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VAHFT Mutual Funds - Initial Public Offering

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#161 - 2012-10-30 11:47:08 UTC
The exchange is open for market makers!

It will open to everybody tomorrow after downtime.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#162 - 2012-10-30 12:40:57 UTC
Just to double check to make sure I've gotten it right.

To receive our shares we would enter:

ESYFND BUY MARKET 1,000,000.00 250 GTC 0

Or is this for the purchasing of additional shares? And we will receive our allotted shares on November 1st?

Thanks for the clarification.

"I think you should buy a new Mayan calendar. Mine has muscle cars on it." - Kenneth O'Hara

"I dont think that can happen, you can see Gray has his invuln field on in his portrait." - Commissar "Cake" Kate

#163 - 2012-10-30 13:09:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Samroski
Graygor wrote:
Just to double check to make sure I've gotten it right.

To receive our shares we would enter:

ESYFND BUY MARKET 1,000,000.00 250 GTC 0

Or is this for the purchasing of additional shares? And we will receive our allotted shares on November 1st?

Thanks for the clarification.

This does not sound right.

My understanding: you've already got your shares (you may not physically receive them).

If you want to sell them you can use the exchange. Say something like: ESYFND SELL MARKET 1,000,000.00 250 GTC 0, to sell 250 shares for 1m/share

If you do not want to sell them, do nothing

If you want to buy shares, wait till someone decides to sell shares on the exchange.


VV, thanks for taking the effort to set this up. VEMEX adds a new facet to the Eve secondary market. I wish you all the success for this project, and for future iterations.

Any colour you like.

Northern Sky Industries
#164 - 2012-10-30 13:14:12 UTC
i too would like a quick and dirty explanation as to how to place buy orders, or buy off sell orders. I plan on participating in this market, but it is not clear to me how to actually trade.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#165 - 2012-10-30 13:15:26 UTC
Samroski got it right!

The very reason to take reservations was to give Investors the stock already. You already have your shares.

Today only the market makers (if they want) can put shares for sales or can setup buy orders.
From tomorrow anyone in game can go and setup any order they want.

But the "anyone" will be regular guys with ISK but no shares, so they have to buy the shares first.

You, instead, have your shares already. You can just hold them for the dividends or you can sell them or buy more.
Northern Sky Industries
#166 - 2012-10-30 13:24:24 UTC
I appreciate the quick response. Will there be a webform to submit an order on the website? I am just wondering how to actually place the buy order once the market goes public.


Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#167 - 2012-10-30 13:30:43 UTC
JohnathanGalt wrote:
i too would like a quick and dirty explanation as to how to place buy orders, or buy off sell orders. I plan on participating in this market, but it is not clear to me how to actually trade.

Ok since I received the first orders and they were a bit wrong I'll make some examples with EvE as a reference.

EvE simple market order window (aka "dump to buy orders" / "immediate buy from sell orders") in RL and in VEMEX map to BUY MARKET or SELL MARKET orders.

Example: you want to dump 12 shares to buy orders:


Price does not even matter (I left it to zero) and is always ignored, because your order will always match the best current offer of the market.

Needless to say, today there are no buy orders (for now). What happens in EvE when you try dumping stuff in a region with no buy order? You get an error, right? Same for VEMEX.

EvE advanced market order window (aka setup orders at any price) in RL and VEMEX map to BUY STOP or SELL STOP orders.

Example: you want to setup a buy order for 7 shares at 1,215,334.99:

MINBSK BUY STOP 1,215,334.99 7 GTC 0

This will create the order and it will sit at 1,215,334.99 forever, until someone decides to sell to it.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#168 - 2012-10-30 14:03:17 UTC
Aaaaaaaand we got our first orders out!

JohnathanGalt wrote:
I appreciate the quick response. Will there be a webform to submit an order on the website? I am just wondering how to actually place the buy order once the market goes public.



ATM this is a manual tellering system.
I really, really wish I had a nice pre-made WEB application but after searching for weeks I have found none at all.
The little payware stuff I found are professional exchanges (for RL securities) that cost hundreds of thousands and require dedicated hosting if not a rack in a data center.

Now, I had a big issue: time. The EvE markets tend to peak at Christmas, a large fund like this needs help from the trend.
Now, I bought for myself 30B worth of minerals for ridicolously low prices in August, ATM I am up 20% in NAV just for doing... nothing.
I also (see past months of my posts) have this stupid dream of implementing more advanced finance in EvE.

Out of these factors the idea for this fund came up.
Now, I had doubts that anyone would trust a first time investor with 100B. How many got 100B in their first investment ever? Not even a collateral, not even an audit.

