second please hold me.
None can change in me these things that I believe.
But I don't know what happens now.
I am too scared to close my eyes.
(vnv nation - legion)
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-01-19 20:23:54 UTC
114.01.011-115.01.19 "Cogs and wheels"

Getting a few moments for myself and my thoughts reflecting back ower the week that has past... Alot of my thoughts been on the medical report, i feel rather eerie about the whole thing, i feel or lean towards needing to set up my own bio tech research, just one of those things i hadent calculated on doing, but we will see, regardless something needs to be done, i would like to into Amarr space to explore, that how ever have its own complications, my benefactors dont want me, and i am not fully sure what Amarr patrol ships would do, so ya, no, maybe, we will see, i need more facts to the equations to many unknown variables...

All in all, my organisation is healthy and working well, the few new people i employed from Disciples of Ston, seem to work well in the organisation, and adapt well, we could probably have hired more, but taking in a few at a time, will make it easier for them to feel at home, also if this continues to work out as well as it look, ill promote one of them to organicer, their experience how transition been, is something they will know better then anyone, and it will help with new employees with similair background in the future...

Beside that, operations continues as normal, i have had a few inqueries of me shipping minerals to severals places, a few wich became contracts and terms agreable to both parts, one turned down since their coporation was in coporate war, though it be very lucrative, i explained that i rather stay out of conflicts directly, and as i put it, you wouldent want me as a neutral part ship minerals to their enemy either, but it looks promesing in the future so we will see what happens after the war... also one inquery was to fly into low security space, and at this time i dont do such orders, maybe in the future with a cloaked blokade runner, a few weeks and i should be able to fly one... 200mil wourth of minerals were sold on the open market at dodixee, i would like to sell my Mex there also, but i guess ill ship it to Caldari, they seem to pay better...

Im also been continuing my research around space resonance, and after going through all logs i have a interesting lead, i think i will equip a ship and investigate this further, if my calcualtions is right, it will take me into a worm
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2013-01-29 11:55:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
114.01.019-115.01.29 "Ties and Strife"

Last week and a few days been hectic to say the least, going through the everything in my mind, i am abit lost where to start in it all, alot of focus been put into getting ties with corporations dealing with science and research, three of them been giving fruit and some good dealing and exchange of ideas, one in particular been working out far better then i thought at first, Kaalakiota Corporation, but also my dealing with Roden Shipyards and Creo Dron is bearing fruit... most of the exchange of research been through my relentless work regarding subspace underlaying signals or resonance, but also some ideas around drone technology and artificial inteligence... I would like to open up some ties with one of the Amarr corporations that deal with science, but relations is abit frosty, not to mention that my benefactors the Gallante dont want me near their Empire...

Iwe been doing some more medical tests, they still cant understand or explain the small change in my DNA compared to a normal human, nor can they dublicate a stable clone of the original me, though a normal human clone seems to work, atleast all tests with a jump clone indicates this... I shall admitt being in a human clone is abit like suddenly being in control of a barge, so slow... to some extent this can be modified with implants since my original body seems to break or compensate to the status quo... wich is also abit of a issue... but hopefully in a few weeks i can set up my own bio tech lab, and then put more resources into this... for now though, just have to use a lesser me for dangerous operations...

The troubles with the serpentis is a ongoing issue, they been keeping harrasing mining operations and at times some of my distribution missions, but none of them really been a big issue, i got a brand new skiff, its yields alittle less profit but since its a very sturdy ship, it gives the best protection to its crew, and thats also important to me, and during their last operation within Osmomonne cluster, they got attacked, and this was not just your average frigates, it was a coordinated attack one battle cruiser, several cruiser and many frigates, the skiff managed to get out, and none of the crew were lost, but sadly a few got injurie to the massive amount of damage owerloding the shields and creating static discharges inside of the ship...

When the news reached me, i shall admitt i got one of those eerie sensations, and though i usuall want to avoid a fight, this was something more, they picked on my crews, and we cant have that... i gathered my pilots and crews in the main hangar, while the engineers were fitting and preparing my ships, CSS Phonix my myrmidon, CSS Taurus my brutix, and my five imicus CSE Will o Wisp, Hornet, Wasp, Firefly and Mosquito ... when they all got their instructions, the fleet undocked, i myself had taken command of CSS Taurus, mostly couse it would take most damage and subjected to most danger, but also simply couse i could command the ship alot better, in my state as capsular... as we got to the Osmomonne system, the plan was set into action...

