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Proposal: Higher Penalties for High Security Space Attacks (Ganks)

First post
Sirhan Blixt
Goonswarm Federation
#41 - 2011-10-19 07:09:39 UTC
Roldanus wrote:
In some cases you picked the wrong Corps as allies. You are definitely building a bad reputation.

I found the troll.
Black Anvil Industries
#42 - 2011-10-19 13:11:14 UTC
Sirhan Blixt wrote:
Roldanus wrote:
In some cases you picked the wrong Corps as allies. You are definitely building a bad reputation.

I found the troll.

Nope, unfortunately is not a Troll what you ve found.
Get used to it-
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2011-10-19 16:25:19 UTC
Absolutely 100% with the OP on this one. Piracy and ganking should be hard. High Security space should be secure not total anarchy like it is now.

Gank and get insurance at all. Drop below a certain sec status get actively popped by Concord for entering High Sec. Rats should give less of a sec increase to pirates. The lower the sec status the harder it is and longer it takes to get it back up. Ganking someone should give the ganked longer kill rights on the ganker than this joke of 15 minutes. Lets try a week and go from there. A sec status of -5 or lower should allow any player to actively kill you with no reprecaution from Concord.

Bounties for all!

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#44 - 2011-10-19 18:36:38 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
Absolutely 100% with the OP on this one. Piracy and ganking should be hard. High Security space should be secure not total anarchy like it is now.

My corporation is at war with three alliances and one corporation. I move through known staging systems of these organizations on a regular basis. If I'm able to move about in highsec with that kind of ease, it is FAR from anarchy.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Mortis vonShadow
Balanaz Mining and Development Inc.
#45 - 2011-10-19 18:51:40 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
Absolutely 100% with the OP on this one. Piracy and ganking should be hard. High Security space should be secure not total anarchy like it is now.

Gank and get insurance at all. Drop below a certain sec status get actively popped by Concord for entering High Sec. Rats should give less of a sec increase to pirates. The lower the sec status the harder it is and longer it takes to get it back up. Ganking someone should give the ganked longer kill rights on the ganker than this joke of 15 minutes. Lets try a week and go from there. A sec status of -5 or lower should allow any player to actively kill you with no reprecaution from Concord.

Here is some real sound advice, learn to PVP. If you need lessons, get in a low cost tech I frigate, fly to parses and look me up. I'm a hisec miner with a background in pvp, I will be glad to show you the ins and outs, no charge, no humiliation, just what I know about it. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst either. And I'll be more than glad to help you learn.

Some days you're the bug, and some days your the windscreen.                   And some days, you're just a man with a gun.

Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2011-10-19 19:00:29 UTC
Mortis vonShadow wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
Absolutely 100% with the OP on this one. Piracy and ganking should be hard. High Security space should be secure not total anarchy like it is now.

Gank and get insurance at all. Drop below a certain sec status get actively popped by Concord for entering High Sec. Rats should give less of a sec increase to pirates. The lower the sec status the harder it is and longer it takes to get it back up. Ganking someone should give the ganked longer kill rights on the ganker than this joke of 15 minutes. Lets try a week and go from there. A sec status of -5 or lower should allow any player to actively kill you with no reprecaution from Concord.

Here is some real sound advice, learn to PVP. If you need lessons, get in a low cost tech I frigate, fly to parses and look me up. I'm a hisec miner with a background in pvp, I will be glad to show you the ins and outs, no charge, no humiliation, just what I know about it. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst either. And I'll be more than glad to help you learn.

Ive spent years in nullsec and currently live in WH space. I hardly need PvP practice. And that is hardly the issue. Good luck firing back from your hauler or mining barge. You think pirates target the first Tengu they see so they can get the kill and 20 mill in loot? No...they target haulers with valuable cargo in which they can make more money than what they lose from thier Concorded ship.

HighSec stands for "High Security" which its not. It isn't "secure" if the killer is able to get in and kill someone. High sec is supposed to be the place the new people go and carebears can do thier thing in relative safety. As it stands right now there is no safety at all.

Bounties for all!

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2011-10-19 19:06:59 UTC
Roldanus wrote:
In some cases you picked the wrong Corps as allies. You are definitely building a bad reputation.

You wanna know the best part?

We don't give a **** what you pubbies think. Cool
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2011-10-19 19:10:20 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
HighSec stands for "High Security" which its not. It isn't "secure" if the killer is able to get in and kill someone. High sec is supposed to be the place the new people go and carebears can do thier thing in relative safety. As it stands right now there is no safety at all.

