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The Pirate Story Thread

First post First post
Yuna Talie-Kuo
Laborantem Societatis
#541 - 2012-10-23 18:09:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuna Talie-Kuo
The amount of tears here is both hilarious, and rather... delicious. Makes me wanna hit up piracy more.

Here's a small story from me:

This was in Avair at the time, gate camping with another corporation. It was our first joint ops, gate camping. More of a trust building thing than anything. (Both myself and their CEO shook hands on the impromptu alliance).

We sat on the Ebo gate for sometime, me sitting in my Myrmidon, drones flying around like children, chatting away, hearing a few guys get drunk, we hit a Drake. Of course that just went down like a fly being swatted on a wall. His tears are insignificant, so I'll move to our next kill. But here's the kill if you wanna see it. Drake Killmail

Our next kill was... nice, but strange. The victim pulls in a story-line fitted Harbinger (Sadly I wasn't part of the kill). He raged alright, jumped back to Ebo in his pod, one of our buddies follows. He manages to find the victim spamming local wanting to pay mercs for killing '5 rats on the other side of the gate, one of them has bounty'. Bear (Of course, nobody cared, then he just goes on begging)

I'm sorry, a rat? I'm offended!

At the time of the generated mail, it was 200 million. Harbinger Killmail

I don't always do shit. But when I do, it's usually worth doing.

The Black Shell
#542 - 2012-10-23 18:33:45 UTC
The lack of logs made me sad.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#543 - 2012-10-26 00:58:56 UTC
I just got done finally with this entire thread....I was going for pirate anyway with my fairly new account (though had played a few months back, but quit due to lack of decent Internet/Life issues) but, I am now very, very inspired TwistedPirate

I so far have only ninja salvaged to afford a some decent Rifter setups without having to grind missions like a tool. Though my carebear system is just a hop away from the lawless lands, which I put myself there for that very reason aside there are always mission runners around to screw with and loot from. More than happy to get my cheap salvage Vigil shot at and watch poor Mr. CareBear get Concordokkened. My Rifter is getting very respectable hocking battleship modules to pay for it, just about ready to go out and play with the big dogs.

I have no awesome stories, but my very first unhappy bear PM was sort of amusing-

X Hey, this is my quest
Pirate sure is
Xleave now
Piratesure, I am done salvaging your wrecks anyway
Piratethanks for the free 8 Mil

Come to Korsiki if you want a bunch of bears to extract tears from, very busy L4 mission hub there, and the surrounding systems too, 2 hops from low-sec. Look for my alt Cozenn near the sun Big smile
Fraternity Alliance Please Ignore
#544 - 2012-10-26 14:21:17 UTC
NoxiousPluK wrote:
Not a very amazing story, yet a funny one to share, inspired by the numerous cool stories here.

In our C2 static was a single Buzzard online.

In there was a POS without proper defences, no hardeners, etc and the dude acted like a total noob.

So, after some flying around and me watching their pos in a stealth bomber, he warped out, cloaked up somewhere, warped back, warped to a planet and started probing without cloaking up.

After some d-scanning like a boss by a corp mate (from another direction) and me we had 5 possible locations, turned out he was at the 2nd one of that.
I warped in at 20km, he warped to zero it seems (dont warp to zero!) as I ended up being 15km from it, perfect range for a suprise attack.
I aligned to him, enabled disruptor, webber and target painter, decloaked and targetted him: instapoint.
Orbitting at 1km, he stayed silent.

I asked two corpmates to warp in on me, but not attack yet.
They warped in, targetted/locked him, pointed him down aswell (3 points, 3 or 4 webs on him and a target painter) and I opened a convo.
The rest of the story, as follows:

[ 2012.04.26 22:03:23 ] NoxiousPluK > hi sir o/
[ 2012.04.26 22:03:27 ] victim> o7
[ 2012.04.26 22:03:28 ] NoxiousPluK > you seem to be in a situation there :)
[ 2012.04.26 22:03:39 ] victim> looks that way
[ 2012.04.26 22:03:49 ] NoxiousPluK > hehe, **** happens i guess, unlucky day :(
[ 2012.04.26 22:03:58 ] victim> life in the hole
[ 2012.04.26 22:04:13 ] NoxiousPluK > however, we are not as bad as we look, for a small fee we can let you live another day :)
[ 2012.04.26 22:04:22 ] NoxiousPluK > the alternative is sending you to highsec
[ 2012.04.26 22:04:28 ] victim> what the fee?
[ 2012.04.26 22:04:41 ] NoxiousPluK > i would say, 100m :)
[ 2012.04.26 22:05:08 ] victim> sure

Here my wallet starts to blink, and i can confirm: 100m in the pocket!