CSS Phonix jumped in first at several 100km range from the asteroid belt, and as the scanners cleared from the warp, the serpentis vessels has taken up position around the belt, CSS Phonix, laid a line of sentry guns, and charged up the gauss guns, it did what i thought it would do, the serpentis vessels formed up and started to aproach... CCS Myrmidon, sent the coordinates to me, and i prepared to warp in hot, a Brutix, is a flying brick, its been fitted with blasters and as much armour plating and nano plating repairers... as soon as the coordinates were loaded i sent a general alert... The moment the warp cleared, and sensors started to work through the static, i had enemies all around, and the first thing that happened was a frigate ripping right in my side and exploded from the impact, taking out most of the shields, but i knew that could happen and it was a calculated risk, it broke up their formation, not to mention at same time the sentry guns and my CCS phonix opened up with their gauss guns... the chock effeck was in some sense beutifull, part of me felt sorry for all the loss of lives, but the scene around me with lasers, missiles, and frigate exploding in a myriad of colours all around, it was beutifull...

As the serpentis managed to recower from the hot drop, and their focused fire started to bear down on my ship, my shields gave down fairly quick, and soon i had to alocated almost all of the capacitors powers to keep the armour integrity up, it was abit alarming at the rate of extra batteries needed ... but CSS Taurus held its ground and its blasters were devasting at this close range... it was time for the last part in my plan, my five imicus had flanked around, and now launced their drones, at the same time i launced mine, again the swarm of drones that suddenly plunged into the fray ripping ships appart as they swarmed like locusts... The imicus themself kept formation at the flanks, and used gauss guns, to pick off damaged ships trying to escape or simple finish them off... It was enough to end the battle, their battle cruiser managed to escape, but all other ships were destroyed or crippled... at the moment the guns went silent, i sent the order for CST Donder, Cupid and Blitzen to come, they were three Iterons, one fitted as a medical ship... also one mesage was sent to Concord, as the serpentis pilots been picked up and treated, they would be turned ower to Concord...

All in all the operation turned out well, no human loss on my side, a few injuries but nothing serious, alot of drones were lost, and it will take a few days to get CSS Taurus up to full efficancy, she did take quite the beating today !
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2013-02-07 16:21:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
115.01.29-115.02.07 "Twinkle tinkle little star"

In the time that been, there been alot of paper and beurocratic work regarding the Serpentis battle in Osmomonne, im not fully sure what it is all about, but after handing ower the captured pilots to concord there been alot of inquireris about what happened, thir numbers, ships, and the battle cruiser that got away, im glad though thats its all ower, and hopefully my employes will be left alone... to be sure or to strengthen my security forces, anouther Myrmidon battle cruiser been purchased and fitted with the latest Caldari shield technologies, also a friend in CAS, Hel, set up and manufactured a rattlesnake battleship in one of his yards, the later, will be my personal flagship, CSS. Tinkerbell... Shields and drones, a very flexiable mix, and the good ties with some Caldari corps allowed me some very good caldari thechnologies, and the use of drones, i like alot, they can be used for so many wapure combat, salvaging, mining, and some can be used a counter measure, a good drone boat can break any lock with a few ewar drones, and escape safely...

As for science, some of yoint cooperation been discusion and working on cloak and counter cloak techniques, the teories around it is rather simple, to dummiefie things down and explain things down, if you take a big bed sheath and streatch it out... then roll a iron ball along the sheeth, you will notice a bump in the sheeth where the ball rolls and the bump in the sheeth will follow the iron ball where ewer it rolls along the sheeth.... and that is exactly what happens with space around a object of mass, any object of mass will create a "bump" or will fold space around it, the issues is since all objects do it, from the smallest pebble, wich is diminuative, to a star, that will affect things on a more grand scale... but the interesting fact is, a cloaked ship you cant see, so if you combine two searches... one for objects off Mass, and one for where space is affected by a objected that effect space... conclusion, if you have a bump in space, but sensors cant pick up a object there... its very likely you have a cloaked ship there... that is the theory atleast

