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CCP allow miners to defend against bumpers ?

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#461 - 2012-10-28 13:01:21 UTC
Effort is apparently overrated, I've even taken my bumping alt out of an NPC corp so aggravated miners can't complain that he's hiding in an unwardeccable corp.

The only effort that some seem to be willing to expend is to whine on the forums about people who are doing sandboxy type things in a sandbox.

Besides nowhere in CCPs advertising do they say that Eve is a happy smiley fluffy MMO, it's marketed as dark, unforgiving and inhabited by people who will cut your throat as soon as look at you, what part of this did some people misunderstand?

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

eddie valvetino
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#462 - 2012-10-28 13:20:28 UTC  |  Edited by: eddie valvetino
Zkaor wrote:
Will someone at CCP please allow miners defend (destroy) the bumpers ship without Concord intervention. As it is now all miners hands are tied and MUST submit to their extorsion tactics with no means of defense.

P.S. If this should be posted elsewhere please let me know...thanks


No, please... you're not being bumped are you?

Have you heard of moving?

So what you are saying is kill you thr rights to kill ppl or maybe you would like your ship to have some kinda inertia mod (and another slot, to fit it, as... you'd not use it if it means dropping your yield.)

Fact is, you miner types make me want to puke, you get ganked and whine so hard CCP buffs your ships to almost unkillable levels, even though, before the buff and well tanked T2 Barge would also have stopped thrasher bombs, but you guys would not refit and have a smaller yeild for a better tank. Now you're getting bumped and you want miners to be able to agress free of concord action, rather than just MOVE YOUR SHIPS YOU F*CKING ******!!!!!

Also, how is this even in General Discussion? Surely it should be in Warfare and Tactics or C&P?

Jesus, did your mum drop you on your head as a baby?
Sublime Tactic
#463 - 2012-10-28 13:43:31 UTC
NOTE: This has been my experience and my experience only.

Unless it has changed recently, bumping a player for the sake of grief play is petitionable. I few months ago I did just that due to a corp bumping my mining ship in high sec. To my understanding they were required to aggress me or cease their actions, since there was no purpose to it other than grief play (they gave excuses but they didn't fly).

I have no issues with being aggressed or suicided in high sec space. You'll face the consequences. But playing simply to **** people off?

I don't understand why is it that some of you get a kick out of ruining people's gameplay. And when CCP closes whatever loopholes you use you get upset and rage about it as if it's some sort of right of yours to grief play.
All Web Investigations
#464 - 2012-10-28 13:46:19 UTC
Max Doobie wrote:
These type of people have a very....rapish mentality. It's very disturbing.

Why do you folks get such a kick out of trying to force someone to play your way? Why do you get such a kick from ruining someone else's' game experience? If a person wants to pay to AFK, what's it to you dude?

Folks who want to ban gay marriage, keep Weed illegal, etc....people who for some reason LIVE to tell others how to live.

"bumping" is not a legit playstyle. It's griefing plain and simple. You people basically pay to irritate people. Get a girlfriend maybe? Some RL friends?

I try to understand the underlying cause of things, rather than simply the surface which is why I'm trying to understand why some pvpers are so bothered by how hi0sec folks chose to play. What drives these obnoxious people who embrace invasiveness?

Why is my neighbor calling the cops on me because she saw me smoking a blunt on my own porch and it offended HER religious views, so she thinks I should be arrested, even though what I'm doing in no way affects her?

Why can't these folks just leave people the f**k alone dude? I simply don't get it. They won't rest until everyone does things their way, and they will yell, scream, annoy and irritate until it happens.


How ridiculous, from comparing bumping stupid miners to **** and homophobia to the hypocrisy of complaining about bumpers interfering with your "playstyle" while stating their playstyle shouldn't be allowed.

And then of course a bunch of crap pulled out of thin air about real life, girlfriends, blah blah. You have no idea what any other player is like in real life, trying to paint their life in some negative manner to make yourself feel better is an extremely childish thing to do
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#465 - 2012-10-28 13:55:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Drakonium wrote:
NOTE: This has been my experience and my experience only.