[ 2012.04.26 22:05:34 ] NoxiousPluK > thank you very much :) have a nice day sir!
[ 2012.04.26 22:05:40 ] victim> you too

Then in fleet chat:
NoxiousPluK > open fire :) i got 100m ^^

[ 2012.04.26 22:06:15 ] NoxiousPluK > i'm sorry :) that was another pvp lesson in eve :)
[ 2012.04.26 22:06:26 ] victim> what ever... it is a game
[ 2012.04.26 22:06:28 ] victim> have a good day
[ 2012.04.26 22:06:31 ] NoxiousPluK > same to you :)
[ 2012.04.26 22:06:41 ] NoxiousPluK > happy you take it positive :)
[ 2012.04.26 22:06:54 ] victim> what is getting angry going to do

Some general ****/chat followed, and i invited him into our public channel.
He still should be there :) seems an okay dude after all.


This thread is providing excellent reading - the above post however is the first I have come across which I feel is disappointing. I wish people would honour ransoms. I'll try and find some mails I have received over the years and post back later.

Kane - some excellent stories. Makes me think one day I might actually go back to high sec :p
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#545 - 2012-10-28 22:59:42 UTC
o/ Thank You...

Will be posting some more in the next couble of days. Been busy with wars.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Fraternity Alliance Please Ignore
#546 - 2012-10-29 20:04:52 UTC
"I am by no means a poet"
I recently decided to return to my roots - that is to say Crafty by name, Crafty by nature.

My story starts with me purchasing a proteus- my intention? To seek those who wish not to be found.

1) Logging back in isn't always advisable.

Start as you mean to go on

It's late on a Saturday - just as I was about to log, I notice a Mach running a mission... WTF. I manage to resolve the 100% on the 2nd hit however he clearly was on the lookout and quickly warped to a station. 20/30 minutes pass without him undocking before he finally logs. That old chestnut eh? Well you won't fool me Mr Bear.
Fast forward 10 hours (6:30AM). Mr Bear logs in, undocks and lands on top of me.

2) Bearing in low sec is an accident waiting to happen


So I notice this Gila probing around Metro. His route appears to be that which I am on, so I wait. Quietly +1'ing the bear, probing anomalies as I go. Not long passes before I find a juicy 5/10. Cloaked up 2584m from the acceleration gate, I watch the Gila pilot enter local and drop his probes.
(N.B. - site dropped B-type Invuln + MWD. And a Gila full of loots

3) Scouting is the way forward when flying a shiny. It's also a good idea to not press 'auto-jump'.


My alt is +2, surveying the entry system to Etherium Reach (LXQ2). A macharial along with a few bc's/logi/recons are sitting comfortably at range making short work of those unfortunates landing in bubbles/jumping through. I decide the gang is not engagable when an old friend of mine convo's me to say he has a few guys about to go for them. My proteus is not built for fleet work - and so I wish him the best and start checking the map for a suitable destination. A minute or so passes when suddenly gatefire. Hmmmmmm. Loki decloaks/cloaks and appears to warp. Just as I set my dest another gatefire. Damn my alt for not keeping me up to speed on things...

4) Don't steal from me!

Number 1

Number 2

Upon jumping into Odde, I notice an Orca on scan. D-scan allows me to narrow it down to a moon with a POS anchored. That POS wasn't there 5 mins ago? What is this. I warp at range and notice the cane I had on scan with it is in fact 200+km off the pos - seemingly slow boating towards some random part of space. Excellent. A free kill.

Probes go down and get set up - just as I hit analyse a local pirate whom I occasionally fly with decloaks on the cane in a Helios. Scan shows an oracle + drake inbound as I warp to 0 on the Helios. As I land the cane pop's and the oracle warps. The drake, confused by my sudden appearance (I hope), does not. As the drake is hitting low shields, the oracle lands at 50km. Pop the drake goes down, my armour now at about 50% w/pre heated mwd I burn in the direction of the oracle, my overheated scram catches him before he can warp and I close the gap to finish what was begun. The Helios pilot returns in a talos but didn't land in time. I decided at this point to bail as living one jump out, it wouldn't be long before things got messy.