My cooperation with Ishukone and Kaalakiota coperations, i think have had some unlike from some off the authorities, i have had some people from Federal inteligence, wanting to look at the exchange of knowledge and projects thats been exchanged, it havent been said, but i can to some point feel their dislike but on the other hand, i work equally with Creo don and Roden shipyards, and the gain is there for all four sides... so far its just theoretical and signal and scanning theories, but like most things civilian, it allways borders to military aplications...

as for other things, i got into some big trouble, three sancha frigates and a cruiser attacked me when i was doing some mining tasks, luckilly i was in my skiff, CSL. Lady Aurora... those ships were nothing like anything i ewer encountered before, but skiffs massive shields strengthened by caldari technology held up well, but i whitdrew to safety, and called in some help from other CAS pilots, about twenty minutes later a Gila and a Hurricane came to my aid, and helped me carry out the mission... Hel, got in some problem the next day, but several CAS pilots rushed to his aid and managed to get him out of harms way... i really like the comunity and cooperation within CAS, we are all independent contractors, but when one gets in trouble, many off us will rally to the persons aid, or at other times, team up in more organiced fleets if its needed...
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2013-02-18 15:52:05 UTC
115.02.07-115.02.18 "A brief reflextion"

Leaning back and taking a sip of the newly brewed tea, it been some very good weeks that have passed, and i shall admitt, abit long since i last got the time to reflect on things... almost all of my time been spent in the state of late, and im happy with the progress and cooperation with kaalakiota, Ishukone and Lai dai corporation, while most of it been research and science, iwe also decided to take on a few more humanitarian tasks, mostly couse the shape some parts of the state is in... The Caldari are both easy to work with, and so hard, the good side is that they base alot of around result, but their also very cautious around autsiders, not to mention any Gallante, though i shall admit im not sure they know how and where they shall place me, i am a anomaly, and so far iwe tried to act and pick up how things are done in the state, i am after all in their home... Since i agreed to use my transport fleet for humanitarian efforts, and run relief supply to planets that been suffering from pirates, and the unstable reality the State is in, it helped alot to atleast be more accepted, but iwe been very clear, that i wont run weapons or the like, only things that can be considered civilian...

Among the many humanitarian missions run within the State, iwe used several off my Iteron class transports CST. Pranser, Dasher, Blitzen and Cupid, and iwe escourted them with my battleship CSS. Tinkerbell and my two battlecruisers, CSS. Pheonix and CSS. Raven... a few times Gurista pirates have tried to intercept the shipments, but so far they been backed down before my heavy escourt wing, wich i am glad for, i am still abit mixed about these shipments, i might get the food and medical aid to the planets in need, question is how much of the aid that reaches the population that really needs it...

As for the war between the Federatio and the State, there is alot of wrongs done on both sides, and i will avoid getting entangled in it as much as i can, that said, no matter what you do, ewen a civilian act on one side, will have a effect that ripples though and in some way affects the big picture of things, its just a calculated equation in the end... i do hope though ther will be peace, and that the luminare system can be shared...
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2013-02-20 21:02:47 UTC
115.02.18-115.02.20 "Guristas blokade"

Having established exelent standing with the Kaalakiota and Ishukone corporations, my latest effortsand dealing been mostly focused with the Lai Dai corporation, beside the science and research oriented exchange, iwe been helping out with getting food and medecines to planets that been affected by the turmoil that shaking the state, and many pirate organisations is trying to take advantage of the situation...

Operating from Nuken in the Forge system, i was asked by Miss Nesenoilen, if i could help out with delicate problem, apparently a well armed fleet of Gurista Pirates been blokading a planet in the outskirts of the system, and made it impossible to get food and medecines through, and situation on the planet where on the brink of getting critical, and worse were that a influenca had broken out... this put me in a delicate situation, normally this should been a task for the State or the corporate ships to handle, but with the situation resources were not available at moment, as they were tied up else where, wich in essence put me in a situation where i would indirectly aid the state military, but on the other hand, this was clearly a mission of mercy to aid civilians, so i accepted with the following conditions, i would not accept any payment for agreing to do this, then id not be a hired mercenary, it be just a task of mercy for those civilians of the plant to get relief aid, Miss Nesenoilens looked at me like so many others had done at times, and there were along silence...