Unless it has changed recently, bumping a player for the sake of grief play is petitionable. I few months ago I did just that due to a corp bumping my mining ship in high sec. To my understanding they were required to aggress me or cease their actions, since there was no purpose to it other than grief play (they gave excuses but they didn't fly).

I have no issues with being aggressed or suicided in high sec space. You'll face the consequences. But playing simply to **** people off?

I don't understand why is it that some of you get a kick out of ruining people's gameplay. And when CCP closes whatever loopholes you use you get upset and rage about it as if it's some sort of right of yours to grief play.

Bumping a player for the sole purpose of griefing is indeed petitionable, however many miners have petitioned about the New Order and the reply is that they are not commiting an offence under the EULA, probably because the New Order are not doing it to grief, they are doing it because they wish to impose a licence/tax on Ice mining hence it is classed as emergent gameplay.

If they were to continue bumping a miner after the purchase of a permit & the miner complied with the terms of the permit, then it would be griefing. Miners with permits are generally left to their own devices as long as they comply with the terms of their permit, ergo it is not griefing.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

All Web Investigations
#466 - 2012-10-28 13:57:07 UTC
Drakonium wrote:
NOTE: This has been my experience and my experience only.

Unless it has changed recently, bumping a player for the sake of grief play is petitionable. I few months ago I did just that due to a corp bumping my mining ship in high sec. To my understanding they were required to aggress me or cease their actions, since there was no purpose to it other than grief play (they gave excuses but they didn't fly).

I have no issues with being aggressed or suicided in high sec space. You'll face the consequences. But playing simply to **** people off?

I don't understand why is it that some of you get a kick out of ruining people's gameplay. And when CCP closes whatever loopholes you use you get upset and rage about it as if it's some sort of right of yours to grief play.

Except it's not done to grief, or targeted towards a single player, or anything else that would make it a violation. It's done for isk from the "license", it's done for semi-role playish reason, it's done to interfere with the massive amounts of afk mining that has a gigantic effect on the economy.

The cycle of miner butthurt is a fun thing to witness. They cried and cried about ganking (when tanking their ship would have went a long way to helping the issue), CCP addressed it and miners immediately started crying about something else. I wonder what they'd cry about if CCP actually did do anything about bumping? Probably something as stupid as other miners being able to target "their" asteroids and deplete them faster. Please CCP make it so only one ship can target a roid at once! Those other miners are deliberately mining the same rocks and RUINING my playstyle!
eddie valvetino
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#467 - 2012-10-28 13:58:12 UTC
Drakonium wrote:
NOTE: This has been my experience and my experience only.

Unless it has changed recently, bumping a player for the sake of grief play is petitionable. I few months ago I did just that due to a corp bumping my mining ship in high sec. To my understanding they were required to aggress me or cease their actions, since there was no purpose to it other than grief play (they gave excuses but they didn't fly).

I have no issues with being aggressed or suicided in high sec space. You'll face the consequences. But playing simply to **** people off?

I don't understand why is it that some of you get a kick out of ruining people's gameplay. And when CCP closes whatever loopholes you use you get upset and rage about it as if it's some sort of right of yours to grief play.

Finally an argument, that is not just "WAH WAH WAH"

The truth is though fella, the profit from ganking miners in high sec is so low it's almost piontless, is is almost only done to **** of miners and it's done "because we can"

Bumping is much the same and much like ganking, there is stuff you can do about it. Just as a well tanked T2 Barge will in most cases survive a suicider, a moving ship will indeed aviod a bumping ship.

If however, you want your max yeild ships, stationary due so your you haulers and Orca can do their thing without moving, then you're going to get ganked and now it seems bumped.

The game ALREADY allows you to defend yourself and is already 100 times easier than it was. Why should it be so heavily bias in the miners favour?

Well it should not be, Eve is not now, nor was it ever meant to be a nice fluffy universe where we all hold hands and sings snogs about peace. It's was and will ever be (i hope) full of assholes like me, who will bully and pick on the weaker players. But let me assure you of this, when me and my type fail to gank a barge or hauler, because it is fit correctly we love it and have NOTHING but respect for that pilot and these moments prove to us, that there is another way, one that works as intended, with in current mechanics and does require CCP to change anything at all.

let me make this clear, if you are being greif'd it's you're onw fault, you are letting it happen. Before you coome on these fine fourms and whine about how hard life is in eve, making your 99% risk free isk. Take a long hard look at yourself and wonder, "could I be better?"