And finally

5) A real ninja f*cks the prom queen

Prom Queen

Having probed anomalies in my home system earlier that day, I set about hunting targets as nothing decent had spawned. A long roam brings me back to the Heath where upon entering I notice a tengu on scan. Probes get dropped and 64% is achieved on the first cycle. The 2nd cycle however picked up nothing. God damn bears knowing how to use d-scan. I did however notice that the tengu seemed awfully close to a drone site I'd probed and bookmarked earlier. A quick scan confirmed drone wrecks on scan and so in I warp. A few minutes pass with local fluctuating when I notice the tengu come on short range scan and then disappear. He's here. I had not run this site before and so googled the drone 5/10. 6 rooms. Chances of success? Minimal. I go through the first gate and slowboat the 60km to the next gate. I do this for what feels like forever but finally i reach the penultimate room.
The tengu has not returned on scan this whole time however the pilot was still in local. Having got this far I assume finishing would be his preference. No wrecks in the final room... Hmmm.. Odd. Have I blown my cover? Is he cloaked near me now at present? Minutes pass and my patience grows thin. The tengu eventually appears on long range scan - and as I check short range he appears. Ahhahahahahaha...I laugh. So he docked eh? Has no idea I've come in has he???? HHAhahAhah chances of success now quite good.

30 minutes pass... Every 5/10 mins he decloaks (I assumed correctly he was going through gates) until finally he lands on the beacon I've carefully positioned myself on.

My story should end here however.... 1000 rounds later and 5 or so minutes, I realise his tank will not break. I convo the pilot and offer a ransom - something I generally don't do as backup is never far away. 2.5b is the price I ask for- the response was less then positive. In fact the tengu told me I had one last chance to leave........ ARGh. My alt docks in station and looks to see no combat ships whatsoever. Infact the only ship I had that supplied DPS was a PVE tengu (w ab). 5 minutes later and I'm burning the 60kms between the gates with still 2 more to get through. Short range scan suddenly shows 3 canes, a curse, ferox and drake. Oh ****.
As my alt arrives, the tengu breaks. His gang lands as I warp out. I return 10 minutes after they leave .. To scoop the 800m in loot. Thanks!

Brego Tralowski
Tralowski Independent Traders.
#547 - 2012-10-31 08:23:01 UTC
ashurman wrote:
after this i decided to try and suicide my self for a lol out came the procuror...which if any1 has taken a gander at lately is feckin nails...nearly as much ehp as a shield cane..seeing a mining op going on with no orcas on scan i quickly warp to belt the nearest can.. take a quick glance at the swarm of drones..and warp off.. *fix banzai hat in place* CHARGE!...manage to grab a nice chunk of ore into the hold *handy that* locks start coming one warp's off though always a nice sign...then the first one goes red... retriever right next to me (which is helpful as no prob mod makes this thing slower than asthmatic ant with a heavy bag of shopping) so web/scram goes on and out come my drones...he hits half shields quickly...then my overview goes red...metricf**kton of drones come pilling at me... hulks/covetors/mach's all aggroing..all out of range though *cunning buggers* mr retri u will have to do.. he hits armour as my sheilds start screaming at me... my armour disapears just behind his ..come on dcu we can pull it off! already aligned out waiting for the pop...something explodes and im warping... no waiting.. 11%hull left...check the kill log..
typically by time i get into station and reship to try and catch the others they have gone to station themselves and refuse to come out.. (shock)

more to come as i seem to have a few targets to pick on...hopefully try to get more barge on barge km's ;p thanks for reading

I like this idea lol - Might dust off a procurer or two today hehe.

Supplying Quality goods to the masses.

See 'T1 Module supplies' for all your T1 needs or in game chat.

Silver Chair
#548 - 2012-11-01 17:46:33 UTC
Once upon a Yarrrrrr Pirate

That's how all pirate stories start right? I digress....

We, the noble and fearless Calamitous-Intent where policing our space lanes last night when an unscrupulous smuggler decided to tempt fate and and test our resolve. You see, said pilot had not paid his docking taxes for the great Bosena Station of One. We had no choice but to defend our glorious honor and vaporize the offender who thought himself too strong to fall to our small, yet brave force!