But somehow people were fine with this. So the big issue turns to be: "how to actually implement an exchange?"

The first reaction would be to Google for open source projects. There are none. There's some old, non compiling java half made backend and that's it.

So, I had the EvE markets going ahead regardless of me (prices were already 30% up vs when I wanted to get investors ISK) and nothing to help with my project.

So I decided to learn Excel a bit better and coded the whole thing myself. Then I added a database for the orders.
It still has all the boring manual stuff but it does a lot of calculations and storage so it's not too bad.

This also helped me A LOT to quickly prototype the whole exchange, if one day I want to create a PHP script I won't have to do so much trial and error like I had for Excel. The major algorythms are in fact all done now, the fields are more or less final, the profit / NAV split etc. helpers are in place.

What happens next depends from the Investors. If they will use the exchange enough, I'll code it for the web. If after the first week, I only get 1 order a day then the current solution can stay.
#169 - 2012-10-30 14:04:13 UTC
That line "MINBSK BUY STOP 1,215,334.99 7 GTC 0" should be evemailed to a character you haven't actually specificied in your guide on the previous page.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#170 - 2012-10-30 14:32:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Nanatoa wrote:
That line "MINBSK BUY STOP 1,215,334.99 7 GTC 0" should be evemailed to a character you haven't actually specificied in your guide on the previous page.

Hmm I think I mentioned VEMEX more than a couple of times.

I could not otherwise explain how I am getting orders from other people.

I have updated the manual to be more explicit about the mail address.
#171 - 2012-10-30 14:35:28 UTC
It's probably me then. Could you hold my hand and explain to me step by step how I send an evemail to a corporation? Right-clicking didn't work for me.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#172 - 2012-10-30 14:40:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Nanatoa wrote:
It's probably me then. Could you hold my hand and explain to me step by step how I send an evemail to a corporation? Right-clicking didn't work for me.

Let me recap: send ISK to VEMEX (the corp).
Send mail to VEMEX teller called VEMEX Monica.

Edit: I have typed VEMEX in the mail address and it auto-filled VEMEX Monica, doesn't this happen to you too?

Edit 2: I need to go a bit to bed because my fever is too high (got flu), so if you want to setup orders please do it in 5 minutes so I can insert them ASAP.
#173 - 2012-10-30 14:48:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Nanatoa
I saw VEMEX Monica, but I was trying to send to VEMEX, as VEMEX Monica wasn't mentioned anywhere and you're such a stickler for following the rules.

I'll resend the order I sent to you to VEMEX Monica, to make sure you can follow your precious procedures.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#174 - 2012-10-30 15:29:19 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:
I saw VEMEX Monica, but I was trying to send to VEMEX, as VEMEX Monica wasn't mentioned anywhere and you're such a stickler for following the rules.

I'll resend the order I sent to you to VEMEX Monica, to make sure you can follow your precious procedures.

Your order has been processed.
Still not sure about why you are showing hostility, but hey, business is business, I am OK.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#175 - 2012-10-30 15:36:36 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Samroski got it right!

The very reason to take reservations was to give Investors the stock already. You already have your shares.

Today only the market makers (if they want) can put shares for sales or can setup buy orders.
From tomorrow anyone in game can go and setup any order they want.

But the "anyone" will be regular guys with ISK but no shares, so they have to buy the shares first.

You, instead, have your shares already. You can just hold them for the dividends or you can sell them or buy more.

Ah ok. So there's no physical ownership of the shares themselves, they're held on the exchange and traded from there, gotcha. I must have misread something, I was expecting to receive the shares and was just curious when they had not arrived and I wondered if I had to make a request for them.

I have one further question which you may feel free to answer when you're feeling better;

Say I place a buy order for 500 shares the MINBSK

So I send the evemail to VEMEX Monica:

MINBSK BUY STOP 1,250,000 500 GTC 0 (a theoretical number for examples sake) So I send 625mil.

Now, obviously this is a human administered system and not an automated one. So you will be handling this data. How will you inform us as to the filling of our orders? Obviously someone is unlikely (though perhaps not) to dump 500 shares at once. Will you inform us when the order is completed or inform us in bits and pieces?

Sorry if this has been answered already but I can't seem to find it and I am curious as I am interested in buying into the other baskets when the opportunity is available.

"I think you should buy a new Mayan calendar. Mine has muscle cars on it." - Kenneth O'Hara

"I dont think that can happen, you can see Gray has his invuln field on in his portrait." - Commissar "Cake" Kate

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#176 - 2012-10-30 15:53:10 UTC
Graygor wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Samroski got it right!