From some sadly, the answer will always be "no", but for others, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Sublime Tactic
#468 - 2012-10-28 13:59:27 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
How ridiculous, from comparing bumping stupid miners to **** and homophobia to the hypocrisy of complaining about bumpers interfering with your "playstyle" while stating their playstyle shouldn't be allowed.

Used on both sides of the fence. I've seen the term "****" used to describe PVP engagements by the winning side. On numerous occasions have seen the phrase "show me on this doll where the bad man touched you". Does this not offend you as well?

eddie valvetino
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#469 - 2012-10-28 14:13:04 UTC  |  Edited by: eddie valvetino
Drakonium wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
How ridiculous, from comparing bumping stupid miners to **** and homophobia to the hypocrisy of complaining about bumpers interfering with your "playstyle" while stating their playstyle shouldn't be allowed.

Used on both sides of the fence. I've seen the term "****" used to describe PVP engagements by the winning side. On numerous occasions have seen the phrase "show me on this doll where the bad man touched you". Does this not offend you as well?

poor taste jokes are a part of eve.

Some make you sick, some make you giggle. But very few are meant for anything other than a laugh. For real, if you really saw my mum, you'd never want to **** her, in the ass or anything.
Alavaria Fera
#470 - 2012-10-28 14:43:24 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
The cycle of miner butthurt is a fun thing to witness. They cried and cried about ganking (when tanking their ship would have went a long way to helping the issue), CCP addressed it and miners immediately started crying about something else. I wonder what they'd cry about if CCP actually did do anything about bumping? Probably something as stupid as other miners being able to target "their" asteroids and deplete them faster. Please CCP make it so only one ship can target a roid at once! Those other miners are deliberately mining the same rocks and RUINING my playstyle!

Ok, so the next big thing is competitive highsec mining, eh?

Let me roll up a fleet of retrievers and we'll do this thing.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

All Web Investigations
#471 - 2012-10-28 15:27:08 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
The cycle of miner butthurt is a fun thing to witness. They cried and cried about ganking (when tanking their ship would have went a long way to helping the issue), CCP addressed it and miners immediately started crying about something else. I wonder what they'd cry about if CCP actually did do anything about bumping? Probably something as stupid as other miners being able to target "their" asteroids and deplete them faster. Please CCP make it so only one ship can target a roid at once! Those other miners are deliberately mining the same rocks and RUINING my playstyle!

Ok, so the next big thing is competitive highsec mining, eh?

Let me roll up a fleet of retrievers and we'll do this thing.

Soon the only way to beat them will be to become them.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#472 - 2012-10-28 15:38:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

Soon the only way to beat them will be to become them.

The accumulated filth of all our ganking and bumping will foam up about our waists and all the non miners will look up and shout 'Save us!' ...and about an hour later when his Mackinaw is full, an AFK Ice miner shall look down and whisper 'No.'

Then he'll whine on the forums about how nobody is buying his ice.

The future looks bleak, it need not be this way.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

eddie valvetino
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#473 - 2012-10-28 15:53:05 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

Soon the only way to beat them will be to become them.

The accumulated filth of all our ganking and bumping will foam up about our waists and all the non miners will look up and shout 'Save us!' ...and about an hour later when his Mackinaw is full, an AFK Ice miner shall look down and whisper 'No.'

Then he'll whine on the forums about how nobody is buying his ice.

The future looks bleak, it need not be this way.

best post in thread

(yes it's the Watchmen)

Also, I like the filth...
Nexus Day
Lustrevik Trade and Travel Bureau
#474 - 2012-10-28 15:57:26 UTC
Do not pay their ransoms. If you are not afk they should not bother you anyway.

Do not ask to be able to defend yourself, you shouldn't have to. Besides asking to fight people who want a fight is stupid.

Be patient and wait for CCP to change the rules. Then you can enjoy their tears when their griefing mechanism gets taken away.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#475 - 2012-10-28 16:44:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Nexus Day wrote:
Do not pay their ransoms. If you are not afk they should not bother you anyway.