You will find the local chat below. I am missing a few lines before I logged on, but the meat of it is there. Basically a carrier undocked from the Bosena station. As we can see from the chat he thought his carrier indestructible. At first we thought he would just dock, but being the crafty $%^& that we are, we proceeded to bump him off the station. Once he was off station we took a minute to ponder, was this bait? Surely it must be. Why would a carrier allow himself to be bumped off station? But Yarrrrr, we were all out of $%^& to give and undocked the DPS. He died in short order. 5.4 Bil dead, terrible loot drop as always. He also quickly stopped talking in local as he realized he was gonna die. Maybe he would have said more if we had not also podded him... ooops :P


?[ 2012.10.31 23:01:40 ] Floorist > i missed something, why am i a noob again?
?[ 2012.10.31 23:01:55 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > your camping a station in low sec thats why
?[ 2012.10.31 23:02:07 ] Floorist > funny part is i forgot i was undocked
?[ 2012.10.31 23:02:09 ] Floorist > meh
?[ 2012.10.31 23:02:12 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > its a unsecure version of a pvper
?[ 2012.10.31 23:02:22 ] Floorist > trololololol
?[ 2012.10.31 23:02:23 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > lol
?[ 2012.10.31 23:02:28 ] Iridescent klr > You're just pissed because youre afraid to undock. :D
?[ 2012.10.31 23:02:57 ] Floorist > to many accts running
?[ 2012.10.31 23:03:03 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > bah i got a carrier packed with ill kill you long time but to drunk to be ased
?[ 2012.10.31 23:03:21 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > ok just for fun
?[ 2012.10.31 23:03:55 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named***> feel free noobs
?[ 2012.10.31 23:04:18 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > take more than you 2
?[ 2012.10.31 23:04:36 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > atleast 10
?[ 2012.10.31 23:05:01 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > get real guys chilll
?[ 2012.10.31 23:05:15 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > aint happening today
?[ 2012.10.31 23:05:45 ] Floorist > yarrrr
?[ 2012.10.31 23:05:49 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > lol
?[ 2012.10.31 23:06:08 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > nar i like ou guys
?[ 2012.10.31 23:06:11 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > you
?[ 2012.10.31 23:06:55 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > you do know though 20k per repyou will be waising your time though
?[ 2012.10.31 23:07:10 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > ooooo 4
?[ 2012.10.31 23:09:15 ] maximus babbarus > thats one dead carreir
?[ 2012.10.31 23:09:48 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > no chance
?[ 2012.10.31 23:10:52 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > so dumb
?[ 2012.10.31 23:11:20 ] maximus babbarus > so how far u of station?
?[ 2012.10.31 23:11:34 ] ***Smuggler Not to Be Named*** > oh sure tank the turrets lol
?[ 2012.10.31 23:12:34 ] maximus babbarus > lol
?[ 2012.10.31 23:13:41 ] maximus babbarus > very nice
?[ 2012.10.31 23:15:56 ] Floorist > ***removed KM link***
?[ 2012.10.31 23:16:43 ] maximus babbarus > i thought he was bait for someone never nuw someone could be that stupid

Silver Chair
#549 - 2012-11-01 17:46:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Silver Chair
Ran out of room, here is the KM. It is missing the Fighters he left in space when he died :)


2012.10.31 23:13:00

Victim: ***Smuggler Not to Be Named***
Corp: Engineering Evolutions Limited
Alliance: PNG Associates
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Thanatos
System: Bosena
Security: 0.4
Damage Taken: 482630

Destroyed items:

Medium Armor Maintenance Bot I, Qty: 4 (Drone Bay)
F-90 Positional Sensor Subroutines
Scan Resolution Script, Qty: 7 (Cargo)
Valkyrie II, Qty: 5 (Drone Bay)
Ogre II (Drone Bay)
Damage Control II
Heavy Shield Maintenance Bot I, Qty: 6 (Drone Bay)
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Cap Recharger II
Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot I (Drone Bay)
Large 'Vehemence' Shockwave Charge
Liquid Ozone, Qty: 150 (Cargo)
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Cap Recharger II
Vespa II, Qty: 15 (Drone Bay)
Hammerhead II, Qty: 27 (Drone Bay)
Templar, Qty: 4 (Drone Bay)
Capital Armor Repairer I
Drone Control Unit I
Vespa EC-600, Qty: 15 (Drone Bay)
Targeting Range Script (Cargo)
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Cap Recharger II
Bookmark (Cargo)
Scan Resolution Script
Medium Shield Maintenance Bot I, Qty: 10 (Drone Bay)
Warrior II, Qty: 8 (Drone Bay)
Plastic Wrap (Cargo)
Shadow Serpentis Sensor Booster (In Container)
Capital Capacitor Battery Blueprint (Copy) (In Container)
Capital Corporate Hangar Bay Blueprint (Copy) (In Container)
Capital Ship Maintenance Bay Blueprint (Copy), Qty: 2 (In Container)
Capital Sensor Cluster Blueprint (Copy), Qty: 2 (In Container)
Gallente Fuel Block Blueprint (In Container)
Capital Computer System Blueprint (Copy), Qty: 2 (In Container)
Capital Armor Plates Blueprint (Copy), Qty: 6 (In Container)
Plutonium Charge L, Qty: 7588 (In Container)
Capital Construction Parts Blueprint (Copy), Qty: 3 (In Container)
Capital Cargo Bay Blueprint (Copy), Qty: 6 (In Container)
Capital Propulsion Engine Blueprint (Copy), Qty: 5 (In Container)

