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Dev blog: The Retribution of Team Super Friends

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The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#1121 - 2012-10-24 17:15:09 UTC
I approve of all monument/stars turning into pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns. Please..make it so.
Sight Picture
#1122 - 2012-10-24 20:06:41 UTC
In the hopes an answer can be provided:

Will killrights be reset for Retribution along with bounties? Or will kill rights from pre-Retribution still be valid after it's release?
CCP Tallest
C C P Alliance
#1123 - 2012-10-25 11:06:17 UTC
Reticle wrote:
In the hopes an answer can be provided:

Will killrights be reset for Retribution along with bounties? Or will kill rights from pre-Retribution still be valid after it's release?

CCP Tallest wrote:
Gogela wrote:
So if you get ganked in empire and have a 30 day killright on someone a day before the winter patch, will that disappear with the new killrights-purchasing system?

Kill rights created before the patch will exist after the patch and will use the new kill right functionality.

[b]★ EVE Game Designer ★ ♥ Team Super Friends ♥[/b]

CCP Paradox
#1124 - 2012-10-25 13:40:03 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
Roime wrote:
Modular Work

New modules are much less of a focus this time around for team Super Friends, but there are a few things here we’re doing:

Adjust the ASB to be more reasonable. The ASB is a little on the strong side right now. We want to adjust that while maintaining the overall functionality of the module.
Micro Jump Drive. The classic ‘blink’ ability, allowing ships to maneuver around the battlefield in a new way (with some hefty limitations of course) . We’ll try to get this out on a test server as soon as we can. It’s still some weeks away, but stay tuned.
Salvage Drone. As the name implies, this is a drone. That salvages. Need I say more? Ok, a bit. This is a small drone. It’s a bit worse at salvaging than the modules, but has the advantage of course of having longer range while saving precious slot. Again, we’ll get this out on a test server as soon as it is ready.

Cool stuff, but what about the Reactive Armor Hardener?

Also removal of active armor tanking rig penalties and buffing rep amount of medium and large armor reppers should be considered high priority.

Once SoniClover is back from GDC, I will make sure to ask him about the Reactive Armor Hardener.

Update to this for those interested, please check out the Duality feedback thread:
Team Super Friends - Bounty Hunting Feedback & Much more

And be sure to check Duality out!:
Duality Open Period - 26/10 to 30/10

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

Ogopogo Mu
#1125 - 2012-10-25 21:59:01 UTC
This pool thing looks familiar.

This makes me happy that something is finally happening, and I'd like to talk with the CSM whom I chatted for hours about the proposal when I posted it in one of his threads, and thank him for his work.

This makes me sad, because that CSM was Vile Rat.

Free Imperial Vikings
#1126 - 2012-10-26 09:15:27 UTC

It suddenly occurred to me: Can this be exploited
If you have a nice high bounty on your head, join faction warfare, and have a friend in an opposing faction shoot you down in a fully insured ship.

He will then get faction LP for killing you, AND 20% of the ship value.
So the question is: Can faction LP + 20% of the ship value pay the cost for the insurance fee?
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#1127 - 2012-10-26 11:42:42 UTC
Apologies if asked in advance - if a 'bountied' target is killed in high sec 'illegally', are bounties still paid?

Also what happens if concord are involved in the kill of a live bounty target?
TWHC Assistant
#1128 - 2012-10-26 20:12:06 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Alexander Renoir wrote:
@ Punkturis please try to answer:
Why do you at CCP think that it would be a good idea to implement a new anonymous tool to be able to harass players, who never ever did criminal acts to others?

DevBlog wrote:

[...] bounties can now be placed on anyone, we’re removing the -1 security standing requirement currently in the bounty system.

Why this? Someone who never played offensive and just wants to play WITHOUT beeing a pirat, ganker or a$$hole and just wants to fly his missions, build ships or mines will now get bountys. WHY?
You state that:

CCP Punkturis wrote:

I don't see how that's different than just ganking him over and over without the bounty?

When there is no diference .. why this option to anonymous griefe a person with a positive security rating with bounty who never did criminal acts?
I never did criminals acts because I never wanted a bounty! Now every player is able to add an bounty to me although I never did harm him/her.