Do not ask to be able to defend yourself, you shouldn't have to. Besides asking to fight people who want a fight is stupid.

Be patient and wait for CCP to change the rules. Then you can enjoy their tears when their griefing mechanism gets taken away.

What do you not understand? CCP are extremely unlikely to change the rules, they have said in multiple petition replies that the current miner bumping campaign is not against the EULA. It is aimed at ice miners in general, and has a purpose both economically and educationally. In the event that CCP do change the rules then the bumpers are unlikely to produce tears, they'll just find another amusing and EULA compliant way of licensing and taxing ice mining, probably economically via market warfare or roving catalyst gangs holding pilots to ransom.

Certainly mining is a valid way to play as long as it's not AFK or under the control of an external application or script, however miners can't expect to be left to get on with it without interference, the whole game revolves around conflict over resources and the destruction of stuff.

Bumping and the Gallente ice interdiction are ways of waging economic warfare, by causing miners to lose cycles or explode, the supply of ice drops and the price goes up, currently there is an abundance of cheap ice products due to excessive farming, the bumpers and gankers are trying to correct that by restricting the supply.

Resources should not be infinite, they should deplete as they are harvested, currently both asteroid belts and planetary interaction resources deplete as they are used, ice does not.

Personally I think that the best thing CCP could do with ice mining is to use the current depletion mechanic they use for asteroids, once its gone, it's gone until the next downtime, even better would be to alter the respawn time to every 48 hrs and apply it to both ice and roids.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#476 - 2012-10-28 17:15:29 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

Personally I think that the best thing CCP could do with ice mining is to use the current depletion mechanic they use for asteroids, once its gone, it's gone until the next downtime, even better would be to alter the respawn time to every 48 hrs and apply it to both ice and roids.

OH! THE TEARS! I am still shivering from excitement and my nipples got hard from reading that.

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.

Racha Ni'Tar
Red Galaxy
#477 - 2012-10-28 17:26:04 UTC
Nexus Day wrote:
Do not ask to be able to defend yourself, you shouldn't have to.

This makes me think you don't understand the game you're playing. Something is yours in Eve only if you can both take it and hang on to it with both hands. Everything of yours is there to be taken away from you; even the stuff in your hanger can be scammed if you're silly. The entire game is about fighting, not just with guns, but with skullduggery and shenanigans, too.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#478 - 2012-10-28 17:41:01 UTC
Alpheias wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

Personally I think that the best thing CCP could do with ice mining is to use the current depletion mechanic they use for asteroids, once its gone, it's gone until the next downtime, even better would be to alter the respawn time to every 48 hrs and apply it to both ice and roids.

OH! THE TEARS! I am still shivering from excitement and my nipples got hard from reading that.

lol I'm seriously considering posting it in Features and Ideas, can anybody lend me a swimming pool for all the saltwater that would flow?

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#479 - 2012-10-28 17:42:52 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Alpheias wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

Personally I think that the best thing CCP could do with ice mining is to use the current depletion mechanic they use for asteroids, once its gone, it's gone until the next downtime, even better would be to alter the respawn time to every 48 hrs and apply it to both ice and roids.

OH! THE TEARS! I am still shivering from excitement and my nipples got hard from reading that.

lol I'm seriously considering posting it in Features and Ideas, can anybody lend me a swimming pool for all the saltwater that would flow?

The tears must flow!

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.

Willy Bryan
Federation of Disrespect Dishonor Apathy
#480 - 2012-10-28 18:35:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Willy Bryan
Nexus Day wrote:
Do not pay their ransoms. If you are not afk they should not bother you anyway.

Do not ask to be able to defend yourself, you shouldn't have to. Besides asking to fight people who want a fight is stupid.

Be patient and wait for CCP to change the rules. Then you can enjoy their tears when their griefing mechanism gets taken away.

This is the mentality ruining eve.

If you joined a major null-sec alliance, and mined in their sov controlled space, you wouldn't have to worry about bumpers. Oh wait, I'm sorry, that would require you to sit at your keyboard and actually play the game.