Dropped items:

Medium Armor Maintenance Bot I, Qty: 6 (Drone Bay)
Dark Blood Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Valkyrie II, Qty: 45 (Drone Bay)
Wasp EC-900, Qty: 5 (Drone Bay)
Heavy Shield Maintenance Bot I, Qty: 4 (Drone Bay)
Capital Armor Repairer I
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Hobgoblin II, Qty: 10 (Drone Bay)
Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot I, Qty: 4 (Drone Bay)
Drone Contro
Shamus O'Reilly
Candy Cabal
#550 - 2012-11-02 03:10:42 UTC <--- this thread is full of this and i love it! Cool

"I swear there are more people complaining over "nullsecers complaining" then actual nullsec people complaining."

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#551 - 2012-11-02 05:32:13 UTC
Shamus O'Reilly wrote: <--- this thread is full of this and i love it! Cool

You linked the wrong one.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Shamus O'Reilly
Candy Cabal
#552 - 2012-11-02 17:38:00 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Shamus O'Reilly wrote: <--- this thread is full of this and i love it! Cool

You linked the wrong one.

id rather the punk rock cover... i hate knowing that song came from that.

"I swear there are more people complaining over "nullsecers complaining" then actual nullsec people complaining."

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#553 - 2012-11-04 15:07:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
Chaotic Panda wrote:
I've got one where I made Victim Self-Destruct his ship, should I post that too, or nah?

You are supposed to censor the names of the involved individuals, unless they give you consent to appear on this forum. Perhaps you should go back and fix that.

MisterNick wrote:
Warnings about jetcan mining really should appear somewhere in the tutorial missions, although that would harm this thread I suppose Pirate

There are warnings against jet-can mining. People just don't read them.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Corail Amber
Losing All Hope Was Freedom
#554 - 2012-11-05 08:12:48 UTC
Today was my last day of trial. I was wondering if I'll sub or not, because so far I had only saw the "boring" part of the game, IE missioning & mining.
I had a little bit of extra cash I couldnt care losing, I have 0.5SP so I wouldnt mind to be podded, so I thought : "Why not go in low-sec, see if I can find some action". And Oh my, I found some action.

So here I am in a 0.4 security status system, with my 2M Rifter, and my 500k skillpoints. trying to figure out how D-scan works. Boredness eventually came, and the scanner was very mean to me not wanting to find people, lol. So i warped from belt to belt, until I saw a shiny Covetor, mining off an asteroid.

I instantly lock him, scramble, orbit, and start shooting. Everything goes pretty well, he doesnt fire back, he had mining drones and no weapons equipped. After a while he goes down, and i'm like YARRRR, my first kill ever, a 38M ship after 14 days of trial, pretty proud of myself. I even wanted to ransom his pod, but he warped too fast for me :(.

So here I am, approaching the wrecks of my first kill, happy and excited about the PVP i just had, even if the target wasnt really hostile.
And......... Suddenly, out of nowhere, 15-20 people warps in the location, an other ship decloak right next to me, and start to scramble me. I completely freaked out, trying to warp out, to maintain distance with the scrambler, but the horde of hostiles peoples shot me down in a matter of seconds, proceding at a giant bukkake on my rifter :(.

I quickly escape from the location on my pod, and go back in safe place.
I convo one of my killers, and turns out the miner I killed was some guy who killed some of his friends, he was cloaked because he had scanned him down, and was waiting from a super large fleet of his corpmates to come and gangbang the miner. Then, he suprisely saw a little rifter with a 14 days old player at the commands, proceeding to steal the miner kill right in front of his eyes. And turns out that I was about to randomly decloak him by approaching miner's wreck, so he started to scramble me.