I thought that the bounty system is administrated from CONCORD; the police in EVE. But now even good players will get bounties just for fun. THAT makes no sense.
Keep the option to place bountys to REAL CRIMINALS with negative security rating .. not to someone who never played like an a$$hole!

I believe (I have faith!) that people will mostly be putting bounties on people that annoy them, not just random people in local.. you can be a pretty annoying forum poster but a nice person in game so you might want to place bounty on that guy

I think that if you're a nice person in general people are going to leave you alone

that said, there are of course mean people that'll suicide gank anyone, with or without bounties

but I'll also point out I'm not a game designer, I'm just a brogrammer Big smile

Only for the sake of arguing, why would one want to throw good ISKs after an annoying forum poster? Annoying forum posters should be taken care of by your moderators. Don't make us police annoying forum posters. Ugh
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#1129 - 2012-10-27 19:09:07 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
Roime wrote:
Modular Work

New modules are much less of a focus this time around for team Super Friends, but there are a few things here we’re doing:

Adjust the ASB to be more reasonable. The ASB is a little on the strong side right now. We want to adjust that while maintaining the overall functionality of the module.
Micro Jump Drive. The classic ‘blink’ ability, allowing ships to maneuver around the battlefield in a new way (with some hefty limitations of course) . We’ll try to get this out on a test server as soon as we can. It’s still some weeks away, but stay tuned.
Salvage Drone. As the name implies, this is a drone. That salvages. Need I say more? Ok, a bit. This is a small drone. It’s a bit worse at salvaging than the modules, but has the advantage of course of having longer range while saving precious slot. Again, we’ll get this out on a test server as soon as it is ready.

Cool stuff, but what about the Reactive Armor Hardener?

Also removal of active armor tanking rig penalties and buffing rep amount of medium and large armor reppers should be considered high priority.

Once SoniClover is back from GDC, I will make sure to ask him about the Reactive Armor Hardener.

And CCP delivers (from Duality build notes):

Reactive Armor Hardener
Skill (Armor Resistance Phasing) now reduces cap need by 5% per level in addition to reducing cycle time.
Percentage change per cycle is now 6 instead of 3 (so resistances shift twice as fast).


Starts to look very interesting!


Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1130 - 2012-10-29 00:29:52 UTC
Damn this looks cool to bad for some wanted people that loves to hide..... But still its cool Lol
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1131 - 2012-10-30 01:54:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Esterot
What about connecting the kill rights system and the bounty system. So that rather than other players paying to use the kill right, the carebear would pay another player or corporation to execute the kill right, with the payment only being received when the offending player is destroyed and the amount of total loss is equal to or greater than the payment.
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#1132 - 2012-10-30 16:52:59 UTC
This just hit me. If you can bounty a corp or alliance. will this flow into Dust when its out? Will a duster killing a bountied corp duster make more isk?
Vincent Athena
#1133 - 2012-11-02 17:31:19 UTC
Esterot wrote:
What about connecting the kill rights system and the bounty system. So that rather than other players paying to use the kill right, the carebear would pay another player or corporation to execute the kill right, with the payment only being received when the offending player is destroyed and the amount of total loss is equal to or greater than the payment.

You can sort of do that now with the new system. Set the killright to a low cost, or even free, and place a bounty on the target. The bounty hunter can activate the killright and blast away.

My questions: If someone with a bounty on them is being shot by concord, and I also shoot and do a little damage but concord does the killshot, do I get the bounty? Right now I believe I get credit for the kill.

If a bunch of gankers all start shooting a target and they all got bounties on them; could they each devote one gun to shooting one other member of their fleet, so each fleet member gets credit for a kill and a bounty? If so, it would do two things: Reduce the cost of ganking by 20% (paid for by previous gank victims who set the bounties) and help clear the bounty.