HighSec stands for "High Security", which it is. It does NOT stand for "Total Security", which some people seem to think they are entitled to.
Mortis vonShadow
Balanaz Mining and Development Inc.
#49 - 2011-10-19 19:19:15 UTC
Feligast wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
HighSec stands for "High Security" which its not. It isn't "secure" if the killer is able to get in and kill someone. High sec is supposed to be the place the new people go and carebears can do thier thing in relative safety. As it stands right now there is no safety at all.

HighSec stands for "High Security", which it is. It does NOT stand for "Total Security", which some people seem to think they are entitled to.


Some days you're the bug, and some days your the windscreen.                   And some days, you're just a man with a gun.

Black Anvil Industries
#50 - 2011-10-19 22:48:32 UTC
Mortis vonShadow wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
Absolutely 100% with the OP on this one. Piracy and ganking should be hard. High Security space should be secure not total anarchy like it is now.

Gank and get insurance at all. Drop below a certain sec status get actively popped by Concord for entering High Sec. Rats should give less of a sec increase to pirates. The lower the sec status the harder it is and longer it takes to get it back up. Ganking someone should give the ganked longer kill rights on the ganker than this joke of 15 minutes. Lets try a week and go from there. A sec status of -5 or lower should allow any player to actively kill you with no reprecaution from Concord.

Here is some real sound advice, learn to PVP. If you need lessons, get in a low cost tech I frigate, fly to parses and look me up. I'm a hisec miner with a background in pvp, I will be glad to show you the ins and outs, no charge, no humiliation, just what I know about it. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst either. And I'll be more than glad to help you learn.

Thanks dude. Appreciated.
Nevrtheless this is not the point of the post.
Just think about the pilots trying to mine ICE inhigh sec that do not want to do multiboxing and they have personal mining embargoes from griefing corps like Goons making the gameplay very boring. I would at least expect to receive a war dec. Ganking a Mackinaw in high sec is just an abuse of isk capacity and gameplay flaws helping griefers.
If thy are bold enough to dec there are good enough miners that are able to sustainan honorable dogfight.
It depends on skills and balls, i believe that today miners that PVP have more than many griefers, recent statistics in ship losses proves my point.
Miners are not afrid of pvp. We will never be.
Ice Fire Warriors
#51 - 2011-10-19 23:33:03 UTC
Roldanus wrote:
Ganking a Mackinaw in high sec is just an abuse of isk capacity and gameplay flaws helping griefers.
If thy are bold enough to dec there are good enough miners that are able to sustainan honorable dogfight.

[... snip... ]

Miners are not afrid of pvp. We will never be.

Uhhhhh... what? Every "hardcore miner" I've ever met has been "afraid" of ship to ship combat (even in a well-skilled, fully-fit combat ship).

Also consider that gankers don't declare war because as soon as a "carebear corp" gets the notification, they all leave and wait for the declaration to end. Suicide ganking is on of the few ways to go after people who you KNOW will "corp-hop."
Black Anvil Industries
#52 - 2011-10-19 23:39:14 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Roldanus wrote:
Ganking a Mackinaw in high sec is just an abuse of isk capacity and gameplay flaws helping griefers.
If thy are bold enough to dec there are good enough miners that are able to sustainan honorable dogfight.

[... snip... ]

Miners are not afrid of pvp. We will never be.

Uhhhhh... what? Every "hardcore miner" I've ever met has been "afraid" of ship to ship combat (even in a well-skilled, fully-fit combat ship).

Also consider that gankers don't declare war because as soon as a "carebear corp" gets the notification, they all leave and wait for the declaration to end. Suicide ganking is on of the few ways to go after people who you KNOW will "corp-hop."

Well, i guess some griefers are being victims of some carebear power lately.
Keep doing your best!
Next time youd rather be bold enough todo some incursions instead.
Sirhan Blixt
Goonswarm Federation
#53 - 2011-10-19 23:46:55 UTC
Feligast wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
HighSec stands for "High Security" which its not. It isn't "secure" if the killer is able to get in and kill someone. High sec is supposed to be the place the new people go and carebears can do thier thing in relative safety. As it stands right now there is no safety at all.

HighSec stands for "High Security", which it is. It does NOT stand for "Total Security", which some people seem to think they are entitled to.

Security is relative, not absolute.

All life is risk.

If this bothers you, get a helmet.
Black Anvil Industries
#54 - 2011-10-20 00:01:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Roldanus
Sirhan Blixt wrote:
Feligast wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
HighSec stands for "High Security" which its not. It isn't "secure" if the killer is able to get in and kill someone. High sec is supposed to be the place the new people go and carebears can do thier thing in relative safety. As it stands right now there is no safety at all.

HighSec stands for "High Security", which it is. It does NOT stand for "Total Security", which some people seem to think they are entitled to.

Security is relative, not absolute.

All life is risk.

If this bothers you, get a helmet.