I had NO CLUE that they wanted to kill, or either that there was someone cloaked around here. I guess it was a mix of pure luck (finding a covetor without any defenses and weapons in low sec), and pure bad luck (finding him 2 minutes before a huge 20 ppl fleet came to kill him, and therefore finding myself in kind of a situation).

But that was my first kill, my first PvP experience in that game, my first ship destroyed by other players. And that was a fuckin shitload of fun and excitement.

Oh, and that got me subbed. I'm not on a trial anymore.
Right now I'm fitting another Rifter. Maybe you'll have the honor to kill or ransom me in low sec one of those days ;D.

I'm also looking for a pirate corp willing to teach a complete noob how to be a real pirate terror.

Right after I subbed, I convoed the guy who was in cloak and who I chatted with before, and I told him : "I subbed my account. I'm gonna fit another rifter, and learn the pirate profession. And one day, sir, wherever you are, whoever you with, I'm going to find you, and I'm going to pod you. Until then, i wish you the best".

This game is freaking awesome.
#555 - 2012-11-06 01:17:19 UTC
well been busy with a war dec which amounted to not much tbh...sad times when they refuse to undock even when ur not online.. anywho.. while probing out wh's to make a bit of war dec isk i saw a lil covetor with a named can so isk making went out the window...jumped into the battlebarge (those who saw my previous post will remember its awsomenessism) and warped to the can...while i was doing this i noticed some of his corp members in local turning problems for me long as i kill somit.. land on can and flip (cue evil laughter and general pirate music) silence in local....then his corpies land...mach and retriver .. differant kinda back up (or they were planning a mining gangbang but guess that went out window) mach yellow box's and drops drones...differant but im game...then they red box...other two barges looking at me like i drop the scram/neut/web on the mach and let the hobies go to work..he pulls his drones..and sits there..doing nothing...his friends warp off without a word and leave this point he is not even at 80% my instant thought is *ohcrapsticks im about to get abused by some evil bs or somit*...but no... 50% goes by with not a word...hitting armour and i throw a ransom offer out into local to see if he is even alive...get told its not worth it (so he is alive and also thick as 100mil to save a 200 mil boat is kinda throwing him a bone) so he pops with the normal *you will pay for this with the blood of your first born etcetc..
i check loot and discover i have a early payday ;p.
anywho another war active tommorow hopefuly! some decent events/kills/lolderp action to spread to you all.
fly safe and watch out for the mining barge.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#556 - 2012-11-06 01:24:03 UTC
that man should be put in prison for endangering the lives of those precious Elaras!!

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#557 - 2012-11-06 07:53:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
For the past couple of weeks now I have resorted in doing the WarDec thing. To be honest I always have but I started focusing alot more on Wars than I use to. The reason for this was due to the Barge changes, there are now very few instances where you actually see people mining with cans. Systems that were full of it now have AFK retrievers mining to their hearts content.

ahem... suicide alt in training right now.

For most of my 2 years of training I have focused on sub Battleships... focusing my skills on frigates, then cruisers and BC's and Tech II along with the support skills around them. I finally fininshed training for Amarr battleships and Large Spec turrets and had a massive itch to test them.

It just so happens I had a future war in system and a "White Knight" in a scorp that I presumed is going to help them. Since the war is not active yet the White Knight popped a can. I took the can with my Celestial Tool of Destruction and he red boxes me from 7km.

End result...

Scorpion barely last 30 seconds... I am not really a big BattleShip fan but that felt Awesome.

Ransoming corps seems to be a hit miss thing. For the most part i would notify the corp CEO that before I commit to fireing at his members for X amount I will retract. The normal response is a resounding, blow it out your hole... 600 mil in losses in less than a day and the Offer is accepted.

Yes most kills is industrial... I recieve alot of hatemail about the need for me to go into low or null and die. and my Bounty has grown to 610mil. Fun times to be had.

I will keep updating these things if people want. Otherwise tell me to shut my trap as I terrorize corps and I will.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#558 - 2012-11-06 15:15:39 UTC
I'd give you a like, but you already have 666 and I don't want to spoil the moment.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#559 - 2012-11-14 17:04:06 UTC
Dav Slinker wrote:
[quote=Effect One]
Besides 30mil is likely way more than I'd of gotten from any loot he would of dropped after I popped him.

Not if hes flying with the higher end meta launchers.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#560 - 2012-11-14 17:20:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Diesel47
Dav Slinker wrote:
boring and extremely long story

So you wrote all of that because you made a 2 week old noob eject from an osprey?

And you call yourself a pirate? rofl.