The very reason to take reservations was to give Investors the stock already. You already have your shares.

Today only the market makers (if they want) can put shares for sales or can setup buy orders.
From tomorrow anyone in game can go and setup any order they want.

But the "anyone" will be regular guys with ISK but no shares, so they have to buy the shares first.

You, instead, have your shares already. You can just hold them for the dividends or you can sell them or buy more.

Ah ok. So there's no physical ownership of the shares themselves, they're held on the exchange and traded from there, gotcha. I must have misread something, I was expecting to receive the shares and was just curious when they had not arrived and I wondered if I had to make a request for them.

I have one further question which you may feel free to answer when you're feeling better;

Say I place a buy order for 500 shares the MINBSK

So I send the evemail to VEMEX Monica:

MINBSK BUY STOP 1,250,000 500 GTC 0 (a theoretical number for examples sake) So I send 625mil.

Now, obviously this is a human administered system and not an automated one. So you will be handling this data. How will you inform us as to the filling of our orders? Obviously someone is unlikely (though perhaps not) to dump 500 shares at once. Will you inform us when the order is completed or inform us in bits and pieces?

Sorry if this has been answered already but I can't seem to find it and I am curious as I am interested in buying into the other baskets when the opportunity is available.

The shares are of the so called "virtual" kind (also used by BSAC EvE exchange), because physical shares have some bad issues:

- they are susceptible to exploits
- they give options to players over the issuing corps that a fund is not made to deal with.
- one share ticker - one corporation. So no multiple funds.
- they have the super-nasty issue that they can't be reclaimed once their job is over. Players quit or just stop bothering with the shares so once they are out, a portion never makes back in, in case you need to restart a new share based activity.

As for your example, if you want to go heavy enough to buy hundreds of millions I strongly suggest to:

- wait till there are enough shares for sale, so your order does not stay half filled forever.
- open an account. ISK will be taken as the order is filled.

Orders can and will get partial fills like in RL: first the matching price shares are traded, then those at an higher price.

IE buy stop at 1.3M: once price gets to 1.3M then as many shares as possible become yours (and ISK taken), then the order processor finds the next closest order (say 1,300,100) and gives you those and so on.

Basically it's like EvE except in EvE you'd get all the shares at 1,300,100 while in RL (and VEMEX) you properly get 1.3M shares at 1.3M and 1,300,100 shares at 1,300,100.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#177 - 2012-10-30 20:11:44 UTC
Friendly advice and only warning:

please eve mail VEMEX Monica not this character. I check mail on this character like once a day, your orders would be completely delayed and screwed.

Therefore from now on, any order sent to this character will be completely ignored.
Vargan Armer
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#178 - 2012-10-30 21:03:14 UTC
I am dumb never mind Big smile
PlanetCorp InterStellar
#179 - 2012-10-30 23:58:49 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Nanatoa wrote:
I saw VEMEX Monica, but I was trying to send to VEMEX, as VEMEX Monica wasn't mentioned anywhere and you're such a stickler for following the rules.

I'll resend the order I sent to you to VEMEX Monica, to make sure you can follow your precious procedures.

Your order has been processed.
Still not sure about why you are showing hostility, but hey, business is business, I am OK.

Not to speak for anyone else, but we are trying to be as precise as you apparently are. Even if it isn't your intention, it comes across that you are a little OCD about this. Which is not bad, I'd rather trust my money to someone with OCD than someone who doesn't have OCD lol... much more likely to get it back. P

So basically, Nanatoa is probably just frustrated by your apparent precision and the amount of rules you are setting, but mainly the verbose way you present them rather than just a short and to the point step by step.

Nan, feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.

Star Jump Drive A new way to traverse the galaxy.

I invented Tiericide

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#180 - 2012-10-31 06:24:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
What's "OCD"?

Also, the number of rules is a tiny subset of what you'd get in a RL investment, I am simplifying it as much as I can. The biggest difference is that usually all you are "meant" to do IRL is to go to a bank and give money to a very well dressed dude who "does everything" for you.

End result, totally opaque investment, sometimes in securities with very (untold) high risk, taxable dividends slammed in your face to reduce those the fund should pay and so on.


other very important reasons why I am detailed:

- you should see the amount of manual work involved at setting up everything by hand. If I start getting all sorts of non standard stuff it gets exponentially harder and easier to do ISK expensive (for you) mistakes.

- I have received some "creative" orders, other orders that make no sense and so on. I can't ping pong 10 emails while I get swamped by the next 50 incoming orders to process.

I am working to automate some of the stuff involved with the exchange so that everything will become much easier and faster, but it won't come in 1 day nor 1 week.