Wow u will get a pullitzer for that.
Instead go and post elsewhere...

Why do you guys bother posting here if you are not interested in the post, what a bunch of useless trolls you are.
Go find a thread more of your profile...something more related to Justin B.
Black Anvil Industries
#55 - 2011-10-20 01:08:07 UTC
Feligast wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
HighSec stands for "High Security" which its not. It isn't "secure" if the killer is able to get in and kill someone. High sec is supposed to be the place the new people go and carebears can do thier thing in relative safety. As it stands right now there is no safety at all.

HighSec stands for "High Security", which it is. It does NOT stand for "Total Security", which some people seem to think they are entitled to.

Get a little bit more informed morons.

Ice Fire Warriors
#56 - 2011-10-20 03:35:33 UTC
Roldanus wrote:
Why do you guys bother posting here if you are not interested in the post, what a bunch of useless trolls you are.
Go find a thread more of your profile...something more related to Justin B.

We post here because what you are proposing affects more than just YOU. It affects many different walks of life in EVE and so they all have a say in the matter. Just because we don't like and/or fight your idea it doesn't make us "trolls."

Roldanus wrote:

That was a proposal made 2 (almost 3 years) ago. At the time, CCP somewhat dismissed the idea saying something along the lines, "it wasn't THAT big a deal" and that "newbies make very dumb mistakes so they need a bit of a net to recoup from their loss."
More than that, CCP has yet to hint at ANY changes to the mechanics (which somewhat implies that they are fine with the system "as is").

I should also mention that the CSM that proposed that idea was mired in controversy and eventually got herself expelled from the CSM (something related to her "irrational behavior" or something).
Mortis vonShadow
Balanaz Mining and Development Inc.
#57 - 2011-10-20 04:00:08 UTC
Roldanus wrote:
Feligast wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
HighSec stands for "High Security" which its not. It isn't "secure" if the killer is able to get in and kill someone. High sec is supposed to be the place the new people go and carebears can do thier thing in relative safety. As it stands right now there is no safety at all.

HighSec stands for "High Security", which it is. It does NOT stand for "Total Security", which some people seem to think they are entitled to.

Get a little bit more informed morons.

U mad bro?

Some days you're the bug, and some days your the windscreen.                   And some days, you're just a man with a gun.

Jovan Geldon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2011-10-20 04:12:51 UTC
Roldanus wrote:

Raised by: Ankhesentapemkah

Black Anvil Industries
#59 - 2011-10-20 06:23:46 UTC
Jovan Geldon wrote:
Roldanus wrote:

Raised by: Ankhesentapemkah


Why do i have to explain everything to you already ruined the post.
Bye the way ALIENS there is something called irony.

done with you chimps.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#60 - 2011-10-20 13:53:47 UTC
Someone is mad in this thread, and it's definetly not us.

Of course you can be ganked every now and then in your mackinaw.

Or, you can tank it.

Or warp out if some suspicious ship comes in.

You know, if I liked mining in Deklein or another 0.0 region. A neutral/red comes in. I'll just warp to a POS and I'll just wait for him to get out. You could do the same thing in Highsec.

Or you could also pay this amnesty thing, it would help.

Or you could also mine ice elsewhere.

You know, it's only targetting 17 systems. Those 17 systems who contains blue ice. You can know, mine somewhere else and you would be fine.

Or you could mine ice in a tanked hulk.

You know, you can put tank modules on that ship. And you can reach 25k EHP or something, which is quite good and difficult to alpha. When I fly my Machariel, I'm forced to choose. Between having a big ass armor buffer tank, and a paperthin shield tank. The thing is, I'll get less DPS and less speed out of my Mach if I choose the armor buffer. You can't have safety and efficiency at the same time, deal with it.

Or you could ask a buddy with a logistic ship.

If you don't want to train for one, or if your buddy don't want to train for a logi, then you can use a cheap Osprey or something, it still works ;)

Or you could also mine ice in a cheap and insurable ship (Like a Retriever ?)

Easier to gank, less efficient, but also really cheap. I mean, 4M or something. You can even reimburse your loss by looting the attacking ship's wreck !

Or you could join one of the "Resist Goonswarm" stupid thingy and try something.

This one is ********, but if you still want to try, feel free to. However, it will fail.

Or you could also quit mining for a little bit and do missions and whatnot.

Let's say GSF loose Deklein and all that to a bigger coalition. I would not be able to rat in Deklein anymore without being bullied by that same bigger coalition. And what would I do ? I would DEAL WITH IT. By just ratting elsewhere, or lvl 4s in Empire and whatnot.

If you're not willing to choose one of the many solutions I'm telling you about, well, do as you want and die from a Brutix's mighty space cannons.