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Vin Cornelius
Gallente Federation
#1134 - 2012-11-03 14:21:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Vin Cornelius
As I read that you're going to remove the -1 security standig requirement, I thought immediately something would go wrong in the game.
I think that system would damage only new and weaker players, maybe player whose choice was to get into mining or into business or everything but the military career.
For example, if one is in a mining fleet and someone wants to gank or to steal his and his friends ore or ice, with this new bounty method he simply has to put a bounty on one or more of the fleet members and he and his freinds can safely shoot every ship in the fleet legally and steal everything.
I think this is a kind of legalized ganking.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#1135 - 2012-11-03 14:23:54 UTC
It's like you didn't fathom the mechanics behind the bounty system, since the bounty system doesn't allow you to steal or shoot anything from anyone.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Lieam Thellere
The CodeX Alliance Executive Holdings Corporation
The CodeX Alliance
#1136 - 2012-11-03 14:31:29 UTC
Vin Cornelius wrote:
As I read that you're going to remove the -1 security standig requirement, I thought immediately something would go wrong in the game.
I think that system would damage only new and weaker players, maybe player whose choice was to get into mining or into business or everything but the military career.
For example, if one is in a mining fleet and someone wants to gank or to steal his and his friends ore or ice, with this new bounty method he simply has to put a bounty on one or more of the fleet members and he and his freinds can safely shoot every ship in the fleet legally and steal everything.
I think this is a kind of legalized ganking.

You've misread a few features. First, having a bounty does not mean just anybody can legally shoot you. Unless someone has a killright on you, any attacks in Hisec will still get the ganker killed by security forces. Miners, pretty much by definition, will never be giving anyone killrights against them. Kinda hard to attack someone in a mining barge. Cool

Second, even if there were a killright available, the ganker would have to pay for the right to legally attack the miner. I doubt gankers are going to bother; suicide ganking is easier and more cost-effective. Further, putting a bounty on a miner means the ganker is paying other people to destroy/kill the miner. Not likely to happen.

Removing the -1 security requirement on bounties just means that you can pay others to kill someone, whether you're a miner or pirate scum.Pirate
TWHC Assistant
#1137 - 2012-11-04 10:04:36 UTC  |  Edited by: TWHC Assistant
How will bounties work in combination with war declarations and mercenaries?

An example:

Corporation "Astros" is a group of miners with low fighting skills. They receive a bounty of 1B ISK onto their corporation.
Corporation "Bountyhunters" now declare war on "Astros" to cash in on the bounty, having little to no losses and easy money.
Corporation "Astros" opens the war for allies and finds a group of mercenaries to fight for them and so a new corporation "Mercs" enters into the war.

Does the corporation "Astros" still need to lose ships in order to get rid of the bounty even when corporation "Mercs" is losing ships in this war and are fighting for them?
Lieam Thellere
The CodeX Alliance Executive Holdings Corporation
The CodeX Alliance
#1138 - 2012-11-04 11:05:08 UTC
IIRC, there's a time limit on bounties. Any uncollected ISK reverts to the person who put up the bounty at the end of that time.
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1139 - 2012-11-09 14:30:42 UTC  |  Edited by: MatthewMN
What's to stop a neut alt from killing there own char over and over to get paid?

Or Corp Mates/Alliance Mates that have bounties on them?

Seems like an easy way to get rich to me.

I may have missed something, but to me it seems like if my corp/alliance had a bounty, I'd drop from corp with one of my alts and just shoot myself.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#1140 - 2012-11-09 18:12:35 UTC
MatthewMN wrote:
What's to stop a neut alt from killing there own char over and over to get paid?

Or Corp Mates/Alliance Mates that have bounties on them?

Seems like an easy way to get rich to me.

I may have missed something, but to me it seems like if my corp/alliance had a bounty, I'd drop from corp with one of my alts and just shoot myself.

The bounty payout is based on the value of the ship destroyed, and it only pays out a fraction of that value.

Imagine if someone has a 1b isk bounty.

If you blow them up when they are in a Talos (worth 100m isk), the bounty paid out would be 20m isk. They would still have 980m in bounty on there head. To remove that bounty, you have to destroy 5x the isk value of the bounty... So, you can destroy 5b in their stuff, get paid 1b in the process, and pickup the loot... In short, while you can eliminate the bounty on your head this way... it's going to cost you a lot of time and isk to do so....