I had called in five of my Iteron class transports, CST. Pranser, Dasher, Blitzen and Vixen, the last one CST. Cupid were set up as a medical ship... I also took my rattlesnake battleship, CSS. Tinkerbell, and my two myrmidon battlecruisers, CSS. Pheonix and Raven... as the fleet been loaded to the brink we left Nuken and set course for the planet at hand... as we finally dropped out of warp, far from the plant, and the scanners started gathering information, i read 12battlecruisers, 6cruisers, and 18frigates... they were spread out in three formations to be able to intercept any ships aproaching the planet, i gave the Myrmidons, the order to set up a defensive position with sentries around the transports, and stay and guard them... as for myself, i activated the after burner and lay the coarse for the closest formation of ships...

It was clear we been spotted and signals was being transmitted from the battlegroup i was aproaching, one of the other Gurista battlegroups was speeding towards us from behind the first, at 200km i sent a message, that they should should lift their blokade of the planet and retreat off the system, the call was ignored... i sent a general allert through the ship, and activated me battleships shields, CSS. Tinkerbell, had tripple reinforced shield layers, with dual phasing multi hardeners, tripple core shield regenrators, that was supported by a quad diagnostic system... afterburners were pressing my ship to the maximum, i wanted to get in on point blank range as fast as possible, at 60km their four battlecruisers opened up with a barage of missiles... and as they impacted on my shields, it was like being inside of a inferno of fire, the shields integrity was barly scratched, but it was a beutifull sight to see the fires that danced around my ship...

The missiles kept hailing towards my ship, at 40km the two cruisers yoined the battlecruisers in their barrage, analysing the systems, the shield were down to 95% strength, and weakening slowely, i did a few adaption to the subroutines to better alocate power... their 5frigates had been circling to make a outflanking manuver but were aprox 100km out, i locked one battlecruiser that had most comunication from it, and also locked several frigates into the targetting computor, and activated my target painter on the battlecruiser, and reaching 30km, i released my first volley of torpedoes, unlike their fire, my volley ripped into the battlecruiser with devastating effect, its shield and a good portion of its armour was gone in the first volley...
Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2013-02-20 21:03:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
At this range several of their ships, started fireing beam weapons, lasers, that was something that was a new parameter in the equation and something i hadent forseen, my shields were well phased for all types of damage, but it did put further strain on my shields that were now down to 85% strength, the frigates had been closing in fast on the flank and were only 40km away, i released my goblins on the already prelocked frigates, and one frigate got almost instantly ripped apart by them, i released anouther volley at the already damaged battlecruiser, its effect were devasting, it exploded at 20km range... as it exploded i analysed the force of the explosion, i had to end this battle fast, i dident want to take on the entire force of them at once, beside these ships were armed better then was normal, and laser armaments... i locked the third battlecruiser into the targetting computor, while steering my battelship right for the second battlecruiser... my shields were down to 80%, my drones been taking care of the frigates, and they been sent running... i sent a collsion alarm through the ship as my battleship crashed right into the side of the long narrow second battlecruiser, the explosion the follow, ripped through my ship, making my volley of torpedoes miss the third battlecruiser, and almost halved my shields, down to 50%...

Though with the second battlecruiser down, the frigates on the run and my goblins having ripped a cruiser apart, my shields, stated gaining in srength and with a volley of torpedoes taking out the last battlecruisers shields, they started breaking of from combat, and the group that were on intercept coarce, broke off and started warping off... anouther cruiser got cripled by my drones, and my last volley almost crippled the last battlecruiser before they also managed to warp out of combat... relif was on the way for the planet

As i gave the command for the CSS. Pheonix and Raven to escourt the Iterons to the planet and unload the food and medecines, i gave the call for CST. Cupid to pick up any surviors from the battle... they would off course be turned ower to the Lai Dai corporation afterwards, despite them being pirates, no one deserved to be left to die in space... also i did some scanning of the wrecks and salvaging of the ships destroyed and crippled, and i shall admitt i were abit questioning about the beam weapons that been used by the Guristas, though nothing of proof that can tie these weapons to their orgins, you cant but to start to ask yourself who would gain on this ?... in any case as there is no proof at this moment, the equation isent solvable at this point !
Lydia vanPersie
Ronin ONE
Ronin Reloaded
#19 - 2013-02-20 23:33:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Lydia vanPersie
I am truly impressed by the amount of rubbish CAS graduates are able to put out. You're no longer being given course credit, so you don't have to spend 80 words on every time you sneeze.


Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2013-04-29 02:57:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
115.02.20-115.04.29 "reflections of time past"

Its been quite the time since i had the time to reflect on everything that has happened ower the two months since i last made a personal log, i cant say iwe been sick, since i so far havent been ill, so cant blame sneezings for updating my journal, more cought up in things, and it sure been a eventfull time, im pondering on where to start really...

One of the major happenings during this time was the events around caldari prime and what resluted in the desctruction of the State Titan, it was a stalemate between the Federation and the State that had to be broken eventualy, there were better options, but the outcome of it, were atleast something, both parts could accept, The federation dident abandon its people, and the State got their home back, atleast partly, its a start and i hope it can lead to better ties between the state and the federation... my own personal involment been modest, i did manage to fill up a Iteron class IV with relief aid to the people of Caldari prime, a effort that was organiced and contributed to by both people on either side...

That led me to the limited faction war that been going on between the State and the Federation, there seems to be a will for some sort of limitation of it, atleast by the more organiced parts, although i fear its hard to contain it, since there are so many unafiliated combatants that seems to just wish to fight for the fightings sake, wich must be a real headache for those trying to broker any type of settlements, though i am sort of posetive, though i cant say i really know the people on either side, both seem to have some reasonable people... the Federation just need to leave the State alone, its really that simple, they just wish to live according to their own ways... and frankly its what is needed right now, the State need to solve their internal social unrest, and neither should or really can help them, it probably be worse to interfere then to let them sort their own storm themself...

Anouther tragic event of late was the shooting that resulted in a majority of Minmaatar deaths but also Federation casulties... what been complicating the matter is that it happened on Federation soil and the shooter been aprehended by the Federation, what seems to complicate this is that a very high ranking Minmaatar diplomat was severly injuried... the Republic has asked for the shooter to be turned ower to them, wich to my knowledge been denied, so things are to say the least tense around this insident, and the Federation isent exactly fast to handle things, first it needs to be examined, and then reexamined and then taken to a comitee that will debate it, and then turn it ower to a fourth instance, perhaps its not exactly like that, but at times the Federation seems to love to complicate things in a beurocratic way... In anycase i hope the Republic will be invited to be part of the trials and justice process !...

As for myself, the early part of this time i spent in Federation space aiding Rhoden Shipyards and Duval Labratories, but the later half iwe been in State space, aiding the Sisters of Eve, but also alot of time been spent with Lai Dai corporation, partly flying supplies and non military resources to planets that been hit by the unrest, but also some patroling against pirates, there been a few insidents where they dident back down, i have aproached them with missile doors open, and drones launced, they can see the weapons and shields i bring, the calculations done, the choise is theirs !... Iwe also establiched a more deapher research and design exchange with Lai Dai, Eletronic Engineering... at times its very relaxing to work with people from the State, things are non complicated, you eye the contract ower, discuss it, and if both parts agree, you sign it

I wish i could have spent more time searching for my own roots, where i come from, and who i really am, its one of those things that is allways lurking in the back of my head, like a unkown factor in a equation... though i have given the Jove a thought, and what puzzles me is what do we really know about them, what we know, is that what they alow us to know, and is that the full truth ?... i mean they have small corporations or stations within the empires, and ships come and go and they seem to do buisness, i mean i delivered goods to them, still, its like they deal with their own things,and JOve ships been seen comming and leaving, so they have access to their closed of space... closed off for us, but not for them... wich makes me go back in history and speculate... how much of this disease is true, how severe is it, i mean we know they fought a war with the Amarr, but fact is, ewen if the Jove did win, the Amarr managed to take out a fairly lot of small frigates, wich means their not invinsible, the logical thought speculation is... what if the Jove actually fabrciated alot of this disease and sealed themself off so they can seculde themself or ewen prepare, i mean if i you got attacked wouldent you wish to preapre insecresy so you could have assets if a upcomming second attack came, and we have no idea what really goes on in Jove space, id very much would like to tag or follow the warp residues from a Jove vessel that docks at one of their stations, it be interesting to see how it makes its way into Jove space, but for now, im no sure it be wise to meddle in these things, i know im fairly smart, having learnt what most humans learn in their entire life, iwe learnt in my three and a half years iwe been consious, the Jove do have superior technology, ah well we will see where this goes...

Its been good to make a log again, hopefully there wont be negative static again !